
Sunday 25 January 2015

Guest Designer!!!!! Barbiepinkfairy & Diego draws winner!

 Good Morning Ladies,
I got a day off today as this gorgeous card is designed and made by the lovely Barbiepinkfairy!
isn't it gorgeous.  I do love Anna Marie Designs pink dotty card, such lovely cards and top quality too!
As you can see the inside is decorated beautifully
to match the front, so pretty, that little flower is beautiful.
A box to match too, this is more of a gift than a card,  like to make boxes for all of my cards, it just adds and to and completes the design, plus with the flowers, bows etc can become a little damaged in an envelope.

Now for the Draw, may I introduce to you Diego, my daughters dog, he is quite a cutie, he is a Cockapoo!
Where do they make these names up????
Anyway with a few treats we managed to get him to choose a name, we then had a little trouble getting him to give us the piece of paper back! Below you can see him picking a winner and almost eating
 Our winner is..........................................................................
Congratulations my lovely,
email your address to :

Huge Hugs, Sorry about photos being all over, I am rubbish at technology!
Sandra xxxxx

  Winner !!!!!!


  1. Hi Sandra. What a lovely way to start a Sunday morning. Thank you (and Diego) for choosing me to receive your beautiful card, you are very kind to do a giveaway. I personally like your blog because when we go off tangent and talk about things like sweets and games from the past I don't feel like like there's anyone in the background "tutting", it's more like we're all having a chat over a coffee and letting the conversation go where it wants. I hope that makes sense, but I have only just finished coffee no.1 and it usually takes at least 3 before I'm human!!! Thank you for your reply yesterday, I took your advice and spent some time in my craft room, it was the best medicine for me. I love Diego, he looks like such a character. We don't have a furry friend at the moment as we're trying to get the house finished before we have another. Our last friend was a black lab, bought as a gun dog but turned out to be scared of loud noises, water, people, other dogs - everything! But she was ours and we loved her. We also had a miniature schnauzer who was the total opposite, into everything and never happier than when playing in the sea. She did win a few puppy classes at shows but I had to stop taking her as she kept slipping her show lead and running off to terrorise the biggest dogs she could find!
    Barbie Pink Fairy, I love your style, this card is so pretty. I do like to see how people finish the insides too, and then to make a box as well - this is not just a card it is a total gift.
    Sorry for rambling on today, wishing you all a lovely Sunday. Sue xxx

    1. Congratulations Sue!!!!
      Feel free to ramble as much days you like, that's what this blog is all about, rambling more than welcome!
      Your card is packaged up and ready to take to the post office!
      Diego us very much a character, he can be a little frustrating at times, Milo actually bigger than Diego and frequently boxes his ears, as he tends to bark at the kittens to get them to play chase!
      Your dog sounded like he was a big softy, like our family dog was, bless her, we had her for 13 years, she was like one of the children, we vowed never to have another dog as losing her was way too painful.
      Feel free to send me an email with one of your cards and I will gladly show it for you, it gives me a night off!
      I hope you like your prize when you receive it, it is sent with my love.
      Sandra xxxxxx

