
Wednesday 28 January 2015

Pretty Purple just because!

Good Morning Ladies,
I hope you are all well and not in too much pain.
Todays card I made because I fancied doing a purple card today. 
I took a piece of Coconut white card and used to Spellbinders A2 Scalloped Borders One to cut
a decorative border to the top and bottom of the card. I then took a piece of purple card and cut it to
fit under the white card, leaving a tiny border and stuck the two together with Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue.  I cut a Spellbinders Large Floral Oval die out of Coconut White card and then stamped the largest of the Justrite Kindness stamps onto white card and cut it out with the matching Spellbinders Labels Twenty Die, I used Seedless Preserves Distress Ink Pad and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer Clear Embossing Powder. I then Stamped the 'Just Because ' Justrite sentiment onto a white card cut with Spellbinders Scalloped oval.
To put the card together I wrapped a piece of purple ribbon around the middle of the card and stuck it down at the back of the card and then mounted the Floral Oval onto the card with mounting foam for dimension.  I then put the stamped Label 20 on top of that and the scalloped oval with sentiment on top. I made a flower but cutting six of Creative Expressions Classic Rose die cuts out of the same purple card and offset them and pushed a brad through the centre, moistened them with a mister and scrunched them up to look more like a flower, I added two white roses to I for balance and another on to the centre of the bow, which was made from the same ribbon as around the card.
I made a stick pin with a matching coloured bead and added two more and some pearls along the top and bottom of the decorative borders and pearl swirls too.
I hope you like the card today.
Its fun day today as Pat & Sue are coming over! YAY!!!!!
Someone choose a fun topic for the day, it could be anything from craft disasters to worst purchase or something funny.
I look forward to reading your comments.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. This is so my sort of card! I love how you've put the pearls along the top and bottom of the borders. I wouldn't expect you to reply my post and I'm sure that no one else would either. I always pop back to see everyone's comments after tea on a night, and it's great to see where the conversation goes. May not be able to post tomorrow as I have to get up VERY early to take daughter to catch the train to Cambridge, we live 22 miles from the nearest mainline train station. It will be the first time she's had to go so far on her own and I don't mind admitting that I am more nervous than she is. Of course the trip depends on whether we're snowed in tomorrow! Hugs to all. Sue xxx

    1. Good Morning Sue,
      Thanks for the lovely words about the card. I love to reply individually as I think it is more personal. I appreciate every single comment I get. I don't think it matters what age your children are you always worry about them, is your daughter going for work or pleasure? You live in a lovely part of the world, I love Whitby, great fish and chips!
      Try not to worry to much my lovely,
      I hope you get your parcel today.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  2. Hi Sandra,
    What a Stunning Card I Love how each day you have something different to share with us.
    I Love how you've used The Spellbinders Die and The Fabulous JustRite Stamp (I keep saying how much I Love there Stamps but they Stamp so very well)
    Thank you for sharing your Awesome Card with us!
    I do hope your keeping well
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

  3. Hi Sam,
    I hope you are well too.
    I totally agree with you, the justrite stamps always stamp perfectly, that decorative label 20 stamp I used on this card even stamped perfectly with distress ink which is unusual, I was really impressed.
    What are you up to today?
    Sandra xxxxx

