
Monday 5 January 2015

Wedgewood Heirloom Legacy

Good Monday Morning Ladies,
Well the colour of this card really reminds me of Wedgewood pottery, gorgeous colour.
The die is Spellbinders Heirloom Legacy, I simply cut it twice, I was thinking of one of Sue's buckle cards, but it really didn't turn out like that, I cut the second die cut in half and trimmed the top and bottom fancy bits off, I laid these two halves back to back on top of the first die cut and stuck them with Cosmic Shimmer Glue, I stuck this to a piece of blue cardstock. I cut the centre part of the die set and turned it sideways and used it to thread a piece of the blue cardstock through like a buckle, I had previously stamped the 'sending wishes your way' 'on your special day' on each end of the card strip, passed it through the buckle and fixed it at the back with foam tape. I covered the back of the blue card with foam tape and matted it onto white, then blue and then onto a white card base.
I tied two bows with white silky crush ribbon from Creative Expressions, one slightly bigger than the other, layered them up and fixed them together with a pearl brad, I stuck this onto the card with Pinflair Glue Gel, added three little roses, two stick pins and a few pearls. I got the inspiration from a Spellbinders blog.
I am trying to look back at the some of the many dies I have had for a few years but never really use, it seems a shame, so I will be using some in the coming weeks, make them earn their keep!
It was lovely to hear from you all over past few days,  I love reading your comments.
Hazel, I am so pleased Calum enjoyed his sleepover, your tray bake sounded yummy and a good way to get rid of all those Christmas choccies, we have quite a few left too, so I may borrow your idea.
I hope you had a lovely day with your granddaughters today and their parents of course, I wish I lived close enough to pop to my mums for sunday lunch.
Well everybody's bits and pieces are ready for school and work tomorrow, I will have a wee lie in and then get up and start trying to get the house back to normal, can't do too much but I will make a start, its amazing how everything ends up cluttered in the lounge and dining room, instead of the girls bedrooms, but that's kids for you. Hugs Hazel xxx
Steph, I am sorry, I forget to mention that Bella is our little kitty, she is ten months old, bless her she has really been suffering with 'lady problems' since New Years eve, but she is starting to calm down now, we will get her spayed on Tuesday then she will have to suffer no more!
I have had a look on google and I have the Serif Craft Artist programmes too, but I really am rubbish at technology Steph, I can turn it on but cant do much else, I rely on Paul to take and upload the photos of my cards and then I can add them to my blog. Anyway I had nothing that matched up to Sand or Ice Sculpture so will just go traditional, she said she liked the style of one I did a while back so will go similar.
How did you get on with your adventure with the double-sided sticky sheet?!!!! Hugs Steph xxx
Mrs B, I am so looking forward to Wednesday, wherever we meet, if Bella has her op tomorrow we may have to be at mine so I can watch her, but I am ringing vet tomorrow to try an change appointment as Paul is going away so won't be able to take her or collect her! I will let you know later today, Hugs xxxx
Pam, thanks for visiting my blog, I am so glad I found yours, thanks for the lovely comment too, xx
Brenda, thanks for the lovely advice yesterday, I usually have a tv on wherever I am for background noise, Did John get your boxes out, Ours are all in the hall way, ready for me to pack up and then Paul will return them to the loft, he was stuck up their today as Bella and Milo followed him up the ladder and sat at the top, preventing him from getting down, do you think they would listen to him?!
I was almost crying with laughter listening from my craft room, hugs Brenda xxx
Barbiepinkfairy, Have you noticed that Anna Marie Design has a sale on 30% across the site! hugs xx
Pat, did you spend much a Yarnton (not in the Craft shop) obviously! We keep our Snowman in a mattress topper box, its a perfect fit! Looking forward to Wednesday, hugs xxx
Margaret, Thanks for the heads up on Lily of the Valley, will go and have a look, although I did spend £58 on Anna Marie design goodies! but its good to stock up in the sales right?!!!! that's what I will tell him anyway! haha, Crafty hugs, xxx
Theresa, thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment, hugs xxxx
Lynda, Thank you for the lovely comment yesterday, give Bambi & Annie cuddles right back from Bella and Milo, she is a lot calmer today, I think the worst is over, thank heavens! I am going to try and keep busy while Paul is away, think it seems worse as he has just been home for two weeks, along with the girls, but I will be ok, I will use the time to try and get some cards made for the blog, just out of interest how many cards do you make in one sitting? it takes me longer to decide what to use than anything else! huge hugs Lynda xxx
Well Ladies, I must go and get organised, craft room is a tip already!
Oh by the way, check out Klassy Kards, I ordered some 'Sue' dies from them and they were 50p cheaper than Icon! p & p free in UK, minimum spend £5 (or they add £1.50) admin fee! But I saved a couple of pounds, every little helps.
Crafty Hugs
Sandra xxxxx
Couple of close ups below........


  1. Good morning Sandra. Love how you've turned something you didn't like into a wonderful card. I will be trying your trick of fastening 2 bows together with a pretty brad as my bows never look good enough. Strangely I made a card yesterday using blue and white and the same sentiment that you've used today, also I made felt flowers just as Sue is showing on her blog today!
    In trouble at home this morning. Woke up thinking I'd been asleep a long time so put the light on and looked at the alarm clock which said 8.45 (I thought - no glasses on and half asleep). Shot out of bed and woke up daughter who pointed out that it was only 3.45!!!! Whoops! Sue xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra. A stunning card this one still turned out, even if it was not what you had in mind at the beginning and it is good to bring out those dies that have been resting to long. Good day yesterday with the girls and of their parents, thought I'd have to cancel as I have got this cold bug and we have to be careful for Chris's health ( he has a kidney transplant ) as it turns out he also has this bug, so said they would still come. Girls don't like Harris (dog). I think he knows as he just goes up to them if to say " I am here and I am staying" then just turns his back and goes to his bed, which by the way at this moment it's been rearranged so it's like doubled in size, he has a duvet which we fold in four normally but this morning it's in half. He does look comfy!! Oh well thankfully mummy has decided she is not going into edinburgh today, so she will take the girls to school and I will do pick up, so I don't start till 2.45 when I will leave to go get Beth. Have fun trying to get things back to normal, what ever that is!!! Hazel x

  3. Morning Sandra. Happy to read all is settled with the cat now.
    Amazing is the buzz word for today's card, really Wedgwood-esk as someone put about our Sue's card today. If only I had the imagination to look at dies and see what works with what, like you, it takes longer to design a card than it does normally to put it together... Good god my eyes are ready to close already and its only 9am... Bloomin dog is an early riser and by 5.30 - 6am she's had enough sleep, and licks my arm to wake me up ! Will she wake her favourite human who walks her ? NO, always ME that has to try and start my day before my body is ready !
    Well, I had a go at Sue's card from yesterday but in baby blue foundation as the main background inlayed with white. It first went wrong when I had to pass the background die through twice. I find I have to use wax paper with most dies or there are brown bits off the die left on the card which takes ages to scrap off with my nail, especially the really detailed dies ! So the second pass caused a slight second cut in some parts, I then used some really bright white card for the 2nd infill bits ( I adore stark white bright card) well girls at the end of the hour it look to prick out the white background and fill it into the blue I hurt like mad ! Trying to pick up those pin head size bits from the background caused many a tut and huff and the odd 'blue word' but if you dont replace every tiny detail of the background then whats the point in even trying ? So mostly it went okish apart from some of the inlays being smaller than the main blue due to the double cutting but that can be bodged (sorry - hidden) by some lovely daisy or camellia flowers plus I also have the white Scandinavian background ready to use on a card today : ) I hope you understand how Ive tried to describe how it went yesterday lol id definatly do one again even after the hour long frustration and pain I put myself through, done the Sue way = the proper way it looks lovely, just need to decide which colour to use with the white background left.
    Hope you have a good day Sandra and looking forward to your next card.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Hi Sandra. What a great card, I love how you come up with something different, you always inspire me. I love the blue/white combo, it is my favourite and your double bow is gorgeous. Glad that Bella is settling down, she knows she is off t the vet (reminds me of when you finally decide to take the kids to the doctors when they had been ill for a while, and then as soon as you take them into the surgery they are off and playing like there is nothing wrong with them!!! Did yours ever do that?) I didn't get the decs down yesterday so that job has been added to the list for today! I have to be home tomorrow for the new boiler to be fitted otherwise I could take/pick up Bella at the vets. If you can arrange it for Wed. I can do it then. Go and create another beautiful card or piece of jewellery to help pass the time before the girls get home, and sort out all of your new goodies to show me on Wed : ) Take care my lovely. xx

  5. Hi Sandra, better late than never sorry, but we have had our little grandson here for the day he is still on holiday from school but his Mummy is back at school, inset day for teachers and his Daddy is back at work too. So they have missed all the fun as it his birthday today 8 where has the time gone, it seem like only yesterday he was born! We got him a digital camera for his birthday so he has been sneaking around taking our pictures and the corgis too. He just pops around the door and flash he says it's like being a spy sneaking around not making any noise except for his giggle after taking a picture.
    Your card is delightful it really is amazing how things can turn out when you think it has all gone wrong, you do have a wonderful way with colours, really beautiful what a clever girl.
    Take care sweetheart thinking of you
    With love
    Margaret xx

  6. Hi Sandra,

    Gorgeous card , love the colours, yes it does look like Wedgwood.

    I hope all goes well with your little kitty, my two cats are 13 & 14 years old now and I wouldn't change them for anything, they bring so much laughter to the house with their antics.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  7. Hi lovely card. I have used this colour of card in the past and it always reminds me of Wedgwood too. It is such a beautiful colour!

    I unlike you love being on my own love it when everyone is out and have the place to myself! Funny how we are all different. Dad was a loner and I am very like him in most ways so guess that's where I get it from.

    Until next time xxx

  8. Hi Sandra/ let me first say how much I liked your card yesterday.It is very sweet and the dotty made it. Today's card is lovely,beautiful colour combo and that die is something I will have to look for.
    I hope you be alright on your own. Like the others say music and just having tv on helps during the lonely hours and soon the kids coming through the door again and making you busy. Poor Bella but glad she seem better,give her a cuddle from me. How often is Paul going away and will he be away for a long time ? My husband was sometimes away for two or three night when working and I quite liked being home alone ,no one else was hogging the tv control and watching sport :-) I will take the c.ornaments etc.down tomorrow but found that christmas went really quick somehow.:-( Take care and Hugs Maria x

  9. Hello Sandra, Yes all the boxes of decorations, lights, Christmas tree ets. have all been returned to the loft. So where did christmas go? I had to smile when you said about Milo and Bella going up into the loft. Many years ago we had two Cats Tiger and Tammy, Tiger was the one who was into everything, and so sharp. He would awake from a snooze when Johns car turned into the road. And when the catch was released to open the loft he was up the stairs like a rocket and up the ladder before it reached the ground.
    Beautiful card you have today, love the blue and white. You should be so proud of your work, every card you has posted has been gorgeous, thank you for shareing.
    Hope you are going to be OK tomorrow, thinking of you, Brenda xx

  10. Good evening Sandra,gorgeous card very clever design I love the Wedgwood blue & white combo. The arrangement is lovely.
    Sandra I tend to take longer to think what die to use & what & were to put them, once I have worked it out it doesn't take that long to assemble it really.
    I have one halft of another card finished,as been out all day helping my friend sort her brothers home out who passed away before Christmas nether of them married so I couldn't let her do it on her own.
    Are you making a card every day Sandra only you seem to have one on your blog daily,or have you got some stock made up.
    Hope Bella is ok after her operation tomorrow she will need some TLC & cuddle from me.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xx
