
Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Best Valentine Card I have Ever received !

 Good Morning Ladies,
Well Here it is, you have wanted to see this all week!!!!!
Didn't he do a fab job, he has declined doing a description, I can tell you he used a Spellbinder Heart Die Set from the Media Mixage range and Sue's Camellia Dies for the flowers, the patterned paper on the big heart is from a My Minds Eye pad! To me it was perfect, I have never anticipated opening a
card so much in my whole life,
Here is a close up of the flowers that he made, all in all he was in the craft room for 2 hours.
One good thing that came from his experience (apart from this amazing card) was he confirmed that my Tonic A3 guillotine is cutting 'on the wonk'!  As you can see he was trying to get the two pieces of card to meet perfectly, which he said was a pain as everytime he cut the paper it was wonky.  I had bought this up the week before with Sue (mrs B) because I couldn't believe that it would go wonky all of a sudden!
But it has so recommendations for a new one would be gratefully accepted.
I am considering the large Crafters Companion one as you can butt the paper to the bottom as well as the top, so you could trim your paper sitting down. If anyone has any 'fors' and 'against' please let me know.
The other topic I thought we could cover today is Pancakes and Lent, do you prefer British pancakes or American,  do you go for traditional lemon & sugar, or golden syrup, Lucy tonight made a Belgian chocolate sauce for hers!
Are you giving anything up for Lent? have you in the past?
We didn't have so many pancakes this time, although I did make two lots of Delia's batter up
I think I had 4, Paul had 6 or 7 and the girls had about 8 each, Matt had 6 or 7 as he was rushing to go out.  But they all seemed to enjoy them, Luckily Lucy and I had a pan each so we got through the batches fairly fast, I would have still been there now if not!
Well I must go and sort out the Kittens as they are prowling round for their food.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx



  1. Morning Sandra and my very dear Friends,
    I didn't get my message, I need to contact a couple of People today so I will be in touch I'll attach some photograph's.
    Sandra could I please have my usual one weak Latte and a Toasted Teacake, Thank you to all once again for your extremely kind comments Welcoming me back, it's So True what has been said about
    "The Cotswold Cafe" I Love this Blog its full of very Kind And Genuine People who really care for each other
    Well I think your Wonderful Husband did a terrific job with his Card for your Valentine Card, It's really good.
    My Husband wouldn't know where to start Bless Him!
    I'm not sure about a A3 Guilotine I got mine from Staples and mine does what the Crafters Companion does cuts from top and the bottom!
    I'm sorry you were feeling unwell yesterday Sandra I really hope your feeling much better today, take care of yourself.
    Janet I hope Jim is feeling better also.
    What was I like yesterday when I saw the comment from Patricia talking about measurements on her Blog, I even Thanked her then this morning
    re read the comments and Realised it was for Steph Bless Her!
    I couldn't find this guy's comments where he asked to exchange the Die, and I checked it out at least for days running and he doesn't comment daily, I must admit when I first saw his work I thought he'd just put a copy of Sue's Card on his Blog to promote it as it looks exactly the same you'd have thought he'd have tried it in a different Colour, put something different items on.
    Sandra you made me laugh when you were talking about us all going to Janet's Fabulous home in France can you imagine the Laughs and we'd probably end up in the rooms going through passport control with all the Craft Items in our luggage, Steph can you imagine showing one of them checking out the sticky sheets and Guilding flakes!!!!
    Me with my Micro Beads or Iced Snow.
    I went to Dubai a few years ago and I was asked to come into a room as the machine kept bleeping, I was nervous even though I shouldn't have been this lady Dressed all in Black with veil, she was ok but guess what it was
    It was the wire in my Bra!
    Sandra your Holiday sounds wonderful I Love going on Holiday, in fact my Old Boss telephoned yesterday for a chat and him and his wife are going away six times this year, which I really don't blame them as they have never had a family, we normally go twice we always call one the Doggy Holiday and one for us, but this year it's Two for us as I'm 60 in May!!!!
    Well Sandra and all my friends please take great care
    Sandra your wonderful Husband is a Crafter at heart.
    Take Great Care My Friends
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi my lovely,
      I think those airport staff make you feel guilty even if your not, but maybe that's better if it puts people off doing things they shouldn't!
      I would be the same as my right leg is metal from hip to knee, so it would look like I was smuggling a sword on an X-ray ! We haven't flown for years as I can no longer do stairs and very often you have to walk up steps to get on the plane, I am too embarrassed to ask for someone to 'hoist' me one. I would die of embarrassment !
      I think that some of the embossing powders may get us into bother at the customs, they may be suspicious of all the white powder !
      Trying explaining embossing powder in French!
      Thank you sam for the wonderful comment about Paul's card, I was so excited to open it, it's the little things that mean the world!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra,

    What a fantastic masterpiece card Paul has created with love for you. He should be very proud of his creation. I am loving it. you have a very thoughtful husband. A treasure to keep, perhaps we will see more of his crafting?
    I remember Pete making me one year using The Card Factory programme on our computer. I took him ages to do but was worth it. A card I will always treasure.
    Needless to say Wessex water did not turn up yesterday although they did ring me at 8.20 last night to say I was still next on the list and would I mind if the work force turned up later that night? i told them 'no i was having an early night and I did not think my neighbours would appreciate their machines working late at night'. So I am up early awaiting their phone call to find out what time I can expect them today. I would have thought I'd be first on the list this morning but no, they will have to find me a slot.

    My choice for pancakes would be traditional lemon juice and caster sugar.
    I can't think of anything to give up for Lent as my resolution this year was to be more generous.
    I'll pop in later for a chat
    Love & hugs Cherylxxx

  3. Morning Sandra, thanks to you and Paul for showing his card, it's lovely and more importantly was made with love. It's great that he was able to confirm that your guillotine is wonky. I don't have the Crafters Comp. guillotine but I do have the large paper cutter and to be honest having that put me off their cutting products. It doesn't cut straight at all and is just taking up space in the craft room now! I've also had problems with my last 3 orders, wrong items sent twice and then a week after the last order an item was out of stock (which company does that remind you of?). I emailed to say that I wasn't happy but only got a "computer's fault" answer. Feel that they have grown too big, too fast and they are more bothered about being international and on tv all the time than they are about their loyal client base. What I did buy the other week was a Lidl guillotine! It was only £14.99, so a lot less than the "craft" ones. So far the only downside is that it only does cms not inches and I do need to be stood up to be able to use it but that could be the dodgy joints (mine not the machine). It has a finger guard and does card up to about 35cms square, it also has a paper trimmer on the other side which cuts straight, wavy and perforated. I've been able to get great mats of down to a couple of mms and I'm really pleased with it.
    Pancakes: like them all. If they're British it has to be lemon juice and sugar, if they're American it has to be maple syrup - the proper stuff not the maple favoured gunk!
    Well, I'll start the "Sue's Wednesday Sweepstake" - I think she'll have 245 comments today!!! We'll see if the leeches crawl out today or if they've grown a conscience! See you later. Hope everyone is feeling better today. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I think I am going to have to give a prize for the nearest correct answer! I haven't really had much to do with crafters companion, as I haven't bought much from them direct, but I needed some new pegs for my 'ultimate' pro view maker, as mine sheered off in the holes and they sent me some free of charge, the only thing I use that for is making boxes and tying bows, bit of a waste of money really,
      But it's another one of those things I had for years! Did anybody have any of the glitter girls boards? Bookatrix?
      I have quite a few bits and pieces that I never use!
      Well must go and feed the starving troops,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  4. Wow Paul is talented see what he has learnt along the way! My other half wouldn't have a clue!

