
Tuesday 27 January 2015

Something Different with Sue's Bow dies!

Good Morning Ladies,
I am thinking that this card may not appeal to all of you but it does have a Bow!
I just thought that I should feature pesky men's cards from time to time, so here you go
Its quite straightforward to see how it is done, the black card is 7inch wide and a cut a slit down
it about a third of the way at exactly 3 1/2 inches (middle), I then folded back the wings evenly and put a little nick in to make it look like a proper lapel. I took a piece of coconut white card embossed with Checkerboard Pin Point E Folder By Creative expressions. Folded over a good inch on a rectangular piece of card, cut just over a third of the way in on each side just under the edge of the fold and then fold the top part in to make the collar of the shirt. I then made up one of Sue's Classic
Bows from Creative Expressions and popped it on the collar of the shirt with a glue dot.
I cut a small triangle of the card that matched the bow tie and then cut a rectangle 'pocket top' shaped piece of card to lay over to make it look like the handkerchief was poking out of the pocket.
I then just added a few buttons to make it look a bit more realistic!
What do you think????
I hope Tuesday finds you all well, I think I am just about recovering from my Friday night acrobatics, I have asked my coach to give me a week off this week to recover, I obviously had to get a note from my mum!! But the coach apologised and said he really was pushing me too far by expecting me to carry a dish of Salsa and walk to the table! hahaha
Love and hugs to you all, if anyone wants to start
a new discussion topic feel free!
Sandra xxxxxxx

NEWSFLASH!!!!   Before you buy any of the Justrite Stamps today on C&C with Julia, check out
Craft  the Justrite stamps are all reduced, some by half price !


  1. Morning Sandra,
    What a great Man's Card Your so clever I Love the Bow etc.
    I hate making Men's Card and to let you into a small secret!
    I always buy my Husbands Cards as I've no idea where to start he is the only Man Card really I need as we don't have Family just the two of us, when I first started Card Making I used to make for someone but one Christmas it got overwhelming and I was only getting around £1 a Card and I used to spend a lot of time doing them now I only make for myself.
    Today is my Craft Class which I Look forward to, my Craft Leader designs her own Blank Cards and Stamps as the Classes are for Stamping and tomorrow will be her second time on Create and Craft she did well last time, with sell outs the Blank Cards she makes are small whereas I prefer a larger Card, the name of her Company is "Which Craft"
    I hope you have a Terrific Day and I'm pleased to hear your getting over your fall.
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  2. Sandra. This is fantastic, I just love it. It reminds of me of when I helped the girls with their pony club board last year, I made the club jumper out of card and added a shirt collar and tie. You have put a lot of thought into this and it's fab. So glad the coach has realised he pushed you to much!!!...... Oh the days when you had to get a note from your mum to get you off of doing things. Well I'd better get off to work, 7.15 start today, Will pop back to the coffee shop later to catch up with the chat. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Thanks for your kind words about my card.
      Did your school have a communal shower? We had to strip off and walk across the changing room to a wall of showers, in front of everybody, I was super shy as I had horrendous scarring on my right hip and thigh/buttock due to massive surgeries I had on my hip as a small child! It was evil, he PE Teacher was evil, she wouldn't accept. Notes, even for when it was 'that time', oh imagine that, it was quite wrong when I think back, our kids don't even have a shower on PE day! I remember there was always this super confident girl that had no concerns about stripping off! Oh how I cringe about the whole experience.
      Thanks for that memory Hazel,
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Great inspiration for men's cards, as l always struggle with them. Glad that the coach is giving you more time to recover!!! Oh the days when you had to have a note from Mum, although the secondary school I went to didn't like to accept them. I tore the tendon in my wrist just before my "O" levels and despite having my whole arm in a plaster cast to stop me using it at all, the PE teacher wouldn't accept the note my Mam sent and I had to have a doctor's note - she didn't see why I couldn't do cross country! Hope that you have a good day today. Sue xxx

