
Monday 26 January 2015

Pretty Pink Floral Birthday!

Good morning Ladies,
I thought I would go pink and flowery today, to brighten the start of the week!
Quite a quick and simple card today, basically I cut Majestic Labels twenty Five in coconut white card and used foam pads to stick it onto some American crafts pink card, leaving a small border of pink showing and Matt it on to some more coconut white card, the centre of the cards is simply the centre section of the die, with a Justrite sentiment stamped on and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I mounted this onto pink card with film pads for dimension.
I arranged some pink and white flowers on either side of the centre piece with some foliage to lift the flowers from the background, I then simply added a few pink pearl to finish the corners!
I hope you like this quick and simple card, handy for those emergency times, when you need a quick card, put pretty too.
Well I hope you have all got an exciting week planned, I think I might just treat myself to a best set of dies this week, I feel like I deserve it after last weeks dramas! But which ones??? There is too many I would still like.
I also can't believe how many larger format machines are coming onto the market in the coming months. Sizzix, Tonic & Spellbinders that I can think of but I am sure there are
many more, you wonder how they all find enough business, but then I guess it just proves how big the craft market really is.
Huge Hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Hi Sandra,
    "WOW" what a Beautiful, Awesome Card I Love The Colours You have Chosen and the Majestic Labels Twenty Five is a favourite of mine from Spellbinders Range and I just Love The Sentiment from JustRite I Love the different Fonts they do!
    Sandra you are an Extremley Talented and Kind Lady, I Love all your different ideas you come up with I must try to start a Blog I've got the opening page but I need to find out how I take it from there i.e. placing Photographs on etc.
    Sandra have a great day
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Oh Sam,
      you say such lovely things, your kinds are beautiful too.
      That particular die is so versatile, I think it was Sue W that introduced me to it a couple of years back. Not sure how long you have been following Sue, but she used to do all the big Spellbinder launches on create and craft (sorry if you already knew that).
      Her shows were amazing and always sell outs!
      I think if you explore around some of the buttons there are templates to give you ideas, if not just have a practice post and see what it looks like, nothing to lose!
      Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  2. Morning Sandra. Hi to all that visit this friendly, pretty, happy virtual craft and coffee shop lol
    What a pretty, happy card to start our week with. It would certainly put a happy smile on anyone's face on their birthday. I adore the way you use and place your pretty flower buds.. Are they made by you Sandra or bought in little bundles ? Ive seen that Tina E has a Martha Stewart flower mould which she uses clay to make some of the tiniest sweetest rosebuds, I just wondered if you do the same ? I dont think Id be able to use that kind of thing as much as Id love to. My finger's struggle holding the smallest camelia ! It ends up on the floor more often than I can count before they get stuck onto the card !! So annoying and frustrating.
    So Sandra, if you are tackling the school etc today re your problem from last week, stand your ground and be firm about the data protection act and confidentiality, dont let them get away with it. You are strong enough to make your point, empower yourself by standing up to all the wrongs they did !
    Apart from that I hope you have a good day. Looking forward to popping back later, to read all the lovely comments that have been left.
    Take care be strong.
    Lancashire Steph xx
    p.s hope Sue isnt thinking of another launch this week. It would be nice to allow some of us to catch up on the past two collections - after all, money doesn't grow on tree's !!

    1. Hi Steph,
      I make some flowers but mostly buy the little bunches like you gave bought, I think I mentioned it before but either Wild Orchid Crafts or Anna Marie Designs sell some lovely flowers, something's it's the little 'twiddly bits' that Anna Marie sells that 'make' a design. I have a few punches and dies to make different flowers and if the mood takes me I will sit for an evening making some up, the great thing about them is that you will always have a colour to match your card if you make them, Sue always makes her flowers look stunning like those purple ones the other day, but sometimes I die cut them and sit their thinking 'right what shall we do to make you like fab' but often there is no reply! Lol , I did mention to a Sue in a recent post that if she were to make a DVD on taking flowers from die cutting to realistic looking blooms it would be a 'sell out"!
      Hope you have recovered from your weekend, did Mr L get any dies for his birthday? Fingers crossed for you!
      Thank you for making my blog so special with your lovely comments Steph.
      Huge Huggles
      Sandra xxxxxxx

  3. Morning Sandra,

    Gorgeous card, love the flower arrangement.