  4. Beautiful Sandra, Love the design and all the embellishments and the colour is lush.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Thanks for your lovely comment about my card.
      Hope you are well and warm in this chilly weather!
      Sandra xxxxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra, Just right up my street. I love purples/lilacs, and hey how lovely is that stick pin.
    I was reading an article the other day about how much we rely on electrical appliances. It took me back to when I was a little girl and would sit crossed legged in front of the open fireplace with my long hair draped over my face to try and dry it , it took forever I had several singes and very red knees, but it did make me smile, as sometimes all 3 of us would be there(2 sisters) the old wives tale of don't go out with wet hair made sure we all dried it properly. Then the perms came into fashion and everybody walked around with wet hair. How did you dry yours. when you were little.
    If everyone says with a hair dryer then I'm showing my age.LOL
    Keep warm its really cold this morning and very windy Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Thank you for your lovely comment about my card.
      You certainly started a fab topic today, I can't help but ask though about your singed knees, we used to call it getting 'corned beef legs' as the pattern looked like corned beef! haha,
      We had no hairdryer, bath night was Sunday night, all four of us shared the same bath water, Mum bathed us, Dad was waiting downstairs to briskly rub our hair with the towel, he also used to trim our finger and toe nails! oh those were the days! I wonder if my lot would all use the same bath water?! I very much doubt it!
      By the way in those days we had no heating upstairs either!
      Hope you are safe and warm,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. Beautiful card in one of my favourite colours : ) I think I would make all of my cards with either blue or purple (the deeper the better) if I could : )
    I had waist length hair as a child and used to sit in front of the open fire to dry it. Then my Dad bought my Mum a Pifco hair dryer, it had a sort of thick plastic shower cap type hood that you attached a long hose to and fixed the other end to the hairdryer, which also had a metal stand for it to sit in. I suppose it was the home version of the hoods used at the hairdressers. All I know is that I was fascinated with it, but never used the hood part and avoided the hairdryer too if I could get away with it. I preferred to dry it sitting by the fire reading (usually Enid Blyton, especially The Secret Seven and then The Famous Five.) Times and views have changed as since growing up I only ever worried about any of the kids, or us, having dry hair before going out when they had a cold or a little under the weather! My lovely late Mum in Law used to tell me off (but not nastily) for that, "You will get a terrible cold, my girl" bless her : )
    She also believed in some very strange old wives tales, maybe that could be a subject up for grabs here Sandra?
    Anyway, I had better get on, I am on a bit of a achy day so don't know if I will be doing a lot towards my weekly Christmas card project today with you and Pat, I'm sure I will manage to have lots to say though : )) See you about 11 my lovely. Take care.

