
Saturday 24 January 2015

Saturday Give-away!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well what can I say to thank you for your love, kindness and support yesterday, you all made such a huge difference to my day, which ended pretty much as it started ....with a bang!
Yes you guessed it, whilst carrying just a little plate of food to the dining table my knee gave way and I hit the deck, crashing down onto my knees and banging my hip into the coffee table as I went down, what a ninny! But as the hours are ticking past I am getting stiffer and stiffer! I think me knee took most of my weight so I guess I won't be going far today!
Today's card is made for all of you, as you are all so kind.  Its just a small little thank you style card but its big on meaning!
I used Creative Expression California Collection Decorative Frames set (B) for this card, I cut the largest die twice, one in white for the back of the card, and one in this gorgeous dark violet colour,
I scored the white frame about 3/4 of an inch down along the width of the card and put some Cosmic Shimmer Glue on and held the violet colour card lined up in place on the front of the white frame, this forms the card base! I then cut the decorative section of the Hollywood Die set from CE, in green card, that really complemented the violet! the next layer from Dec Frames (B) in violet and then I stamped my 'you are so kind' sentiment using Egg Pant Adirondack ink and clear embossing powder onto a small green frame.
I added three little complimentary roses and three die cut leaves and finished with a double bow of green and purple ribbon with a green glittery brad!
I hope you like this card as it is going to be a GIVE AWAY today, not much I know but it is sent with my heartfelt gratitude.
So leave a comment below and I will put your names in a hat and get someone in this crazy house to pick a winner!
I just wanted to give a little something back as I am finding it hard to express my depth of gratitude for all of your kindness and support!
The draw will close at midnight tonight.
Oh before I go I got an email from Once Upon A Stamp introducing a large A4 format Sizzix Bigshot Plus ! so we have another machine to add to the mix!
Crafty hugs my friends
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra,
    I'm so very sorry to hear that your Knee gave way and you had a fall
    the pain must have been terrible, and it's always worse when the stiffness sets in. Please Take Great Care.
    I hope you managed to sort out your problem with your Daughter's Teacher!
    Now to the Beautiful Card I Love the Colour's and the Beautiful Sentiment you have used, it's extremely kind of you to give this Gift Card as a giveaway someone is going to be extremely happy, I Love The California Dies that you've used
    Take a Great Care and I hope you have a better Day today
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      Thank you my lovely for your kind words, as I said yesterday there are no words to express mr gratitude for the love and support I received yesterday, I wasn't expecting anyone to comment as there was no card.
      The give away is my little token thank you xxx
      By the way your Mauritius Hotel and location is to die for, I don't think I have ever seen such a beautiful place, you lucky lady!
      If there is room in your suitcase I would love to join you, we could craft in the sun! Haha x
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Hi Sandra. I was sorry to read that you have had a fall, I hope that you will soon be feeling better. I really didn't expect to see any post from you today, never mind a card and you are very generous to offer a giveaway. The way I see it, you do a giveaway most days as you let us see your beautiful creations.I love how you've made an actual card from the dies. I hope that you get things sorted out on Monday, don't let them fob you off with excuses.
    We're a bit shell shocked at work after our meeting. I was one of the lucky ones in that my job is safe (at the moment) but a list of jobs going was given out and several of my colleagues are going to lose their jobs. Hardly surprising the atmosphere at work isn't great. Those of us safe feel guilty and I really don't know what to say to people.
    Hope that today brings better things for you and your family. Sue xxx
    P.S. Congrats to Pat S as I see you have won Julia Watts' giveaway.