    Large coffee to wake me up please!

    Forgot to welcome Cheryl yesterday what with all the gossip! Hi Cheryl!

    No pancakes yesterday as away but Tilly got one last night when we went out for a meal with chocolate and banana she loved it and no mess as I am not the best at pancakes!

    Hope you all have a nice day xxx

    1. Morning Alison,
      Hope you have another sunny day today, it's a chilly start here, I can hear engines running and scrapers scrapping, so I guess there must be a good frost!
      Thanks for the lovely comments about Paul's card, his face will be a beautiful valentine red later!
      There w a fair mess in my kitchen to be honest. With my little helper tossing pancakes all over, but it was a good 45 mins of fun
      Where are you off too today? Is the flambards museum still there ? We had a great day out there!
      Mind you that was 14 years ago, our last holiday in the uk, the weather was horrendous for almost everyday of the two weeks we were there, we spent £700 pitching our caravan on a site in Hale for two weeks in August, we then ended up spending another £1200, entertaining 4 children in the rain! That's when we decided to go to Spain, less money, better weather, with a boot load of board games, buckets & spades a body board am we never spent another penny on entertaining the children! It's such a shame the weather isn't kinder to us here as there are some jaw droppingly breathtaking scenery in our own country!
      Enjoy the rest of your holidays,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Yes Sandra weather has been really kind. She was on the beach with nets and bucket and spade yesterday and loved it - simple pleasures! Then we went to lands end which was spectacular and a rope swing and park which she loved! Today going out on bikes for a ride. I agree the weather in this country spoils a lot and there is so much to see and do if it were better. We only do little mini breaks because if the weather is miserable it's expensive and no fun! I call it walking around woolworths weather if you know what I mean! Many a wet childhood day out or holiday spent wandering around woolworths my Dad always loved that store think he was gutted when they went in to liquidation!

    I have emailed you but not sure if you have got them as when I attach photos they seem to get lost in cyber space!!

    Well must get organised but will pop back later for all the gossip!!!

    1. Hi Barbie,
      I know exactly what you mean about walking around woolworths weather, there was a big one in Lowestoft where we used to holiday, every single year for as long as I can remember, we used to love family camping holidays! But I can't really remember the weather being bad back then, the sun used to shine all the time in my memories, my dad loved it there so much we scattered his ashes there bless him! But Woolworths was always handy for the things that you forgot to take! We always said we would never do the 'holidaying in the same place every year' thing, but we do, we gave been to the same campsite on the beach in Spain for the last ten years, but it has everything you need, the beach, a pool and a huge lake for fishing & boating, no need to get in the car at all, perfect! So I have Started to sound like my dad! Oops!
      I have received your email with your attachments so I will show it over next couple of days!
      Enjoy the rest of your stay, did you go to Rick Steins?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra, I do hope you are feeling better this morning. Now you do know that if you aren't feeling 100%, we will understand and we can just see to yourselves!!., You could just sit in the corner in a nice comfortable chair that I am sure Paul would bring in for you? What a sweetie to go and design that gorgeous card for you,and he did see that you were right when you had said that the guillotine wasn't cutting properly. I was going to buy an A3 one for cutting the card for Gills invites, but when I asked Adrian at the craft shop, what one to get.he told me just to bring the card down and he would cut it for me, he has a big heavy looking one. I still fancy having one of my own so I to would be grateful for the info.
    Now the Wednesday " sweepstake". I will say 268.
    Do any of you get into a real panic when you go to get something like your passport from where you always store them? And find it not there??? Well that was me yesterday. Charlie asked me " where's your passport" answer " in the usual place". No it's not!!! Well that was it, seeing how the last time I had used it was November, every handbag I own was checked plus the little case that I would have used, no not a sign of it and the flight and hotel details that if I hadn't put it away would have been with it. We went out did what we needed to do and had lunch, all the time my brain was going round thinking of where it could be. Came home and thought under stair cupboard - I hang bags that I am using in there, thought has it fallen out, so pulled things out ( don't ask) it's got that much in there! Check handbags again especially the one that I first checked earlier as its the one I do tend to use when travelling, well opened it and yes my passport was waving at me, well the cold shivers that went down my back was terrible. Plus I was thinking I'd have to quickly get a new one as Patricia and I are off soon for a weekend trip and I woukd need it for getting on the flight. Panic over ( for now). Well I am not at work till pick up time. Beds stripped and in the machine so bedroom is my task for today, I do like when we get a good day when you can get windows opened and give every thing deep cleaned. So I will be back later for my usual weak tea. Hazel x

    1. Good Morning Hazel,
      Thanks for lovely comments on Paul's cards, he will be blushing later!
      I know exactly what you mean about panicking when you can't find things like passports, we have a 'special' holiday wallet and all our passports/driving licence etc all in their, we have had more than one panic over missing documents and like you I can't think of anything else until it's resolved, 9 times out of ten it will be in a place that Paul will have checked 10 times and missed it!
      Isn't getting into fresh sheets that have been blown dry outdoors the best feeling ever! I love it! I have to have a top and bottom sheet on my bed too, I can't stand just having a quilt on me, always has to be sheet and then quilt/quilt cover! I amazes me how many people sleep under just their duvet! To he it feels wrong, maybe it goes back to childhood and having sheets and blankets as apposed by everyone, we were plenty warm enough back then!
      Happy cleaning Hazel
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  7. Janet Ecco of Sheffield18 February 2015 at 08:54