    1. Hi Sue,
      Was so lovely to spend the day with you today, even though you weren't feeling 100%. I so appreciate you taking the trouble to get here.
      I too enjoyed the Famous Five books and read them over and over, we bought them for the children as Audio books, they used to go to bed and after reading a chapter or two with them we used to put them the Audio books on to listen to until they were asleep, I never even paid any attention to the names that my children found hilarious,
      Julian,Dick and Ann,George and Timmy the Dog, it was Dick they found hilarious and of course the lovely 'Aunt Fanny! Do you think were just naïve or do the children today know too much!
      Lots of love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  7. Oh WOW. This card is Luxury with a capital L ! Perfect colours dies and design. Spectacular, time to think about applying for a DT spot next time ?
    Mmm I see the subject is hair.. Which Mr L would love to have, bless, he blames me for the lack of.. That's ok, I blame him for my lack of sanity so there !!!
    Now ladies let's play the 'truth' game, no false modesty allowed in this coffee shop. Crystal Tips and Alister ? Oh come on now, no porkie pies you DO remember that awful animation cartoon type thing. Crystal tips with the BIG wavy almost afro style.. Yup... ME early teens LOL and all natural, it was awful, shoulder length, and being into athletics, gymnastics at school, then ice skating and ballet our hair had to be tied back, that ponytail was bigger and fuzzier than any shire horses tail believe me !!! I tried all sorts of products to tame it with no luck. Then my friend at the rink, who had lovely thick hair decided to cut 'curtains' into her fringe and she did it beautifully, yep, I gave it a try.. OMG - I cut mine while it was wet not allowing for how it would look dry AND fine and fuzzy ! Oh I can see it now, two stupid wave horns either side of my head, I forgot to mention my high forehead didnt I ? LOL - what a numpty I looked, so funny to look back on, but at the age when you kind of like lads looking at you, lets just say that little hair accident knocked male attention on the head until my 'horns' grew out LOL which seemed to take months ! Soz TOB- hair dryer xx
    Have a great day everyone. Weather here in Lancashire scary at the mo.
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      I think Paul blames me for the fact that he is 'greying nicely'! lol although I am not surprised to be honest. Sophie pointed out on Monday night while we were at the vets that I had a grey hair, the first and only one so far, I pointed out to her that I wasn't surprised with the way last week went!
      I do remember Crystal Tips and Alister, it was a bizarre cartoon.
      I had such a smile on my face imagining you with crystal tips hair, hilarious, not to mention with a 'fivehead' as my children refer to Pauls rather large forehead, but his is so big they said its definitely a 'fivehead' not four!!!! haha
      I guess your hair was hugely important being in either Ballet or Ice Skating, both so focused on how you look. It must have been a nightmare!
      Your fringe horns almost had me choking on cheese and onion roll, it made Pat and Sue giggle too!
      I do hope your scary weather has calmed down, the girls keep checking the weather hoping it will snow and school will be closed!
      Personally I would love to see it up to the window sills, I love it and selfishly as I don't go out, It gives me something pretty to look at.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    What a gorgeous card! It's beautiful and so nice to see some different dies used too. I can so get in a rut with things. Wish I were nearer some of you talented ladies! I made a card last night which I'm fairly happy with but there is just something missing! Not sure what - will look at it again later.
    Steph - my nickname was Crystal - not by everyone but by some teenage friends! You see my husband's name is Alastair - he wasn't chuffed to be thought of as a dog! Ha ha! I remember the hair well! However don't like my straight as a poker fine hair - it's hard work!
    We too had a Pifco dryer attached to a tube ! Crazy days!
    Saba - definitely had a left handed hockey stick! How funny!
    Did anyone else read books by Elinor M Brent Dyer? Now don't ask where that came from this morning! They were about a school.
    Hope you three lovely ladies are enjoying your lunch break?
    Lots of love to everyone.
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I wish you lived nearer too!
      You could always email me a photo of it and I will give you my thoughts (not that I am any expert), but I am happy to try and help. I am sure it is perfect.
      The Pifco hairdryers were popular although Paul says his mums was a Remington, same style though.
      Poor you being called Crystal, although I rather think it was your husband that was the most affected in that situation. it was the most bizarre of cartoons!
      We did have a lovely lunch break and for the first time since the very first time we met, we didn't start crafting until this afternoon, we usually crack straight on!
      After an hour or so of 'can I borrow your....' or would you like to use me' or even 'why don't you try...' ! we then got down to it, although poor Sue wasn't on form today, so she didn't get much done bless her!
      Sending you warm hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a luxury filled card this is, everything is fabulous about this one, the rich colours, super die cutting and those stick pins are to die for and not forgetting your super bow, well done it is wonderful.
    I am busy making marmalade at the moment so the house smells like an orange grove but outside it is snowing although at present not laying thank goodness.
    I too have had my fair share of hair disasters as I have very straight hair and wanted it curly perms have gone wrong or not taken at all, but my worst one was with colour. There used to be a spray called Band Box spray tint, that it said would brighten your hair and give natural highlights. It was a bleach so after a while I tired of always having to spray the roots and decided to put a rinse on to go back to my natural colour. I got a Harmony rinse which said would wash out in 6 - 8 washes what could go wrong? How wrong can you be at 15. I put it on and looked in the mirror it looked dark red but the instructions said leave on for 20 minutes but after 5 asked my Dad what he thought. Oh leave it on for the 20 minutes and if need be wash it 6 times, and off he went to see a rugby match! After 10 minutes I washed it off to say it was bright, bright red was no exaggeration, so I put on a head scarf and went to the hairdressers. I was there 3 hours and it took 3 lots of dyes and I came out auburn. When my Mum saw me she said do anything else and you will not go out for a month! So needless to say I never did.
    Oh dear I have just looked outside, everything is white.
    Take care everyone and Sandra have a super day with your wonderful friends.

    Margaret corgi owner

    PS The shelves are finished and just a little firewood!

    1. Hi Margaret,
      When I read your post earlier with Pat and Sue, we all said 'oooohhh yum' about the marmalade comment, your house must have smelt heavenly!
      I vividly remember my mum dying her hair with a Harmony Rinse, they were little sachets from what I remember, well she did hers in a black colour, well, my mum must have been and still is very fair skinned so you can imagine what effect the black hair had, anyway we went to the shops and unfortunately it rained, oh my, my poor mum, the Harmony Rinse, rinsed out in the rain, all down her face, hilarious now, but she wasn't impressed at the time! isn't it funny how the brand name of things stays in your mind, I also remember that when she put her rollers in she used Amarmi setting lotion, which was blue, not sure if it was the sixties version of Hair mousse or gel, but she used to put a head scarf on and sleep in her rollers, lord knows how! The price we pay for beauty!
      Oh Lucky you with the snow, I wish it would here!
      Glad the shelves were a success,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  10. Sandra, I think going to keep this one short because this is attempt number six It's getting to be a bit stressful. Moan over feeling fine now. Ha ha