  3. Dear Sue,
    Oh my goodness that situation at work must be horrendous, although you are lucky enough to keep your job I imagine you wish you hadn't , it must be terrible, like you said in your comment it is to awkward and there are no words for someone who has lost their job, January can be a tough enough month as it is without that news!
    My heart really does go out to you my lovely, I know this horrible situation will be on your mind all weekend.
    Try and do something to occupy your mind, pop round to mine for a coffee and some crafting, I will be alone again this morning as Paul is going to support the girls at their football match, I am on strict instructions to do nothing!
    Comforting hugs Sue,
    Sandra xxxxx

  4. Sandra, I too didn't think you might have posted today, but what I lovely surprise I got! How clever using just basically the set of dies as the card, it's brilliant. Now it was me having the fall last week, now yourself and oh boy I could feel your pain, not only your knee but your hip as well, your are going to be stiff and very sore, please take things easy. I was not surprised to see all the supportive comments you got yesterday, Sandra everyone of us felt for you, and as a few mentioned that when you phone the doctors for results you are told that only the doctor can give that information, so how come this all happened??? The High school that Anna goes to won't text me as they say in case I get a text that only concerns parents, so with the result Anna has to text me herself if the school is closing early because of problems, or an after school activity has been cancelled. Anna's mum works in Edinburgh but is away abroad or down in London with her research work and Dad works in Dundee, he can't have his Mobil on when he is doing clinics, so how am I meant to know what's going on??? I am employed by Dad and Mum so I am there for the girls. Beth's school like their old school fully understood this and I am down as a main contact. No you stand your ground, (ok that might not be a case of you standing) with your very poorly knee but get it sorted once and for all, your are so right about neglect and when you report it, you ended up the wrong person and the parents get off scot free, saw so much while we were living in army housing, I had to report a case of really bad neglect of a small baby, but thankfully because I was a nanny to a high up officers children, I knew before hand I would end up getting told by a few that I was wrong to report it, I never regretted doing that, that baby had a lucky escape and yes her parents were found guilty, but how many slipped through because no one spoke up. Sandra I have noticed Margaret corgi owner hasn't commented for a few days, do you know if she is ok? I know ?Ben her grandson was poorly I just wonder if she is ill, she comments always on Sues blog and yours and Lynda's plus mine, but I don't have contact details for her, just concerned that she is ok. Take care sending some ((((((hugs)))))). Sorry can't give in person. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,just wanted to say,I Emaled Margaret yesterday, too see if she was ok but as yet haven't had a reply. I will let you all know when I here anything. Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      Tina contacted Margaret and apparently her internet is down until Monday, but she is fine. phew! one less worry!
      I am going to be demanding some answers on Monday don't worry!
      Must be hard on you, you must have the grandchildren quite a lot bless you. the nice thing is they are with someone that loves them dearly.
      I am a bit achy today but I expected that, I have been pottering around, tidying my craft room so as not to cease up!
      Its getting late now and I am flagging a little, thank goodness its sunday tomorrow, got Paul and girls home all day! yay!!
      Sending you Warm Hugs, thanks for your lovely words,
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Morning Sandra! What are you trying to do ? ey, you must be in so much pain, ouch! Make sure you take it easy today, so surprised to see you had posted this morning after what you have going on at the moment and you are giving it away too. It's very Kind of You, very sweet card made out of different dies and you have used some most wonderful colours together. I'm like you today, all by myself. Son gone to work and hubby gone to watch football so I have taken over his office yay, for hopefully some crafting. If it's only be some stamping I would feel happy but feeling a bit sluggish this morning after spent the night awake, again.Posted to you around 12.30, understand that after you fall and everything your night not been to good either so take care now ,try to have a restful day and many gentle Hugs Maria x

    1. Hi Maria,
      I couldn't not post, its what is keeping me going!
      I hope you got some crafting done and didn't make too much mess in hubby's office!
      What's keeping you awake so late every night? for me its pain normally and the longer I am awake the more agitated I get, so I end up browsing the internet or playing solitaire, how sad!
      I did see your lovely post thank you,
      I am off now to do the draw for tomorrows blog!
      Good Night,
      Sandra xxx

