
Friday 9 January 2015

Lavender Dotty Dress

Good morning Ladies,
Back to one of my cards today I'm afraid!
I had a whole load of card delivered from Anna Marie Designs and had to use sheet right away.
I decided to go with the lavender coloured Dotty card for the dress die to be cut from, I used the Majestic Elements Labels 25 die set for this card, I cut the large background part of the die out off coconut white card and layed over a Matt of the lavender dotty card just big enough to give a little border, I then cut another piece of coconut white card and embossed with the "Eternity" A4 embossing folder, I added another tiny mat of dotty card behind that and stuck it to a plain white card.
The focal element is the pretty dress that is designed by our Sue (Wilson), I stamped it three times, one on white card and two on dotty, I cut each one out, coloured the first one (White card) with flesh coloured pro markers, I then cut the second one entirely apart from the flesh coloured part and the final one I just cut the bottom part of the dress, it looks like it's all gathered, I embossed that part of the stamp, scored  a few of the lines to give the dress some shape and dimension, I stuck this part with Pinflair Glue gel. I cut the inner part of the label 25 die with white card to mount the dress on and added this to the centre of e card. I put a piece of lavender seam binding across the card and added a little pearl flower strip on top, I then stuck the focal element part of the card onto the base with foam tape and a little glue to help with positioning, once this was all stuck down, I added a little arrangement of complimentary coloured flowers in the top corner and a double bow in the opposite corner, topped with a blingy brad, a few lavender pearls here And there to finish off the card.
What do you think?
Please leave me a comment below,
Bella had her operation so she has lost her baby making bits and gained a micro chip, well they say fair exchange is no robbery! Haha, you wouldn't think she would be running about tonight, but she is, she has climbed up the top of the Guinea Pig cage (about 5 Feet), I am trying to stop her but she is too full of energy and very inquisitive, thank you for all of your help, support and kind comments.
Crafty Hugs
Sandra xxx
A close up of flowers here (left) x


  1. Hi Sandra. Wow! Can't think of enough superlatives to describe this card, it is totally stunning. Love the way you have layered your die cuts and shaping the final layer of the dress is fantastic. As usual I am envious of your flowers - what do you use to make them and stick them on? Not really "with it" this morning as due to the high winds I've only had about an hours sleep, hope I don't nod off during the day!
    Pleased that Bella isn't suffering too many side effects from her lady op. Sue xxx

  2. Hi Sandra.What a beautiful card. I love how you have built up the skirt layers. Your flowers are your signature aren't they, you always get them just right.
    So glad that Bella isn't showing any ill affects, sounds like you are going to have a hard time trying to stop her doing too much! Better that she feels like that though I suppose. Maybe she already knows that she won't have to go through all of the distress that she was in, bless her :)
    Have a good day my lovely. Take care. xx

  3. WOO, WOW, WOW it's stunning and how you have done your dress is wonderful. Bella is just like Tiger the cat at work, she seemed to be on a high and was climbing every where, glad she is ok. Has Pat come down off her cloud 9??? Hazel x

  4. Hi Sandra, stunning card, love all the flowers in the corner they really set the card off.

    Glad Bella is ok, they recover quickly animals don't they?

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Hello Sandra, WOW this card is stunning, love the way you have added dimension to the beautiful dress, and the soft colours you have used are just perfect - as are your gorgeous flowers.
    So pleased you have Bella home and she is keeping you entertained! Difficult telling animals they should take it easy, I'm sure she's going to be fine.
    Hope you have a good day, love Brenda xx

  6. Good morning dear Sandra,
    I love your dress card and the flower corsage that you have put at the top just finishes it off to a stunning card. Please tell us why you haven't entered to be part of a design team as your cards are so beautiful and deserve to be recognised for the beauty that they hold.
    Glad that your wee 4 legged baby is not feeling any ill effects from her op although i do wish that she would share some of her energy with me, i don't mind bounding around every where on all fours, as it might be more stable that just on my two legs. I have written down your email address flower and i will email you if that is still ok for me to do so.
    Can i just say to your guest designer of yesterday what a lovely card our Pat made with one of the Gemini dies. I think these just might be Sue's best dies to date because of their versatility. Any way, take care lovely friend and i will email you after.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  7. Hi Sandra
    Can I firstly thank you fir all your comments regarding the card I made for my daughters birthday. They were very much appreciated. Mind you that's thanks to Sandra, who has inspired me to make cards using dies. I was more of a stamper. I might send Sandra a couple of cards where I've used stamps. Might just be christmas though.
    Sandra I just love this card, mind you I love anything in the purple range. I love how you've built up the ladies skirt. Please don't worry to much if you miss a day on your blog, as I know you have bad days as well as good. Thanks for all the inspiration. Hullo to Norah today.
    I'm glad that Bella seems to have recovered well after her op. Mind you how on earth do you stop her climbing.

  8. Absolutely beautiful Sandra I love how you have made the dress very clever. I too love card from Anna Marie Designs it is wonderful. Thank you for the note you left about Klassy-Kards I had never heard of them, so took a look and low and behold they had a die that I have been looking for for ages and it arrived yesterday, you are so right they do give a good service, thank you so much for the information.
    Delighted to know that Bella is fine, dare I say it, we told you so but they are a worry I know only too well.
    Take care
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  9. Hi Sandra. In answer to yesterdays question - err yep : 0 glad she has come through more than well from what I read LOL.
    Another stunner Sandra. I read you use the Pinflair glue, without you thinking Im some sort of junkie, just keep having the odd sniff (although it wont take much) since I started using mounting tape I stopped using that glue, but was making some pretty gift tags for childrens gifts last month and as the pieces were so weeny I got my glue out plus glossy accents, layered and glossed and left to dry. The following day went to put them in the little clear bags and the awful really strong smell hit me !! It was the glue. It must go off after a while, and mine must have been 2 - 3 yrs old, OMG it was pungent (sp) and they all had to be thrown away, such an awful waste of card paper and hour's decoupage but there was NO way I could sell them like that ! So just keep your eye (and nose) open and if you smell something really strong its probably the glue. I mentioned it to our Tina E she put my birthday card on her blog, and it was boxed up beautifully, as soon as I opened it... It hit me, I HAD to mention it no matter how awful I felt, imagin if our poor friend had sent a card to a family or friend and the glue had turned.. Poor lass was mortified but no more than me having to mention it : (
    Joanna Sheene has a sale and some of Sue's dies are really reduced. I got the Scandinavian border corner and tag for under 8.00 !!
    Anyway, im off (like my glue) so will look forward to another tomorrow with a question about brown marks and dies !!
    Have a relaxing evening.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi my lovely,
      I have never smelt it yet, it has a kind of smell of it's own, but I must be immune, I really don't use it that often, only for dimension in my little flower sprays, you are so right though I would just be totally mortified if someone opened a card and it stank! I will be a glue sniffer from now on, not sure what else would work for that though, for anything else I am Cosmic shimmer all the way!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Did you mean Joanna Sheen, I just looked and there is no sale :( x

    3. Me too Sandra I think J S just put the sale on for Steph haha.
      Glade Bella is ok
      Good night lovely Big Hugs Lynda xx

  10. Really pretty card. I love lilac and Anna Marie's dotty card - I used it in red a lot at Christmas. Have just had a delivery of various colours of foundation card and can't wait to get playing!

  11. Good evening Sandra,
    Gorgeous card I love the lavender dotty card I must look at Anna Marie's web site.The dress is lovely the way you have layered it up,& your flowers just so pretty Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra. Wow your card is amazing and you should deffo become a craft teacher. I love everything on this card so thank you for sharing it with us !!
    Glad to hear Bella is fine even if a bit 'crazy' after her op hihi.
    Might not be around for a few days/ a week, off for a little holiday. Will catch up on our return if not able to comment. You and your family take care now and Happy crafting Warm Hugs Maria x

    1. Thank you Maria, not sure about the teaching part though! Hope you are going somewhere nice!
      Sandra x

  13. HI Sandra
    Sorry I am so late but been so busy. This card is totally stunning. I love everything your flowers are so special. Glad to hear from Norah . Love Tandy