    Your card today is beautiful love purple it so rich and lush, and your flower is gorgeous, is it one that you have made.?
    Hope you girls have a lovely day lots to natter about, maybe some crafting done to.
    I won't go on too much - I had hair nightmares, as a child I had fine short and as straight as pokers hair - while my sister had hair she could sit on , had soft waves and it was lovely and thick. Life is not fair, is it! We used to have to sit in front of an open fire to dry it, never allowed to go to bed with wet hair, mum would say you will catch your death if you don't dry it before going to bed.
    My lovely friends I will say bye by for now and hope to be back with you all tomorrow. Love Brenda xx

    OK going to go for it and pray it publishes this time .

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I am so sorry you had such a pain trying to post a comment, specially as I really love reading your posts and todays was quite funny, did you have a 'liberty bodice' or where you like me big knickers and a vest, I still wear that combination today although several sizes bigger!! haha
      Did you used to get 'corned beef' patterns on your legs from the fire?
      Sending you lots of love and hugs Mumma,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    Never mind Just Because, this is Just Beautiful, the pins, the bow, everything.
    Hair, don't mention hair. Thin, fine, auburn, straight as a die, need I say more. One of my nicknames was ginger (the other was Matty from my surname - Matthewson). All my friends had thick, lush and slightly wavy hair, oh how I envied them. When I put plaits in they were the thickness of a spelk, but theirs were absolutely gorgeous and thick. Then, just to make things even better when I was 14 I got T.B. and either the illness, or the drugs, took the colour out of my hair until I was mousey brown, so I had nothing going for me, and now I'm getting older, it's getting thinner - HELP!!!!
    Sunday afternoon wash hair wash day (not like now where we wash our hair every day) and it was done into a dish in front of the coal fire, with a jug of clean water to put over to wash the soap off. It was done in the afternoon to give it time to dry before going to bed.
    After we got married George bought me a Pifco hairdrying kit of the type described by Mrs B. It was quite good but the hose got hot over my shoulder after a while!
    I used to like reading Enid Blyton books as a child, and my favourite comic was the "Schoolgirls Friend". My brother who is 4 years older than me used to get the Beano, Dandy, Rover, Hotspur and another one that I can't remember the name of. Mam got the Red Letter and dad just read the Evening Chronicle. The paper bill must have been enormous!!
    One last little thing, did anyone wear a Liberty Bodice or Stays over their vest. My granddaughters fell about when I told them about the ones I had to wear because I'd get my death of cold if I didn't, according to mam. (Understandable I suppose because dad had two sisters who died from pneumonia.
    Love xx

    1. Oh yes Maureen I too remember my liberty bodices mine had little rubber buttons I remember, yes they did keep you warm in winter but my Mum made me keep them on until June, if I complained I was too hot she would say, 'Never cast a clout till May is out'
      Margaret corgi owner

    2. Hi Maureen,
      I am glad you liked the card, thank you for your lovely comment.
      Can I ask you what a 'spelk' is? I am guessing its a local word to you.
      I think whatever Hair we had we wanted the opposite, I have dead straight hair that takes huge amount of product to get it to stay in a style, my sister on the other hand had the most perfect long beautiful ringlets, oh my was I jealous, but over the years she has spent goodness knows how much money on products to straighten it, lord knows why, as it was stunning as it was!
      Like you we had bath and hairwash on Sunday, shared bath water, you were lucky if you got first dip! it was fun when dad bathed us as he would squirt washing up liquid in and the bubbles overflowed, lord knows what it did to out skin though, but we thought that it was amazing at the time!
      Wow how many magazines etc did you have in your house?!
      I had one, not sure if it was Bunty, but it had a 'dolls hospital' type story section that I loved!
      I don't remember the 'liberty bodice' i'm afraid but we always had to wear a vest, tucked into our knickers, one thing I can say was that my mum's whites were always super white!
      Lovely to read your story, it really made us smile.
      Thank you Maureen,
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Margaret, oh that saying was said so many times wasn't it??? The sweat could be pouring off you but you were not allow to cast anything off!!! Beth comes out of school carrying her coat in this weather, makes me colder than I am to look at her, but I have given up and now just tell her she will regret it when she is older. Her answer " you are delicate now " the pair of them think that since I had my chemo treatment. Hope you haven't got to much snow. Hazel x