  6. Ouch Sandra,
    I got a real surprise this morning! What a lovely card and what a super idea! You are clever making the die shape the card shape! Overly colours too.
    Only you would do do something like this in the middle of all you are going through! So very sorry you have fallen! It's so easily done but
    I'm very sorry you have more physical pain to add to the pain you already suffer.
    I do hope there is a satisfactory outcome at least to the problem concerning Sophie! Lessons have to be learned and at the very least a lot of apologies given. Explanations or excuses are just not enough. The thing is you trusted these people and they let you done very badly.
    I do hope your pain is not too bad or stiffness either.
    Take care, my dear!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. Ouch Indeed Myra,
      You are right, it could only be me!
      I am a bit achy and getting stiffer as the day goes on!
      I have kept busy all day, but tomorrow will be a rest day!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  7. Hi Sandra. Oh blimey lass, what you like ? Take more water with it lol. Really hope you are resting, using warm and cold compress pads, and doing a little pottering around so you dont stiffen up too much. Did you manage much sleep what with your knee and all the stress with your daughter ?
    I do love this gift you've decided to give us and I know its your choice, but non of us here expect such a thank you. If we didnt care we wouldnt support you the way we did. Being mommies ourselves we felt what you must have been going through. I dont understand how it all got that far anyway, was it that they didnt believe she had been discharged from eye clinic or what ? Either way the way the school went about it was disgusting and Im sure your husband was furious too.
    Anyway, onto a brighter subject, your card is beautifu and the use of building up all the dies looks amazing. Are some of your flowers bought rose buds. I think I asked this question a few days ago but not sure if you mentioned if they are handmade by your talanted hands, or bought in small bundles. I have loads that I bought from Hobbycraft year's ago, maybe I should use them in conjunction with Sue's leaves and vinary die. You really help to open my eye's and imagination - thanks Sandra.
    Im with you Mrs B and Pat... Im still waiting too !!!
    Well Sandra and all that visit, have a lovely day. Lou and her new husband are springing a 'suprise' visit tonight to see dad as it was his birthday yesterday, so I need to play it down so he doesn't click : )
    See you all tomorrow.
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  8. Hi Steph,
    Do you have contact with Margaret, only she seems to have gone MIA, I am a little worried about her xxx

    1. Corgie Margaret ? Yup I do, want me to email her ? Xx

    2. Hi Steph,
      Hope you saw Tina's comment, she contacted Margaret and she has no internet until Monday, so all is well, thank goodness!
      I make some flowers but most of the little ones I use I have bought from Wild Orchid Crafts, they have an amazing range, but its quite easy to get carried away putting things in your basket! lol, I use mine with Sue's leaves and vinery, sometimes the leaves and foliage look better if you cut the leaves out of different shades of green, as all leaves are not the same colour.
      (just an idea) I don't want to sound like I am preaching to you!
      Thanks for stopping by and for your superfast response to the Margaret thing.
      I hope you had a lovely evening with Lou.
      Huge Hugs
      Sandra xxxx
      I hope you had a lovely day and 'everything' went to plan!

  9. Hi my lovely what are you doing to yourself falling over & on your poorly knee & banging your hip as well you have enough pain already without adding to it.
    I mentioned to Hazel that I Emailed Margaret yesterday too see if she was ok but as yet no reaply,I will let you know as soon as I know anything.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous made just from the die's I love the decrative set B they are so useful. I your colours are so pretty together.& your giving it away WOW. I made one from just the Córdoba die last year but never bloged it as forgot to take picture.will have to do it again.
    Hope you get some answers Sandra on Monday regarding yesterday's outrage with Lucy's school. Please take care no more falling.Just rest today.
    Love & BIG Hug's my lovely....Lynda xxxxl

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Did you see Tina's comment? she has contacted Margaret and she has no internet until Monday, so nothing to worry about thankfully.
      I am a bit battered and bruised, and achy, I have asked Paul for a good massage tonight ;) but he is already snoring on the sofa!
      Big Hugs and Love back to you,
      Sandra xxxx

  10. Hello again Sandra
    thank you for welcoming me to your blog yesterday and inviting me to return.
    Your card today is trul lovely. I would never have thought violet and green would compliment each other so well but you have shown me they go together beautifully. It is so generous of you to be giving this card away, but please don't think I have returned for any altruistic reasons, although I would be thrilled to win!! I have returned because your post yesterday really touched my heart and I will continue to join you because your cards are some of the nicest ones on any blog site and you and your lovely bunch of friends make it one of the friendliest blogs I have ever come across.
    I do hope your knee is not causing you too much pain. Let's hope today is a better day for you.
    Loving hugs

