
Thursday 8 January 2015

Guest Designer Pat S (Witney)!!!!!!

Good Morning Ladies,
I am so excited to tell you that today we have a Guest Designer! My lovely friend Pat has kindly emailed a picture of the card she made for a family birthday.
As you can see she has used the Lyra Gemini Die to cut the top and bottom of a piece of white card,
she has placed that upon a piece of teal card and then to a white card base.
The focal element of the card is made by using the same teal card and cutting it with the Copenhagen Die from the Creative Expressions Scandinavian Collection, the sentiment is stamped onto the centre part of the same die set.
This is a gorgeous card, thank you very much part for letting me show it on my blog.
If anyone else would like to share a photo of a card they have made, I am perfectly happy to share it on my blog, I love the thought of it being a sharing space, its so great to see what everyone else does with the same dies.
We had an absolutely lovely day today, my anxiety was soon under control and we soon got down to the chat and crafting, plenty of both!
We had a lovely surprise as well as Sue (Mrs B) husband turned up and had made us all homemade soup and some lovely fresh garlic bread, it was so delicious, I hope that it will be a regular treat, you could not wish to meet a nicer man, Sue you are a lucky lady, a lovely man that cooks too!
Well it will be back to one of my cards tomorrow, as I will be beavering away trying not to worry about little Bella, seem so mean, but she will be better for having it done.
Lots of Hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Good morning. Sandra. Well seeing this is Pats card I am going to address the comment to her. Why, oh Why have you been hiding your stunning work from us Pat!!! It's WOW, stunning and beautiful. I love your design and colour combo. Thank you Sandra for being such a kind caring, sharing person. We would have never seen this beauty if it wasn't for yourself. I wonder if we can get Pat to set up her own blog??? So glad you had a great day, How kind of Sues husband to make lunch, I bet it was lovely. Bella will be fine, I know we do worry over them. But it will save her suffering again. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra. Wow Pat - you've been hiding your talent from us too! Gorgeous card, love it. Sandra, you are very generous for offering to share your blog space and I echo yesterday's comments - why aren't you a CEDT member? Ditto for Pat! Lucky ladies to be brought a yummy lunch by Mr B. Glad that you had a lovely day. Sue xxx

  3. Fabulous card, so love these dies and the colour card chosen really sets them off so well done Pat.

    Sandra I will be thinking of you and Bella I do hope it has gone well?
    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  4. Hi Sandra. First I must say to Pat that I love this card, the Lyra die is gorgeous and the colours are beautiful together. I am so glad that you are sharing your talent too, lets see some more please.
    Sandra, I hope all goes well with Bella, bless her. Make another of your gorgeous creations to help pass the time while she is away my lovely.
    It was so good to see you and Pat again. I still can't remember what I wanted to ask you!
    Take care my lovely. xx

  5. Oh Sandra delighted to know you had such a good day yesterday and it was made even special by a guest chef providing lunch, see what happens when you say I can and I will, well done sweetheart.
    This is a really beautiful card I love the colours and the composition is wonderful. How very thoughtful of you to show it on your blog thank you to you and thank you to Pat for sharing this with us all
    Bella will be fine, at least the nhs is not involved so her op will go ahead, there will be no problem about finding her a bed, and she will be getting the best of attention, the nurses will be there to look after her and not be short staffed and running about. How I wish we humans could go to the vets, if we have the corgis at the vets and they say is there anything else I often ask if they will look after me! I can phone the vets for an appointment and we always get one the same day. Last month after attending hospital I rang for an appointment to see my GP I had to wait over 3 weeks for one.
    Ok rant over you have a lovely day crafting Sandra and keep calm.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  6. Hello Sandra, what a lovely idea to share your blog space, it speaks volumes about the sort of lady you are LOL So pleased you all had a good day yesterday, and that lunch sounds lovely, well done chef!!!
    Pat, your card is gorgeous, i'm sure the recipient thought so too, thank you for letting Sandra show it to us. maybe we will see more of your work and inspiration soon.
    Hope everything goes well with Milo fingers crossed.
    Take care love Brenda xx

  7. Hi Sandra. So happy to read you all had a wonderful day together.
    Pat..... WOW WOW WOW. Well, we have a daily Wonders Of Wilson cards to look forward to everyday, and today we have a Wonder Off Witney, boy oh boy have I seen some beauties since visiting two or 3 blogs everyone is so mega talanted, you are all so clever, its such a shame our hero cant see more of her followers cards and use some as samples for her show's because from what I can see there is SO much talant out there and even though a lot of ladies do it for pleasure, family and friends this talant really should be shared and seen by all, WOW, do I really need to say anymore ? Im sure that expresse's my thoughts towards Pat's card : )
    Im sure all will be well with your cat (almost typed something quite inapropriate then) !! Lol : / but of course you worry, you wouldnt love her if you didnt worry.
    TRY and have a crafty day Sandra.
    Sending love.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  8. Hi Sandra, how lovely of you to show Pats work. It is beautiful, Love the colours, and that Lyra die is divine. You'll have to get your own blog now Pat.
    Warm hugs Theresa (TOB)

  9. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you for sharing Pats card.
    WOW Pat your card is stunning,the Lyra die is gorgeous isn't it I love mine. I hope we can see more of your creations on Sandra's blog.also will Mrs B be showing any of her creations too.Pleased you all had a lovely day & a lovely lunch.( you are like the three musketeers 😀)
    Sandra I m sure Bella will be fine,hope the opp went ok lots of Cuddles needed now.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

  10. Hi Sandra, such a beautiful card made by Pat and thank you for sharing it with us. She has used some wonderful colours and the Lyra die is so lovely to see in all different ways. Hope all went well with Bella and she is herself soon again.
    Have a good evening, hugs Maria

  11. Good evening Sandra, I just popped in to see how many lovely comments Pats card has got. I knew she would get good ones as it a beautiful card, I hope she is well pleased and that she has got that buss that you get. Sandra I to had a giggle at Steph's bit at the end of her comment, I also giggled at you having that mouth full of tea, that nearly went every where. Hazel x

  12. Lovely card Pat. Teal as I always say isn't my colour but so many love it. Design and layout is great love the Lyra die
