
Monday 16 February 2015

Myra's masterpiece using Sue's new dies!

Good Morning Ladies,
I have been so looking forward to showing you this card from Myra, she has used some of Sue's
new dies!  I have copied Myra's description and added it below...

 I used the Greek Island Lattice background die. It's beautiful , the centre piece is separate so it can be left out. I used blue behind it to make it look like a window with the sky behind!  I used two of the border dies one in black and one in cream . I cut both into two pieces. Ouch! It doesn't show up very
well but I used soft gold gilding wax on the leaves. It shows up better in the close up photo! I then just added my little flowers to sort of frame the card. The sentiment die also comes from the corner ,border and tag set. I didn't use the little corner but it is lovely too. The embossing in the background die is just lovely - that's the die not me! Hope that's clear enough as the rest is just matting and layering. Finished card is 7x7 inches.
I think you will join me in congratulating Myra,
this card is stunning and showcases Sue's new dies beautifully, you have got the balance just right. Doesn't it make a difference seeing the dies used in different ways, I wasn't keen on this background die to start with, but seeing it used here make me think that it can be used in so many different ways.
I have got all the photos to show you of Janet's French Paradise, so tomorrow I will showcase her lovely home, so that next time she has us all dreaming of log burners and nice wine, delicious Pastries & fresh bread daily, we can picture her there.
I have been asked to make a new baby card this week so I made a start on that yesterday and should hopefully finish that today!
I tried to get Paul to let me show his Valentine card that he made for me but he keeps saying 'why would they be interested in seeing that'! Baa humbug!
I truly hope that Sue won her awards across the board last night, I know she is a small fish in a big bowl as far as dies are concerned but I think her designs and the quality of the dies puts her up there with the top contenders! I would like to see her beat 'shattered face' & the one that goes 'with gin'!
As her dies aren't just elements, you can build whole cards from them and you get a complete collection with Sue's dies which I think is Unique!
Not that I need to sell Sue to you lovely lot!
I would like to thank you for welcoming Teresa to our 'coffee shop' yesterday, it is so lovely to see the numbers increasing.
Thank you once again Myra, for letting me share your lovely card.
Right I must get on, cards to make, daughters to entertain!
I will check in later, to top up the cakes etc.
Love and hugs to all of you
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning, Sandra, how are you???
    Good morning everyone.
    Very early for me, sorry I have not been in for a couple of days. I have been "mega busy" getting things ready for my Cabinet in my friends Tearoom.
    Wow! Oh! Wow! Myra your card is AMAZING love, love, love it. The colour, use of Sue's wonderful Dies and your fantastic design. I am so delighted to see one of your creations.
    Mrs B have you come down to earth after your "fantastic" delivery!! A wonderful little boundle of Joy to love and cuddle.
    Leaving a box of (((((hugs))))) for anyone to help themselves to if they need them. Oh! just take a few (hugs) if you really need them or not ..... a hug makes you feel good anyway.
    Off to be busy, this time cleaning the house.
    Have a great day everyone.

    Patricia x

    1. Good Morning Patricia,
      I am sure you have a fine display in your friends cabinet, I am also sure they won't be there for long! I have seen your stunning cards,, so I don't doubt there is a fast turn around in that cabinet !
      Thank you for your lovely comments today, Myra really has done us proud!
      Sandra xxx

  2. Morning. Where is everyone ? Get up you lazy lot and look at Myra's truly outstanding card. I HAVE to order this background die today its beautiful and Myra, you have shown it to perfection. Its nice to see how lovely it fits the 7x7 as I love that size. Most of my cards are 8x8 but I also have lots of the smaller size. I have to admit anything smaller than Myra's card I find hard to 'dress' as they can look too over done (my opinion only) you have made a beautiful card Myra, looking forward to more of your stunning work.
    Oh well, Sue didnt get best blog, but yet again Ive opened my big Brummie gob, pulled out my soap box and commented how I feel about the leeches that crawl out of the woodwork at every launch then crawl their unloyal bodies back again if they dont win, even if they do win you dont see them again until the next launch !! Some people are so fickle minded ! I just hope Sue and Cr Exp have won other catagories ! If Sue got the 300+ everyday without giveaway days, she'd be top of the blogs Im sure.
    So are we going to see this baby card Sandra ? Hope so : )
    Cant wait to see Janets French abode tomorrow Im so looking forward to it. Since when are men right ? Id like to see Paul's card, if enough of us plead he may just realise he cant win lol we need to put pressure on him, cant you promise to make his favourite meal or something ? Re-enact the film in some way (minus popcorn) !! Although if your into popcorn its your life lol wink wink : 0
    I must work on the cards today regardless how I feel. My tummy has been so painful which has pulled me down and taken my concentration, guarenteed I keep dropping stuff and I cant keep calling Andy to pick up peices of card or dies Ive dropped or the bloke would never get any bloomin rest ! So deep breath and fight on, as I want to make more Mothers Day cards for market Sunday, its the last one before MD so my last chance to get rid of any, the 1's I found from last year are vile, what on earth made me make such poopy cards ?! Maybe thanks to Sue and her dies and inspiration my cards have got better, so I cant take those, shameful lol.
    I'll be back later to order my drink etc. Hope Teresa saw my welcome post last night, if not then welcome to a wonderful coffee shop full of beautiful people, talanted people, and people full of fun, caring and friendly support when needed.
    Have a good day ya'll.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Thank you Steph,
      I buy 7x7 cards mostly as they are just about right for me. I would love to see your cards too. I remember ages ago you described how you made things for your market so that they would make people stop. I thought then - a lady after my own heart. Display makes such a difference. I hope your Sunday market goes really well. Thanks for being you. Love Myra x