    1. Hi Saba,
      Thanks so much for calling In and commenting again today, you had no way of knowing I was giving anything away so that thought never crossed my mind! I am just happy that you feel able to comment, I love how everybody interacts with each other, makes me super-happy!
      Your lovely comment has really made me smile, thank you so much.
      look forward to your next visit,
      Sandra xxxxx

  11. Oh flower, what are we going to do with you? Your knee i think was just saying "right, i've had it, since you wont let me rest, i'll make you" and promptly went on strike. Please i know that you need friends, but making friends with the coffee table and the floor are not the kind of friends i would encourage, for a start they are lousy for making conversation with and their approach to getting attention is sore.
    Right, the nutty part of Norah has been sent away to cause havoc else where and the sensible Norah is back. How are you feeling today flower other than sore from going 5 rounds with the coffee table and floor? Paul will probably be saying like Campbell does to me about over doing it and not taking a rest. Please, your home will still be there after you have got a wee bit strength back. Your card is beautiful flower and so rich in colour, the flowers just look so right where they are. I love putting flowers on my cards and have found Wild Orchid Crafts sell some of the loviest and realistic looking, but watch because it can get addictive some of their lovely roses and magnolias. I hope your wee lass is feeling a bit better this weekend and more able to go dare i say out to play, although if she is anything like my two, the Ipad seems to rule their time. I try to limit them but crikey trying to lay down the law to a 22 year old is about as fruitful as hitting my head of a stone wall.
    Take care dear friend and please go easy on yourself as you are in quite enough pain on a normal day without escalating it to excruciating,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

    1. Hi Norah,
      I love both Norah's!
      You are right Paul has nagged be to stay in bed today while he took the girls to football, but I was too uncomfortable to lay there, so decided I would get up and sort my craft room out, 6 hours later, I have some space to work on!
      I too buy my flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts, a little expensive but top quality and amazing choice, I get carried away putting things in my basket though!
      Your are right about the Ipods and laptop, my eldest Becca bought the twins a kitten each for their birthday as they cribbed for one for years, it was all good at first, but now who are the mugs getting up at 5.30 in the morning and emptying their litter tray???? you guessed it, not them, its either me or Paul!
      Hope to see you again tomorrow my lovely
      Huge Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  12. I really love the combo of purple and green one of my favourite combinations.

    Typical end to a bad day bet it brought tears to your eyes pain and frustration no doubt.

    Have been busy making a congratulations card and box for it. Can't believe one card and box can cause such mess in a room! Used Anna Marie dotty pink card and I think it has turned out quite well.

    See you tomorrow xxx

    1. Hi Barbiepinkfairy,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for the email, you have been my saviour today and everyone is in for a treat tomorrow, your card is gorgeous
      my craft room looks like I have been burgled after every card I make, Paul just looks in and shakes his head, he is Mr Neat and Tidy!
      Crafty Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Afternoon Sandra, What are you like, falling over. Please take care and hope you heal quickly. What a lovely thing to do, to make something to give away, with everything going on and you not being well I didn't think you would post but stopped by just in case. Good job I did it's lovely.
    Take care Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Well I am very pleased you did stop by, thank you very much.
      well I went a whole day without falling today, well I still have to go and have a shower so......lets hope not.
      Sending you hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    Ouch! I can feel the pain in those knees and hip, I hope you managed to get some sleep last night and have been able to move today, allbeit rather slowly. I know you like to be independent but until you are feeling better (and if they are around) ask one of the family to help you.
    Beautiful card ( it made me think of Wimbledon ) love the colours you have used and very clever of you to use the dies as the main part of the card. Your imagination and inspiration is brilliant, Thank you. How generous of you to give this beautiful card away. Lately you have been bring a card to your Blog almost every day That is more than we could ever expect. You just give so much care and time to this SPECIAL place.
    Take care, hope you have lots of family time this weekend.
    Love Brenda xx