    Congratulations on your win over at Hope & Chances.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Good morning Jacquie,
      Thanks for your kind words and for the note about my win, what a fab way to start the week!
      I will pop across to see what you have been up to later,
      Thanks for dropping in,
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful and bright card this is, it just made me feel happy when I opened up your blog. This card would be warm the coldest of hearts it is lovely. It has certainly been a tonic for me this morning. Thank you Sandra.

    Steph, Love your welcome to everyone to Virtual Craft and coffee shop, I like that.

    My weekend has been very quiet. Then I wouldn't have had the energy to do anything else. I think I overdid it last week with something on every day and I can't do that these days. I need to pace myself, It could be age ( but I don't subscribe to that) have a few health issues, arthritis in the knees, and AF , the pills are doing a great job . Anyway have not felt too clever over the weekend, John blesses heart has gone off to do the Monday morning school run, we will both do the afternoon run.

    Sandre hope your day goes well thinking of you, take care love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      My turn to be bossy now, sit yourself down and put your feet up.
      I don't want you to get poorly, like you said you probably went a bit too far last week, going to Sandown Park or any craft show is exhausting both mentally and physically and then you had your granddaughter on Friday so where bush then too!
      Please promise to have an easy couple of days, I would gated for you to be unwell, I look forward to your comments too much every day.
      I can't do things everyday and my excuse isn't age, I am sure you must only 29 ! Haha
      I think we all have one ailment or another!
      Give a John a hug from me for giving you a break this morning bless him!
      Right I'm off as cats sound like they are up to no good!
      Feet up!!
      Gentle hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra, Simply beautiful.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Thanks Theresa,
      I am guessing you are in agony bless you my lovely!
      Get on the phone and tell them you can't cope with this anymore!
      gentle hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. This is my second attempt, I managed to lose the first one just before I finished it so here goes, again!!!!
    I love this pretty card, so bright and cheerful which is just right to start the week : ) I will have to borrow this die, it is beautiful. Don't know if you have looked at Christines blog yet but congratulations to you : )
    patwyn, welcome to this great blog. In answer to your question about the X Cut I have not had it long but so far I am very happy with it. I had 3 Grand Caliburs in just over 2 years, I had 2 x handles breaking and I x oil/grease leaking from it. Each time I had a problem I got it exchanged but after the 3rd time I was not prepared to put up with it any longer so had a look at reviews, price etc. and decided on the X Cut. By the way I had bought my GC from Hobby craft in Swindon, Wilts. At that time it was £10 more than the cheapest I could find anywhere online but I wanted it straight away. I am so glad I got it from them as each time I had a problem but Swindon Hobbycraft were fantastic. They immediately offered me an exchange or full refund along with apologises for the problem. How great is that.I can't praise them enough for their customer service, they are brilliant. The X Cut cuts everything really cleanly that I have tried so far, all paper/card up to 350gsm, felt, hessian and acetate. I do need to use a shim sometimes, either the metal one included or a paper/card one, but far less than with the GC. Most intricate dies cut through card in one pass. The adjustable roller is great, and very easy to use. It does take up a little bit more room than the GC. It stay in place on the table without suction and the metal handle is comfortable and easy to turn. You do need to "set it up" by opening the two sides, removing the two pieces that make up the "work top" on either side of the roller (sorry can't think what they are called!) and pushing two tabs to lock the X Cut flat. Replace the "work tops" and off you go. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is, I can do this in seconds now so no problems there. It is very stable and you don't have to hold it when cutting as it stays where you put it, which is a delight after all of the lack of suction/ movement problems the GC has. When closed it is very neat and tidy and doesn't take up much room at all. So far I am delighted with it. The only improvement would be for someone (Sue Wilson would get it right first time I'm sure) to make a machine that cuts with even pressure over 100% of the board. That hasn't happened yet, but with all of these new machines coming out all we can do is keep our fingers crossed can't we! Sorry for the length of this but I hope it answers some of your questions : )
    Sandra, I will be thinking of you today re; the school etc. Remember what I said on Saturday evening about your emotional/logical thoughts. You are in the right. Get that notepad out!
    Back to nicer things, I love not knowing what you are going to post each day, it is always great to see and so interesting to hear what you and everyone else has to say : )
    Take care my lovely.
    Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to explain X cut to Patwyn, we all know what it us like to make a major purchase like that not knowing wether you are doing the right thing, when the Grand Calibur came our there weren't many alternatives, but of late the machines have been a bit hut and miss quality wise, but they have bought out the New Teal GC with all neural gearing, Pat (witney) had half one for a couple of weeks so we will see how she gets on, so far so good though.
      Don't worry about the length of your post Sue, you know me, "the bigger the better. ;)
      Thanks for your lovely words about card.
      Sending you great big hugs,
      Love too,
      Sandra xxxxx

  7. This is really pretty. Love it. I was going to recommend wild orchid for flowers but you beat me too it. great minds!
    Pink is my favourite colour and the flowers are beautiful.

    Can I thank everyone for their lovely comments yesterday about my card and box. A bit scary letting fellow crafters see your work! I have been influenced by Christina Griffiths who demos for spellbinders on C and C she always decorates the inside of her cards so got that from her! I do like the card to be an experience hence the box and I wrap the card in tissue and line the lid! Must be mad a lot of work and then sometimes do my own gift bags to match I think that an in expensive or homemade gift can be made special by the presentation.
    As Steph said the featured card was for a girl I work with who has just been promoted but lives across the road from Steph! Small world!!!

    Anyway enough of me! Good luck Sandra today as you kick some ass!!!!!

    Love to all who are tired or unwell. Got to go to dreaded mandatory training today - boring and not being paid! Even worse!

    See you all tomorrow!

    1. Firstly I would like to thank you for allowing me to show your stunning card, as you saw, everyone loved it, I love the idea of having a "guest designer" now and then, we get to see a variety of card styles and techniques too.
      I hope your training doesn't go on for too long, it's usually stuff you already know anyway, even worse that you aren't getting paid!
      I am off for a top up from Wild Orchid!
      Sandra xxxxxx

  8. A foral beauty from you today, it's gorgeous. have to agree with Steph, that I hope it isn't a new set of dies from Sue? As some of us haven't managed to get the ones we like of the last lot. Also you are right about the amount of die cutting machine that are coming out, I hope that when shops get these machines in they think about keeping a few spare plates in stock, I needed a nice new top plate for when cutting Gills invites, Hobbycraft and the
    Range in Dundee told me they don't keep them as you can go on line and order them in to the store, well that's all very well if you do t have a 40 mile round trip to get them, and if they are available on line why can't they just keep a couple in the store, with computer stock fileling they could have it set so when one is sold another is sent to replace it. Oh rant over. I do hope you and Paul get some where with the school today. Please don't get yourself to worked up to the point that you become ill, which is all to easy to happen. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Rant all you want, get it off your chest, it's all good information!
      So frustrating though, sometimes you don't want to buy online, it would be nice at times to go into a shop and try things out, infact I think that's an idea, if Hobbycraft had machines on display that you can have a go on, you could take an intricate die with you and do your own bit of research.
      The Xcut seems to be getting quite good reviews!
      I was watching Tim Holtz on You Tube yesterday introducing some of his new ranges at CHA 15, he still uses his Sizzix Vagabond machine, but it looked quite a faff as you have to keep the button pressed in until the plates have gone through, so you may as well be winding a handle! In my opinion!
      Well must go as Paul will be in for lunch in a few minutes and I have been "blogging since 8am, I'm still jot dressed" tut tut naughty me!
      I have a list of 'points' to write before calling the school?
      Love & hugs
      Sandra cxxxxx