  3. Good morning Sandra, can I have my usual weak tea! Please?
    Mrya your card is stunning, gorgeous and as my big sister has said AMAZING. You have done a wonderful job showing Sue's new dies off , I just love it. Thank you for letting Sandra show case it and Thank You Sandra
    For being so kind and letting us see Myras wonderful work.
    Well I can't get over that Sue didn't win last night, but then again does it surprise us, No as I for one always think these kind of things are ( won) before the thing has even gone out for folk to vote for. A real case of " if your face fits" it doesn't matter if it's for craft or sport the one that wins is never the one that most folk think should have. Rant over. Sue knows we all think she is a winner and to me that's what counts.
    Charlie just gone out with Harris for their morning walk, so I will better go make a move and get things done, or he will be back and I will still be sitting here. Have a good day, Pat I hope your phone call to the hospital brings some good news ref appointments for both you and Pete.
    Hazel xx

    1. Morning Hazel,
      I feel that Sue sounded a little disappointed in the result, I felt disappointed for her, she will always be number 1 to us, but that's probably not much consolation for her!
      Thanks for your kind comments today,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra. Please can I have my usual tea and I think I would like a toasted teacake. I must start by saying sorry that I didn't comment yesterday. I woke up late , got my cuppa and the laptop and started to look at the blogs then woke up again at 11.30am!!!! As someone who is glad to get 3 hours sleep at a time It showed how tired I must have been, then after having brunch and catching up with the washing etc I had just got the laptop back out when RjJ rang to ask if we would look after Christopher while he took Gemma to the docs as the midwife thought she may have a water infection. I was told a few years ago that after having a catheter removed most women get an infection so they are normally give a course of antibiotics, or at least a script ready for them to fill if they get any signs of one, but it seems that times have changed (I know antibiotics are overused sometimes but this seems to be one of those times when you can pretty much be sure that they are going to be needed!)
    Anyway to cut a long story short, the doc isn't sure but has given her a script if needed after the midwife's visit tomorrow. Did we mind having Christopher to ourselves for a couple of hours, did we heck : ))
    Right down to your blog. I have caught up with yesterday chat and want to say that Janets card was beautiful, a really pretty creation : )
    Maria, I hope you are feeling much better today, and I agree with the others about you being right not swapping Sue's dies with that other very rude lady, talk about her being ungrateful, she is another one that has no manners at all!
    She is probably friends with the pair that you and Paul got at the movies Sandra. When I go, not often as that is the one place that I get a good sleep, I dread getting stuck by these types. Don't get me started on eating with your mouth open, it actually turns my stomach, it is so disgusting. I would go for a peachy bum any day, but it does annoy me that women always end up stripped off and the men don't, even when it is totally unnecessary.
    Sending a big welcome to Teresa, it is always good to see a new face here : )
    Myras card today is lovely, she has shown Sues dies off beautifully, I wasn't sure about that background die but having seen how Myra has used it has changed my mind as it looks gorgeous : )
    Sandra, I hope the bruises are not too bad after your fall the other day my lovely. Take care xx

    1. Morning my lovely,
      I am so pleased you managed to get some quality sleep yesterday!
      Do you think that Rj & Gemma would let you share a photo of little Christopher? We would all love to see him!
      You must have loved having Christopher to yourselves yesterday, I bet you left him sleeping the whole time! Not!!
      I do hope Gemma starts to feel better soon, a water infection can be so nasty, tell her to start drinking a glass of Cranberry Juice everyday, that really helps! I am guessing she had a rough time if she ended up catheterised ? Bless her!
      Hope to catch up later,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. How lovely, Christopher cuddles, a perfect Sunday, sorry Gemma is having problems though. Sandra is right, Cranberry juice really does help with the inflammation.

  5. Oh my! What a beautiful card, Myra and how kind of Sandra to share it on her page.
    I agree with you all over lack of comments unless there is a competition on for Sue's wonderful creative dies. Some people are just plain greedy!, make no effort and disappear til the next time. Rant over, mustn't upset myself too much.
    I will pop in later
    Hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, hope you had a lovely PJ day yesterday. I loved reading about your world wide family. I have been researching my ancestors for the last few years. It is mind boggling what you can find out about them and I am now in contact with distant cousins in Tasmania and America and some in the UK as well. It's highly addictive though.
      Hugs Saba

