
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Pretty Floral meadow

Good Morning Ladies,
The jury is still out on this card! Is it ok?
I Started by using my lovely Ne floral Meadow Striplet Die from CE, this was a Christmas gift from Santa Pat! (I love it)! I used the inner part of the die to cut into white card 3 times and the trimmed around the die, I used the outer part to cut three panels of aqua card, I put foam pads on the underside of the flowers, added a little Cosmic shimmer glue for security and stuck the two together.  I then used a pretty pink card to cut out 18 small Camelia dies to place over some of the flowers on the striplet die, adding a pearl to the centre of each one.  I then matted and layered an 8 x8 white card, with the same aqua and pink card and added a final Matt of white card, embossed with Sue's Floral Brocade A4 embossing folder.  I wasn't sure what to do to finish the card as I didn't want it to be too busy so I added a double Classic Bow from Creative Expressions in the matching colours, I will add a sentiment as required.  Let me know what you think, please x
A bit of an update, goodness I hate feeling messed around, I ended up ringing the vet to change Bella's appointment to Thursday as Paul was going to be away, I did this at around 9 am, at lunchtime Paul returns to say, 'I'm not going away now, they are thinking of moving it to Thursday' well you cN imagine my response, happy that he wasn't going, but a little frustrated at all the messing about, it's not just the veg appointment, it's my crazy head too, I don't know if I am coming or going! So anyway I decided to wait until he had gone back into work to confirm the change (before I rang vets again), guess what?? He is now going next Monday! Great in some ways, but I will have another weekend of stressing next week ! I know it's daft, but anxiety doesn't necessarily work sensibly as I gave discovered. Thank you all so much for your support, it really does help!
Live and hugs to you all,
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Sandra, this is gorgeous, you know me and my striplets? Love your colours and oh boy cutting all those flowers out and putting them in place - you have some patience. Poor you, I know that feeling when you don't know if your coming or going, hated that when Charlie was in the forces. I could just about hear your frustation up here. But at least you don't have to change that appointment again. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra. Love the aqua and pink together and you've just persuaded me that I "need" this striplet. I know where you're coming from with the constant schedule changes, they're a flipping nuisance, it makes organising life awkward. Keep calm and carry on crafting! Sue xxx

  3. Beautiful creation and colours Sandra, they go well together. Lovely use of the striplet too.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Wow Sandra what a beautiful card I really love how you have used the striplet die the colours are just perfect the whole effect is stunning. I do so love all the striplet dies, I am a self confessed striplet addict!
    You must have the patients of a saint firstly constructing such a delicate card and then keeping control over the vet appointment changes I would have thrown something. The good thing is Paul will be home and Bella will have time to recover before he goes away, I always say there is a reason for everything although at times it can be frustrating, so keep calm and carry on crafting!
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello again Sandra, when I read through my previous comments so much was gobbledygook I just had to delete it.!!!
    I love this card, actually have the die, I had not thought to cut the dieout out separately, thank you for giving me this inspiration.
    Thinking on the positive side at least Paul will be able to be with you and Bella when she has her op.
    Hope you have a good day, Love Brenda xx

  7. Afternoon Sandra. Why is the jury out ? What are you not sure of ? I think its lovely. Tina E's kindness made me buy this die. She's such a love and cut some, along with the flower's and sent me a few strips, I think it was the depth of how the camelia embosses that made me go out and buy it and it really IS a gorgeous die. With some of my market money I then bought the camelia die (in my opinion it really needs the open petal too) but still very pretty as you can shape the petals quite a few ways, but with my fingers I find the teeny weeny flower so frustrating to hold and bet ya bottom dollar as soon as Ive put glue on the back my finger's will lose their grip and I'll end up dropping them ! I wont deny the amount of choice words, tutting and growling that comes from my den, oh the frustration lol.. Then I chew poor Andy's head off when he calls to offer, of course its all his fault - NOT, poor chap, he just laughs at me, that's what happens after 34yrs of marriage you can just laugh at your disabilities (well we do) ! Anyway, I think today's card is beautiful and so does everyone else so you're out voted : )
    Its such a shame you cant embrace a little 'you time' without feeling anxious, nothing to think about other than cards or your stunning jewellery, no making lunch, constantly having the kettle on boil, just you, music and the enjoyment of making us happy via your skill. Hope you will be thinking of sharing your cards via a craft market as soon as the weather gets better or you can find an indoor venue.
    Anyway, off hopping to see if Patricia, Hazel, Lynda and Tina have some yummy cards to look at.
    Keep calm and carry on crafting lol.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  8. Hi Sandra, sorry I didn't stop by yesterday, wasn't too good with all the travelling, I've looked at yesterdays card and it is beautiful. The composition of your cards are stunning.(I keep saying that, don't I)
    Well todays card is...... gorgeous. I personally would not put any sentiment on it when you go to sell, Leave it blank with a blank insert and then the buyer can write what they want on it. This is such a versatile card, if the jury is out they'll be back in seconds shouting how lovely it is.
    Hope you are keeping some music/tv on to keep you company, that's what I do.
    Warm hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  9. Hi Sandra, I too have this striplet and it is a beauty! Love the card it would be suitable for any occasion.

    Hope you learn to enjoy your own company a great time to craft!

    See you tomorrow xxx

  10. Hi Sandra

    Very pretty use of Sue's dies Sandra. I love this striplet.

    I know how you feel about being on your own, when Paul goes away I think, wow lot's of crafting, but for the first 3 nights I don't sleep because of all the noises down our lane. So I wake up blurry eyed and just want to nod off during the day. Then he rings and say's he is coming home early, and blow me I didn't get any crating done.
    I think I need to stick my backside in a grow bag and grow a backbone or I could just get another dog for security. ( working on that one ). There are so many people here for you Sandra when you feel at your lowest. Use us that's what your blog is about to form your own little community to stand by you. Come on girl you can do it, your cards are fab and we all enjoy seeing them everyday. ( no pressure there then ),Take care

    Tina XX

  11. Good evening Sandra, gorgeous gorgeous card I love this striplet it just sings at you. I love the layout & the colour combo is beautiful.
    Sandra you know I'm only an email or a phone call away xx
    At least Paul will be able to take Milo to the vet & she will be over the worst. Try crafting on Monday. Just go in your lovely craft room put some music on & make more stunning beautiful cards like this one,before you know it the girls will be home from school.
    Love & Massive hugs sweet lady Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra. Sorry I didn't leave a comment on this lovely versatile card yesterday. I looked at it and read about Paul and work, blimey, you really don't know where you are do you. these bosses just don't think about the hours that their employees aren't at work, or their families, do they! I must have had a blank moment after that! Anyway, I am so glad that we are meeting today, can't wait to see you. Take care my lovely. x

  13. Hi Sandra,what jury? they left as they didn't have anything to do here. This card is absolutely yummy! Your colour scheme is beautiful together. You don't have to worry,If all your cards look like the ones I seen the last few weeks then they will sell like cupcakes at your next market / fete because they are lovely ! Bella will soon be on the mend and your Paul is coming back so try to enjoy your free-time and do some crafting and what's not Take care and Warm hugs to you, Maria x

  14. Hi Sandra,
    What Jury? Out where?
    Card is lovely!
    That seems to be a unanimous verdict!
    Take care, my dear!
    Love to Bella and not forgetting Milo!
    Love Myra xx
