
Saturday 10 January 2015

Pretty Blue Shoe!

Good Morning Ladies,
Sorry a little bit late but the schedule time was incorrect! I hope you all still get to see it x
I have had this Anna Marie Designs Shoe Stamp for some time, I decided today is the day I will use it, so here goes.....
I took a piece of Coconut white card and stamped the shoe in the bottom corner and coloured the image with Promarkers Denim Blue and Pear Green.  I trimmed the card to approximately 7 x 6 in.
I drew a faint line around the card with a fine liner pen and mounted onto a piece of Ballet Blue spotty card from Anna Marie Designs, I then roughed the edges with the blade of my scissors, and put mounting foam on the back and added it to the base card which has a piece of Ballet Blue dotty card and a tiny border of white card. 
I chose to embellish the shoe with flowers made from using Creative Expressions Camelia Die, which I cut 2-3 times for each flower, I stuck them down with Cosmic Shimmer Glue, and added
pearls to the centres.  I added a Diamond Laser cut sheet from Anna Marie Designs and trimmed it around the shoe, I have been wanting to get my hands on these for months, I love the effect they give and they break up the background, I will stamp the relationship of the recipient in the lattice background (my Mum. My Daughter, Niece etc).  I cut a couple of swirly dies out and added them to the background and tied a ribbon into a bow and put it in the top left hand corner, with the swirly bits underneath and added some flowers made using Creative Expressions Camelia Die and  made the bed etc. I topped it with a couple of leaves and the flower made from the dotty background card, a few flowers (roses) added some length the border and some little beaded stamens also from AMD , I will add the sentiment to the card when I know who it is for.
Well what do you think?
My biggest fan/critic says I make too many blue cards (blue colour not blue humour)! lol
so I will make an effort to use more colours in future!
I hope you all have a fun weekend, we are off to vets for Bella's first check up this morning.
I hope you are all  safe from this terrible wind, its howling out there tonight!
Crafty hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx
A few close ups below........


  1. Hi Sandra.
    Hope all is safe and well there with you. You have taken my breath away with this card. I beg of you to find a market/fair to sell these fabulous works of art. Your idea's and style is amazing. Your work has the WOW factor that's for sure. Everything, and I DO MEAN everything from the first mat to the smallest of last detail just has me sitting here looking like a numpty catching flies ! Has 'our hero' had the delight of seeing your work yet ? Go for it Sandra. Sue needs to see what remarkable talanted friends she has on her blog.
    Hope 'kitty' LOL had a good report from her vet. Have a lovely day. And although you said it tires you to blog daily I look forward to hopefully be wowed day after day. Listen... If.I can sell MY cards (which are NOWHERE near your standard, then I know for certain your's will fly).
    Sending hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Aw Steph, thank you so much for your kind words, I haven't really had the confidence to send them to Sue, but I think I will!
      I do find it tiring to blog everyday but if also gives me a 'buzz' if you like, I do it purely please, I enjoy reading all the comments so much, it really does give me a lift in such away that nothing (including drugs and therapy) have done before! When did JS have a Sale? I went over yesterday but everything seemed full price, I though I could pick up a few sets to expand my range, although I am trying to go back to some of the older dies and use them, it seems such a waste of money to have them just sitting there unused! Steph I would love to see one of your creations at some point please.
      I would like to personally thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your daily encouragement and support, you gave done more for me than the NHS has in 10 years!
      Sending you love and the hugest hug,
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today Sandra. I just loved this shoe when you brought it over before. Mind you mine looked nothing like yours when I'd coloured it. I do hope that jewelry chap( sorry I've forgotten his name)gets in touch with you. Then perhaps you can sell not only your jewellery but your cards as well. Perhaps you need to jig his memory.

  3. Lovely card. Love lilac / blue. I have managed to order some more Anna Marie card since you said it was on sale. Have ordered dotty and stripes in some spring colours hoping to lift the spirits from January blues!!
    Steph is telling fibs her cards are fantastic I know because I have an original and have seen some of her others! They are gorgeous!
    Hope Bella is fine we have a cat Molly who is coming up to 16 but looks and acts no different than when we got her as a young cat! She shows no signs of ageing,
    Look forward to tomorrow's post xxx

  4. Good after noon Sandra. I looked in earlier saw that you hadn't anything posted. Thought she is having a rest day which is good, don't over do it just to please us who love to see your stunning designs, your health is more import. I know what you are saying that the buzz is better than the drugs, it's good meds is this card making and blogging. I pressed on your name by mistake but what a wonderful mistake ( was going to see what another blogger had up) your card is stunning and you just keep using the colours you are comfortable with, we all have favourites. Love your design and use of all your elements and die cuts. Hope Bella got an all ok. You can't stop animals doing what they want, and I think they would be very unhappy if we tried. Winds calmed down here but we are having snow showers now. Hazel x

  5. Hi Sandra, I stopped by earlier and thought good she is having some family time - Got it wrong didn't I....... It's lovely to see your beautiful works of art - BUT don't (got my Mum/Granny Hat on now) exhaust yourself, your health and well being are more important. LOL
    Today's card is absolutely stunning, who would not want to recieve such a beautiful card.
    Hope vet is pleased with Bella.
    Have a lovely weekend, love Brenda xx

    1. Brenda,
      You can be my Craft Mum anytime and what a lovely mum you are xx

  6. Good afternoon Sandra,
    I looked in this morning then saw your post on Sue's blog so here I am again. So pleased I am as your card is stunning,please don't stop useing blue it's my favourite colour. Love the stamp,flower's & the design are all gorgeous.
    Hope Bella got the all clear sending her cuddle's xx
    Love & the biggest Hug Lynda xxxx

  7. HI Sandra
    This is beautiful your cards are fantastic. Hope Bella had a good visit with the vet. Love Tandy

  8. This is gorgeous Sandra, love the shoe stamp, so pretty.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  9. Hi Sandra. I checked this morning and I thought you must be having a rest day but saw your post on Sue's blog so have checked back. Love how you've put all the flowers on the shoe, and you do as many "blue" cards as you want. Please don't feel that you have to blog every day, your health is more important. Hope that Bella's check up went ok. Sue xxx

  10. Hi Sandra. Like the others I looked yesterday morning and thought you were having the day off, I had a lovely surprise today with an unintentional Two-fer : )
    This card is gorgeous, I loved the shoe stamp when you had a play with it before and I love what you have done with it today, the diamond laser cut is great and of course you have got the flowers just right : )
    Have you sent any pics to Sue yet? Or are you going to wait until she is back from the CHA? You must share them with her. I can understand if the thought of joining a Design Team isn't for you. It must be very stressful and that takes the pleasure away which would be so sad wouldn't it? A blog is a good compromise, at least people can see your work but understand if you miss a day or whatever. Also you can share whatever YOU want rather than having your hands tied. You can keep on showing blue cards as much as you like, it's my favourite colour : )
    I hope Bell got the ok from the vet. Now I'm off to look at todays card : )
    Take care my lovely xx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    I am a bit late in commenting on this beauty but I couldn't just look and move on! It is so very pretty. I love the shoe and I love the whole lay out of the card.
    You are a very talented lady. It is lovely to see your beautiful cards. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Love Myra xxx