    2. Hi Saba, yes it is very rewarding when you track down some distant relatives. Pete never knew much about his Mum's side of the family. All I knew from him was that she had left her Liverpool family when she was about 17 1/2 to come to London. Her family had engaged a PI to track her down but then the war started and they completely lost sight of her and with so many records being lost due to the Blitz, the trail went cold and she never spoke about them. She died in 1973. After we had our 2000 reunion, I got so fed up with his sister and himself saying "we must find out about Mum's family" and not doing anything, that I wrote to the editor of the Liverpool Echo asking if he could publish my letter on their personal ads page. Not 10 days later I hit the jackpot and had a lovely email from his Cousin Norma saying "At long last we've found you!" they had never stopped looking for Dollie and we have been in touch right up til Pete's death in 2013 even visiting them. It was as though we had always known them. Norma, hubby Roy and son Richard made us so welcome. Unfortunately Norma died in Jan and Roy passed away Aug of last year. Richard is still in contact with me so at least I can hear of their news. And we found other relatives in Liverpool too.
      So if ever you are stuck try what I did, most people read their local newspapers and even if you don't contact the family, someone somewhere might have news of them to assist you.
      Good luck with your research, as you say it's highly addictive.
      My Dad has traced his family back to their roots way back to the 1700's and Mum's family to the late 1600's.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, I have got back to1775 with one branch, but as I am sure you know once you get back to 1841 it starts to get very tricky. What I find fascinating is how you start with a really tenuous link and it develops from there. My great grandfather was called Isaac Indian Ellis. He was a spiritualist preacher and we always believed from tales we were told, that Indian was a reference to his spiritual guide. However, after extensive research, I found out Indian was his mothers maiden name and as Isaacs parents weren't married it was given to him as a middle name. She only appeared once on the 1881 census when he was 6 and died shortly after, so finding her was really difficult. On that census she gave her name as Ellis (pretended they were married) but fortunately said where she was born. There were only a couple of Susannah's born at that time and in that small place and one was a Susannah Indian. Bingo. I did more research to verify it and it was her. It took me months, but the satisfaction was amazing and gave me a whole new branch to follow. I love it.
      Hope your cold has finally cleared up.
      Hugs Saba

  6. Anyone know if Sam is ok? She has usually commented by now? I am a little worried xx

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Sorry I haven't called in to the coffee shop lately but have been unwell with some sort of virus for the past couple of weeks. I thought I had beat it last week but the damn thing has come back and floored me again. My OH has now picked it up so we are a right sorry pair at the moment. Our home is a no go area just now as I don't want to pass this nasty blighter on to anyone else, particularly our pregnant granddaughter.
    I have tried to keep up with Sue's blog as she so kindly sent the stamp set and I wouldn't want her to think I had deserted her after receiving it. It's a travesty that she didn't win the blog award, but as everyone has said she will always be a winner to us.
    I haven't seen all the cards on your blog lately -sorry, but hope to catch up when I feel better. Myra's card is gorgeous, one of my favourite dies from the new collection.
    Hope things will be back to normal soon and I will calling in on a regular basis again. Until then, take care everyone.
    Pat xxx

    1. Hi Pat, sorry you've not been well, nice to have you back.

    2. Hi Patwyn, sorry to hear you been ill with the horrid seem to take ages for it to go so hope your OH.feeling better soon too.Nice to see you back. Hugs

    3. Hi Pat,sorry your under the weather with this horrible virus.
      Hope you get better soon. Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Good morning Sandra,
    Hope you are having fun entertaining the girls. Hope you don't mind, I've helped myself to a slice of pecan pie and a latte.
    Myra you card is stunning. I actually said wow out loud when I saw it. You must send it in to C C next weekend when Sue is on again. I didn't think I liked that die but having seen your card I have changed my mind. Love the colours you have used and how you have put it all together. It's gorgeous.

    I wonder if Steph would mind if I borrowed her soap box for a little rant?

    I was so annoyed when I read what had happened to Maria, and the ungrateful person who had made her feel guilty. Just couldn't understand how anybody could have the cheek to to ask Sue if they could have a different prize so I did a bit of digging. There were only two people it could have been and one of them has HIS own blog so I had a look and sure enough he had shown a card the day before the winners were announced using the very die he won, namely Noble Pierced Rectangles. He is a huge Sue fan, all his cards are copies of Sue's cards and he does give her credit on his blog. However he actively supports a charity, so why on earth didn't he put the die up for raffle and donate the proceeds, but no, he selfishly wanted another one for himself. Not only that but, I have been carefully checking the prize winners for regular comments and you would not believe it but so far, 13 have not even had the decency to comment and thank Sue for their prize and he is one of them. It's disgraceful. And one of the winners did post after the draw and just put:- "Whoo Hoo!!" Not one word of thanks, and she hasn't been back since.
    Now I might have overlooked a name from the 13, but don't think so. I also put some of the names into the search box to see how often they comment and most of them only comment on launch and Wednesday giveaways.
    It's a pity we can't put up a name and shame list, but that would upset our lovely Sue, so not an option unfortunately.
    Right, you can have your soap box back Steph, sorry I kept it so long I am
    just so cross.
    Hope Sam is ok. Please let us know if anyone has heard from her Sandra.

    Love and hugs Saba.

    1. Hi Saba, I must go back and read yesterday's comments about the guy who wanted another die, I missed that. What a clever girl you are checking out the winners list, it really made me mad as the regular bloggers miss out on so many occasions to the 'one time only' people.
      Take care Jess

    2. Hi Saba or Miss Marple!
      Thank you so much for your kind words and your research! It was lovely to read the comments on Sue's blog today from those of us who care. Hope it helps Sue.
      Love Myra

    3. Hiya Saba. Soap box well used. I think we should all go under Anon on this guy's blog and show all those that use his blog what an ungrateful pig he is ! Although Sue would find out I dare say and she'd be upset and angry so its not worth it, but how do these people sleep at night ? If he'd already got the die, he could have left a comment plus ask not to be considered for the die for rwasons we know about ! Wonder if he's put it on an auction site to send what he gets for it to charity ? Did he email Sue and ask to swap ? Im SO glad Maria didnt swap. Do you know, these people bring the worst out in me ! I wouldnt dream of using an Anon to be nasty. In fact I sent a message to someone, deleated, but I was so disapointed by this person and felt she'd made a fool of me and some of her other followers I didnt want anyone else to feel used and upset like I did, so I wrote the post again, but had the wotsits not to hide my name. Andy just said that Sue should make a point of announcing that these competitions (bless him) lol are ONLY open to those that blog at least X many times a week, but not mention when the launch is, no tease posts just go in one day and she's started her launch. That way only those people that are genuine blog supporters get the opportunity for a gift. I dont think Sue would have the heart to do that. Im certain she would say that 'people's lives' stop them from blogging daily, but my reply is rude - cahona's, if anyone can blog upto 3 times a day during launch - every day, they can post once a day every day in my mind, I know Im repeating myself and what everyone else says, but I can lol.
      Can we do anything does anyone think ?
      Maybe I should go back to yesterdays blog to see if Maria updated you Sandra.
      Well I will when 4 paws has stopped asking me to feed her !
      Love to all.
      Lancashire Steph xx

    4. Hi Saba,
      I did exactly the same as you did this morning, I went on a little hunt all of my own, and discovered like you that the a good third of the prize winners were in fact 'leeches' ! Sue must know, she isn't daft, she sees the extra posts at give away times!
      maybe she wants to attract more people to the blog and hope that once they have won they will stay, but sadly it doesn't work like that, some people have no morals, they will take it and run, without giving a s**t about Sue, now that really does make me angry! it makes you want to go anonymous and 'haunt' them!
      they didn't mind doing it to Sue.
      Paul said pretty much the same as Seph's Andy or that there should be a certain few days that you have to blog on to qualify, without promoting when it is, that way those of us who blog most days will qualify automatically and those just pitch up and launch time will be stuffed! Let them think they are commenting to win!
      It just hurts to get the feeling that Sue feels hurt or let down!
      anyway I am getting all wound up again!
      Love and hugs

  9. Morning
    Sandra and lovely ladies, can I please have a coffee and muffin before I burst with anger!!!
    What are judges thinking about, I agree with everyone who vents their anger about Sue not winning.
    Myra your card is absolutely stunning, I must admit I didn't think much of this die when I first saw it but having seen what you have done with it, I am completely hooked.
    Have a great day everyone whatever you do.
    Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      it worked by people had to go and vote on the website of the Prize organiser back in November, Sue mentioned when it was on and we went and voted, I seem to remember!
      Thanks for Stopping by today and for your lovely comment!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra. Had an early morning visit to the dentist so thought I'd pop in for a recuperative cake and coffee afterwards. Firstly, Myra - your card is beautiful, it has really allowed me to see the Greek background in detail, although I'm not sure I like it enough to put it higher up the wish list. Does anyone else have a never ending wish list that things get moved around on?
    I've just been back to Sue's blog to have a look at the comments and I'm pleased that a few people have got on the soapbox, those freeloaders really get my goat! I hope that CE read the comments and put some safeguards in place for the future so that these people who only comment on giveaways are banned, but I doubt it. I just feel that they are taking advantage of Sue's generosity.
    Maria, you shouldn't feel guilty about not wanting to swap your winning die. The b***** cheek of the guy asking to swap, I was even more furious when I read Saba's comments. I can't believe the lack of manners in some people,not to even say thank you is disgraceful. We all understand that there are some days where you just can't comment for whatever reason, be it health, work or computers, but to only comment on giveaways is disgusting. Rant over!!!
    Welcome to the best coffee shop Theresa D, as you may have noticed we can get a little het up at times, but it's very friendly here and you get calorie free cake.
    Sending hugs to anyone feeling under the weather today. Sue xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I'll just help myself to a latte and toasted teacake, have you any strawberry jam to go with the butter please lol.
    This is a beautiful card Myra, absolutely gorgeous and I think I'll have to
    be saving for this die. Like others, I wasn't sure about it, but having seen it here, well I've changed my mind.
    Saba, well done on your detective work regarding Sue's giveaways, and the chap who wanted to swap dies with Maria - the cheek of it - and Maria, I am so pleased that you stuck to your guns. Why should you change your die with someone like that? I'm going to look and see if I can work out who it is? (curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back lol).
    Oops, someone at the door, will be back later xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    No tea and cake for me today, as were off out to lunch at Hilltop garden centre. Well Myra what can I say. Your can is absolutely stunning. I really didn't like this die when I first saw it. But what you have done with it is amazing. I didn't realise that the lattice piece came out. I must put this one on my list now. No news from the hospital as my Dr's secretary doesn't come back to work until Wed. Welcome to Teresa and I hope that Theresa is feeling a bit better today. I do hope they sort you out soon. Hugs to all in need of one today.