  4. Hi Sandra. This is a great mans card, I love all of the little details you have added. Please share any more mens cards you come up with as they are the hardest aren't they. Not all men like football, darts or golf as some designers seem to think!
    I'm glad your coach has excepted your Mums note : ) No doubt he has told you to take it steady too so make sure you do!
    Oh my goodness, school showers! Now that was an experience that I would have rather not had. What were the schools thinking when they came up with the communal one? Just when you are at your most self concious with all manner of odd things happening to your body you then had to show everyone else! The thought of what was to follow ruined PE for me, and lots of you too no doubt. Can you imagine the outcry if they tried to get the kids to do it now? My children (all in their 20's) didn't believe us when we told them what we had to go through after PE!
    CrafySuetoo's comment did remind me of the time when Gemma (daughter) broe her wrist not long after starting school. She had a bright pink pot on for 4 weeks and after the 1st week her teacher wrote in her reading record that Gemma needed to take more care with her writing as it wasn't as good as it had been. When I pointed out her pot the poor teacher was mortified. Because Gem had managed so well with it the teacher had forgotten she had it on when she was marking the books. I will add that the teacher was (and still is, as she is now granddaughter no 1's teacher, but that's another story:) ) very kind and good and Gem loved her.
    Anyway, I must go, starting to sort the loft out today so the heating men can get to remove the water tank next week when we have a new boiler and central heating system put in. Our loft is NOT tidy so it is going to be fun!
    See you in he morning my lovely. Take care. Hugs Sue xx

  5. Wow what a super smart card and if we are all honest just what we need before we know it Father's day will be fast approaching! I really love this one Sandra and that little bit of colour added just makes all the difference.
    Thank you so much for the tip about a cheap place for Just Rite stamps very useful.
    Oh boy do I remember the school showers! Yours sounded just like the one's at our school and what is it about PE teachers back then, they all seem to have been the same, a law unto themselves not accepting notes. How things have changed thank goodness, our changing room and shower area had glass doors at the entrances so screens had to be pulled across them, so the boys passing by used to try and peep in and catch a glance of the girls!
    Take care, I am off to start my weekly baking, which now takes longer as I bake for my brother in law too as his wife is ill but that is another story. Derek is making himself some shelves, I can hear the saw going so no doubt more fire wood in the making, he just never seems to measure it correctly
    With love
    Margaret xx

  6. Hi Sandra,
    Love today's card . Such a good idea and taken a lot further than I took it! I just made a shirt - it did have a collar! I used border dies for a ruffle front and sparky brads for buttons and of course Sue's box for the tie! Yours looks so much more professional! As you say men's cards are notoriously difficult an everyone seems to gree on that. So thanks!
    Pleased you've got some time off training! That means you have a rest you know! Just be careful, young lady!
    As for PE - I didn't mind that so much it was hockey that did for me! You see I'm left handed and had a left handed hockey stick! I was deemed to be dangerous as stick facing opposite way to everyone else's . Sports Mistress didn't like that at all - however in summer come tennis and netball I was her friend again? Left handed shooter were hard to find! Of how did we get here this morning! Sorry!
    Love to everyone,
    PS. Margaret got my fingers crossed for the shelves!
    Myra xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all that come through the door today.
    Bloomin marvelous Sandra. Love the idea of you showing male cards here as they are a real pain in the ..... Like our Sam, unless I get an order for a male's card I only make for Andy, even then Im stuck as what to do. As we now have this bloomin dog Andy takes her out walking in the woods and surrounding countryside of Lancs, so as its been snowy lately I used my Kanban stamp which is almost like a wood effect with bare tree's, a few dear (which we've seen) Horrocks Wood barbie, you and Tilly would love it, anyway, this stamp is lovely and appropriate for winter cards, so I sprinkled ice snow over the branches and it looked like the snowy walks Andy and 'his girl' have been on recently, he got the meaning behind it anyway, so it must have been ok lol !
    So im really pleased you are going to share some of the awkward type cards we have to make ! I usually make the odd bookmark to add to my male cards for market. Im going to have to try (being the operative word) to make something like this Sandra. I never 'copy' anyone's card as I dont think it's fair to take other's idea's when so much thought and care have gone into the origional. Oh my goodness they are playing our daughters wedding music on the Couture show on C&C.. That's me blubbering !
    Have a lovely day. Will return to our coffee shop later.
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Feel free to copy I have no problem sharing with you xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    What a brilliant card, and one which I will certainly adapt. I never get a birthday card for George as I bought a very nice one about 20 years ago and I give it to him every year. It's always the same, he says "Oh, that's lovely" and doesn't recognise it!!! Rachel thinks it a hoot as I do the same with new clothes. When I'm ironing, I just put them among the pile and "press" them, then hang them on clothes hangers to air. When I do wear whatever it is he usually says "I always liked you in that" lol.
    We didn't have showers after PE. We walked about a quarter mile to a local church hall for PE and the equipment consisted of forms, a horse and springboard and some quoits. For PE we stripped to our vests and navy blue knickers which had a pocket in for our handkerchief. After PE we put our clothes on top and walked back to school. How high tech was that?
    Thanks for the tip on the stamp sale.
    Margaret Corgi Owner, hope your shelves are better than the ones George did for me. An hour after he put them up there was an almighty crash and he just said that I shouldn't have put so much on them!
    Have a good day everyone x