  12. Hi Sandra,
    Lovely card again today, only dare I say it, I am not a fan of big bows -sorry. I love everything else about the card though.
    On the subject of hair I have done just about everything to mine over the years, highlights, lowlights, all-over colour. Had it cropped, bobbed, long, short and curly permed. My uncle always said I would be bald by the time I reached 40 but I am glad to say that I still have a good head of hair (and I am well past 40!) although it is now white. I also remember the Pifco dryer though I never had one. Also loved the Enid Blyton books, I think I read them all. I was quite a bookworm then - not so much these days.
    I hope you, Pat and Sue have enjoyed your day. Did you get much crafting done or was it mostly chatting. Lol. I would love to have a crafty friend living near me. My friends are not into crafting so it's just a cup of tea/coffee when I meet up with them. Not to worry, at least I have some friends!!
    We have been lucky here re. weather. It has been rain and wind but none of the white stuff, thank goodness. Very cold though.
    Take care all
    Love and hugs
    Pat x

  13. Hi Sandra,
    Lovely card again today, only dare I say it, I am not a fan of big bows -sorry. I love everything else about the card though.
    On the subject of hair I have done just about everything to mine over the years, highlights, lowlights, all-over colour. Had it cropped, bobbed, long, short and curly permed. My uncle always said I would be bald by the time I reached 40 but I am glad to say that I still have a good head of hair (and I am well past 40!) although it is now white. I also remember the Pifco dryer though I never had one. Also loved the Enid Blyton books, I think I read them all. I was quite a bookworm then - not so much these days.
    I hope you, Pat and Sue have enjoyed your day. Did you get much crafting done or was it mostly chatting. Lol. I would love to have a crafty friend living near me. My friends are not into crafting so it's just a cup of tea/coffee when I meet up with them. Not to worry, at least I have some friends!!
    We have been lucky here re. weather. It has been rain and wind but none of the white stuff, thank goodness. Very cold though.
    Take care all
    Love and hugs
    Pat x

    1. Hi Patwyn,
      Sorry about your Bowphobia, I, unfortunately for you love them, sorryxx
      Sue, Pat and I had a lovely day, although for the first time we didn't start crafting until after lunch, usually crack on straight away, but we just sat chatting and the time as always disappeared!
      Whereabouts do you live Pat?
      We have had some horrendous down pours today and really gusty winds, but sadly no snow, I am probably the only person that would love the snow that the Americans are having right now!
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Me again. Glad you had a nice day with Pat and Sue. I live in Caerphilly S. Wales. There is a craft shop about three miles from here and they have classes every week, but I am a bit shy about joining a group that have been together for some time. Silly, I know, but that's how I am.
      Pat x