  13. Hi Sandra, wow what a beautiful card Myra, its stunning.Love the colours, so gorgeous. I too wasn't sure about this die, but after seeing this card this is on my list. Did I read right that you can take the middle piece out.
    Had my rant on Sues blog so am all tired out I'm hoping Sue sees it as I have questioned the "how do you win". Had an upsetting evening after being viciously trolled after commenting on a companies website with a product I didn't like. I have deleted me off facebook, I NEED a comfy cup of hot chocolate with the biggest piece of gateau you have please. Hope everyone is well Lots of luv and hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Theresa, how awful for you, (((((( hugs)))))) to help. Glad you have deleted yourself off face book, it will let them know they just can't do that to folk for being honest. Hazel xxx

    2. Hi Theresa
      Sounds like you have had a terrible day, bloody trolls, just sit there waiting for someone to jump on! Sad gits don't give them breathing space!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxx

  14. Hello again Sandra,
    Well, I'm back again, have just posted a comment to you which is floating around in cyber space. Don't you just love it when that happens?
    It was my next door neighbour, Lena, at the front door. A lovely, lovely woman. We've talked for so long, and put the world to rights, that I've now forgotten what she came for in the first place lol.
    I'm still incensed that the chap who won the die wanted to change with Maria, the cheek of it.
    Also Pat, the way a Hospital Consultant's appointments system comes to a full stop if his secretary is away from work for any reason is ridiculous. It doesn't happen in business, so why in the NHS? It's happened in the three hospitals that I've had dealings with, and losing records - don't get me started there!
    Cheryl and Saba, Isn't family history addictive. I started doing mine about 14 years ago but for years now haven't done any more. Mam and Dad's family all come from the Newcastle area back until the early 1700's and I can't get any further back. My father always said that his family came from Scandinavia, and my mother was a McGill so could be Scottish or Irish. I did find a cousin living at the bottom of our street (he did live in a house, not on the street!!!) but he was just no interested in helping me. My brother did receive an e-mail from Denmark asking if we could be related and he replied saying no as the spelling was incorrect, he told me about 5 years later. I could have strangled him. Ii had a G.G. Aunt born at sea, and four ancestors born in India in the 1800's, but of course it's hard to get info.
    Well Teresa, welcome to Sandra's lovely coffee shop. I've been made to feel very welcome here and I don't even have to bring a magazine to read because I'm on my own, as everyone is so kind and nice. Even when I ramble on, nobody says "shut up". It does me the world of good to see the beautiful cards that Sandra posts, laugh at some of the comments, let off steam about things that other people wouldn't understand and, best of all, Sandra's baking is superb and CALORIE FREE.
    Well ladies, I'm going to look back at Sue's posts and see if I can find out who the awful man is, then I'm going to do some ironing, and will see you all later for a top up xxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Look back to the winners of the noble die rectangles and you can work it from there! its a little weird like a tribute to sue in a way!
      Thank you for the lovely welcome to Teresa too, you all make the blog sound so amazing, it gives me a lump in my throat!
      Its so lovely to have a neighbour that you can pass the time of day with, makes life that bit easier.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Hello, it's me again,
    Now don't all moan.
    Theresa, pet come here and have a cuddle, a nice cup of hot chocolate and anything you would like from the pastry selection. Just let me know who upset you and I'll sort them out.
    Saba, the bl**dy cheek of the man. I found him straight away thanks to your instructions. I'm off to get a ticket to Brighton to sort him out!
    You wouldn't think I'm 5'2" in my stocking feet and in my twilight years would you!!!

  16. Beautiful card that Myra has made, Sue's dies are exceptional its a shame she did not win, not sure whether she came in the running but do not know what awards so cannot really look them up to see who actually won. I thought Sue would have come somewhere?

    Anyway have a great day I am now off to play lol!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacqie,
      I tried to have a look today to see who the winners were but couldn't find any answers, she was up against Barbara Grey, Julia Watts, Sam Poole and a few others, I would have thought she would have walked it but you just don't know these days unfortunately.
      Hope you had a great day
      Love & Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Good morning dear Sandra and coffee shoppers,
    Myra, your card has that modern twist to it with the black here and there so is so appealing to our friends and family that are more hip than me namely my daughter you loves it because it has that more modern look and her MIL who is definitely more with it than me, i'm quite without it and i know it but that is why the world is a better place because she all accept other peoples choices and it gives me an idea to come out of my comfort zone and make up for Kirsten's MIL for her birthday. Thank you Myra for bringing something to our eyes that helps us break away from the same old thing all the time. You say that the blue is for the sky and the flowers to frame the window that you have made from the Greek background. Well my wee mammy had roses on her window in a heart shape that she made with Carol Smiths plaid glass paints. She would make it up on a sheet of doeflex until she had enough outlining them with black lead out of a bottle and them when they were dry she arranged them on her front picture window in a heart shape with leading to catch each one in turn on the window. On her front door she had two windows that she painted trees and blossom on mirror imaging them and on the back patio doors she had two peacocks, so yes i can imagine looking out of your window with the flowers around it, thank you Myra for imagining.
    Well i have just had a look for our mysterious male and found his blog. Now i know i am being picky here and Sue doesn' t mind us copying her designs, but each one bar one that i saw was a Sue replica, does the man have no imagination of his own that he can at least change it slightly and another thing is if he is making these for his Aids charity is he telling the people who buy them from him that it is an exact replica because he doesn't have the imagination to produce his own designs from Sue's dies? Sorry Steph i will give you back your wee soap box again. These dies i don't know about anyone else but they just set my wee brain on fire at what i can make next or try next, if it fails it fails but at least i try.
    I will sit over in the corner Sandra as usual and please may i have a piping hot large latte and a piece of your no calorie cake, please, thank you. Saba thank you for taking the time to do all that checking out but it really isn't fair on Sue that they do a grab and snatch on her with no other thought than what they can get. Don't get me wrong i am really pleased for all our Wilsonette Angels that won but the leeches and hangers on is a different matter. Anyway i will go and shut up in the corner and try and keep my tongue between my teeth because sometimes it goes rattling off side to side without engaging the brain and handbrake.
    Have a good day everyone,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Oh Norah, thank you! Me modern . Well thank you very much for your kind words. Enjoy your coffee and please don't change! My imagination runs away with me sometimes, but I think it's do with how we played as children too.
      Love Myra x