    Morning Everyone - My usual latte please. I'm afraid we skipped pancakes yesterday as I was just exhausted after the all day visit to hospital and then yesterday afternoon Knit and Natter so we decided that it wouldn't hurt to give them a miss this year. I also confess to not giving anything up for Lent for quite some years. I always gave up choc but now I just reduce my choc intake. Sandra your Valentine is just stunning - Paul should be really proud and it's certainly one for your memory box. Heaven only know what I would receive if Jim made one. I hope you're feeling much better today. Oh Sam you made me smile and reminded me re your airport departure that I had a similar experience in 2000. We decided that we would have a long week-end in Paris that August Bank Holiday. I'd just had my right knee replaced for the first time and was going back to work at the start of the new academic year in September. We flew from Leeds/Bradford airport and though the machine bleeped when I went through the attendants accepted my explanation and no problems. When we arrived at Charles De the machine bleeped again as I went through. We tried to explain why but the attendant just could not grasp what we were saying and she wanted to see my knee replacements. Of course I was wearing trouser and so I was taken into a room so that could see for themselves these knees. It took a while but in the end having seen the scars on both knees decided that they weren't going to get any further we were allowed through. Of course it happened on our return flight as well. I've not travelled by air since.
    Barbiepinkfairy I do know what you mean by 'walking round Woolworths. As a child we always did this when the weather wasn't kind to us.
    CraftySuetoo I'm with you -250-for me and yes they'll come out of their little holes limping; sniffling and all with their 'wonderful' reasons as to why they are unable to comment each day and as for no-one noticing that you haven't commented for a few days and no-one making a fuss and asking why well it hits the button of wanting to be the centre of attention for me!!

    Have to go now to tidy up the dining room as the Piano Tuner is coming this morning for his annual visit and of course that's where I craft so chaos reigns this morning. He is a lovely man but oh boy how he can talk and so I cannot just leave him to get on. I will be doing my best to get back whilst he's here - fingers crossed.
    Have a good morning everyone. Don't eat all the goodies until I return. lol.
    Janet xx

    1. Hi Janet,
      I had same experience with my hip!
      Thanks for lovely comments on Paul's card!
      I thought the same about the whole, poor me thing yesterday, but it worked didn't it, everyone was wishing her well!
      The words 'hogwash' comes to mind!
      Fancy upsetting our Steph!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & all that pop into the cafe today. Wow Paul's Valentin's card is lovely I bet you won't through that away.He is clever using your die's & G C. Terry made me one too,for the first time,usually buy's one so I was really chuffed. Could I have a tea pleased with a dash of milk & toasted tea cake thank you.Hope your feeling better today Sandra.
    Yes I made pancakes Sugar & Lemon. The sun is shinning this morning so we are going out to Hern bay & maybe look in the craft shop lol. Well better finish house work before we go. Have a good day with the girls today Sandra Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra, WOW WOW WOW Paul should be really proud of himself, the card he made for you is beautiful, really beautiful, Thank you both for sharing this very special gift.
    Sandra, I hope you are feeling better today, just take it steady and go carefully LOL
    Have tried to catch up on yesterday's events (the man hunt) gave up in the end. Just hope you are OK Steph. Also that you managed to complete you cards,
    Sam, hope you are feeling better to, you are so thoughtful with all of your messages it's just lovely to know that you okay, just yourself under two much pressure your health and well-being on more important to us all, take care
    Theresa, welcome to this very very warm and friendly coffee shop !!!!! You can order what ever you like, when you like, And lunches are always available, in the evening there is often a glass of wine (haven't checked the licensing laws ha ha) thoroughly recommend it.
    John has gone home today lett here about 7:15 AM At last someone should be coming to repair our new cooker that we've only had In use for about six weeks. I just hope and pray that it all gets fixed
    Made pancakes yesterday with the grandchildren did a double mix, yes I also use Delia's recipe. I don't believe it had over half the mixture left, pancakes on the menu today everyone. I like mine with lemon and sugar.
    Lent, you don't have to give things up for lent, if you make a conscious effort to do something regularly, be it generosity in some way or another , that would count. One year Callum gave up chocolate, bless him he stuck to it,
    I had to convince him it was okay to have his beloved hot chocolate, and just give up chocolate bars.
    Well better get on, children asking what can we do, teenager has had to go into school, doing her mock GCSEs and didn't gets her German assessment last week, teacher wasn't there when she went at appointed time, so it has been rescheduled for today ,she will be away most of the day. Just hope all goes well.
    Will try to pop in later my lovely friend, and another big big thank you to Paul he did brilliantly. Love Brenda XXX

    1. Please Steph can I borrow your soapbox? My hoping and praying this morning didn't work. John returned back here to our daughters home a couple of hours ago it seems the engineer has gone sick, The suppliers of our oven rang and offered another date next week ...... to say he is not a happy bunny be an understatement. he also told them, as well as the oven not working, he has found Rust on the top of the oven housing. And was offered a new oven, which should be with us in two days, but we would have to pay to have it fitted, WELL after a few more words they agreed to pay for the fitting. Except, are you ready for this…................ they are out of stock. Store we purchased it from are now looking into all this for us.

      Saba, Thank you for your good wishes for grandaughter, She has returned, don't think mock went well.

      Will try to stop by later,
      Oops sorry forgot to say I helped myself to lemon Cheesecake and a cup of tea. Both were delicious- Thank you. Brenda xxx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Poor old John must have been exhausted, all that way and he got messed about! Too right they should replace the bloomin thing, rusting already?!
      Why is customer service so often poor these days, it really annoys new, once they gave your money they don't care!
      Brenda get your guess in for Sues blog post count, as Cheryl is donating a die for the person nearest!
      Good luck
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hi me being miss marple had to track down man from yesterday found his twitter account. I think he is a serial freeloader as photos on there of goodies he's received by post! Think he blog hops til he finds freebies on offer!! Shame couldn't get on his blog would have loved to see his fantastic work!! Loves himself photos showing off his body yuk put me off my coffee!!

    Anything I have had I have worked hard for and like to share with friends to me that's what life is about. If I am lucky I share too and if I had won a die I had been fortunate to already have would have donated to a crafty friend or let Sandra do a draw on this blog then it would have gone to a good home. I certainly am inspired by Sue as we all are but couldn't blatantly copy and if I did would give her credit!!!

    Well sounds like I am on Stephs soap box so better give it back as she will need it xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra,
    I do hope you are feeling better today. What a lot of pancakes you made. I made 4 and we had them with a freshly squeezed lemon and lots of lovely sugar. I love pancakes and could eat them every day. Paul's card is lovely, didn't he do well considering your guillotine is wonky. His matting is spot on. He really put a lot of thought into the design and it shows how much love was put into making your valentines card. Bless him, tell him we are all very impressed.
    I can't decide what to give up for Lent. I do try to give up something I would really miss, but I am rubbish at keeping it up.

    I think I'll go for 279 in the sweepstakes, they are crawling out already. It will be interesting to see whether poor me pops back and says thank you for all the good wishes and as for Miss I look everyday but mainly comment on prize days, she was totally ignored by everyone yesterday. I was very very tempted to reply to her, and in particular to mention that when we all complain about people like her, we never pick out one person to criticise and that it was mean of her to do that, but then I thought why give her the satisfaction of seeing she had riled us. Bet she was well unhappy that others did support her either.

    Brenda I hope your granddaughter does well in her mock german exam. It's a difficult language and the grammar is really complicated, so wish her well for me.
    Cheryl, hope they have finally turned up and sorted you out, and I hope you are not going to wear yourself out again today. I had just finished speaking to my sister yesterday and then read your comment about preparing frozen food and we had just been discussing that very thing. She has to go for her surgery next week and has started doing just that. She has also prepared the things her hubby should bring in once she leaves the intensive care unit, and her coming home clothes. She said if she didn't, he might well bring in a cocktail dress and strappy heels!! She is the most amazing person.

    Sandra, could you bear it if I asked for a pancake before I go. I am just popping out, might nip into Woolworths! We still have them here.
    Love and hugs to all who pop in.

    1. Good morning everyone,

      Yes, they finally turned up 8.06 this morning, then promptly left to go and get water from the hydrant. I queried this, 'Why can't you use mine from the outside tap' Apparently they are NOT allowed to in case they contaminate my water supply. It made sense but why not get the water before coming to me?
      Anyways once they had gone, I decided to take advantage of this brilliant sunshine and do a spot of gardening. Only an hour mind, my poor old bones and joints creak too much otherwise. Also I am in need of a wonderful hot chocolate with cream, mini marshes and chocolate sprinkles on top. Oh and a yum yum please.
      I might go for 301 in the sweepstake. I wonder if 'Mr Aren't I gorgeous' will be entering. Interesting how he has not invited us all to see his blog, perhaps he thought my comments might have put people off commenting as he stated he had no talent. Silly man. Anyways enough of him.
      For the rest of today I will mainly be crafting. I love to get a head start on 'shells', cards that I do backgrounds, cut flowers and flourishes and other card candy, then when I need one in a hurry, it's job done in no time. And now I have bought some cog dies, I have a box full ready for those pesky male cards that i never know what to do. I have already sent one to a male friend and judging from his praise of it being personalized for him, I think I've hit the jackpot, should be a doddle now. I might email Sandra a photo so you can all give me feedback too please?
      well that's enough from me time to check in on Sue to see who have been or not.
      Enjoy your me time in this marvellous cafe
      Cheryl xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl,
      Glad your water men turned up at last, did they get lost yesterday?
      Please feel free to send me your photos to share with everyone,
      I look forward to receiving them!
      I think you frightened our Brighton chum into putting up his shutters! Was it something you said? Lol
      I noticed you asking Steph about Birmingham, well Paul's family still live there, his brother in Stirchley, his sister in Hollywood area, Paul's parents lived in Hall Green until about 8 years ago when the retired down to Brixham!
      Although they were all originally from Hull !
      They were in Birmingham for a good 30 years!
      Thanks for stopping by,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Cheryl,
      so glad you got your water sorted at last, they did take their time.
      Love to see you man card as they are always a struggle to make for. Hope your day is kind Hugs Maria x

    4. Hi, I'm back again for a ham samwich and pint of Stella if you have a drinks licence?
      Sorting out for my shells, I opened my hoarded package of some of Sue's new dies and found I have mistakenly ordered 2 of the Gemini Cygnus. As it is too late to send it back, I thought I'd like to offer it as a prize for the sweepstake if that is agreeable to everyone? What say you?
      I'll pop in later to see responses.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    5. Hi, I'm back again for a ham samwich and pint of Stella if you have a drinks licence?
      Sorting out for my shells, I opened my hoarded package of some of Sue's new dies and found I have mistakenly ordered 2 of the Gemini Cygnus. As it is too late to send it back, I thought I'd like to offer it as a prize for the sweepstake if that is agreeable to everyone? What say you?
      I'll pop in later to see responses.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    6. Cheryl, that is very Generous of you, it's fine with me, if it's fine with you all, does that mean I get a guess then?
      I will mention it down at the bottom as well!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and lovely ladies, wow Paul's card is lovely Sandra, I bet that one be a keeper, I can't see my other half, his name is Ronnie, doing anything like this, he has no sense of design at all!
    I'm like you Sandra having had both hips replaced I beep at airports, it is really hard trying to tell Spanish security that you have artificial hips, I have always wanted a little card printed in several languages, saying this.
    I think Sues blog today will probably reach the 300 mark, greedy beggars, how lovely of you to ask not to put into the draw, show how much of a lady you are.
    Can I please have a coffee and pancake with maple syrup if you have any left. Will pop back later for catch ups.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Well firstly thank you for stopping by and the lively comment about Pauls card, I love it, but I am biased!
      I thought it only fair not to be added to the draw as I had a card last weekend, I have 5 in total, but it gave been following Sue for many years!
      I believe my surgeon did give me a card when I had my first hip done back in 2004, now half of my right leg is metal so machine would go crazy, they will think I am hiding a sword!
      Must go and finish this baby card,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and my Friends,
    I'd like to enter into "The Sweep Stakes for Sue's Blog I think it could be 297" as at 10:00 o'clock there was already 111 comments it makes you Sick!!!!
    Love and Hugs to all my Wonderful Friends
    From Sam xxx

  14. Hello. Well Sandra, Paul's card is gorgeous. Weren't you the lucky one. I am sure you will always treasure that. Well Delia's recipe seems to be popular. My son also used it and we had some delicious pancakes. I had lemon and sugar. Well it looks like I may be able to go to Farnborough after all. A friend at Craft Group emailed me yesterday as she had heard about my accident and asked if I would like to go with her. So looks as if I will get there. Hope you are feeling better today Sandra and anyone else who was not feeling too good yesterday. Can I have a Hot Chocolate and a cheese scone please with a small piece of cheese. Do you know I always used to have a cheese scone in the John Lewis cafe. They always gave you two slices of cheese with it. Then they decided you had to buy the cheese to go with it. That was ok but now you cannot have any cheese. When we queried this with the Manager, as the assistants didn't know, it is because of allergens. Well if people have an allergy to cheese would they buy a cheese scone in the first place. Something about EU Laws. Seemed ridiculous. Rant over.

  15. Hello Sandra,
    Just a quickie, but I'll be back later.
    Paul's card is amazing, George wouldn't know where to start, and as for cutting dies, no way. You must be very proud of him.
    Lent - well I'm of the age I don't have to give up anything but I have, for quite a few years, done something extra like going to mass every day or doing something for charity.
    Pancakes - yes, yes, yes please (I'll have some now if you have a batch going). At home we always had lemon and sugar, but I have hot syrup on them now. Isn't it funny I say "at home" and I haven't lived in my mam and dad's house for 48 years.
    Sorry, have to dash as I've washing to hand out and thenn up to Rachel's as we are having a "girlie" day out with Eleanor and Zoe.
    I hope you are feeling ok Sandra, and all the other ladies of course. Oh reminds me, every time we used to go through the scanners at airports George would have to undo his shirt and trousers to show them his surgical corset!!! Just like a man, he just stood and did it in front of everyone, talk about a strip show lol.
    Maureen xxx

  16. Morning Sandra and all.
    Im being a good girl, it was cold and cramped in that dog house and those bonio so dry, got stuck in my throat, and as I cant stand water I was hacking all day.
    Yes ok my big gob left me feeling low and I suppose I should learn to control how I feel and keep it to myself, Im a born and bread Bummie, no excuse, but we do tend to be out spoken ( NO I dont have that awful twang that people take the mick out of ) !! Lol.
    Im so pleased Paul let you post his card, bless him, bless his heart, cant get Andy anywhere near my stuff, his reply is " people will think Im like that all is about me guy off Crazy and Cr*p tv !!! Well Andy isn't a mans man, doesnt like sport, doesnt like drinking, but certainly isn't gay,but he still wouldn't make me a card, just thrashes the whip to get me into my den to get making them lol so I so admire Paul. He's one of 'our ladies' now, we've got him under our spell too, bet he looks cracking in a pinny ; )
    Welcome to Barbara, so lovely to see you join the maddness, I actually laughed out loud reading your comment about being detective Sandra lol.
    Can I be a pain and mention a worry. You know how you had that spam the other day Sandra, and you know how to 'check out' people's blogs ? Think we should be so careful when we 'mention' certain subjects as we dont know who is actually looking in, but to be nosy and not to leave a comment ! That's all Im saying, hope you dont mind me mentioning this small worry I have : (
    Anyway, glad our Sam is feeling a bit better today, hope you are too Sandypants. Janet, your photo's and cards were stunning, thank you for letting us into your world.
    That bloomin Barbie... Oi, your on holiday, behave lol on the beach indeed, huh, AND Padstow, how dare you ! SUN as well huh whats fair in that ?!!!? Lol. I'll have my soap box all polished for your return ok ? Wino.
    No pancakes for us, but we'd go for maple syrup and ice cream yum. Uk or American ? Love em both, but not the same unless you eat them in the States, just doesn't seem right !
    Ladies who use the 3d glue be aware, I found some Mother's Day cards from last yr I think, anyway they are total pants, plus, the glue must have gone off as it smells vile just like it did before and just how that stunning rose card Tina E sent me just before Xmas, so just be careful. Ive thrown 3 cards away !!! Whoa they really honk.
    If I did really make them last year, then what a difference Sue has made to my crafting, and THAT's why she deserves number 1 blog, she's a dam good teacher not only a designer !
    Well, have to crack on, 3 more retirement cards to do then order COMPLETE : ) WOOHOOO.
    Sending love n hugs. Takin me latte and fresh cream apple turnover with me hon. Will return the cup and plate later : )
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Steph, was glad to see your comment when I published mine! Was so worried you'd got cramp in that kennel!
      I think calling Barbie a wino is a bit harsh - you're just jealous! Lol.
      I'm kidding - I don't want to be in trouble next!
      I never even liked the smell of Bonios - never tried eating them!
      Love Myra xx

    2. What part of Birmingham do you hale from Steph? I was born in Sorrento Maternity Hospital in Moseley and my family are from around that area. My Maternal Nan lived in Kings Heath just across from Swanhurst Park. And 1 of my old crafting buddies was born in the same hospital. How's that for coincidence?
      Hugs to you today, glad you out of the doghouse.
      Cheryl xxx

    3. Hi Steph,
      I saw a post on a craft forum the other day and they were saying the exact same thing about pin flair and the smell, like it had gone off, this woman had made liars of Christmas cards, stored them in poly bags and when she came to write in them she said the chemical smell made her feel I'll so she binned the lot!
      That would be heartbreaking! I will maybe have to use the hot glue gun that Paul bought me year before last, I did start using it but I kept burning my fingers, so got peed off with it, I think it is a cheaper solution than pin flair too!
      Paul, got all defensive thus morning and said 'I guess they will all think I am getting a spray ran and moving to Brighton now" bless him, I can reassure you he is all man!
      I think that most men in Craft appear a little camp to say the least, although I am not sure about Tim Holtz, ? What are your thoughts!
      Barbs sounds like she is having a blast down there in Cornwall, she has also had time to email a card to share! Bless her, I was so chuffed when she checked in even on holiday!
      Steph you didn't guess the number of pistes on Sues blog today!
      *posts not pistes! Pistes is what Barbie will be if she doesn't watch that vino ! Lol
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Morning Ladies!
    Wow Paul has made a really lovely card and it is so neatly done as well. His layout is lovely and he has kept it simple which can be hard to do sometimes.
    You must have been thrilled with it Sandra.
    As a rule crafters love to share with one another. We share and learn from each other as this lovely blog shows as well as Sue's of course where I started. She shares her love and knowledge daily and asks virtually nothing in return.
    We didn't have pancakes yesterday. I used to make them when the boys were younger but we would rather have a starter than a dessert . I love crepes suzette though for a special treat made by someone who really knows how!
    I make scotch pancakes , just called pancakes in Scotland. Nice with some butter and jam!
    Not giving up anything for lent as I have never done that.
    I think your kitchen must have been a fun place to be last night Sandra !
    My number guess 277.
    I too am interested in people's thoughts on guillotines . I would like to be able to cut several sheets at once and can't do that with my Fiskars trimmer which
    I love.
    Have a lovely day everyone, particularly Alison and family on bike ride!
    Love to all,
    Myra xxxx

  18. Janet Ecco of Sheffield18 February 2015 at 12:01

    It's me again - please please extra large latte and ear plugs. My Piano Tuner is here and it goes through me listening to him tuning away. So please can I sit in the corner and just read today's comments? Will go now so the noise doesn't drive anyone else crazy only me and I'n there all ready. xx

  19. Good morning Sandra,
    Do you have soup on the menu today?

  20. Ooopps!! sorry pressed the wrong button.
    If you have soup may I have a bowl please. Weather rather dull and miserable here I need some soup.
    How are you today?? sending you a few gentle (((((hugs))))) in hope they help. Just take things easy we can help ourselves, you sit with your feet up and we will serve you for a change.
    Paul's card is brilliant, good for him. When is he teaching his first Card Class I will book a place. John does not do "Valentine" cards. For any other occasion he just rummages in my boxes.
    Hello to everyone glad to see you all if you need some hugs I will,leave a box in the corner just help yourselves.
    Did not make any Pancakes last night cause we just eat them ALL!!
    John Jnr makes the best ever Pancakes, taught by me BUT mine are not nearly as good as his .... why is that???
    Right best be off I hear my OH raiding the fridge, it must be getting near his lunch time. His weight never changes and he eats anything and everything including LOTS of chocolate .... makes me sick it does. I just need to
    look at the stuff and I put on weight. SMELL it and it's a stone gone on......LOL!!!
    Everyone have a great day

    Patricia x

  21. Hi Sandra, Beautiful card Paul made, of course he's a real mans man, Tony has made me cards. He does take hours and hours and I worry what hes using but I love him for it.
    I agree with Steph about what we mention as its an open forum.
    Large tea, morphine, 8 co-codamol, 4 anti inflammatory tabs and a muffin please. Thanks Hugs to all Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi ToB ,thats a bit of a cocktail you'd like to have. Guess you got a bad day so wish you also better and gentle hugs Maria xx

    2. Hi Theresa, so sorry you are still in so much pain, sending you gentle hugs too. XXX

    3. Bless you Theresa, your order is coming up but you will have to sign the form for your control drugs! Bureaucracy gone mad!
      You will be rattling on your way out, maybe we should join up a create an orchestra! It will be different, get your vote in for Sue's Blog post count as at 6am tomorrow!
      Cheryl had donated a prize !
      Love & hugs
      Sandra, get well soon xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    You must be delighted with your card it's so special Paul must of been taking lessons from you. Sorry I haven't blogged for a few days but I have had the mega of all migraines no pancakes for us as I haven't been able to eat or drink managed a piece of toast today. Still have pain in left side of head and eye. I have missed the chats hope to drop in again tomorrow. Love Tandy

    1. Oh Tandy,so sorry to see you had such horrible days with migraine. Sending you gentle healing hugs and wish you better,Hugs Maria xx

    2. Tandy you poor thing, I do hope you will soon be feeling better, migraines must be awful, and to suffer for days unimaginable. Lots of gentle hugs for you too. XXX

    3. Hi Tandy,
      I am so sorry to hear that up you have been poorly, migraines must be terrible, take it easy for a couple of days, gentle hugs coming your way,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xx

    4. Oh you poor soul, migraines can be very debilitating and I do feel for you. I know it sounds odd, have you tried massaging your big toes quite firmly. According to reflexology they are connected to your head via meridian lines and pinching them hard helps some people?
      Cheryl xxx

    5. Hi Tandy,
      So sorry you've been suffering! Hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.
      Love Myra xx

    6. Hi Tandy,
      So sorry you've had mega migraine,I sympathise with you,they are horrible.
      Take care sending you very gental ((((Hug's))))) Lynda xx

  23. Hi Sandra and all,
    Paul's card is lovely ! so pleased he let you show it on here as he has done a great job. I think it's nice when your OH is interested in your hobby. My Rick has never been before but I did some cutting out in the kitchen earlier and he asked me how I did it, saw me struggling with turning the handle and start asking me about the machine etc. it was quite funny . Not just sport talk.
    No one wanted pancakes last night except for me so if you got any spare I'd love to have some with sugar or chocolate sauce because that sounded very yummy indeed. Hope you feeling better today Sandra ? Woke up this morning pretty stiff but went swimming and after a while I had loosen up some and the best was to sit in the spa bath. Only thing that was missing was you ladies with me! Loved doing the aqua but she was a bit to quick so had to stop ,to much pain after. Alison it's nice to hear about your holiday. I think I been to Padstow but it's a long time now. I would love to see more of England as there are some wonderful places but when you can get a fortnight abroad for the price you paying for a couple of nights ,I know which one I prefer. Have no metals yet. I would write down on a card in different languages if I had to make it easier at the costumes . Not everyone is as brave as your OH Maureen lol ! Hope you ok Steph? silly people on Sue's sometimes. I did say hi to L. but is she a regular ? normally recognize most names by now how are commenting most days. I will guess 315 in the sweepstake, going over there in a minute to have a look. It's been another lovely day here but oooh so cold ! Hope you all have a great time with the little ones and teenagers who are on half term at the moment Hugs Maria xx

  24. OMG!! just wrote a LONG comment re:- watching what we say on here after reading Steph's comment and I was NOT signed in......Aaaahh!!
    Will try later to write it again

    Patricia x

  25. Good afternoon Sandra flower and coffee shoppers,
    Paul's card Sandra has a double dose of love in it, the love in which he made it for you and the love that he gave with it to you, you are a very lucky lady to be so loved. Tell Paul that you don't care who sees it as it was made by your long term sweetheart that you love to bits. I normally get the last one that my daddy sent me out but i haven't been able to find it for the past couple of years and if it has been thrown out i will be truly upset as my daddy was the only one that ever sent me a valentines card.
    Now can i just apologise here for yesterdays rubbish entry. After typing twice for nearly an hour and loosing it all twice hence the rubbish entry that i put in which did not do justice to our Janets exquisite card or cards as i stupidly thought they were. Janet, i hope you have a daughter that appreciates your beautiful skills and keeps her WOJ(wonder of Janet) or rather WOM (wonder of mum) as it was so beautiful and you could see the love that went into the making of it. I think that i would put it in one of those box frames and hang it upon the wall if it was me. It's things like that that make a house a home, something made with love. And i was joining the procession of scooters although mine only does 4 mph and 8 miles on a charge so can someone please take my charging cable and give me a toe and charge either that or i am still going to be going across when everyone else has been for the weekend and i am still trying to get. The picture of convoy of scooters instead of big trucks zooming down the motorways at 8mph i think is the highest that even the long distance ones can go at brings all sorts of strange and wonderful pictures to mind. I think we would get pulled over by the "fuzz" for reckless endangerment or not keeping up with the speed of the traffic. It might be the first time they write a ticket out for going to slow.
    Sandra, ladies, i have the crafters companion guillotine but it is wonky as well so wouldn't recommend it and i need to stand up to use it so i would say save your money if looking at this as a replacement.
    We didn't have pancakes yesterday but when we do it is lurpak and jam that goes on mine(sorry can't stand cheap butters or margarines). I don't do giving up on things now as i can't have chocolate so there is nothing else worth the effort of giving up as i wouldn't notice it any way. And as for todays scroungers i am going to guess at 287 in the sweepstake.
    Going back to lie down again as not feeling all that clever so i will leave my basket full of the hugs of varying sizes and strengths for my angels to take and see you all tomorrow hopefully.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah Glenochil

    1. Norah, what a lovely sweet Daddy you had, no wonder you treasure that valentines card. Sorry you are feeling under the weather, hope you feel brighter tomorrow. Love and hugs XXX

    2. Hi Norah,
      hope you feeling better this evening after your laydown and tomorrow will be a better day Hugs Maria x

    3. Hi Norah,
      Sorry you're not feeling so well. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Hugs on the way!
      Love Myra xx

  26. Hi Sandra,
    I have the A3 Crafters Companion guillotine but to be honest I rarely use it. It's so large that I can't leave it permanently on my desk so I use an X-cut which cuts 12" x 12" and a smaller X-cut which cuts about 8". The smaller one is starting to get a bit blunt but I have used it constantly for smaller cutting for over 10 years. I think I'll try some sandpaper to sharpen it.
    Steph, glad you're out of the kennel now, you should never have gone in, in the first place. I also think you have a valid point about writing on the blog. I stopped using pinflair glue a while ago because of the smell. When I used it the whiff was overpowering.
    Cheryl, I hope your water man came today. It drives me mad when workmen say they'll come at such and such a time, and then they don't. They should be honest about it in the first place.
    Theresa, sorry you're having to take so much medication today, I hope you feel a bit better soon.
    Sandra, I have wondered about Tim Holtz. Not that it matters what he is, he is just so clever and (this is a big word and not sure how to spell it) innovative.
    I've enjoyed my pop in, that's what I like about your blog Sandra, we can pop in and out to play catch up. Washing is dry and I'm off to do my ironing.
    I haven't looked on Sue's blog but I'll say 217
    See you all later xx

  27. Hi Norah,
    I'm sorry you are feeling so rubbish. I hope you pick up and are back to your sweet old self soon xxxx

  28. Right try again!!
    When I read Steph's comment about being careful as to what we say or who we talk about in the Coffee Shop we assume it's just between us
    Last year John, J&A, they boys and myself went on a Steam Train Event. We had a fantastic time other than when we tried to get Sunday Lunch. The Train terminated at a small town, all the cafe's and food places were closed. There was a Hotel but they had a " Lunch Party" in and could not serve us. We said a sandwich and drinks would do .... no they were far too busy. We ended up buying sandwiches, crisps and drinks at a small Tesco. No place to sit, we sat on the Car Park wall and had our "picnic".
    What angered us was the event was well advertised for weeks in advance. If I had been running an "eating place" I would have been open to catch the extra business as we were not the only ones on the trip who found ourselves in this situation.
    Anyway I mentioned all this on my Blog and before you could wink I had a barrage of not so nice comments. Telling me there were plenty places within the Railway Station for eats. There were but not nearly enough for the amount if people there. The "nasties" came from one of the Event Organisers goodness knows how he got to me. John said that there are lots of these Railway Preservation Societies and they are all connected in some way. He reckons someone who looked in on my Blog had a connection somewhere and mentioned it. Then the "smoke signals" went out.
    So Yes!! ladies we really have to be careful.
    Sandra if you check your "Blog Statistics" you will find you have a lot more "lookers in" than "commenters"
    That's something that amazes me. Some days I have well over 100 looking in and I get 30 comments. I often wonder who the propels are ...... just nosey that's me!!!
    Right enough said, I am thirsty now I need a nice cup of Tea and a piece of any of your Calorie Free Cakes please.
    OK folks I am busy making some Lace Rossetts for the top of some more boxes I am making.
    Be good everyone hopefully I will see you all tomorrow.

    Patricia x

  29. Hi Sandra
    Hope your feeling a bit better this morning, it's a shame we couldn't meet up today but I look forward to next week. Paul's card is gorgeous Sandra. Lovely of him to want to do it. Pete's not a anything card, I'm lucky if I get a birthday card. My guess in Sues blog is 300, they'll crawl out of the woodwork to win something. Padstow is my favourite placebo visit. We didn't have pancakes yesterday as I completely forgot that it was pancake. I made a Lemon Meringue pie on Sunday, so we'll have that for pudding today. Pancakes tomorrow with Lemon and Sugar. I don't give up anything for Lent as I always give up within a few days. How could anyone give up Chocolate I ask myself. Hazel, I'm glad it's not only me that's turns the house upside down looking for something, only to find it on the third or fourth time of looking right in the first place I thought it should be.

  30. Now carrying on as the Ipad wouldn't let me finish writing. The only thing wrong with England is the weather. I'd love to see some of Scotland as I've never been( sorry Norah ) as your hills sound lovely. But the weather is so unpredictable. We used to go camping with the kids all over Cornwall but it always seemed to rain. Patricia I'd love to see your lace rosettes. We do train holidays as well as flying abroad. Trains are the way to go to Europe. We've been to Canada, now that was an experience sleeping in bunk beds for three days on the train through the Rockies. Wouldn't be able to do that now. Then we fly to somewhere hit around Sept. Any suggestions anyone. We've done Tenerife. Malta and Majorca and Crete. We like to walk along the prom in the evening and don't like to be in the thick of things to noisy. We went to Cyprus and stayed in pathos. About 1 mile from the Harbour.

    1. Hi Pat, Have you thought of Portugal? Pete and I went there with our great friends Colin & Rose, a couple of times , once to Albufeira and then to Carvoeira with our timeshare. Out of the two we all preferred Carvoeira, it's a beautiful fishing village that has grown over the years but not too large with restaurants and bars to suit every taste. The last time Pete booked us a private apartment 50yards from the beach which is situated in a small sheltered cove, but unfortunately he passed away before he could
      get there. My friends who stuck me back together came with me and it we thoroughly enjoyed what he had booked for us all. |he was with in spirit though.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. Hi Pat, Have you thought of Portugal? Pete and I went there with our great friends Colin & Rose, a couple of times , once to Albufeira and then to Carvoeira with our timeshare. Out of the two we all preferred Carvoeira, it's a beautiful fishing village that has grown over the years but not too large with restaurants and bars to suit every taste. The last time Pete booked us a private apartment 50yards from the beach which is situated in a small sheltered cove, but unfortunately he passed away before he could
      get there. My friends who stuck me back together came with me and it we thoroughly enjoyed what he had booked for us all. |he was with in spirit though.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Pat if the two of you don't mind a 4 hour flight, I would highly recommend the holiday Calbis Hotel Dalyan Turkey, Patricia and I go to this hotel for our sister week away, it's beautiful and Dalyan is not a holiday hot spot for the high life it has no Hugh hotels, you just relax here. If you do trip adviser you can see what I mean, just a thought. Hazel x

  31. Good afternoon Sandra and fellow crafters.
    Could really do with a latte and a piece of Victoria sponge. Glad you have come out the dog house STEPH though you didn't deserve to be in there. I like that you speak your mind.
    SANDRA your valentine card is lovely, he did you proud. I have had a few guillotines and paper trimmers over the years and haven't found one I really like yet. Have tried the Perfect Layers rulers for matting and layering but cant get on with them either so tend to use my dies instead.
    My husband is in bed with manflu so haven't had much time for crafting at all. He is a bad patient and cant cope with pain!!!!!!!!