  9. Hello Sandra,
    Wow how clever are you,brilliant man card x
    Oh my God you have all brought bake my worst nightmare school shower's,they were communal no curtains
    I was always on the big or rather large side & so shy all the other girls were thin & I got bullied with all the snide remarks even in the playground.
    A couple of years ago I thought I would go swimming to help with my waite at J D sports & guess what I walked in the changing room & everyone was naked with boobs & bum's hanging out No changing cubicles I felt sick with the horror of my school days back,didn't go again.Thanks Sandra for the lovely chat yesterday & for the cheep website.
    Take care my lovely
    Love & Hug Lynda

  10. Fab mans card, I make the origami shirts they look quite good, I'm not good with mens cards. Hope yesterday went well.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) x

  11. Hi Sandra
    I just love this card. Why are men so difficult to make a card for. Boys as well are difficult. I hated PE and was useless at it. We had to leap over a horse vault. I just shut my eyes and went for it. Didn't have a clue how I got over it at all. At the end the teacher said, I'll get Pat Lyons yo show you all how it was done as her vault was faultless. Well you could have picked me up off the floor. Needless to say I just collapsed on to of the vault on the second try. Showers were a nightmare as well. The only sport I really enjoyed was hockey. I was even in the school team and have the scars to prove it as well. Well I'm glad your coach has given you a week off Sandra. Make sure you are fully fit before you start training again. Will be ringing the Churchill re Pete's hospital appointment that was cancelled and hasn't yet been re booked. Plus ringing a consultant to see if I can have an early appointment re my hip. The appointments that I have had were changed and the one I have hasn't yet been confirmed. It's a bummer that the doctors now can't make appointments themselves, and you have to go through something called a HUB to be able to see anyone.

  12. Hi everyone,
    Just watched Julia's afternoon create &craft show, Firstly I cannot believe the price of the stamps and dies, it's extortion!
    Julia's are great but my goodness how many times has 'that' presenter said 'I would do this' or 'when I ' it's all about me, me, me!!!!
    If you are that amazing why are you now just presenting!!! Just saying, sorry if I have offended anyone, but boy she gets my goat!
    Disagreeing and making stupid comments, I have to say that Julia us coping with her pretty well! I am sure that there would be more tone for crafting if she would just pipe down! By the way that Iron Swirls die that was on earlier is on the website I mentioned above for £7.90
    Sorry for the rant
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra
      You rant away my girl it is good for you, I often do especially about the presenters and the prices on C & C. Quite often I turn the sound down when they are going on and on and on! I have in the past bought from them but after several problems not any more I just watch.
      Margaret corgi owner