  9. Me again. Patwyn I have had my X cut for nearly 10 months and I love it. I have a GC which I loved but it had to go for a repair ( no pressure in the rollers) anyway it was away for nearly 10 weeks, I bought the X cut as I had no machine while the GC was away. The X cut like Sue ( Mrs B) says. it cuts well but not 100% over the whole plate, you can adjust the pressure by turning the knob on the top, it takes a bit of getting to know what to set it at, but once you do its so easy. Sue has done a really good job of telling you about it. Hazel x

  10. Hello Sandra,
    Your card today is gorgeous, The colours, the flowers and the whole composition is lovely.
    Steph, this is no virtual coffee shop, as I was reading your post George appeared with a cup for me, how scary is that!!!? I also agree that those of us who are retired, and on small pensions, do not have the money to constantly buy new sets of dies.
    Brenda, I was up for first time in a week yesterday for a few hours. Went with George this morning at 7.20 for the school run (we let daughter and son-in-law go to work and we see to the girls) but have had to come to bed to recover. Don't know what is the matter, this virus has drained all energy and the headaches are horrendous, I suppose it's just a matter of time.
    Sandra, I hope you get some joy from the school regarding the problem last week, and don't let them make you upset, uptight or unhappy.
    love xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for the lovely comment about my card.
      Its a pity George couldn't virtually deliver us all a coffee, wouldn't that be lovely.
      Please take it easy my love, this virus has clearly taken it out of you and if its your first day out of bed the slightest thing will exhaust you so baby steps, get up have a little potter about and then rest please, let your body recover enough to get rid of that virus for good, just another week of taking it easy, you clearly hadn't completely got rid of it from last time.
      Drink plenty and maybe get back to the doctors about the headaches, you have me all worried.
      I am awaiting a response from the school, so watch this space.
      You take care please,
      Gentle healing hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Hi to everyone who pops in and makes this such a fun place to be ! Agree with Steph's lovely description!
    Today's card is really lovely and your little flowers are gorgeous! I'm going to have a look for Wild Orchid flowers . I love the neatness of your cards Sandra and everything always looks just right! Thank you.
    Thanks too to Sue, (Mrs B) re the Xcut machine. I will have a look at that too. I'm on handle number 2 from GC but it keeps falling off - usually while I'm turning the handle . One of these days it will not go back in .
    Have a good day everyone! Love this blog!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxxx
    PS. - hope all goes well today Sandra! Be thinking of you and Paul. x

    1. Hi Myra,
      I am glad all the comments have been useful, I emailed Sue today and ask if she could design a machine as she gets things spot on for what we need and I am sure it would be the perfect machine! she probably thinks I have gone mad!
      it would just be nice if they were honest when they sold you the machines in the first place!
      I am glad you are enjoying the blog, I love it!!!
      sending you huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Firstly thank you so much for welcoming me to your blog. I am looking forward to getting to know all your blog friends and seeing more of your lovely creations. Today's card is gorgeous, very pretty colours.
    I read your blog about what happened at Lucy's school and I was appalled and disgusted by what was done. I hope you and Paul get a satisfactory outcome today. Go give 'em hell!
    Hope you don't mind, but I would like to thank Steph for her welcome last night. I was so pleased to receive such a nice message.
    Also thanks to Sue (Mrs B) and Hazel for their information on the XCut machine. It's good to hear other crafters opinions on these machines as it is not a cheap purchase, especially when you are on a budget.
    Thank you Sandra for the info on the new Big Shot machine. I did look it up and it is a bit expensive as I am on a limited budget at the moment. Must say it looked okay and if it is half as good as the one I have got now it will be worth saving for it. Will wait for some reviews.
    Take care all you lovely ladies,
    Love and hugs
    Pat xx