  2. Morning Sandra and all. Apart from barbie (who was on a night shift last night) hope you managed a good sleep, I myself was up 3 times and feel like a very wet soggy lettuce ready for the food recycle caddy ! Hope you sleep well barbie.
    Woohoo well done craftysuetoo on being chosen by Diago 4paws to receive Sandra's card : )
    Its such a lovely Spring like morning here in Lsncashire, but bitter cold, was quite mild at 5am. Making me wonder if I should have done market today ! Hohum never mind, it will take just that bit longer to save for a Sue die !
    Thank you for showing your guest card this morning, isn't it absolutly beautiful. The dotty pink card is so girly and fresh. Do I see one of Sue's daisy die's there Barbie ? When did you buy that then ?? Was it 'one of those accidental buy's" that 'accidentally' happened 2 weeks ago lol.
    Im SO lucky to have a barbie origional on my shelf, believe it or not it completly silenced me when I opened the box, its just so pretty as was the xmas card and box, and birthday card I was lucky to have too, like you say, its a complete gift. I just know your work collegue will adore it, one for her memory box. Its so weird, but this young lady who is going to receive barbies card lives just round the corner from me ! Isn't it a small world ?
    I adore your bright and happy card barbie, just right for a bright sunny morning.
    Hope your knee is getting less painful Sandra, and I hope you have a lovely crafty day today. Will bob by tomorrow for some Sandra Inspiration. Have a Wilsonette card to try and complete today, so when my pathetic stumpy finger gets its feeling back I will start.
    Sending love to all that enter Sandra's world today.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      You are very lucky to have a Barbie original on your shelf as her cards are gorgeous if today's card is anything to go by, it was nice to have a night off and nice to share somebody else's work, nice for everyone to see a variety of cards.
      How did Andy's birthday go? Was he surprised to see Lou?
      I am a little tired today as I had a bad night sleep, but an early night beckons tonight, so all will be well.
      I hope you got your card finished today, any chance of a photo???
      Right I am off for a shower and an early night, maybe paul could give my sore bits a massage!
      Warm Hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Barbiepinkfairy has made a beautiful card hasn't she. I like to see how people finish the inside of cards to, this one is lovely. Diego did a good job selecting a name didn't he. Congratulations CraftySuetoo, you will love your card : ) I agree with CraftySuetoo says about your blog, it is like we are all sat around having a good old natter with each other isn't it.
    I hope your bruises are coming out today as I think when they don't it is far more painful for longer. I can't wait to see your rearranged tidy craft room : ) At least once it is organised it doesn't take so long to tidy it back up after a crafty session does it. Have a good day today my lovely. Take care. Hugs Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Well I made a card and the craft room is still tidy, I put everything away afterwards, shock, horror, gasp!
      I am so glad you are all enjoying the feel of the blog, I am loving it!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Not to sure what's happening with blogger but this is the third time of trying to leave a comment. Third time lucky hopefully. So I'll keep it short. Congratulations on winning Sandra's card CraftySuetoo, isn't it gorgeous. I also love the card that PinkBarbie fairy has made. I love the die you have used and Sandra has let me cut out some of them using her dies. I hope to get some more Anna Marie card stock when I go to Farnborough. I'll try to post this again.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Glad you got blogger sorted out in the end!
      I think I will be sending you to Farnborough with a shopping list!
      Hope you have a less painful week this week,
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra,
    Well done to Barbie, I Love the fresh spring Colours she's chosen, there is some extremely talented people's out there and your among them along with Lynda and this Lady.
    I'm always Extremley Critical of myself I'm making two cards at present
    and it will take me a while before I'm happy with my matting and layering etc even though I purchased Spellbinders Large Square Dies, as I like to make
    8 x 8 Cards.
    But back to today's Card as I mentioned I Love the Colour the Fabulous Dies that have been used its Beautiful anyone would Love to receive this.
    A Huge Congratulations to CraftySuetoo for winning your Beautiful Card yesterday.
    I can't remember who mentioned it yesterday re: not receiving items from Kim!
    Well I comment on John Next Door! And he started to give a Card away on a Monday I won the first week but still nothing has appeared I do understand these people are so busy, I emailed John and his reply was it must have got lost in the post (which it could have) and he would post out another.
    I do hope your not in to much pain after your fall and not to badly bruised.
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x

    1. Hi Sam,
      Hope you are having a lovely weekend,
      I too have the Spellbinders grand Squares but there is quite a difference in size between them so not that great for matting and layering but good for making frames.
      Thank you taking the time to comment today Sam,
      Love &hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Good morning My lovely,
    Sandra I hope your feeling better after saying hello to the floor yesterday,have the bruises come out today.I Hope you haven't made your knee more painfull.
    Congratulations Craftysuetoo on winning a Sandra original lucky girl.
    Barbiepinkfairy,your card is gorgeous,the papers you have used are so pretty,I love pink. You have used Sue's die beautifully,the inside finishes the card off so well,the matching box makes it into a lovely gift. Well Done xx
    Have a lovely Sunday Sandra,please take care my lovely.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Hope you have had a great weekend, thanks for taking the time to come over and comment.
      Sending you big hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Good morning Sandra. A gorgeous card today from your guest designer " barbiepinkfairy". It's lovely to see work from names that blog every day on Sues blog and now yours Sandra. Craftysuetoo is so right Sandra your blog is like we are all meeting up in a coffee shop having a chat. Congratulations on winning Craftysuetoo. I take it when you are talking about things not turning up its Sues give aways??? Is it just her cards? As I have to say my stamps have both times turned up by the middle of the week after it has been on her blog saying I had won. If it's cards it could be another department from the stamp give aways!!! Sandra I do hope you are not to sore and stiff today? And oh what a cute Diego is, Take it easy especially when you have the family at home to do the running around. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      No,no, it's not Sue, she is super efficient at sending out her prizes, she has it all pre-organised at Creative Expressions towers.
      They are talking about a prize drawer on another blog that a few of them go on, I think that they win prizes in October and haven't received their prizes. Which must be very frustrating! I am a little sore and stiff but nothing that I am not used too, phew what a week!
      Thanks for brightening it up for me,
      Grateful hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Sandra, I didn't think it was from Sue' s as she is very good at sending things, just did wonder if some one in a delt ment wasn't doing their job. Meant to say. Talking to Adrian at my little craft shop yesterday, he was saying Tonic are bring out a die cutting machine soon, there will be that many we won't have a clue as to what to go for. Had a disaster yesterday and cracked my heart striplet die, it was at a very fine point, will still cut but oh boy it's sharp so didn't want blood getting on the cuts for Gills invites, luckily Adrian had one in stock. Tried it through the G.C and it cuts a dream yet my other one didn't , only on my XCut. Maybe because it's new. Hazel x