  14. Hi Sandra,
    I love the colours you have used on this card, it's gorgeous and yummy purple.The rose you made is lovely and so is the stick pins.
    The card I am thinking of is from the 17 december, you named it frosty blue (x-mas) change that to something else. It was one of the first cards I saw starting follow your blog and I still think it is amazing. All your cards are wonderful and you really have the colour eye.! From showers to hair, shriek lol I had long hair to the age of ca.ten when my mother had enough and chopped it off so I looked like a boy.. My grandmother always made plaits of it and put it up like a" pretzels" around my ears with big red ribbon lol Oh how I hated it really because it hurt my head and red ribbons on a red -head noooo! We lived in a flat so no fires, mostly we let it dry on it's own but I do remember something similar to your pifco, remember the hose getting very hot indeed. You could hang it over your shoulder with straps .lol. Tried perm ones but it went horrible wrong and had to have my hair cut to shoulder length bob , and to today haven't changed much just some white starting to come through and it is like harsh horse mane !! Eek, if it be my whole head I probably shave it one day, sigh ! Hope you had a great day with the 'girls'.
    Take care, keep warm and plenty of Hugs all around ! Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Please will you send me your address and I am going to send you that card, as you love it so much, please accept it as a heartfelt thank you for all of your wonderful support.
      Do you want me to take the 'happy Christmas' off and put something different on or do you want to do that yourself? I am happy either way, I hope you wont be disappointed to see it in real life though!
      Oh your poor head, I can feel the pain of those tight plaits, red ribbon and ginger hair would have been a 'striking' combination! haha
      I wonder what our children will have to say about the styles we chose for them? My daughter will never forgive me as I had her hair cut into the cutest 'bob' when she was little, this was because she had very thin brittle hair and the hairdresser suggested cutting it short to improve its condition!
      Anyway thank you for making me smile today and send me that email.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    This is one gorgeous card. I love everything about it. You really should think about the creative expressions design team next time Sandra. You are so talented. What I love about your cards is their originality, you seem to come up with different designs everyday, unlike some others on the design team who only seem to replicate the work of others.
    As to hair, well, what can I say. Traumatised at a very early age by my mum deciding to save money and do the cutting herself. She used a basin. I am not kidding, she really did. I was about eight or nine at the time and it took weeks to grow into anything that looked half normal again. Then when I went to the Grammar School she made me have it cut again, this time thankfully at the hairdressers. After that I just grew it and grew it till I could sit on it and only had it cut short when I reached my forties and decided I was getting too old to look like Alice in Wonderland. I can't remember whether we had a hairdryer, I expect not. I do remember sitting so close to the open fire though until my legs got all mottled.
    Maureen I too had a Liberty bodice and lovely and warm they were too. I wonder why they disappeared from use. We lived in a house which in winter had frost on the inside of the windows, so it was necessary to keep warm. I used to love the patterns Jack Frost made on the glass.
    Sandra, hope you had a lovely day with Pat and Sue. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all meet up one day.
    Lots of love to you all

    1. Hi Saba,
      Whereabouts are you in the world? as you say it would be wonderful to al meet up.
      Thank you for your kind comments, do you really think my work is up to design team standards?
      You should email some of your work so that I can share with everyone, if you fancy it.
      Like you my dad cut my hair, the first school photo I had was horrendous, I don't think I had a 'hairdressers cut' until I went to work!
      we had a cousin that 'cut hair', she gave me a perm once, dear me, talk about shaggy dog!
      No hairdryer in our house until I bought one in my late teens.
      Our children certainly live a charmed life by comparison, like you we had no heating other than a fire in the lounge, metal window frames, single glazing, but we never thought anything of it, we had blankets and an eiderdown bed spread! I never remember not sleeping though.
      It has been so lovely listening to everyone's stories today, makes me smile, Pat, Sue and I were laughing so much at the stories!
      Please check in again tomorrow, I love reading your posts Saba.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Hello again Sandra,
      I am in Nuremberg in Germany. I come from North Yorkshire originally and still come "home" as often as I can.
      As to your work being up to design team standards, it is over and above many of those who have made it onto the design team.
      As I said, it's your originality that shines through,combined with your designs and fabulous eye for colour. I wish I had one inch of your talent. I am more of a " oooh, like that might try to copy it" person. That's why people like you and Sue are such an inspiration for us not so talented crafters. I would gladly send you a couple of pictures of my efforts. Just let me know your email address and I will do it.
      Will definitely be checking in again tomorrow.
      Love and hugs

  16. Hi Sue
    Another stunning card today in my favourite colours. Mind you ladies I saw this one in the flesh so to speak and its lovely. My word you ladies did have horror hair days in the days gone by. Mind you I must have lead a sheltered life in my earlier days. Mind you we did live in a large variation of a pigs home in the middle of nowhere. A small little community of these near a place called Worminghall, which was near Thame. No running water no electricity. I had to bath in a tin bath and the water had to be boiled on a range, and the iron had to be heated on top. Nowadays oh how the other half live. My Grandchildren don't know how lucky they are. Sophie now aged 16 did a project at school a couple of years ago about the olden days. We told them that we were sent to our bedrooms if we misbehaved. They said no problem, until we told them no television no toys no nothing in our bedrooms. They just said good job we weren't born in our era.
    No appointment for Pete from the hospital yet. We rang yesterday afternoon and was told, you should have had an appointment and been seen by now. We were told I'll email Nd they'll ring you. Who she was going to email, Pete never asked, nor when we were likely to be rang. Why do men not ask the relevant questions. When I tried to speak to tell him that I wanted to say something he was just waving me to be quiet. My word what a long post I've done today. This is just like when us three ladies meet up. We were chatting so much putting the world to rights we didn't get much crafting done. See all you ladies tomorrow.