    1. Hi Pat,
      I am so pleased you have returned, there have been a few welcomes for you today in the posts. They are the best bunch of ladies there could ever be, so friendly caring and helpful.
      thank you for the lovely comment about my card that is very kind of you.
      I too thought that machine was a little expensive. If ever you need a bigger die cut, if I have one you would like then I will gladly cut you a few and post them, so feel free to ask if there is anything you fancy in particular,
      I am off to bed now, as it is late, I didn't finish my card until late tonight so I am all behind.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  13. Hi Sandra,
    Love your pink floral card, it's right up my street. Your flowers are so pretty and so beautifully arranged, I don't know how you do it. If I am putting more than one flower on my cards I dither for ages trying to decide just where to position them, honestly, it can take me half an hour sometimes so if I was putting so many on it would probably take me all week.!!!
    Today I really wanted to make a girly, pink, blingy, pretty card, but as luck would have it I had to get on and make a dreaded "Man's" card for my son in law. I loathe making cards for men and most of them don't really care either way whether you have put your blood sweat and tears into it.
    Still haven't finished it and if I want to have a glass of wine with dinner I had really better crack on. My matting and layering can be a bit hit and miss at the best of times, but after a glass of wine, well, they are not good. Mind you, after the said glass, I find I really don't care.
    I had a look at John next doors blog today and he is going to be on C&C, I thing on the 31st and he mentioned something about a "sneak peak", so I expect Sue's surprise this week is going to be a new launch. I am in two minds. One part is so excited and the other is thinking oh no, I still can't afford to get the ones from my last wish list!

    Been thinking about you today Sandra and hope all went well and you got the apology and explanations you deserve.
    Better try and publish now, hope I don't end up with a pizza challenge like I did on Sue's this morning, that was so weird, glad it made you laugh Myra and you are right toast would have been much more appropriate.
    Love and hugs to you all,
    and a big welcome to Patwyn, I am a newcomer as well and have been
    made to feel so welcome on Sandra's lovely blog.

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thank you for your lovely comments, you are most welcome on my blog, my home is your home! so put the kettle on! haha
      You did make me laugh about your wine and matting and layering,
      I know the feeling, maybe if we had a go at making a card under the influence it may turn out 'perfectly distressed' and that's trendy right now! but I fear the only thing that would be distressed is us at the bloomin mess! so here's to crafting sober!
      I have made a man card for tomorrow!
      I have no clue as to Sue's surprise the only thing that has me puzzled is that last time Sunrise Crafts had Sue's new dies to view before Sue launched them and they have no new Sue dies as yet!
      Well You will be glad I don't have the webcam on as I am sat on the edge of the bed with a towel wrapped around me, just out of the shower and somebody is gently snoring beside me, so I had better go. goodnight my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    A bit late I know but better late than never. First of all I'd like to welcome Patwyn and Saba to your blog. Your names nearly the same as mine Pat. Back to Your card Sandra, another stunner today. Love your pink cards. And your flowers are simply gorgeous. Must take the measurements of your flowers, so I can order a few. I understand your having a meeting today. Must have missed that somewhere. Go girl and kick ass. Big big hugs to you today and hope your knee isn't playing up. No athletics today, have a rest from training.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Thanks for the lovely comment about my card today.
      if you like on Wednesday I will sit with you and help you order what you need. if that helps.
      My coach has given me the week off from athletics, I had to get a sick note from my mum, he said he wishes he hadn't pushed me so hard and expected me to carry salsa and walk!!! haha
      you do make me smile!
      love you lots
      Sandra xxx