  8. Morning Sandra
    Oh what a sweet card on display this morning from a very talented Barbiepinkfairy, lovely decorated on the inside and to top it off with a beautiful box! I feel a bit enview but so happy to have "friends" who can make such wonderful cards. Tihi yes I made a bit of a mess in my husbands domain yesterday and will do so again if any strength would like to emerge. I don't sleep very well, sometimes because of pain but I suffer a bit of insomnia too so I'm sitting up to the early hours most nights. Watching tv, writing e-mails and looking at blogs etc. how quick the time goes if you blog surfing, forget to put the dinner on sometimes tihi. Congrats CraftySuetoo for winning your lovely card, very good of Diego, the paper do look a bit soggy :-) He's a cutie ! don't know if I told you but my sister breeding Finnish Lapdogs and they are absolutely gorgeous, especially as pups of course.
    Hope you taking another day easy, glad you got Paul and the kids around.
    Take care and warm 'gentle' Hugs Maria x

    1. Hi Maria,
      I like you suffer with a bit of insomnia, last night I was awake pretty much the whole night, I have had a thumping headache for a couple of says which is not helping, I tried reading for a bit, the solitaire, then internet browsing at half past five I got up to feed kittens and that's pretty much it, so I feel like a bit of a zombie today. But I am used to it now as you probably are too, it starts with not being able to sleep though not getting comfortable and then you get more and more agitated as the night goes on, it's a frustrating circle that you go around in! But it's good for blog surfing
      Thankfully Diego spends most of his tone Sgt Becca's boyfriends house, as they haven't got him house trained properly and he is used to running around with their three other dogs so he things that if he barks at the kittens they will play with him too, but they just 'box his ears'! 'Milo' (kitten) is actually bigger than Diego!
      I bet your sisters puppies are adorable!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Ps my daughter asked how much the puppies are?

    3. Hello Sandra,
      It's a great blog today with a bit of everything. Barbie's card is lovely and fresh, and it's nice to see the inside of the card finished off.
      I laughed at Diego not willingly giving up the piece of paper he had selected, but congratulations to CraftySue on winning your lovely card. This is a lovely blog as we chunter about all sorts and, as CraftySue says, no one minds if we go off on a tangent.
      Sandra take care xx

    4. Hi Maureen,
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting today x
      It was a challenge to get Diego to give up his prize, but it was fun!
      I think I will definitely do it again.
      I love it when we all go off tangent!
      I am off for an early night as I am exhausted.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Hi Sandra, hope you are feeling a little better today, no floor aerobics today. What a gorgeous card Barbiepinkfairy has made, so feminine and a gorgeous pink. Love the inside and the box.
    Off to take more tablets as my shoulder is getting worse, silly NHS has no competent system in place.
    Have a good day. Well done to the winner of your card and well done to Barbiepinkfairy for the gorgeous card.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      I am glad you love Barbie's card too, I will gladly showcase yours too!
      No floor aerobics today, thankfully!
      I am sorry that you are in more pain with your shoulder, why don't the NHS sort you out, i have been in your place and it's very frustrating, when all you want is to be pain free!
      Sending you Gentle, soothing hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Hope you are having a lovely Sunday with your family and that your aches and pains are easing today. Isn't Diego a little cutie and so clever of him to pick out a winner! Congratulations Craftysuetoo on winning that beautiful card.
    Barbiepinkfairy, your card is gorgeous. I love pink and your matting and layering and general layout is so precise and well balanced. I have a bit of a thing about symmetry, can't bear it if my matting is out by the tiniest of bit and yours is just perfect. Not only that but an insert and a box to go with it, I am seriously impressed. Thank you for letting Sandra show it to us.
    Hope you are all having a good day,
    Love and hugs to you all