    2. Good Evening my lovely,
      Oh it was lovely hearing about your mums crafty side, it must have been beautiful to see. Isn't funny the things that take us on journey back down memory lane! Myra's card made me look differently at that particular die, I wasn't keen at first but this card make me look at it again! I really don't need more dies on my 'wish list'!
      Regarding this 'Sue fan' I found it a little strange, with that little 'tribute' to sue on the side, but what I didn't understand was that he can't find the time to spare five minutes a day to support her!
      There's nowt so queer as folk! as the saying goes
      love and hugs

    3. Good morning everyone, I too got fired up with curiosity and looked for this particular person. Does this man NOT understand that Sue has said in the past, "you are welcome to imitate my designs but the pierced edging is MY signature. That way people will know it's from me and not anyone else." If this man is going to copy exactly he should be made aware of this infringement. The cheek of him and good for Maria for not wanting to swap. If he didn't want to win that prize, he shouldn't have left a comment for that draw. I read his comment and it was only ten words long if that.
      Now I will need a weak milky Yorkshire tea with a breakfast biscuit.
      Hugs to all Cheryl xxx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you so much for showing my card! It was my first card with the new dies so you can see they are lovely to work with.
    The lattice bit is totally separate so if you just emboss the die it doesn't get cut out . If you cut the die you get two pieces . I think it will be useful for Christmas as well to frame things. The depth of embossing is lovely . You can tell I love it!
    Thank you everyone for your lovely , kind comments , they mean a lot .
    Big thanks to Sandra for sharing her blog like this - so very generous! x
    So sad about Sue not winning. I think there are lots of influences in these Awards and just feel so sorry Sue hasn't been given the recognition she deserves.
    As for the swapping incident - I'm speechless - it only happens rarely!
    Very strange all round. Well done, Miss Marple!
    I have a day off from After School craft today as its Half Term! Yes!
    Sandra, please may I have a latte and a piece of coffee cake!
    Lots of love to everyone and many thanks!
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,I have already told you how gorgeous your card is when I saw it on pinserest. I will say it all again its Stunning,I have now put the die on my A P list. I wasn't sure about the die but when you made this card it certainly hanged my mind.
      With love Lynda xx

  19. Good afternoon Sandra, could I please have my usual latte, thank you.
    Well I have told the family about your Madge and Maurice they all had a really good laugh but also send their sympathy and so do I. If there is one thing I cannot stand is a Bugs Bunny eater, so I am awarding you the corgi medal for patience and endurance!
    I really do feel for Sue, she gives so freely and these grubs come out of the woodwork and take almost the lot, with no thanks what so ever, and as for the leech who wanted to swap his prize, well I am so delighted he did not get his own greedy way, well done Maria for standing up for yourself, you too deserve a corgi award for bravery. I do think it was quite insulting of him to even ask Sue, what a cheek.
    Myra your card is wonderful for two reasons firstly because it is so very beautiful and secondly you have shown this die to perfection I had decided not to get this one I didn't like the look of it! Boy how wrong I was it is now on my must have asap list, thank you for showing us just what it really is like, quite simply wonderful. Many thanks to you Sandra for making it possible for us all to see such a wonderful card.
    Simply cannot wait until tomorrow to see Janet's French home I do keep wondering if it is just as I am imagining it, thank you both of you for making this possible at all. I am not nosey, but I am really interested.
    Now Sandra we all know how wonderful your Paul is, surely he will know we will all be interested to know what his card was like and we will be kind and gentle with our comments, so please do and try to persuade him.
    Welcome to Teresa so lovely to see you here, please be assured we don't just grumble all the time but when it is called for we do let rip! We are here in friendship which in some places it is some what lacking, so be assured when you need a friend or someone to lean upon we are all here for you.
    Well after all that, could I please have another latte Sandra, the last one went down a treat and warmed me up lovely, thank you.
    With love and hugs especially for those not feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed.
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I will wear my 'corgi' medal with pride, I can tell you my patience was at its very end by the end of the movie! Jees people like them shouldn't be allowed out In public!
      Thank you for your lovely words today and welcome for Teresa,
      Paul has relented and will photograph his card for me to show, but he warns you all not to be expecting too much!
      Anyway he has just made me a cup of tea, so I will hide away and drink that as he and the girls sit and watch The Walking Dead, how those girls can watch the programme and sleep is beyond me, but the three of them are fairly hooked!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Hello Myra. What a lovely card. Like some of the others I didn't like it when I saw it and didn't think it was one I would want but seeing your amazing card you have changed my mind. Sandra, thank you for showing us today. There are some very talented people at this cafe. Hugs to those who are feeling unwell and welcome to Teresa. Horrible wet day today so helping my granddaughter put mosaic tiles on a flowerpot. Can I please have a hot chocolate and a custard doughnut. Thanks.