    1. Barbara, they all the same. Mine is 6"2, strong and very well built, but come near him with a needle to try and get a splinter out and he nearly faints. XXX

  32. Sandra. Tell Paul we know he's not off getting that spray tan, bless him. We all think he deserves a medal for putting up with us lot. And yes I think we might have to be careful, You never know who is looking in. Hazel xx
    P.S. I have completed my cutting of the striplets, well that's as long as they don't invite more to the evening party. Now it's the next bit to complete.

  33. Maureen Killen, thank you so much for your visit to my Blog.
    Coffees on me tomorrow for your lovely comment.

    Patricia x

  34. Glad you are out of the doghouse Steph. Must have been uncomfortable in there. Sorry you are not feeling so good Norah. Hope you will soon feel better. Just got back from the cinema. Took Granddaughter to see Shaun the Sheep. Wasn't as bad as you Sandra but did have an annoying Grandmother behind me keep explaining the film to her grandchild. Did have a job to keep awake at one stage. It wasn't the film wasn't good it wasjust because I was relaxed and sitting in the dark. Can I please have a ginger and lime tea and have you got any pancakes left. Don't give up anything for lent now. Would have been chocolate but have already given that up being Diabetic and cakes (but can have the ones here) so not much else I can give up.

    1. Hi Littlelamb, we are going to see Big Hero 6 tomorrow with our 2 granddaughters, must remember to take a torch because there are no usherettes now and we can hardly see where we are going. Lord knows what this film will be like but they are looking forward to it. I just hope the sound system doesn't blast me out of my seat!! xx

    2. My Granddaughter went with my son on Sunday and enjoyed it. She is 6 if that is anything to go by. Yes you certainly need a torch. Cannot see a thing when you first go in. Was loud and I had to laugh as they put a notice on the screen if anyone was hard of hearing to ask for earphones. You would have to be totally deaf not to hear it and in that case earphones wouldn't have been any use either.

  35. Hi Sandra

    Paul's card is lovely. He's one talented crafter! Are you going to display this next to Sue's? I know I would. My OH wouldn't have a clue where to start but he doesn't have the inclination either. He is not one for romantic gestures but last Friday he went out and came home with a bouquet of flowers for me, and I thought he had gone to B&Q !! I must add that it is only the second time in 54 years that I have had anything for Valentine's Day and he said it was because I was unwell!!!! It was a nice surprise even if it wasn't meant as a romantic gesture.
    I am with Steph re. Being careful what you say on a blog. I have always shied away from blogging until now and I only comment on Sue's and your blog. Not at all comfortable giving out personal details on line as you never know who is looking in, as Patricia has found. Maybe I am being over cautious .......
    Time for our evening meal now. See you tomorrow.

    Hugs Pat xxx

  36. Sandra, tell Paul we don't think anything of the sort, quite the opposite in fact. I think a man showing his love like that and making a Valentine's card, is like a man who can wear a pink shirt. It shows he's a real man.

  37. Theresa coffee on me tomorrow for you as well.

    Patricia x

  38. Hi anybody out there, I've faffed on all day (apart from washing, ironing and going to babysit for a couple of hours) and got nothing done!! I'm going in to my craft room now (G is watching some mindless sci fi) and will try to make a card, any card. I've got a couple of B cards, a Christening card for a great, great niece and my Easter cards to make, so I'd better get a move on.
    Thanks for the offer of coffee tomorrow Patricia, I'll take you up on that xx

  39. Well ladies, bike ride on which we found gorgeous pub for lunch followed by a swim and hot tub. Chinese takeaway, wine and DVD tonight. Tilly has loved her stay in this lodge we stayed here last year and she talks about it all the time. Home tomorrow so long drive ahead hoping to get home mid afternoon! Traffic permitting!! It has been a nice break but Tilly has a sleepover with a friend on Friday. Trip to the zoo on Saturday, Chinese meal on Sunday to celebrate Chinese New Year. Monday her friend is coming around and we are going swimming and finally back to school on Tuesday! Great life these 8 year olds have! Oh to have some craft time quite a few new ideas to get stuck in to! See you all tomorrow xxx

    1. Hi Barb,glad you had a lovely holiday.Sounds like you have a hectic time at the weekend too. Safe journey home.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  40. Maureen I am an expert faffer can faff all day get nothing done - well if supposed to be cleaning and then do loads in one hour! Why I can't be productive all day I just don't know!!

    1. Barbie, I''ve not even got into my room as I've just realised Wolf Hall is on!!! Have a safe journey home, I'm not a bit jealous of your time away (liar, liar, pants on fire!!). xx

    2. Hi Alison,
      Sounds like a great day! Safe journey home tomorrow.
      Love Myra x

    3. Hi Alison, glad you have had lovely time. Safe journey home.XXX

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Sorry, pressed wrong button.

    Maureen, I nearly reminded you earlier, then thought no, she won't forget Wolf Hall. It was fab. Can't believe its the last one next week.
    Did you say earlier that now you have got to a certain age you don't have to give up anything for lent? I belong to an ecumenical church here ( no ladies it's not a sect, its a congregation made up of all Christian denominations) and we have a few who are Catholic so does that mean they get to eat chocolate and I dont!! That's not very fair is it Lol.

  43. Cheryl has kindly offered a Cygnus Die for the person who gets nearest to the number of bloggers on Sue's blog today, when I checked earlier I think she was at 189, we will have the cut off time at 6.00 am when the b
    Next blog post us published!
    So get your guesses in, i Reckon 242!
    I was going to donate a card but I will do a weekend giveaway for that instead!
    Get your guesses in!
    Thanks Cheryl!
    Sandra xxxxx

  44. Good evening Sandra, we had a lovely day the weather was gorgeous although a nip in the air. We Had fish n chips lunch on the beach at Hern bay.Then we went onto next resort Whistable which is a quaint town with some unusual shops & yes a craft shop so had a mooch round that, but I didn't buy anything as saving up for AP. My guess is 299.If I'm not to late can I have a Hot chocolate please Sandra. Hope you had a lovely day & you feel better.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

    1. HiLynda,
      You are never too late, if I'm nit here just help yourself!
      Well done for getting your guess in!
      Lucky you with your lunch out, fish and chips tastes so much getter at the seaside!
      Glad you had such a lovely daypy,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  45. Hello Everyone, Can I join this guesstimate game, haven't checked if this number has been used, if it has first guess wins - I go for 269. Good luck everyone. Cheryl how thoughtful and generous of you to donate this die - Thank you. Goodnight Everyone, Brenda xxx

  46. Cheryl, you said your new year resolution was to be more generous, well sweetie, that is one amazing act of generosity. Bless your cotton socks as my mum used to say.

  47. My guess on Sue's blog is 240. I know it's Kate so just had my hot chocolate without having to go out the door. Good night those who are still up.