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thanks for stopping by again today and hope that you are enjoying the blog.
      Glad you like Barbie's card too, it's fabulous isn't it.
      Hope you have had a great weekend too,
      Crafty hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hi Sandra,
    First of all how cute is Diego! So much personality looks out of that little face!
    Congratulations to Sue on winning your lovely card .
    Now to today's beauty! It's lovely - as had been said - a real gift not just a card! Love the Cardstock - it's lovely! Congratulations Barbiepinkfairy! Hope your night shift wasn't too bad!
    Sandra, when I said only you could do something like this - I didn't mean fall - I meant say thank you with a lovely card! Sometimes it's hard to get the real meaning across in a few sentences! Still not sure I have!
    Late today as had grandchildren - had fun but now I'm tired! We crafted using washi tapes and notepads. It's amazing how personalities come out! Five of us around the kitchen table -, lovely!
    Hope everyone has had a good day ,
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Your crafting day with your grandchildren sounded perfect, crafting has a natural way of expressing people's personalities, it's amazing how the same people can use the same thing and come out with total different result, the lovely thing is they have something to take home too.
      I know you didn't mean falling over, funny thought though!
      I am sure you are exhausted after your busy day,
      I too am off for an early night,
      Here's to a less dramatic week!
      Sending you warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you for showcasing Barbypinkfairy's lovely card. I love seeing how others decorate the inside of their cards and also the box - this one really is a gift.
    Anna Marie has some great value card, this spotty one is gorgeous I have some check card she brought out some time ago, its lovely.

    Diego looks so cute and cuddly, how clever of him to pull out Sue's name (well done Sue really pleased for you) I did have a nasty thought, what-if he had eaten it. I have a picture in my head of you going through a list of names, sort of process of elimination! Fortunately it didn't come to that ha ha. .......... my mind is very sick/sad at times!.

    Wishing you good luck for tomorrow. Take deep breaths and keep calm. LOL
    Hope you have had a lovely family day and your Knees and Hip are not to painful. Sending you Crafty Hugs, Take care, Love Brenda xx

    I forgot to say, I agree with others this is a great Blog Its like being in a coffee shop and talking about whatever comes to mind - What a great place to be X

    1. Hi Brenda,
      How has your weekend been? Today has been nice and relaxed which I needed as I hardly slept last night! But I will have an early night tonight and bit of a Luke in tomorrow, the only issue having Diego stay over is tags the barks at the kittens constantly, which started at about 8am today. He mostly stays at Becca's boyfriends house, as it is more convenient (and I refused to look after him all day) ! They have three other dogs that he loves to run around with.
      I love being able to showcase other people's cards as well as my own, it makes for a more interesting viewing for all of you, so please feel free to send me an email with pics of your cards anytime, I would love to see your work.
      By the way my mind is very much like yours, I have to watch what I say most of the time, so as not to offend! Haha
      Well I am off for a shower before it gets too late.
      Huge hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    I hope you don't mind me gatecrashing your blog. I have been following you via Sue Wilson's blog although I have only just left my first comment for her. Your cards are really gorgeous and so varied, such a clever lady. I ould love to become part of your blog family as I feel I know some of you through reading all your comments both here and on Particraft. I think one of your friends has an X cut machine and I wondered if she has any opinions on it, how it performs and if she would recommend it. I have a Big Shot at the moment and it has been great for many years - still is - but I have been thinking of getting a bigger machine for A4 folders. Would appreciate any thoughts on this from your lovely friends. Hope you are feeling better now after your fall and that your family are well. Hope to call in again if you don't mind.
    Love Pat x

    1. Hi Pat,
      Welcome to my blog, you are more than welcome to be part of our lovely little family.
      My dear friend Sue (Mrs B) has recently got an Xcut Machine and she seems to be loving it so far, we craft together once a week and it seems to perform very well. Have you seen that Sizzix have bought out a New A4 Sizzix Big Shot 'plus', you can see it on You Tube, they have upgraded the top roller so that it doesn't bend the plates, so that might be a consideration for you if you have got on with your Big Shot . Thank you very much for your lovely comment.
      Please come back soon,
      Sandra xxxxx

  14. Welcome Patwyn. This is a lovely friendly place to hang out and we all found each other from Sue's blog. Its great you have also left a comment on Sue's Particraft blog, she is a beautiful kind lady, so it will be great for us and Sue to see you posting.
    I look forward to reading your posts here again soon, its more like a little virtual friendly coffee shop for craft addicts.
    Hope to 'see' you again really soon.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Aw thanks Steph, that's so mind of you to say, I love the friendly feel of the blog, it's so lovely to 'meet' up with these lovely friends every day,
      Hugs xxxxx

  15. barbypinkfairy's card is lovely. Sorry you had a bad night but hope you didn't have to do too much today. I saw my two Grandaughters today (cousins). Although one is 6 and the other 3 they get on very well and both get upset when one of them has to go home. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope all goes well. Stand your ground.

  16. Good evening dear Sandra,
    This lovely lady sent me one of her masterpieces which I am so very lucky to have been given when I lost mum and I look at it everyday. Bariepinkfairy, I am so glad that you are allowing your talent to be seen by others and thank you Sandra for being so lovely to share others beautiful works.
    I hope that you are feeling a bit better today than you have been and well done to CraftySue on winning your work of art yesterday. Sorry so tired this week flower but hope I am back to normal soon,
    Take care dear friend,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah Glenochil