    1. Hi Mumma,
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I have shut myself away in the craft room most of the day, tidying and having a bit of a move round, I had t keep moving as I could feel my body ceasing slowly as the day went on.
      I love doing my blog every day, it gives me a purpose, rather than sitting miserably on the sofa.
      Hope you had a relaxing day,
      Lots of love
      Sandra xxxx

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ooh not sure what happened there but you will be in draw anyway my lovely xx

  16. Oh Sandra love,
    Flying dives are best left to acrobats!! Take care, and gently move around so that you do not stiffen up totally - but I'm sure you know that anyway. I hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.
    I hope you managed to get some rest last night and that the school episode did not play on your mind all the time. I've got to admit that it was the first thing I thought of this morning.
    Oops, forgot to say what beautiful colours on the card. I have the California San Francisco die but don't know what plain die to use behind it. Take care x xx

    1. Hello Maureen,
      I think I may join the circus!!! I have pottered around and tidied my craft room today.
      I would use just the very outer ring die to cut a plain matt and then use it with the decorative section in as well, in a different colour and then maybe cut the centre part the same colour as the first mat, I hope that is what you meant, I could maybe do you a visual demo tomorrow.
      take care my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra

    Ooooh, that sounds so painful, I hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly .

    I rang Margaret Corgi owner today, and she is well. I emailed her a couple of times last week and had no reply and got really concerned, so called her. They have no internet and won't until Monday. Hopefully!

    Gentle hugs

    Tina XX

    1. Hi Tina,
      thanks so much for checking on Margaret, I was just worried I hadn't heard from her in a few days, so glad all is well.
      you are such an angel!
      Crafty hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  18. Your card today is really lovely. Don't have this die but one similar from another collection so will give it a try. Will be thinking of you on Monday and do not let them fob you off. It was wrong. When my daughter was 10 she got ME. Was told not to do PE etc at school but would the teacher listen so got a letter from the Dr. She still had to go to PE etc as it was part of the National curriculum but not participate. I had asked could she go to the library to catch up o lessons she had missed but my point is this at no time did the teacher or school write to the Dr or phone him for information so obviously it was wrong for your daughters school to do that. Sorry to hear about your fall. It's so easily done and if you are carrying something you cannot grab hold of anything. I am always losing my balance but usually manage to stop myself falling except a couple of weeks ago and then hit my back on the settee and couldn't move for several days. Took things easy and it got better. Please just rest and best wishes for Monday.

    1. Hi Littlelamb
      Oh your poor daughter getting ME so young bless her, the schools rules are ridiculous at times to say the least!
      I think I was so tired after a few sleepless nights this week that my knee had had enough and gave way, but these things happen I guess. the stiffness set in today mind!
      thanks for the lovely comment,
      Sandra xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra. I have had a bit of a "Doh!" time today. I looked at your blog this morning and thought I had left a comment, then when I check back now to see how everyone is I realise that I hadn't!!!
    I hope that you are resting your poor body after your fall last night.
    On to todays card, it is beautiful and it is so kind of you to give it away, what alovely surprise. Good luck ladies, whoever wins it is going to love it : ) I love the deep purple/violet (Deep Purple - great music) and green combo, you really have a fantastic eye for colour you know. Using just the dies as the whole card is so pretty, I love shaped cards like this.
    Have a beak tonight from making a card for tomorrow. Can you tell us a bit about something you love or enjoy? Maybe Tv programmes, games you played as a child, holidays? Something that is gives you a break but that will gives us all lots to think about or remember.
    Sorry, that sounds very bossy, I certainly don't mean it that way, I just don't want you putting more pressure on yourself and we all love to hear about you. We don't just come on here for the lovely cards, we all like to have a good chat about all sorts.
    Have a good evening my lovely.
    Take care. Hugs Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thank you so much for your love and support, by the way you wont believe your eyes if you saw craft room now, picture coming soon!
      love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx
