
Sunday 4 January 2015

Spotty Sunday!

Good Morning Craft Friends,
I started this card with the Wee Girl Image from Lilly of the Valley. I mounted the image on to a Spellbinder Captivating Squares die cut. I used some matching dotty card from Anna Marie Designs,
cut out another matt using one of the middle sized dies in the Grand Decorative squares, mounted the topper onto that.  I took and 8 x 8 white card and matted a larger piece of the dotty card onto that, I was amazed how it matched the tea pot and cups in the image. I embossed a piece of coconut white card with Creative Expressions Pin point Checkerboard A4 folder, stuck a piece of matching blue grosgrain ribbon onto it and then added a piece of white ric rac ribbon on top. I used some foam tape to stick this layer t the base and more foam tape to adhere the focal element.
I die cut the smallest of the Spellbinders Nesting Butterflies and added a trail of  Creative Expressions Pearl Swirls to the butterfly.
The opposite corner I added a few paper white roses from my stash on top of the Cheery Lynn Fanciful Flourish Die cut out of the blue dotty card.
I haven't added a sentiment yet, I can add one to order.
I hope you like the card.
Well I have another new order, this time for a new baby card, the lady did ask if I could use a sand sculpture or ice carving theme, but after searching the internet, I came up blank unless I pay for a Sand Writing Font, which just isn't cost effective, Do I will have to get my thinking cap on, although she saw a blue one I did a year or so ago and said that would be perfect so may just go with that theme.
Well the end of the holidays is almost upon us, I can feel the anxiety creeping in, I so love having the family home, the house noisy (and messy) are almost bearable when they are all here.  Paul told me he may have to go away again on Tuesday too, which really got my anxiety levels racing.  It just throws things into chaos, for instance we have had to book Bella in to be Spayed on Tuesday as she has just had her first 'proper in season experience', my goodness, I would only want to experience that once! Bless her, it was like she had been possessed by a demon, her voice went super deep and super loud, it went on all day and night for the past four days! We hated seeing her suffering, although not in pain, she was clearly frustrated! its clearly not fun being a woman in any species!
Well I hope you are all going to have a peaceful sunday, for us its decorations all down and back in loft and get house back to 'normal', boy its gone quick, it really doesn't seem five minutes since we were putting the tree up!
Love and hugs to you all,
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Sandra your card is gorgeous. I love LOTV images, they are so veristile. Your die cuts and embellishments all work so well together, a truely stunning card. If I was you I would go with the design the women saw and liked, as you say it's not cost effective other wise. You will create a fabulous card for her and she will love it. What a great start to the year getting an order. Now as for the sleep over, Calum is great on his own it's when the two of them come they can be little monkeys, but on the whole they know they don't get away with it. We did bake, well made try bakes, which basically Calum did on his own. He 10 and capable. Ok he decided to add a few extra bits in when melting the chocolate. Just a few toffees and mint creams along with the other chocolates from CHRISTMAS - great way to use them up, it was very posh broken biscuit cake with different biscuits chocolate covered ones to plus shortbread, but have to say it turned out yummy. He took the boxes home which mum Tammy put in the freezer, good for that and two so she wouldn't be tempted to eat to much of it. No it was good fun, we have Rebecca and Lauren our two grand daughters and dad arnd mum here today, but that's just for lunch, they don't do sleep overs as the don't llike Harris our oh so calm lab, they are just not animal lovers. But as I tell them Harris is part of the family and he's here to stay, and it's up to them if they stay over. Poor Bella you are doing the right thing getting Spayed. Now don't go getting yourself to worked up about everyone going back, go into your craft room put some music on and make that card, it will be home time before you know it. Hazel x

  2. Morning Sandra. To start with, poor little dog - and you to have to go such an awful time. What breed and age is she Sandra ? Our 'gift' from Lou last year is also female (our first female hound) and was wondering if she was going to have something like that but we thought we'd seen a scar but wasnt 100% sure as her tummy and coat is so white in that area but was dreading it, but the vet also thought he could see a scar, after reading your experiance, thank goodness nothing's happened yet and as we've had her almost a year Im sure it would have by now - right ?
    Now to this beautiful card. It rwally is pretty, the dotty card almost gives it the country look, and if you've coloured the image yourself its stunning (bet you'd love those camelion pens) I love colouring, but have no clue about shading etc and only have a limited selection of ..... Oooh whats the brand that was all the rave a few yea's ago, anyway I love your image. Ive a few LOTV images, but must think of investing in a few more but that means more coloring pens and id prefer to buy dies, no pleasing me is there lol ! Im thrilled to read you have another order, your talant is really going places now, woohoo. Did you check google for those images ? Ive had to resort to google fir a few order's mainly for the customer that's asked for some outrageous things... Nissan micra's lions, white german shepherd dogs, but its finding something that doesn't make the overall effect of the card look 'cheap' !! Would love to see what you've come up with before you hand it over.
    Sandra, have you tried putting music on or some kind of background noise on when the house is quiet, just so you dont feel alone ? I always have some background noise as Im not a lover of silence, with music or tv going plus crafting and the company of the dog the time soon passes : )
    Well, I may try Sue's card later but use some lovely pastel colour instead ( if I dare take the sticky sheet from its packaging) !! Ok, time for toast and meds then pop in to see Hazel, patricia, Tina E and Lynda, see if their blog has a new terrific offering.
    Have a lovely day and cant wait to see your next beautiful card.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  3. Hi Sandra. A lovely card today. How lucky to get such a great match with the dotty teapot etc. Congratulations on the first order of 2015, go with the one that you have made before, having to buy something that may not be used again is just not an option at the moment is it. We all know the customer will love the card whatever you do : ) Sorry to hear that Bella is suffering, at least she won't have to go through all that again after her trip to the vet. We will betaking our decs. down today too, I hate the bare look once it is all down, and at such a dark and dreary time of year! Now try not to stress too much, look forward to us getting together instead, (Wednesday is good for me, I will email you and Pat about it). That should help pass the time before Paul is home again my lovely. Take care.

  4. Hi Sandra,
    Happy New Year To You Too.
    Thank you for calling by my blog,
    What a beautiful card design, love this image with those lovely flowers and great colours.
    Pam x

  5. Hello Sandra, love this card and it all coordinates so beautifully you are clever. So pleased you have another order, don't go getting yourself worked up - follow your gut instinct and I'm sure your creation will be gorgeous. My sister often asked me to make cards, once it was for a Bishop others have been for some high-ranking person she knows, I stress and then have a mental block. Once I come myself down it usually works out, and she is always pleased with the results.
    Poorl Bella, sometimes it's just not fun being a female is it! Hope she will be okay after her opp .
    Our decorations came down this morning just waiting for John to get the boxes out of the loft and I can start packing them away till next time.
    So sorry Paul has got to go away on Tuesday hope it's not for long, just keep busy and fill the house with your favourite music. That's what I used to do that when John was in th Navy or I would leave the television on so you could hear voices all the time, it did help to take the emptiness away,
    Sending crafty hugs, Brenda xx

  6. Love the colours. I do like Anna Marie card. I used quite a bit of it at Christmas the shades of card are just gorgeous.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Happy New Year to you once again. I'm so glad that you've had another order. Try not to stress to much, as whatever you make will be gorgeous. Hope Bella calms down soon, what we females go through eh. It's a shame thatbPaul has to go away as soon as he gets back to work. Must think about taking our decks down soon, but I'm off to meet a friend for coffee out at Yarnton in a minute. Mind you I need a new big bag for my large snowmen. Fancy you having the same one as me, just shows that great minds think alike. Before I forget, I just love the card you have made today, love how that it all matches up. Big big hugs and hope to see you on Wed.

  8. Good afternoon Sandra
    What a super card so very beautiful love the colours you have chosen just fantastic and I love L o V images they are so sweet, they have a sale on at the moment did you know.
    Take it one day at a time and hour by hour don't think too far ahead and get some music or noise of some kind going to help take that empty feeling away and go into that super craft room of yours. You can also give a friend a phone call I find that really helps too.
    Give your little Bella a cuddle from me bless her.
    With love and hugs.
    Margaret corgi owner

  9. Hi Sandra, a really sweet and cute card today really lovely. Hugs Theresa (TOB)

  10. Good afternoon Sandra
    What a lovely card I love blue,& you have coordinated beautifully. The image is gorgeous & love your layout. Well done on your new order,I would go for the one you did before as you don't want spend money on something you may not use a gain.
    As everyone else has said Sandra put the TV on or some music & make that card while Paul is away, you will be fine just like last time he was away. My lovely.Sending Bella Big paw hugs from Bambi & Annie & cuddle from me.
    Take care Sandra Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra. Gorgeous card, love how all the colours "gel" as well as what I now think of as your signature flowers and foliage. Congrats on the new order, whatever you decide will be a winner. I agree with everyone, put some music on and lose yourself in craft heaven, the time will fly and before you know it everyone will be back. Hope that you got all the decorations stored away, I love having the house back to normal!! Back to work tomorrow so have just had a quick look at the emails waiting for me and it's not looking too bad (at the moment). Not really a cat person but give Bella a cuddle from me. Sue xxx