    1. Hi Pat,
      So lovely to catch up today, although we didn't start crafting until after lunch! You would never guessed you were bought up in a pig sty! haha
      It has played its part in moulding you into one of the most kind, caring, lovely people that I know.
      Can't believe they still haven't sorted Pete's appointment out its disgusting, mind you if you wanted proper answers you should have called yourself! Men just don't ask the right questions and often aren't pushy enough!
      You take care and rest that hip.
      I look forward to your email,
      lots of love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Gosh, I am late tonight. Been one of those days. Wasn't in to work and slept in. Now I am up early usually, not this morning it was 8.40 and it's put me out all day. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often. Love today's cards, love purple and your design is gorgeous. So glad you three had a great time. I am meant to be meeting up with big sister Patricia tomorrow for a chat, but we will wait and see what the weather is doing. Now today's topic, hair drying? I had short straight white blond hair when little, Patricia had short hair too but hers was and still is what you would describe as wirey? So it always and still sits just so, mine just did nothing. We to only got our hair washed once a week or if we were going somewhere special, and we got it washed over the sink with jugs of water poured over to rinse. And oh yes no going to bed with it damp.. Yes a vest worn and a Liberty bodice - pink very fine 2ply wool ones at that, yes you were warm that's for sure, but then again no central heating and yes frost in the inside of the windows. Oh they were the days, flannelette striped sheets, blankets and a throw on the bed, a pain to make in the morning, not like now with duvets. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      No blood on those gorgeous white die cuts yet I hope! I would return the die.
      We too only had hair wash once a week and bath, every sunday!
      No Liberty bodice though, they sound very itchy!
      I seem to remember our beds being really cosy with those lovely flannelette sheets, better than the nylon ones my mum bought in the seventies, my goodness talk about static, we used to put the lights out and watch the static flashing, my hair used to stand on end! so give me flannelette any time!
      I hope you do get to meet up with Patricia tomorrow, is the snow laying where you are? we have had nothing as yet.
      Sending you Warm Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Good evening or should I say early morning.We had a long day. Your card is gorgeous love the colours & your bow ,stick pin,flowers & die's all beautiful. Got to go to bed.
      Good night my lovely
      Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  18. Goodness me you are late tonight Lynda,
    What have you been up to? Mind you as you can see it's now 2.05 a and I am still awake! My knee is throbbing nicely, I am having sciatica twinges and 'puffing billy' is snoring away nicely! Perfect night!!!
    Hope you get a better night, thanks for your lovely comment, it means the world!
    Off for another round of solitaire I reckon!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  19. Sandra. No blood. I bought a new die just to make sure. Looking at the old one I think the outer edge die has moved when it's gone through the machine and caught the edge of the full die ( if you know what I mean). I do tape down but with the Xcut you put the die down first then the card on top as you know and I think it's moved. The die is fine, still useable BUT not for invites. I ended up taking my A3 sheets of pearlised card down to Adrian at our wonderful little craft shop. He kindly offered to cut it for me just leaving me a bit to trim so that I got my gate fold right, I was having a problem with only having an A4 guillotine, not only that he offered if I needed help scoring he would do some. Can you I see that happening at say the likes of Hobbycraft??? Plus when you go in you get offered a tea or a coffee.
    I see you couldn't sleep either, my problem is I went into a deep sleep until 2.45 had to get up to go to the loo. Tried to get back to sleep, no luck so got up, no snow here checked when I let Harris out, poor dog thought it was breakfast time I think. Into work this morning so I would be getting up at 5.15 so instead that's me up now. Hope you managed a few hours sleep.
    Hazel x

  20. Beautiful, I love how you've used the dies :) xx