  15. Hello my lovely
    Sandra it was really lovely chatting to you on the phone,it was like we have known each other for age's.Sorry I ment to ask how you got on at Lucy's school,hope you let the have it .
    Your card today is gorgeous the colours are so pretty & your beautiful flower arrangement as always just right. Your so talented Sandra. Look forward to tomorrow's card.
    Lots of love Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      or should I call you virgin mary! haha
      Thank you for the lovely chat on the phone this afternoon, not sure where the time went, we certainly weren't lost for words, haha.
      Thanks for the lovely comments,
      Sandra xxxx

  16. Another lovely card. Hope all went well at the school today and you got some answers. I had a check up on my cataract op today and the eye is still inflamed so I have different drops and have to put them in 6 times a day for 2 weeks then 4 times a day for two weeks then go back but couldn't get an appointment for 4 weeks so have to wait 5 weeks. I was able to drive today as the other eye which I have already had the op on is 20/20 vision so very good.

    1. Hi Littlelamb,
      Wow that sounds confusing, I hope you have marked off on the calendar when you change from 6 to 4!
      good news about your driving though, take it easy at first though, just until you get your confidence back.
      thanks for the lovely comment about the card.
      Big Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  17. Hello sweetheart just when you thought I had gone awol I am back thanks to a wonderful BT broadband engineer who has been here most of the morning 'playing with his toys' and having cups of tea. We have had no broadband for a week and I have so missed paying my daily visits to you to see your stunning and beautiful creations and my daily trips down memory lane about those lovely sweets that used to be available years ago.
    I hope you are well or as well as possible and your kitten has recovered from her surgery by now. I have quickly looked at your stunning cards but as yet have not had time to read your posts but when time is available I shall, so I hope the family are all recovered by now.
    take care
    With love and hugs
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Oh Margaret,
      I was so worried about you, I seem to remember you did mention something to do with the internet, but when I hadn't seen you or on here for a couple of days, my little heart was racing, but luckily we got a message to you and all was well.
      See my lovely the place just 'aint the same without you'! so welcome home! I will get the kettle on!
      Bella is doing well now, but hates the vet, the night before she had her stitches out she slept in our room and she was fidgeting all night, I could here her cleaning her self and it sounded like she was biting her nails, but no the little minx had removed her own stitches, boy was I worried, but the vet said that she did a better job than he could and left no marks! I tell you if its not the chidren its the pets!
      We have had some lovely discussions this past week, but ready to start a new one so any suggestions, you get the ball rolling!
      I just love how everyone interacts with each other!
      Sending you the biggest welcome back hug,
      Sandra xxxxx

  18. Hi Sandra. A bit of a later post today as I had to rush off to work this morning. You have given us such a pretty card today, thank you. You do just right to treat yourself to some new dies, or have you decided to wait and see if Sue is launching some more? Wouldn't it be good if instead she had "invented" a new machine that actually cuts across the width of the plate? I hope that you got some answers from Lucy's school today, without it being too stressful for you. Remember - they were in the wrong! Take care of yourself. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I think I will wait a couple of days to see what happens, otherwise I could miss out on something extra special!
      Its funny you should say that about Sue as I emailed her earlier asking her to do the very same thing! haha we must be physic!
      Well after leaving messages and waiting to hear back all day, I rather think I am going to have to wait until Paul can take me to the school so that we can deal with this face to face!
      Thank you for your kind words, you ladies have kept me going over the last few days!
      hugest of hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    What can I say, yes I know Beautiful,Beautiful and hundred more ! I think even I could try making this one or, No as I have not got those fab.dies and not the lovely flowers so I leave it to You ,Lynda, Sue and some other amazing ladie's to continue my journey into card making. I love seeing what you all coming up with every day. Starting to feel pretty slow but that might be a good thing lol How are you doing, seeing the doc.for that knee ?
    Hope you had a rest yesterday ,you must be so sore bless you. Rg the school I Do hope you and Paul will get some answers and apologies in due course !! Will ask my sister how much she takes for the puppies and come back...... Bed or acer thats the question ? Acer or listening to snoring lol He's still up too (chest-infection) sigh. Wish you a goodish night Maria x