    2. Hi again Sandra just watching the recording of Julia's show now. I agree with all the ladies DB really gets on my nerves can't stand the good thing I can run it on & just watch Julia's demo's.
      Just thought I would have a rant too. I will now shut up lol hope your taking notice of your trainer & resting my lovely.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra.
    Just love this man's card, how clever are you? I am hopeless at man cards and always buy for the men in my life. OMG that sounds bad! I do mean my OH and sons and grandson. Maureen made me laugh saying that she gives her husband the same card every year. I am not sure my husband would notice if I did that either.
    I hated PE and I hated the bottle green gym knickers that we had to wear even more! We didn't have showers in our school so I didn't have to suffer that humiliation. My granddaughter is very self conscious and always tries to get into a cubicle to shower after swimming.
    Pat (Witney) commented on our name being similar so I thought I would let you know how I came up with mine. It is a combination or my name and my OH's. His name is Maldwyn (yes we are Welsh!) - hence Patwyn. Apparently it's not original as when I opened my google account there was already one with that name, so I had to add a number for it to be accepted.
    I agree with your views on a certain presenter and I mostly turn C&C off when she is on. I thought it was only me with that view so it's nice to know I am not on my own! I hate it when she tries to butt in to our Sue's demos.
    Take care Sandra, and all the lovely ladies on your blog.
    Love and hugs

    PS Thank you for your kind offer for cutting dies for me. I manage most dies on the Big Shot, but I cannot use A4 EF on it and most of the nice folders are A4

  14. Yay, I'm earlier today I can actually see you fabulous make in daylight lol.
    This would be perfect for the man in our lives. I too suffer of brain melt down when it's coming to men's card so it's nice to see some idea's so yes please bring us some more. I'm still serious about the card you made before c.mas made with gilding flakes that I would like to buy from you ! I'd like to give that to my Rick's in April because it was amazing and after I could keep it for myself lol. Loved reading Maureen's comment :it's so funny how you getting away using the same card for so long lol! and how you hiding your new purchases of clothes , brilliant ! Informal talks about cutting machines.....will look at the x-cut but not sure at all for any so time will tell and cost.
    PE and showering ,twice a week in school was a horrid experience. We also had open cubicles and that horror has stuck with me so thankfully when going for a swim, all showers are with doors and 2 changing cubicles ,so I like it there. Oh dear, was that Julia herself or the presenter that went on your nerves ? I;m thinking of booking some craft classes with her as she lives in Mk so that would be a great opportunity but at £40 a class I'm not sure, What do you lady's think ? Spoke to my sister this morning and a pup is around £1200 plus, quarantine and other injections costs before the pup is here comes extra, don't know how much that could come too. Expansive to have a pet....I like both cats and dogs and always had some, even stick insect and a white mouse living in our doll house lol Now as my husband is allergic no more pets but looking after my neighbours at times so plenty of cuddle opportunities lol . Hope you feeling a bit better but promise to still take it easy, no cartwheels yet ! the same to ToB, hope you get some help soon
    Warm Hugs Sandra to you and your family Maria x

    1. Hi Maria,
      Julia is fine it was the Create and craft presenter that can be a little tedious to say the least, she always want to make out she is more experienced than anyone else, when in reality she isn't x
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    What a brilliant Mans card. Mine that I made yesterday wasn't a patch on this one, but I have another one to do soon so I'll have a go at making something similar, thank you so much for the idea.
    Thank you as well for the News Flash, I had a look on the site and was amazed by their prices, sadly as far as I can see they don't ship outside the UK. Might send them an email and ask.

    Well, what an interesting topic today - school sports. Myra I am with you, left handed and absolutely hated hockey. I had a left handed stick as well and my son in law, who is a sports teacher and plays a lot of sport as well insists that there is no such thing as a left handed hockey stick. We have had many a lively discussion about it so I am so glad to hear it confirmed from you, I was beginning to doubt my own memories.
    As to the showers well it was communal showers for us too. I hated it. Worst thing was my two best friends were, how shall I put it, quite well developed (Dolly Parton springs to mind) and me, the total embarrassing.
    Maureen you did make me laugh with George's card, I am definitely going to try that trick. My hubby did it in reverse. I got the same card last year from him and when I questioned it, it turns out he bought a pack of 5 identical cards because they were cheaper, so I know what I shall be getting again this year.