  21. Afternoon Sandra,
    Cup of tea and something chocolatey,please. Gorgeous card Myra ! , it's wonderful how you put it together as I too when seeing this die first thought it looking a bit funny and could not see how it would look on a card. Like how you put the blue behind as sky and your flowers around are stunning. Thank you everyone for your support Rg. the die swap. Saba you really are Miss Marple hihi and Maureen save the ticket to Brighton, he's not worth the trouble. Unless we all go for a girly weekend :-) Can't understand why our Sue did not win....She will always be a winner for us! I actually got to sleep last night and woke up this morning ready for anything so it was swimming first then shopping and after unpacking it all I hovered downstairs Yes,yes I know to much in one go but I have to take the chance when it comes as it is not very often. Went for a pain seminar a few years back to learn to live with pain Ha! and to pace yourself Hmm that something I still can't do so I guess I will pay for it tomorrow but hey ho. It's pouring outside and raw so think I will go and play with some cutting out, always takes some time. Did someone else see the new X-cut machine, if so what did you think ? Hugs to Pat and Pete and hope something happening soon. My OH had to call the hospital himself today as he haven't heard anything and the specialist had not even put it in his files, douchbag ! Hope Sam is ok and sorry to see your stomach is troubling you still Steph,hope you feeling better soon Hugs. Well thats me for today I see you tomorrow again and looking forward to see Janets hideaway in France :-) Take care all , Warm hugs to you Sandra Maria xx
    ps, we all like to see the card Paul made for you ,I'm sure it's lovely !

  22. Afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop patrons, firstly i am thrilled at Myra's beautiful card as i too bought this die of Sue's and can see its potential already, thank you Myra. secondly who is the mystery man you are on about, please just an initial may do although i don't know many bloggers really. Thirdly i am fuming Sue never won best blog winner, like i said on Sue's page, its fixed and these awards usually are, oh dear can i get excommunicated for saying that, hope not. now can i have a lovely hot chocolate and a double slice of anything sinful,,hugs Johanna

    1. Johanna, he is not difficult to find if you want to check him out, there were only two people who won a Noble Rectangle set, so I looked at the list of winners,and the other one had thanked Sue and couldn't wait to receive her die set and start playing. So I figured who it was. He never thanked her on the blog, so I looked for the people who had commented the day the Noble rectangles were the prize on offer (3rd February) and found his name, then clicked on it and up came his account with a link to his blog. To save you trawling through all the comments on that day, I have had a look back and his comment was posted at 15.11am. Hope that helps.
      Hugs Saba

    2. Saba, you really are a star! xx

  23. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop! I hope you don't mind me joining in as I have been following your blog for the past week and thought to hell with it I will leave a comment.
    So sorry for Sue not winning but then Barbara Gray usually wins awards every year and her daily comments numbers are way lower than Sues. I think the fact that she is on C&C a lot may have something to do with it. I know Sue cant be on much as she travels to and fro to the USA. She seems to have a big following but doesn't have as many blog followers as Sue. Sandra I see your favourite presenter Dean won!!!!! God help us his head will barely get through the door now.
    I am really enjoying reading all the comments on your blog Sandra, it is such a lovely friendly place.
    Myra your card is gorgeous and the dies are shown to their full potential. I don't know if I would ever have the nerve to show off my cards so well done.

    1. Welcome Barbara, so glad you have taken the plunge and joined us.
      We are a bit of a barmy bunch as you will now doubt have noticed this last week. Sandra is an amazing lady with oodles of talent and kindness and she lets us rant and rave and eat as much cake as we want. Her cards are fabulous as are those of her guest designers.
      The coffee shop is always open, so help yourself to whatever you fancy.
      Hugs Saba.
      Ps, don't tell the others but I quite like Dean. gulp did I really say that.

    2. Saba loved your detective work !
      Sometimes I can sit and laugh at Dean and other times he really gets on my nerves when he tries too hard to be funny.
      Thank you for the welcome.

    3. Hi Barbara,
      Welcome to this really friendly cosy coffee shop! We are not all mad at the same time. Thanks for your kind comments. I'm the same with Dean - he either makes me laugh or I could kill him!
      Love Myra x

    4. Welcome Barbara. I am sure you will love it in cafe. Everyone is very friendly.

  24. Welcome Barbara. I know we will all be pleased you took that step and came into Sandra's coffee shop, you will hopefully enjoy coming in every day, if Sandra isn't showing one of her own stunning cards, she invites a " Guest Desinger" to show piece one of their stunning cards, did you see Thresea's amazing Bird house the other day??? Yes we might seem that we borrow Steph's soap box often, but she doesn't mind as we all agree with what Steph has said. Well I cut loads of striplets this morning, have only got 10 to go that will give me a couple of spares, wasted 4 when I forgot to emboss after cutting! What was I thinking!!! I have cut over 90 of these you would think I would be use to remembering to emboss. Hazel xxx

  25. Hi Sandra,
    I am on my third attempt to leave a message. iPad keeps freezing, so am now using the laptop (fingers crossed)
    Sorry didn't leave a message yesterday, we were sorting things out at home, then packing to come to our daughters for the week to look after the children (its half Term) The day just flew by and I was exhausted, Its easier to come and stay, although we are only half an hour away, ( on a good day,) The roads were quite clear this morning - Thank goodness.

    JANET, your card Sandra showcased yesterday is gorgeous, Love the colour it is so feminine. I really love it.

