
Tuesday 17 February 2015

A trio of delights and Janet's French Paradise x


Good Morning Ladies
Today is all about Janet, firstly a trio of stunning white on white cards, the one with the yellow ribbon is stunning, all white with a hint of spring, you could do the same wedding cards with the bow the colour of the bridesmaids!
It looks like Janet has laced around the card with the white ribbon, there is something about a white on white cards isn't there?!
Now for those pictures you have all been waiting for
Janet's French Country home.........

There are several views, to be honest I had a bit of an
issue getting them all in,
This first one with beautiful blue sky right through the
seasons to the lovely snowy scenes below.
It looks so peaceful here, just look at the view out of the
front gate in the very last picture below.
I think that there is plenty of room in your gardens Janet for us to camp in the garden or in our caravan, we could just make that craft retreat happen!
I am sorry the pictures are so randomly placed and I hope you can get to see them all properly.
Just sit back in your chair and imagine you have just come back from the local market with the finest cheese, wine and not forgetting the Pastries!
Enjoy this moment my lovely friends!
Love and huge hugs
to you all,





  1. WOW! WOW!WOW! Janet your three cards are stunning. White on white always looks gorgeous, these have that beautiful crisp fresh look too. Your pictures of your French room are beautiful, you can feel this calmness coming from them. Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra, thank you too for showing these, now we know where Janet is when she talking about her French home. Off to put the girls to school this morning, so I will just have my usual weak tea, thank you. I hope Sam is ok, we will hope it's because she has maybe got a call from the hospital. I will call back later to catch up with everything. Hazel x

    1. Good morning Hazel,
      Thank you for stopping by, your comments about Janet's cards are lovely too, I agree, this little paradise in France looks so peaceful!
      Can you imagine what locals would think if we all invaded and camped out in the garden, it would look like Glastonbury, without 'the weed' and loud music! The only sound would come from the combination of squeaky die cutting machine handles being cranked simultaneously! You would be able to hear the chatter back here in England, but it sounds the perfect long weekend break for me!
      Anyone want to sign up.......
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  2. Another Wow! Wow! Wow! from me as well.
    I just absolutely LOVE those stunning cards, everyone a winner.
    Wow! Oh! Wow! to the house as well, it is beautiful.
    When do we hire the bus, get together, go over for some fun time???
    Good morning Sandra, won't stop for a cuppa just now. I have couple of boxes to finish off for my trip along to the Tearoom to re-stock my cabinet. I will be back later to see how everyone is doing.
    Hope Sam is OK
    Have a good day, will leave a box of (((((hugs))))) if anyone needs some please help yourself.

    Patricia x

    1. Good afternoon Patricia
      I have asked the driver. He said sort the dates out and let him know, there is a limited space for the mobility scooters though so it's first come first served, although those of us that have one could travel like the mods & rockers used to do on their way to Brighton, I can picture my dad now in his ice blue jeans, leather jacket and he had this silky white scarf, any I have digressed, we could have a notability scooter convoy, ongoing could you picture that on the French roads, the trouble would be lack of space for our Duty Frees on the way back through Calais, and I just know that Theresa would be in trouble for allowing one of those 'transients' to hide himself in her front basket to sneak through customs!
      Pat would forget her passport, Steph would be all irritated because the double sided sticky sheets and gilding flakes would have got all mixed up in her bag with knickers etc, so she would be constantly fidgeting, Andy would be shocked on her return as the results of her mixed up baggage had caused the contaminated underwear to give her the effects of having a 'vajazzle', he would swear we were a bad influence and not allow her to come out with us again!
      Oh isn't imagination a wonderful thing, I will admit here to having had an extra dose of morphine and a 'lemsip' this morning!
      Hope you got your boxes sorted Patricia
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hello Sandra and all my very dear friends,
    Sandra I Do Hope Your Keeping Well
    Could I please have a weak Latte and a Calorie Free Toasted Teacake.
    I'm truly sorry I didn't comment yesterday but it was a bad day for me Health wise so I was in my Bed all day and then when I felt like using my iPad there was something wrong, it just kept on sticking I gave it up as a bad job as I was getting more stressed.
    Can I just say a Huge Thank You for all your Caring Comments wondering what had happened to me, but all that visit the wonderful Cafe are Caring Warm Friendly People,
    Welcome To Barbara you'll Love this Fabulous Blog, the wonderful Ladies are just so very Kind and Caring.
    Well today's Stunning Photographs are just amazing Janet your Cards are just so very Beautiful I really Love Tone on Tone Cards, you are so Extremely Talented I really Love seeing everyone's Creations, and your Beautiful Home in France it looks like you have a Beautiful View and it must be terrific to live somewhere like that in the spring and summer.
    Mrs B it must have been Truly Wonderful to look after Your Grandson for a few hours. Myra your Card yesterday was Stunning I Like others was a little unsure about this background but I love how you've used it and those Fabulous Flowers and Foliage.
    Saba/Cheryl it sounds You've both worked very hard researching your Family Tree's it sounds quite Fascinating.
    I Know the person you mentioned whom asked To swap his Die how dare he!!!!!
    I've checked out his Blog a couple of times and he copies Sue's Cards!!!
    At first I thought gosh he's talented, then Realised he doesn't do any of his own. I'd Purchashed a couple of Dies while Sue was Kindly giving away her Awesome Dies, on the days they came on I didn't comment as I thought it would be wrong to go into the draw but I made sure I emailed Sue to explain why, so if He didn't wish to receive two of the same Die's He should not have commented or even like someone mentioned put it up to help raise funds for his Charity.
    Well Steph and all I'm with you all about the Horrible people that only comment when it's a giveaway or Wednesday Card, I had a check on one comment when Sue was giving a Die away one person placed three different comments for the same Die every hour!!!! She obviously thought she would have a better chance.
    Steph I do hope your Feeling Better my lovely lady.
    I can't seem to find out who won The best Blog etc there seems to be lots of advertising before but nothing after but I truly agree with you all our Sue is Number One I want to Know how we get her back to that Number One spot.
    Well Sandra and all you Wonderful Kind Ladies Thank You For Your Support I'll Have To Go Now As The Boys Want There Toast!!
    Huge Hugs To Everyone Of You
    Take Care All
    Sandra Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. SAM:- I left the sizes of the bags on my Blog

      Patricia xx

    2. Morning Sam and ladies,

      I also checked this man's site and left a comment. His response was he has absolutely 'NO designer abilities' so that's why he has to copy. Enough said.
      Sorry to hear you were not good yesterday Sam, i hope today is being kinder to you, special comfy hugs winging their way to you. love Cheryl xxx

    3. Hi Sam,
      Boy did I miss you yesterday, it was just not right, I usually open up first thing in the morning and you are here feeding your boys their toast, I wasn't expecting you to not be here, it threw me out, by the end of the day even my Paul was asking if you had checked in!
      I am so sorry that you were poorly, I was like a stalker Sam I was so worried I went to your Facebook page to see if you had an email address, didn't find one but found a mobile number, so I sent you a text, asking if you were ok, by this time mist if the ladies were missing you too! So if you check your phone and there is an unknown number it will be me!
      Like you lot I am a little confused by this 'peculiar chap', I just don't understand what he is up to, if he is such a Sue fan why doesn't he support her blog daily like the rest of us! I would be a little worried if I was Sue and came across that blog of his I would be a little bit worried!
      Anyway Sam you have no idea how happy I am to have you back this today. We may only be virtual friends but boy do I consider you all very real and very dear friends!
      Take it easy today my lovely
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Janet Ecco of Sheffield17 February 2015 at 09:09

    Good morning Sandra and my wonderful Cafe Friends. One large latte please and just keep them coming. I'm truly honored to have one of my cards show cased again by Sandra and the pictures of Marigny.
    This card I did for my eldest Daughter's birthday..
    I started with one of Tonic's square dies that when cut leaves holes on all four sides. I then embossed each piece with a couple of Sue's efolders. The two end square are ebossed with the same folder (the first tiny dotted one Sue did)and the middle with a fuller emboss. I then attacked the decorations for each piece. The first and third squares are all Sue's dies and the middle one is a Tonic with a Sue die for the little leaf at the bottom.
    I then joined all three pieces together by 1/4" printed ribbon along the back in the middle. I joined all three pieces together by threading white baby ribbon through the holes on the outside. As you can see it is a white on white but with that tiny bow of yellow which I made out of yellow seam binding. I have to admit that this one was an experiment as I'd never seen one done like this anywhere but it was just one of those moments when you think 'I wonder what it would look like if'.
    I'm sorry if the above is a little/lot on the vague side but I made the card just before Christmas and of course it went to Christina for her birthday last week so I only have the picture to go by.

  5. Janet Ecco of Sheffield17 February 2015 at 09:10

    Now for Marigny - we have visited France for over thirty years and always talked about how nice if would be eight years before retirement we decided that if we didn't do something about it then we never would. So Mr Organised sat me down and we made a wish list of what a property had to have and decided on an area we wanted. We bought property mags for France etc and decided that Burgundy was the place for us. We had holidayed there a few times and loved it. Four departments make up Burgundy three have tourists because they are wine growing areas and one - Nievre has a national park; lots of forests and it's not flat but most of all it doesn't have hoards of tourists. We contacted an Agent in this country who put us in touch with a colleague of his in Burgundy and in the Summer of 1998 we spent our holiday visiting properties. When we visited Marigny it just had our name written all over it. It had been a family home for twenty five years and the elderly couple were moving further south to be near their children. It was in fantastic condition and the garden had been tended all the time as it had been empty for nine months. We made final purchase on 20th Dec 1998. The house is all on one level. It is made up of large kitchen where we spend most of our time; one large bedroom; a salon; bathroom/shower room and of course toilet. It has a large veranda running down the kitchen side of the house. In the garden we have an Annexe which we use as a bedroom. This is big enough for a double bed with fitted wardrobes and plenty of space left for me to craft is it's too hot outside in the summer. Under the Annexe there is the 'cave' where we can store things. It's the same floor area as the Annexe so it's quite large.There is a garage and we have a wood shed and garden shed in the back lane. We have a large garden with a good veggie patch. As you can see we also have one of the biggest Christmas trees at the bottom of the plot. In total we have just over 1/4acre. We are also very lucky to have a wonderful couple - Daniel and Sylvie- who keep an eye on the house and looks after the garden for us. We are the only English in the hamlet and village so it's tranquility itself. We know we are very lucky.
    Jim always says that as soon as I saw the Christmas tree that was it and we only bought the house for the tree!! lol.
    I hope you like our little bit of Paradis.

    I 'm sorry I didn't get to comment yesterday but as I mentioned Jim was feeling a little off and it turned out to be absolutely manic. At 08.40 I was taking him to hospital as he had all the signs of his heart not behaving. He has the problem that his heart beat is not regular and suffers from Angina. We were there from just after 09.00 until 18.00hrs when we arrived back home. At least at the end of the day we knew that it wasn't a heart attack and just his angina playing up but those are days we do not like. Fortunately he behaves himself (or his heart does) most of the time. I have requested that the next time he wants to take me out for the day could he please find somewhere a little more senic lol. He has to rest for the next couple of days.

    So I've looked at yesterday's gift and Myra your card is just absolutely wonderful - I love everything about it. I have some wonderful and very talented friends here. Have now to go and catch up on jobs that weren't done yesterday and get together crafty things for this afternoon. I'm just so pleased that it's not my turn today to demo. Hope to see you all later. Just keep the coffee pot on. Sorry it's turned out to be a novel this morning.
    Hugs to all Janet

    1. Janet,
      Firstly I hope that Jim is feeling brighter today, it must be a constant worry in the back of your mind.
      Thank you so much for allowing me to share both your cards and your little French paradise, my bags are packed and I am looking at ferry crossings, the fire in the Eurotunnel has put me off of that if I'm honest, it's much faster than the Ferry plus it doesn't matter how rough the sea is, but the thought of being trapped down there makes me feel physically sick! We have done it so many times, as every year we use the crossing as the start of our journey down to Spain,
      This year I quite fancy a stop off at Marigny!
      I think our plan this year is to tow our own, older but perfectly clean & tidy caravan down to Spain and leave it there in storage for the rest of the year, it costs less to store there than here we don't using it here either, it would also cost almost £1000 less to stay I. Our own caravan on the same site that we have been renting a mobile home, we used to camp in a huge family tent until I became disabled in 2009, that saw the end of that and they start of us using the mobile homes! So we will just get the caravan totally checked out by an engineer to make sure that it is 100% safe to tow across the Pyrenees Mountains! (I am a nervous wreck on a normal journey, so imagine what this one will be like)!
      Back to Marigny it is gorgeous Janet, you are very lucky!
      Thank you once again for sharing with us!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Janet, don't go telling Jim what we are all planning, or he will be having a heart attack, poor man having us lot all over his little gem of a home and garden. How Jim is feeling better. Hazel x

  6. Sorry that should have been STEPH:-

    Patricia x

  7. Stunning cards Janet and what a beautiful home you have in France, my sister lives in France and I love going there its like old England 50 years ago.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words regarding Janet's card and lovely home, where abouts is your sisters place in France?
      Most of the towns out in the country are quaint and old England market town style!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Hi Sandra, Wow Janet Love all three, you are very talented.Oh how lovely to have a retreat in Burgundy. I reckon we can all get there we'll attach camp beds to our mobility scooters and come across.
    Barbara Grey won all 3 categories Best card designer, best blog and her company Clarity stamps won.
    There are pictures of her on her blog with the create and craft presenters with her certificates.
    Sue must have been gutted, I really feel for her.
    Well a nice cup of tea and some choccy biscuits today please Sandra. By the way if you tell me what colours your coffee shop is I will bring you a bird house to say thank you for having such a wonderful welcoming place.
    So glad to see you Sam hope you are feeling better. Janet glad OH is ok.
    Hugs to all Love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      I too am surprised that Barbara Grey one across the board, I mean she us knew clever stamper and I love her techniques but I don't think her blog was anywhere near as delightful as Sue's, also I like some of her stamps but she had some strange ones too!
      At the end of the day what does it mean, they voted that annoying prat best presenter, what does that tell you, I find he takes over the show, makes it all about him acting like a total "plonked" is the word of the day I believe! I could think of one more apt but not lady like, I guess he wins some women over by his pathetic flirting, lord knows what some of them think when they watch it back, even Julia Watts (dubbed strict school mistress) by other presenters, can be reduced to a blushing, giggling mess by Dean! I have seen shows including one if Sue's being a total waste if time because of his antics! My point is if that's an example of 'award winning' then quite frankly I wouldn't wAnt it!
      Let me know what you think,
      Thanks for calling in my lovely,

  9. Cant stop just yet. But a bowl of water and a bonio please (see Sue's blog) looks like im in the dog house - woof woof.
    I will say what stunning cards and quaint little French cottage. Loads to do.. One card left from 12 card order then she asked for 4 retirement !! Teeth worn down and smile tired through smiling through gritted teeth ! Shouldnt moan, but need to make a load of MD cards too.. What a crafty mess Im in !!
    Lancs Steph xx

    1. Steph, don't take it to heart. I've had this virus twice. Once in November 4 days after getting the flu injection), and then it gave me a surprise visit again nearly 5 weeks ago. I was in bed for a week and housebound for 3 weeks this time, but that did not stop me posting on Sue's blog. In fact, in a way, it kept me sane as the company of the ladies was a welcome relief. The same with Sandra's blog. So welcoming and friendly. xx

    2. Hi Steph. I whole heartedly agree with your comments. Many people have serious health issues yet still make the effort to support Sue's blog daily. Don't take the comments personally because they could be directed at a few of us who have dared to voice an opinion. Sue xxx

    3. Hi Steph, the comments must have been as much aimed at me as you, as my comments were fairly 'strong' yesterday too, but every word was the truth, we are all entitled to our opinion too!
      The woman was spouting shit Steph, let me make a point here, there have been days when I have been (I am ashamed to admit) ready to take my leave from this painful and guilt ridden life of mine! And I font mind admitting that taking 5 minutes out of my existence to give thanks to someone that quite frankly was the only ray of sunshine in my life, Sue reached out to me at my very lowest and gave me the shove I needed to pull myself together !
      Yes there may be the odd day when you physically can't get on to comment, but It would be just a bit too coincidental that the only days you COULD where 'giveaway' days!
      I reckon that you have a (guilty woman's backlash ) right there!
      Ignore and move on, You know Steph, how much Sue values you as a friend!
      Your going to aggravate ALL of your illnesses being crouched in that dog house, so get out right now young lady and back in that craft room to deal with your never ending' list!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    4. Steph, I hope you are sitting in comfort, there is no need for you to even think that you were wrong. As Sandra has said " she is guilty" because if she wasn't it wouldnt bother her, I don't say much most days on Sue's blog, but you don't need to just a couple of words if you have you ipad or computer open to look at her card, what does it take to say "love it" so my freind you just, leave her to herself and you get on with that order. ()(((( hugs)))))) hazel x

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, Janet your cards are stunning I love white on white so clean and crisp! Your house in France is gorgeous, how jealous are we, thank you for showing it to is.
    There are a few comments on Sues blog this morning from people who don't comment on a regular bases, they sound a bit miffed, why don't they comment every day, it only takes a minute or two, even if it is late in the day.

    Back to the cinema and Fifty Shades of Gray, three women were arrested in Glasgow for being drunk and disorderly in the cinema showing the film, they were making so much noise a guy asked them to be quiet, and hey hit him with a bottle.
    I'm in much need of a coffee and cake now, thanks Sandra
    By the way I found the guy who wanted to swap his die, seems a bit of a plonked ie (!!!!
    Take care everyone, Jess x
    Take care Jess x

    1. Should read plonker!!!! Sorry

    2. Hi Jess,
      I agree totally with your comments about the miffed ones but at the end if the day they are the guilty ones ! So who cares!
      Blimey, my Madge & Maurice were positively polite in comparison to those women in Glasgow, although I will be first to admit that my hand was twitching with me 'plastic bottle' in, I had an overwhelming urge to squirt her with my water because she sounded bloody thirsty after sucking her way through that bag of popcorn.
      I am loving your newly created term (plonked) was the word after the one that rhymes with 'banker' or 'baster' !
      Thanks girls stopping by lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Me again I can't believe Barbara Grey won Best Blog it's Nothing like our Sue's.
    And she's only got around 1,000 + in her Blog her Cards, She has a Design Team, I don't know if anyone has seen the new stamps she has with large Glasses to use as a stencil very strange indeed.
    Hugs to you all
    Love from Sam xxx

  12. Hi Patricia
    Thanks for the information about the sizes that really kind of you.
    Hugs from Sam xxx

  13. A very good morning to everyone.

    Thank you Saba for inviting me to Sandra's cafe. I have read lots of lovely conversations on here with some marvellous responses, just like you would do if you sat at home with visitors. reminds me of Tea Party, a programme on the tv a few years back now.

    Sandra, I would love a large mug of tea with a naughty but nice gurt big slice of sticky toffee pavlova please. I don't think I'll worry about the no calories today, I need a bit of filling out. I have just finished sewing a quilted height chart for my soon to here (May), 1st great grandchild. Not something I have tried in the past but very enjoyable to do. Needs a lot of concentrating and hand finishing for that perfekt finish.

    A WOW WOW WOW from me too Janet, your cards are like a breath of spring air, so beautiful and fresh. And what more can I add to your French home? Stunning and in such a natural setting. No wonder you spend so much time there.
    Well I'm off to start early spring cleaning as my window cleaner has just finished my windows and they are sparkling in this glorious sunshine we have here in Somerset.
    Hugs to all, will pop back later.
    Love Cheryl xxx

    1. Chery, I am so glad you did come to Join Sandra's blog. I knew Sandra wouldn't mind that I dropped a hint on Sue's blog for you to pop along. Sue is wonderful, she has an amazing blog and a wonderful blog family, and I love visiting her everyday, but for me, Sandra's is a special place where we can all interact with each other, something that some people on Sue's find a little bit annoying. Sandra's coffee shop is such a welcoming happy place and it's all down to her generosity and kindness that we all feel so at home here.
      Love Saba

    2. Welcome Cheryl,
      I read your blogs daily and I gave often thought that you would love it here, chatting amongst friends, also for the unconditional support they all come together to give, it's so touching to witness,
      I hope you will join us daily for virtual coffee, calorie free cakes, chat & laughs !
      Thank you for your lovely comments,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  14. Hi Sandra,

    Hello everyone who pops in once or twice! I know I do!
    Lovely card Janet and what a brilliant idea. It's such a lovely keepsake and your ribbon with just a touch of lemon is lovely.
    Thank you for allowing Sandra to show us pictures of your lovely home in Burgundy - now when you go there we can picture you there. I love the big Christmas tree too! Rural France is hard to beat. Lovely!
    Sam - great to see you back today but sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Thanks for your kind words about the card. Take care!
    Steph - will you please come out of the dog house! Bonio indeed! You only said what you did out of love and care for Sue. Also your remarks were not not directed at regular visitors to the blog. You welcome every new person who joins. Please don't get upset over this. Keep crafting for that market! x
    Sandra - please may I have a cappuccino and a custard slice. It's to build up my strength before the ironing!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Lovely Myra,
      Thanks again for sharing your gorgeous card yesterday, I knew they would all love it, it's a shame you weren't on commission for the sales and changing peoples minds!
      I agree totally about your comment to Steph, the woman was guilty as sin and was trying to defend her 'leech, prize grabbing' behaviour!
      We all have bad days, when we turn to our fellow Wilsonettes for support, those days aren't just on give way days!
      Off the soapbox now,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Do like the cards today Janet. White on white always looks fresh. Thank you for also letting us see the photos of your French retreat. Looks lovely. Very frosty here at first but sunny now. Looking after Granddaughter today as Dad is working in London. Hope I can manage to make lunch today with this broken wrist. Perhaps we will have to both come to the cafe. That would be easier. Granddaughter is very crafty and makes lovely cards although she is only 6. Loves Promarkers so bought her some for Christmas with blending mats and brushes which she loves using. Can I please have some potato and leek soup and granddaughter would like marmite sandwiches if you have them please. Will be back later for afternoon tea. sorry you didn't feel too good yesterday Sam and hope you are feeling a bit better today.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      You are most welcome for lunch, marmite always on the menu, I love it! (Only on top of thick butter) though !
      Your granddaughter can go over to the craft table, that will entertain her whiskey you sit & gossip with the rest of us!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Oh sandra, i hope that you are keeping a tight hold on that whiskey bottle as i think it might make the wee one tipsy giving her that at 6yr old. Hee hee hee x

    3. Hi Norah,
      That was meant to say *while!
      But it's a good way of keeping quiet!
      (I am of course only joking) don't want to offend!

  16. Hi Sandra. Please can I have a large mug of my usual and a big piece of hot apple pie and custard, if thats ok? I need some energy from somewhere, I am a bit achey andtired today. Spent the afternoon with RJ, Gemma and Christopher again yesterday doing a few jobs, ironing etc. I might have had a few cuddles too, but only after Chris had had his share : ) We are home today and I was hoping to finally make the birth card (I don't make them until the baby is here safe and sound as I am sort of superstitious about some things, daft I know but I can't help it!) but we are both totally knackered to be honest so I'm not sure I will get much done. Hey ho, it's not important in the scheme of things is it though, and all for such a good reason : )
    I hope you have recovered from your fall the other day my lovely. Thank Paul for agreeing to show us the card he made for you, I'm sure it will be lovely and I know it will be treasured by you, simply because he took the time and trouble to make it for you himself.
    Pat, I hope both you and Pete get dates from the hospital tomorrow, and that you enjoy your meal out : )
    Sam, sorry to hear you were not so good yesterday, bless you.
    Janet, your cards look gorgeous, I love that tiny splash of yellow. I can see why you and Jim spend so much time in France, your place looks lovely, and what a view : ) It sounds just like the sort of area that Chris and I like to stay in, somewhere that is so quiet and peaceful. It must be very hard to have to come back to the UK each time though! Thank you for allowing Sandra to share the photos : )
    I am so late commenting as it took me ages to find the delightful !!!!!man that wanted to swap dies, I am not firing on all 4 cylanders today, What a strange person. Good for you Cheryl, pointing out to him about Sues pierced edges being her "trademark". Jess, I like your accidental "plonked" remark, it sounds like it is a mix of plonker and D...k head, brilliant, please can I use it if I need to? : )
    Right, I am off now to try and motivate myself to put some washing on then get going on the baby card.
    I will pop back tonight to see how everyone is.
    Fingers crossed I will see you and Pat tomorrow, I am a bit worried that after the last few days my body is going to grind me to a halt, I know you understand Sandra but it is still upsetting when it happens on days when we meet. I will get as much rest as possible today. Take care my lovely. xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I am struggling today myself, I have been too poorly to get up today, I felt like I had the start of tonsillitis, but after drinking plenty of mint tea and lemsip I am feeling better and hopefully will be fine for tomorrow!
      I bet you are just living all this time you are spending getting cuddles!
      Has Gemma's water infection cleared up, bless her that's the last thing you need when you have a new baby to deal with too, she must be exhausted! And very glad of the breaks that you & Chris are giving her & Rj.
      That ugh is a little odd don't you think? all seems very strange, I am yet to see what Cheryl has said !
      I hope you are well rested for tomorrow my lovely, Pat & I are both looking forward to photos and the details!
      Hopefully see you tomorrow,
      Love & huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Sorry, forgot to say to Janet that I hope Jim is feeling a bit better today. Take care x

  18. Hello Sandra,
    Hope you are enjoying half term with your girls. See the coffee shop has been busy this morning, everyone dreaming of a trip to France.
    Janet, your card is amazing, I adore white on white and a triple dose of it is just fabulous. What a clever lady you are, connecting three completely different elements to make one stunning masterpiece. I bet your daughter was overjoyed to receive it. Your burgundy home looks lovely. Bet it's not easy getting the christmas angel on the top of that tree! It must be so nice to be in a real French district and to be a part of their community. They must be missing Jim in the patisserie. Sorry he is a bit under the weather, give him a cuddle and tell him we are thinking of him.

    Steph, chuck that boneo away and help yourself to a big slice of something nice. The lady who openly admits to almost always only commenting on prize days but looks in everyday without a comment is exactly the kind of person we have All been moaning about, not just you.

    Must do some housework now, house is a tip, so not time for a cake, but will be back later.
    Love Saba

    1. Thank you Saba for your get well wishes yesterday, much appreciated. I have had a look at that man's blog today and agree with all the comments. He has the cheek of the Devil and seems to enjoy flaunting it. Plonker!!! You did some excellent detective work tracking him down. Well done! Xx

  19. Hello Sandra & all the ladies in the cafe.
    Janet all three cards are stunning I love white on white cards & you have done an amazing job of all of them,the last one with that touch of lemon gorgeous you are very talented thanks for sharing.
    WOW WOW you home in France is so gorgeous. What a fantastic view you have,it must be lovely to spend so much time there.Thank you for sharing with us.
    Sandra hope your enjoying your time with the girl's on this week's half term.
    Are they helping you in the cafe,I will have a tea please just a dash or milk & a slice of chocolate fudge cake mmm. Thank you.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Lynda, thank you for your good wishes yesterday. I am slowly getting back to normal - whatever that is! Lol. Xx

    2. Hi Lynda,
      Thanks for popping in, I loved your man card on Sunday, what do you think about the girls helping me???
      You mystery be having a laugh, they have so fat spent most of their time attached to a screen of some sort or with headphones in! Mind you Paul couldn't get any leave this week so they are may be a little bored! They aren't as good at entertaining them selves as we used to be!
      Love & hugs

  20. Hi Sandra and all the ladies

    Janet your cards are just beautiful, white on white always looks classy, love them all.
    I have had a look back at the photos I missed and have to say that all the cards are lovely. Also Sandra, you have three beautiful daughters. No wonder you are so proud of them.
    Janet your house in France looks gorgeous, nice size garden and driveway. I now know why you love spending so much time there!
    Off to watch Sue's video now, I need a boost to get my crafy juices flowing again.
    Pat xxx

    1. Hi Pat,
      Thanks sweetie for you lovely comments,
      I hope your crafty Mojo comes out if hiding, Sues videos are perfect for giving you great inspiration!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  21. Hello Sandra,
    A large latte and a toasted teacake please, I really need it, I've just lost a long post, floating around in cyber space somewhere. Don't you just love it when that happens. Here goes again.
    Janet, I love the idea of a triple card, and yours are stunning. White on white is always so classy, and yours surely is.
    Also, thank you for allowing Sandra to show us your lovely French home and we're organising a Charabanc trip to come over for a crafting week or two. I think Sandra just put it perfectly when she said that the squeaky die cutting machines being cranked would be the perfect sound on a sunny warm day in your garden (or words to that effect!)
    Cheryl, how clever of Saba to say come over to the wild side and join Sandra's blog. It's so friendly and all the refreshments and cakes are calorie free.
    Sam, I hope you are feeling better today, we were all looking out for you yesterday.
    Steph, take no notice girl. Just think that if the cap fits, wear it. I've had this virus twice. One in November and the second time it hit again just over 4 weeks ago. Sue and Sandra's blogs were a lifeline. I know there are times when you are just too poorly to blog, or too busy, or the internet is down but come on, to only post when Sue gives us the chance to win something... So throw that Bonio away and have a double helping of the chef's special. I always really enjoy when you relate your tales of chubby fingers and your heart attacks over glitter and gilding flakes. It's so funny to read - although I realise that it's not so funny for you,
    Jess, I agree with Mrs B that your comment regarding Plonker is choice and I agree with you both - he's a total !!!???***!?.
    I'll pop back in later to catch up on the latest news.
    Thanks again Janet for letting us see your beautiful card and fantastic French home.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for stopping by today, so many times I have written a huge long post and hit publish only to realise I wasn't logged in and the consequently lost it all! It's so frustrating, sometimes it's so disheartening you don't want to retype the whole post again. But I am very pleased you did!
      I am glad you liked the card and pics of Janet's French paradise, her lovely local town cafe's romantic french atmosphere would be ruined by us lot pitching up and ordering English tea & cakes! The poor town may ban Janet, although I am sure we would be on our best behaviour, although with all of us and our ailments I don't think any town would have enough 'disabled' spaces! Lol
      I totally agree with what you said about Steoh, inhavent seen the comment on Sue 's blog but I too was quite outspoken yesterday, so the comment would be aimed at me too, but d
      From what I gather the woman sounds like she is an example of what we were talking about! Silly cow!
      I won't have Steph upset!
      Or any of you for that matter!
      I am off to investigate.......just have to get my beige mac out I was only using yesterday to hunt down mr copycat!
      I have my newspaper with the eye holes cut out, so I am ready!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  22. Hi Sandra. A pot of coffee and a very large slice of something chocolatey please,(or are pancakes on the menu today), while I settle down in the corner for a while to catch up with all the news. Count me in for the trip to Burgundy, don't need room for a scooter but need a boiling hot power shower to get the arthritic joints moving in a morning, preferably one that isn't over a bath. Has anyone ever stayed at a Premier Inn? I needed a step ladder to climb over the edge of the bath it was so high!!!
    Janet, love the triplet card, especially like how you have threaded ribbon around the edges. Your house in Burgundy looks wonderful, is it far from the little town with the market and the pastry shop? I love how the French take time for the important things in life (food, good wine, family). I hope that Jim is feeling better today, please pass on our get well wishes.
    Sam, I'm pleased that you're feeling well enough for a trip to the coffee shop today, we were worried yesterday. Welcome to Cheryl and special hugs to anyone not feeling well. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thanks for calling in, I will add you to the list, not sure about the powers shower, but maybe we could sort you out with a wArm oil massage from a hunky French masseuse? (Sp),, now that would surely get you 'going' in they morning! Lol plus no cocking your leg over anything! Well maybe!! Haha
      Thanks for your lovely comments for Janet's card and home, they are both gorgeous !
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  23. Hi Sandra,
    I can't get the image out of my head now as once before ,talking about a craft retreat at Janets place in Burgundy. Mobility scooters,caravans and busses driving in a convoy down the road to Dover Hihi Your place in France Janet is looking wonderful, beautiful views and the biggest x-mas tree, as Saba said must be tricky to get the angel on the top :-) Oh ,not forgetting the stunning work of art. That card is amazing ! Hope Jim feeling more himself today, give him a hug and wish him better! Sam, we missed you, glad to see you back ! After a frosty morning the sun came out and blue sky, funny how you feeling more alive when the sun makes a appearance. We took the car out to Stony Stratford, small town off MK, and had a lovely walk in the sunshine before ending up at Costa for a Coffee, Sorry Sandra, if only your place had been nearer <3 Spring cleaning will have to wait, got to take the opportunity. Welcome Cheryl, how about some more windows? can never get mine to sparkle, only see the streaks when the sun shines on them Tihi.
    Oh dear, this man have really got to everyone's nerve but I agree he is a plonder/plonker ! I'm sorry but how could Barbara G win everything ? I quite like her work but Sue's is in her own class with lot more followers ,a real shame. I'm off now to look what happened on her blog, might have time for a look in before bed. Hugs, Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      It's a fascinating image isn't it. Some convoy!
      No apology needed, if you wAnt to pay 'Costa packet' coffee shop prices that's entirely up to you! Hi hi, their cakes have huge calories too, but that's your choice! Lol
      I too am off for a little look on Sue's blog and when I popped in at just after six it was all quiet, so I have my flack jacket & bullet proof vest on and I'm going in!
      Send you later,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      it's so nice to be here with all you lovely friendly ladies who have given me so much support through my cancer crisis.
      I think I have overdone it today, still have vestiges of that infernal fatigue. So much so I am in dire need of a cuppa and another gurt slice of sticky toffee pavlova.
      I am so chuffed to have sprung cleaned my kitchen, even if it has taken all day, although I hasten to say not the inside of cupboards, they can wait for another time and now my windows are sparkly inside too. Thank goodness I am Gadget Woman, I would not be without my Window Karcher and my Shark steam mop. Also did 2 loads of washing which dried lovely outside on my whirligig. And then I found out my downstairs ladies would not flush away, went outside lifted up the drain cover and lo and behold nothing is moving! I have lived here since July 1977 and in all that time have never encountered a blockage but this will be the second one in 2 years since Pete went to dance with the angels. Contacted Wessex Water around 11am and still waiting, supposed to be a 4 hour window. Bless!!! Funny thing is they keep ringing to tell me someone is on the way!!!!
      Good grief it's almost teatime so I'm to hoick out something from the freezer. Before I started the radiotherapy I did use some brain cells and cooked batches of meals to freeze for the days when I don't feel like cooking. Then it will be feet up and an early night methinks.
      See you all tomorrow.
      hugs to everyone of you
      Cheryl xxx
      P.S. Steph, please get out of the dog's house before he wants it back, yo certainly don't need to be in it.

    3. Cheryl you have been a busy bee! I totally agree about the Karcher window cleaner it's the best small gadget I have. It cleans the conservatory windows in no time! What are we like eh! Enjoy your meal and put your feet up!
      Going to check Sandra ok in her disguise - will cover back if need be! Cagney and Lacey eat your heart out.
      Love Myra xx

    4. Hihi Sandra, are you back from Sue's blog or did someone take you hostage ? Only had a skinny latte at Costa as I saved myself for back at yours for the most tastiest apple crumble with vanilla sauce, Mmmm! ps.OH payed for the latte :-p Hugs Maria x

      Hi Cheryl, will look into the Karcher window cleaner. have given up on my grandmothers tip of old newspapers and vinegar, grrr! Tihi
      Oh lord, hope the water board turned up soon after you comment so you now can flush again or did it have to be a bushes affair lol
      Did you find something nice for your tea ? No one wanted pancakes except for me so I was outnumbered by my OH and son. Never think I could have made 60+ ! Hugs Maria x

  24. Hi Sandra
    I just love your cards Janet, and your French house looks gorgeous. We couldn't all desend on France could we. After we left they would put up a sign no English crafters allowed, as we would make lots of noise. Could you imagine, all our squeaky Clalibers etc and us all laughing all the time. I wonder if they craft in France?. Hi Sam I'm glad your feeling a bit better today after yesterday. Try not to do to much until your sorted out. Well we've been out all day and have just got back. A marcher window cleaner is the best ever as Cheryl said. It cleans windows in a flash.

  25. Janet your cards are beautiful! I really love white on white cards they are just so elegant looking.
    Your house in France looks idyllic and right up my street. I love all the space in the garden and the scenery must be amazing. You are so lucky to be living your dream.
    STEPH you are only saying what we are all thinking so don't take it to heart. You just need to look at the numbers and see that they have dropped to half now that the giveaway is over.
    SANDRA you made me laugh with your comments about Dean I would hate to get on the wrong side of you!!!!!! Have to say I do agree if he was chocolate he would eat himself. Looking forward to seeing your husbands valentine card.

    1. Welcome Barbara,
      I don't really have a wrong side so don't worry, I just find him a little in love with himself, but obviously that's what people like, I prefer Martyn Parker or Dave as they have a funny side but cut to the demonstrations super quick too!
      Thanks for helping Steph to drop the guilt, she was only does king the truth, we are all very protective of Sue, absolutely she sounded disappointed to have not won the best blog!
      Please don't allow my "speak as I find" comments to out you off, we are quite a friendly lighthearted bunch really, you won't get better support anywhere else, I am truly blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful friends!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra I love your "speak as I find" comments. You can speak a bit more freely on your blog without worrying about upsetting Sue.

  26. Hi All,
    Me again. I have just tried to look at that man's blog again and find it has been blocked. Only invited visitors allowed!!!!! What have you done, you naughty ladies lol.

    Pat xxx

  27. He's only just done that Pat, I went in for a wee snoop about half hour ago no problem then went back to show paul and it's closed!
    Ooops !
    There was only Cheryl's comment though!
    I think the general feeling is, why can't he pop in and support Sue everyday!
    Love & hugs
    Sandra xxx

  28. Oh blimey ladies,
    I nearly forgot pancakes! Have you all hot your matter made, what toppings do you all go for? Nothing fancy for my lot, it's either traditional lemon & sugar of golden syrup!
    They don't want tea as well you see, so last year they waded their way through sixty of them, by heck did I have "tosser's elbow" !
    So hoping they are less ravenous this year!
    Are you all giving up something for Lent?
    Answers below, you are forbidden from giving up blogging!!!!!!
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra,
      My husband doesn't really like pancakes! Whew! My sons did but they have flown this nest! Am I giving up blogging - NO !!
      Lots of love, Myraxxxxx

  29. Sorry Sandra,
    i have done this i can't remember how many times today and i don't know what i am doing so Janet before it goes anywhere again lovely card/s, exquisite flower. Jim BEHAVE with that ticker. Steph come out of the dog house as you only spoke the truth. Nice to see you back at the cafe Sam,
    tired now so leaving my basket full of hugs of all different sizes with one for Jim if he behaves,
    love and crafty hugs

  30. Sorry I am late back. Am I too late for pancakes? I like lemon and sugar on mine but suppose really shouldn't have sugar now was I am diabetic but it's only once a year isn't it. Welcome Cheryl. You are most welcome. Been watching The British Craft Network this afternoon. My Lyra die has arrived and am itching to try it out, also got JS Ivy corner die and All Occasions Easter. Already have the 'Happy'.

  31. Evening ladies! Does the cafe serve wine at this time of night? A white please!

    Janet love your cards I think white on White is always classy and a real go to for me. Your French retreat looks fabulous aren't you lucky!

    Sorry about the late hour but we are on holiday in Cornwall. Lovely weather been on the beach at padstow and then to lands end don't think I have had so much light and fresh air since the summer and it is great though my skin is burning!

    Feel like I have missed the gossip today who is the man with the blog? Who has Steph been upsetting? Now I don't want to be missing out ladies you must fill me in!

    Well just got a real glass of cool white vino so see you all tomorrow. Take care xxx

    1. Hi Aliso,
      You are unable to get on his blog now! Oops we may have seen him off. I'll join you in a glass as I was unable to have any on Valentine's Day! Oh I love Padstow and its many super restaurants. Have a lovely holiday , so pleased it's sunny!
      Love Myra xx

  32. Sandra, you had me in stitches with your reply to Patricia, you haven't seen the pair of us when we go to Turkey for our week, we do get funny looks from some round the pool especially the year I had just got over my treatments and of coarse had to be extra careful not to get the sun on me, well every 20 minutes she would be fussing and moving me to a more shaded spot, then we would get an e-mail from my sil in Canada with a lot of funny quotes and photos , well I am surprised we get back to the Calbis hotel just put it that way!!! We weren't noisy but have you tried laughing quietly???
    There's another thing if it hadnt been for me having Sue's and other peoples blogs to look at on days that I didn't feel great when having my chemo I don't know what I would have done, I always left a comment and I didn't even make cards then. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      You have just said all that needs to be said!
      We can all do what we want to do.
      Love Myra xx

    2. You sound like a right entertaining Pair! I Would loved to have been laid on a sunbed next to you! I sounds like the perfect holiday for recuperating!
      Remind me to pitch my tent at the other end of Janet's garden to you though, I bet you chatter all night!
      Love and hugs

  33. Hello everyone,
    I'm just off to bed so thought I'd see what you'd all been doing since I was in earlier. Lord, I'm tired out reading about the spring cleaning and doing the windows. It was interesting to read about the Karcher window thingy as I've been wondering about getting one. Hmm Sue's dies or a window thingy, tough choice!!!
    I have to say that I've followed Barbara Gray for 14/15 years and she is amazing and very clever. Her stamps are superbly made but I still don't understand how she got the best blog when Sue is fantastic and has so many blog followers. I thought it was the number of votes they got from the public so Sue should have won hands down if everyone on the blog voted for her.
    Steph, are you feeling more like yourself? xx
    I think I'll just pop over to see our friend in Brighton to see if he'll let me in to his little domain!!!
    See you all tomorrow, sleep tight if you can xx

    1. Hi Maureen, I have been thinking long and hard about this today, the only thing I can think of is that Barbara is on the TV every month, so reaches more viewers regularly that Sue, her blog is very good, the step by step projects are amazing.
      If think that If all of us that blog everyday went and voted back at the end of last year, that would have given her 170 odd votes, but if Barbara has been on the TV since then, her shows are usually sell outs too, and they were advertising the voting from C & C, maybe she had more people go and vote! You have to remember apart from us that love to check in with Sue every day, there are another 1,000 or so people that follow this blog apparently, maybe they didn't bother to vote like they don't bother to comment! I would love to have known how many votes Sue got! Is Sue above Barbara in the Blog rankings?
      I don't think you will get in to Brighton, he has changed his access!
      I could get in earlier and there was just one post from Cheryl and one other, and his reply to Cheryl.
      Anyway I must go have a shower!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  34. Oops, no I've been blocked. Oh well, never mind.
    Sandra, I've got to say that I've had a good laugh at all your responses, you are a very funny lady xxx

  35. Knock knock, are you still open for a quick coffee, or maybe a glass of wine Sandra. I have just been catching up on the day's events and I have giggled. The thought of us all at Janet's lovely holiday home and your description was hilarious. And as for you giving Brenda's granddaughter a glass of whisky, they'll close you down you know. And what about Mr. plonky shutting down his blog. He's got a serious dose of preciousness. Or do you think he has something to hide?
    Sorry to hear you didn't feel well today, hope you feel better tomorrow.
    Well it's shower and bed for me too very soon. Need to fill my hot water bottle though cos its bl..dy cold here and we don't have any central heating and I am sitting here in two pullovers and cardi at the moment. brrrrr.
    Night and God bless luvvie, see you tomorrow. XXX Saba

  36. Hi again Sandra,thanks for your reply this morning. I don't know what today's children would do if they had to go back to our teenage times with no I phones,I pads,computers, Tv extra & as you say having to entertain themselves they would never survive.
    Steph hope you are now out the dog house you've done nothing wrong only told the truth,I also said about the free Die grabbers on Sue's blog, give them Bono's back to your little 4 paws.
    Terry had his dinner & then had 4 pancakes with lemon & sugar I had three but I left one & yes Terry had that as well but he did give Freddy ( parrot) Nice to see you Cheryl x
    Will see you all tomorrow
    Sandra love & Hug's Lynda xxxxx

  37. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    NOW I know I have been busy with the grandchildren, also have been doing my sisters monthly accounts, what have I missed? I have been reading your messages Think I should do as Saba did - A Miss Marples !!!
    Janet, Your triplet card is stunning and I really love for white on white. Love it, its really beautiful. Your home in France looks so peaceful, I have visions of a stream of CotswoldCrafter blogspot fans standing at your gate !!!
    Mr E be warned!!!
    Goodnight everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  38. Sandra, sorry you have not been well today. Hope you soon feel better.

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