
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Monochrome Butterfly

Good Morning Ladies,
Today's card was inspired by butterflies!  Don't ask me why, it just came to me this afternoon while I was sorting out my ribbon draws! 
I had a piece of card that I had cut with Sue's (mrs B Sue) Embroidered Striplet Die, I cut without the outside cutting edge 3 times into a piece of Coconut White Card, I then cut a slightly larger Matt of black card and covered all but a thin border of it with an adhesive sheet, I used Ebony Ice to cover the sticky sheet and give a nice sparkly background, boy that stuff makes a mess in your craft room, one of my twin daughters came in to my bedroom after her shower and said she thought she bugs all over her feet! Oops! Anyway back to the card, I mounted the die cut white sheet onto the sparkly 
background with Pinflair Glue Gel for dimension! I then put foam tape onto the back and stuck it to 
two Matt's of white and the black card base. For the focal elements I covered a piece of black card with Double sided adhesive sheet and cut a butterfly, I cut the base of butterfly out of plain back card, added Ebony Ice to the top layer and mounted the two together using a little black wire for tentacles.
(Have to make sure IPad doesn't auto correct that word)!
I used some black Pearl Swirls for the 'trail' of god butterfly.
In the opposite corner I tied a bow from black silky crush ribbon and mounted onto some black tulle arranged in a bow shape to mimic the butterfly, added some black pearl stick pins and a few extra black stones in corners. What do you all think? 
Leave me your comments please it's the highlight of my day reading all of your messages.
Off crafting with Pat&Sue tomorrow, really looking forward to it but really anxious at the same time, it's been a good couple/three weeks since I have been out so will be a bit nervy! So looking forward to catching up and checking out Pat's new teal Calibur and Sue's new machine too.
Then back home to prepare Bella for Thursday, got to be starved from 9pm tonight, poor think she usually gets fed at 6 am, we will feed Milo after Bella has left for vets.
Anyway I must go, will hopefully catch up with you all tomorrow,
Huge Hugs,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra, well not that good by the sound of the wind rattling down the chimney. Another stunning card. Your striplet back ground with the ebony ice is gorgeous and how you have done your butterfly is lovely. Enjoy your day crafting with Pat &Sue, was travelling home yesterday behind a big lorry which had on the back, Whitney Oxford, and I was thinking why does that ring a bell! Then it came to me Pat S Whitney. Funny how things do stick in ones mind. Off to work for before 7am this morning, girls mummy away to London, she will have left to get her flight around 5am, and their daddy has to be in for 7.45 to start his meeting at 8, before his clinic begins. I know it's only starting 15 mins before I normally do, but in that time here I can get bits done. Then after I have dropped Beth at school I am off over to Dundee to meet big sister Patricia so I know doubt there will be some crafty things talked about. So you stop thinking about going out and just get yourself ready to go out and have crafty fun the Pat&Sue, tell them I was asking after them. Hazel xx

  2. Hi Sandra. Stunning card, I love how you've used the ebony ice. I bought some but haven't really used it much so far. I always think a craft room isn't a craft room unless everyone leaves with a little bit of glitter! Have a wonderful day crafting with Pat and Sue, your group would be much bigger I'm sure if more of us lived near you. Sue xxx

  3. Hi Sandra. A great card, I love it, and your butterfly is gorgeous. Sorry t hear yo are stressing, you are doing so well though so be gentle with yourself. Try and think about us all chatting and trying each others new goodies : ) See you in a while my lovely. Take care.

  4. Beautiful card Sandra, good luck with Bella tomorrow, it is hard to starve them when they are used to being fed at certain times, hope all goes well.

    Love& hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Wow Sandra how sparkly is this card, scrumptious. I have not used full sticky sheets yet as I know it would be a disaster with all the sticky stuff.
    Warm hugs Theresa (TOB)

  6. Morning. Radio on LOUD, bopping shoes on whilst getting hair and make up done, sing liud and strong then deep breath and leave the house FULL of the thoughts of a wonderful day with lots of great craft ahead NOT full of anxiety... You CAN do it, nothing awful will happen just a great day ahead.
    You are one amazing crafter Sandra, can I ask - if you've not applied for CEDT why not ? And please dnt say you dont feel your cards are upto standard cuz none of us will accept that ! You really should give it a try next year, if you look back at some of last year's cards some of the team made, well Im saying no more, but I dont know how some of them got through ! Your cards are well worthy of being part of a design team Sandra, and I promise with hand on heart Im not just being 'nice' I dont 'pretend' to like peoples work, Im not like that. I should imagin your craft friends have tried to persuade you to apply, I think you should definatly think about it for next year. This is a beautiful card today Sandra, thank you. By the way, midnight snow is just as bad but it actually sticks to you even without glue, it makes the most awful mess lol.
    Have a great day full of positive thoughts.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  7. Wow Sandra this card really makes you sit up, it is fantastic I love the striplet dies all of them are just wonderful you can do so much with them as you have proved. I am with Steph you should be on a design team and don't even stat to think of excuses why not, you fill your head with positive thoughts starting with today just say to yourself I CAN AND I WILL and the world will be your oyster and don't say you don't like fish! lol
    Come on now hair done, bag packed, take a deep breath and off you go, have a great day crafting and chattering, you go and enjoy yourself don't disappoint your friends you can do it, I know you can sweetheart.
    Have a lovely day and let us all know how it went ...please
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  8. Hi Sandra
    Beautiful card to day, love the black glitter. I hope you have a stress free day with your crafty friends.

    Tina XX

  9. Hi Sandra

    Me again, forgot to say, I will be thinking of you and Bella tomorrow, she'll be fine.

    Tina XX

  10. Hello Sandra, I hope by now you are with Sue and Pat and it hasn't been too stressful for you getting out of the house. Enjoying your crafting - have a great day - all of you.
    Sandra today's card is gorgeous and all I would like to add is "double ditto" to everything that Steph has said. What have you got to lose? We are all behind you you know that. LOL
    Hope all goes well tomorrow, take care, love Brenda xx

  11. Love the monochrome. Hope you had a great crafty day xxx

  12. A very good evening Sandra,sorry I'm late I have been sorting out my craft room all day ( your falt haha ) still moor to do, after seeing your lovely tidy room gave me a kick up the bum.
    Sandra your card is stunning I love all the stripplet dies,you have done a great Steph the midnight snow is so messy it's texture so different to the ice snow. Your bow & butterfly is gorgeous.
    Hope you had a lovely day crafting with Sue & Pat without too much stressing sweet heart. Good luck for tomorrow with Bella sending her cuddle's. Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra me again,
    Hope you had a super day today I was thinking of you. I will be thinking of you and Bella tomorrow she will be fine you will see. Please give her a gentle cuddle from me.

    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  14. HI Sandra
    This is a beautiful card. Hope you had a good day today and everything goes well tomorrow. Arrived home today we didn't do much as we were getting over the flu. Washing to be done tomorrow then hopefully start crafting. Love Tandy

  15. Hi Sandra ,there you go again and making one of the most beautiful of cards. Stunning bow, lovely butterfly and sticky sheet !! They are just popping up lol. Hope you had a great time with the other girls and got some crafting done or was it only catch up yesterday? wishing all goes well for little Bella later , also would love to know what Pat think of the new GC ? Many hugs Maria