    MYRA, What a stunning card, I was unsure about this die. Seeing your beautiful card and the depth of the embossing this die is now on my wish list. Thank you for allowing Sandra show it to us.

    Sandra, PLEASE can we see the card Paul made? Tell him we were all impressed that he made you a card.
    Well I had better make tea for the younger two, big sister has just asked grandpa for a lift to her friends house, she will have tea there.
    Will try to pop back later, Love Brenda xxx

    About the swapping - I will say DITTO to the comment made by Myra.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Wow you must be worn out, Its not taking them long to wrap granddad around their fingers, getting lifts here there and everywhere! make sure you get plenty of rest too Brenda, running round after them will exhaust you, have you got any plans for days out etc?
      I managed to persuade Paul to photograph the card he made for me for Valentines day. So look out for that.
      Myra's card is lovely, it really showcases Sue's new dies, it has changed a lot of minds about the die!
      Chat later,
      Take care, love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  26. Hi Ladies, just a quick visit just got in from the Eden project. Nice weather here and nice to get some fresh air but it's tired me out!!

    I have done a card using this die recently I love it it is gorgeous. I will try to forward to Sandra so she can show when she hasn't got one of her own to show. I love ivy and I have used the previous ivy die with it which I think looks quite good.

    Well need to get changed going out for a meal soon.

    Hope you all ok xxx

    1. Hi Alison,
      Sounds like you are having an amazing time, I think the sea/country air does tire you out quicker, plus you just don't realise how far you walk at some of these attractions!
      I look forward to receiving your photo for the blog.
      Enjoy your meal out and the rest of your week
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

  27. Sandra, have you heard from Sam, last time I looked she hadn't commented on Sue's blog either which is ver worrying?

    1. No I still haven't heard anything, it was a shock to sign in this morning and she wasn't there waiting for me, bless her!
      She didn't say anything about hospital today did she?
      Lets hope she checks in in the morning.
      Sandra xxx

  28. Hello everyone,
    I've just caught up on all the comments.
    Barbie, enjoy your break.
    Barbara, welcome to Sandra's wonderful blog.
    I'm away to see if Sam has posted on Sue's blog yet.
    Maureen xx

  29. Sandra, no, Sam hasn't commented yet. xx

  30. Just to let you all know Barbara Grey won Best card designer, Best Blog, and Clarity won best stamp products. Now I like Barbaras work but if you want to join Clarity stamps the subscription is £56 a year. Would I pay that NO. Do I agree that she won all 3 categories NO but not a lot we can do. I bet Sue was gutted.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Oh Dear!
      It seems to me that it depends on how much exposure you get whether you win or not. Barbara seems a nice lady but her style is just not for me although I admire some of it , I have no wish to copy it. She is on C&C a fair bit and it does seem to get watched. Ladies I think we're part of a select group and we need to do our best to promote our lovely Sue. Do you think some people just vote for someone they have heard of rather than a favourite?
      Love Myra xx
      Ps Is Norah still in the corner sewing up her baby garments? X

  31. Theresa, I really feel so sorry for Sue, she is such a sweetie and I bet it really hurt her. I think the problem is that not everyone realises that in order to win, you have to have public votes, it's not a jury or panel that decides, but the voters and even though we all love Sue to bits, I bet not everyone made the connection that in order for her to win you to go online and vote for her. I imagine Clarity stamps made all their members aware, but Sue being Sue was probably too shy ( not sure if that is the right word) to go out and canvass for votes. Next year we need Stephs soap box in advance to tell all her loyal supporters on the blog just how important it is. Mind you, the free wheelers won't bother anyway, so we can't count on them.
    Hugs Saba

  32. Hello again Sandra,
    I did pop in this morning,just thought I would check back & my post is missing those aliens seem to have taken it into cyber space. I'm not sure how it's disappeared but hay ho. Myra's card is gorgeous I saw it on pinserest & left her a comment on there too.
    Wow Saba your detective work is amazing,well done,he is such a low life.
    What a bloody cheek to ask Sue to swap his Die,& well done to Maria for not swapping.
    Welcome to Teresa x
    Sandra please try & show Paul's card he made for you & the one you made him.Terry made me one too bless him.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I have had my fair share of missing comments too!
      Some people don't have any morals, they don't care about asking, none of us would do anything like that!
      Is Terry going to show his card?
      I have persuaded Paul to post his!
      Although he thinks you are all mad for wanting to see it!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  33. Just went in and looked at a certains mans blog. Does he not know how to design his own cards. He copies them to the last pearl. How sad to do that.
    Ladies we will never understand these awards, I still say they were won before the votes, I might be wrong but I think there is a bit of " green cheese" going on, Sues dies have taken over and her blog is well followed by the true ones of coarse, we all know she should have got at least one award. Hazel x

    1. Its just a little odd that he copies every last detail, its kind of taking the 'p**s'! The whole thing is a little weird, do you think that Sue knows of him and his blog?
      don't get me wrong we have all used Sue's cards for inspiration at some point or parts of them, but you generally would use a different colour or bow of die or anything!
      his follower might as well follow Sue!
      All very strange
      Sandra xxxx

  34. quick quick i just want to get in with I FOUND HIM and i see what you mean, hugs Johanna

    1. Haha Johanna
      what are you like, its a bit weird, I don't get the whole 'tribute to Sue thing on the side of his blog! Its odd just odd!
      Good detective work,
      Sandra xxx