    I watched Julia's shows as well and I am with you Sandra. DB drives me mad, she really does think she is the Queen of Craft, I can't bear to watch her. I do hope they don't put her on with Sue in February.
    Pat S, do hope you have got this hospital appointments sorted.
    Theresa too, I am so sorry you are in such pain.
    Love and hugs to you Sandra and all your lovely ladies too.

  16. Fab idea for a boy card! Hate doing them! This looks great!

    As or school sport I spent years running in the opposite direction of a lacrosse ball! The equivalent of a cricket ball flying around your head no chance! Sooo Malory Towers remember that one! Ironically Miss Jones my poor PE teacher is now Tilly's form teacher! Tilly loves her! Miss Jones retrained to teach primary probably after her failure to teach me Lacrosse!! She is now married with children older than Tilly and loves my craftiness. I made her a fab Roald Dahl themed desk tidy at Christmas plus a Christmas post box for the class room.
    Well off to work soon. Saw the lovely Steph today and she bought me a fab crafty gift too. See you all tomorrow xxx

  17. Just popped back to see how today went for you, thinking you might have heard from the school. As for having to shower after P.E. No that would never have happened at my school, inside toilets were the only plumbing the main school building had, we went to two othe building not near the school for things like cooking and commercial studies. You would also been classed as BAD if you took all your clothes off in front of others. You can tell my age -coming up to 65. You are in the age bracket of my younger sisters as they had to put up with the showers. Hazel xx

  18. Hi Sandra, Great Male card today, what man/ boy wouldn't love this. Thank you for shareing this one.
    Very late today. Had to have blood (INR) checked this morning . Then popped into M&S returning home by lunch time. Sat down after lunch and fell asleep............ Where does the time go?

    School sports I hated it! Fortunately / unfortunately I had a lot fo problems (needing 9 operations over the next 5 years ) with my left foot from the age of ten. So the teachers often let me off. Not the case when we had swimming. That was a nightmare - hated getting undressed / dressed in front of the whole class.

    NOW LADIES what shall we talk about tomorrow - any suggestions ?

    Sleep well dear friends, should be able to join you in the coffee hop ...... Oops Shop tomorrow LOL

    Sandra hope those knees and your hip are feeling better and you and family are all OK. Love Brenda xx (Mumma)

  19. Good Evening Ladies,
    Thank you all for your lovely comments, you have had me and in stitches tonight!
    My PE experience was at secondary school, primary school, the building was very basic, we had outside toilet, good grief they were terrible, those days it was Navy Blue PE knickers and dancing about to a programme on the radio I seem to remember, moving like a tree and marching like a soldier! Sport days I hated, I was always last! these days of course they have team games so that nobody has to 'lose', ridiculous really as we all have to learn that you don't always win in lfe!
    Brenda, Hope your blood test was ok, hugs my lovely xx
    Maria, which card to you mean?
    Crafty SueToo, your card was posted today, Matt (my son) took it to post office this morning! (no sarcastic comments Pat, Steph and Sue)! lol
    Margaret are the shelves up or on he fire? haha
    I am going to do tomorrows post now, sorry I didn't get to answer you all individually, time has got the better of me!
    Love and Hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. You still up! At least I did get a nap this PM.
      Thank you I'm fine. Warfarin increased to try and get my blood back to target level. Not a problem ....... Just keep taking the pills !!!!!!
      Try and get some rest soon LOL x

  20. Good Evening Sandra, fabulous masculine card design.

    Hugs Diane

    1. Hi Diane,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I hope you can stop by again soon and join in our friendly chit chat,
      Sandra xxxx
