
Thursday 29 January 2015

Guest Designer Pat (Witney)

Good Morning Ladies,
Do you have the promised snow?????
Todays card is courtesy of my lovely friend Pat, its so pretty, I have downloaded a brief description below....
The bottom photo sits inside as you can see from the top picture. The stamp is from Woodware and its a clear magic one. Two pieces of card sit on top of the card. You stamp out the Rose onto a piece of card and cut it out. You then put this onto the top piece of card and cut it out to make the aperture. You then stamp the verse into the aperture, and stamp the Rose and verse onto a separate piece of card and colour it in. This then sides into the card front as per the first picture. I do hope this all makes sense to you.
Such a pretty card, don't you think, thanks Pat so much for sharing your lovely creation.
Pat really enjoys stamping and it shows, she is very good at it, whereas I am a bit nervous, usually resulting in a mess, so I always stamp my sentiment on separate card to anything I am doing and die cut it after. That's the safe method!
I hope that you are all well and warm and safe!
Lets hear about some of your superstitions and Old wives tales today, if you like or if you fancy discussing another topic fire away.
Sam, your friends show on Create and Craft was brilliant yesterday, some fabulous products, you lucky lady, getting to play with some of those fab products.
Welcome to any new visitors today, please stick around and join in the madness! We do have a giggle! You won't meet a friendlier, lovely bunch of ladies anywhere else, well apart from Sue Wilsons Blog, as we all go on that fab blog too!
Sending You all Warm Cosy Hugs
and Lots of love,
Sandra xxxxx<3xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra,
    Thank you for your very kind words re: my Craft Leader Paula I will pass them on next week. This Tuesday we did some great Folded Cards as well as Stamping as it's mainly a Stamping Class.
    But the great thing is about the Templates etc they do work as I made the Advent Calendar and I also made some of the Crackers! With the larger Cracker at Easter Paula places an Easter Egg inside great idea!
    Today I've got to start two Birthday Cards I promise I'll send you photographs of them so you can see what my work is like!
    I Love Today's Card by your friend she's another extremely talented Lady there is so many out there, I Love the Fabulous Colours she has chosen and the wonderful Stamp Pat you've done an Awesome Job I'm so impressed it's great to see others work and extremely kind of Sandra to share her Blog showing the Cards.
    Sandra have a great day
    Take care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam,
      When you send me your photos let me know if you want to me to share on here as I am sure everyone would like to see your work.
      Thanks for your kind words for Pat, I believe she is doing some clearer instructions.
      Stay Warm & Safe,
      Love & Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  2. Beautiful creation.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Hope all is well,
      Thanks for stopping by,
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Pats card is lovely, she is such a talented stamper and makes it look so easy doesn't she. I wish I could do it like her but I'm with you with the stamping on a separate piece of card etc. I do need to read the details of Pat's card again as I didn't get it first time(nothing new there!)
    Hazel, just thought I would let you know that I have the X Cut and I put my dies on top of the card rather than under it as I can never get it right if I try and do it the other way round and it works fine for me.
    I said yesterday that my lovely Mum in Law had some funny superstitions/old wives tales that we have never heard from anyone else. One was that when a tiny baby yawned you had to gently support their chin so that they didn't dislocate their jaw. As you only held the chin so gently it wouldn't make any difference, but we did it when she was around out of respect for her. Another one she had was that you must NEVER tickle or play with a tiny babies feet /toes as this would lead to them having a stutter once they could talk! Never did work out how anyone could have come up with that one! By the way Mum in Law was born and bred in South Devon, different parts of the country have different tales sometimes don't they. I would love to know if anyone on here has heard of either of these.
    Sandra, I had a lovely day with you and Pat yesterday. It took my mind off not feeling 100%. I am never sure which way it is going to go when I have a day like that, it can go one of two ways. Into a "can't get downstairs" or a "better than yesterday". Luckily it is a "better than yesterday"one today so the loft sorting is on!
    I hope the snow, if you have it isn't causing you any problems. We have a beautiful blue sky today, very clod but still no sign of snow. I am in the middle, I love seeing the snow but hate having to drive in it and all of the chaos it causes. Wouldn't it be great if it could fall everywhere except on the roads and pavements, then everyone would be happy : )
    Have a good day my lovely. Take care. Hugs, Sue x

    1. Hi Sue,
      Pat is going to rewrite her instructions for her card, I think you make a sleeve with the outside card, stamp your image on the inside the cut the aperture out of the sleeve, pat said she used double sided cárd.
      What did you think of the dies?
      Hope you got that loft emptied, sooner it's done, sooner you can rest, until the work us done then it all needs to go back in! Poor you !
      I hope that new boiler is worth it!
      I am so pleased you are fighting brighter today, I hated seeing you struggle yesterday, bless you.
      Sending you the biggest hug, ever,
      Love too,
      Sandra xxxxxxxj

  4. Morning Sue and Ladies, sorry didnt comment yesterday just a busy day! Yesterday's offering was gorgeous love the colour.
    Fabulous stamping I am not that great at stamping hit miss and frustration!
    Started snowing heavily as we left for school why not an hour before I fancied a onesie day!! Have a feeling school will text soon saying please collect! To be honest quite fancying a lazy day I need a rest have been busy.
    Have a nice day ladies xxx

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Hope you had a quieter day today, did the school call, I saw the news at lunchtime and they said that 400 schools had had to close in the North due to the snow, I did think about you!
      Hope you are warm and cosy,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    I had a thought yesterday re my card. I actually used an A4 piece of card that was attached to the card. This was wrapped around the piece of card to make a sort of envelope with a side opening, and a stuck down along the bottom, this was stuck down on top of the card. The card that the flower was on could then be slid inside.I was always rubbish at explaining how I made a card. I'll bring some double sided card over Mrs B, you see I didn't even put that it was double sided card I used, as show you how it was made. Had a lovely day yesterday with the girls. Thanks Sandra and Mrs B for cheering me up. Crafty hugs to all.

    1. Hi Pat,
      It was lovely to spend the day with you yesterday as always!
      Thank you for letting me share your card, it's a pretty card, as the comments show!
      Hoping your pills have starting to have more effect.
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Hello Sandra,
    This card is beautiful, does the flower part of the card slide into the card front? I love stamping and colouring, it's my favourite technique.
    At the moment though I am making books for my two granddaughters, using chipboard thick card and coating with gesso. Then embossing paste through parts of masks. Let dry and place chipboard, metal or thick card pieces, buttons or other embellishments on. When satisfied with the design, stick down and give a couple of coats of gesso. When happy with design, spray with cosmic shimmers (I chose gold, blue and red - which turned pinky with the gold on top) and, and when dry I stuck on jewels and cabouchons. I'm thrilled with the result. Zoe's is finished and I'm starting Eleanor's today. The hardest part was cutting the paper to fit inside. I covered the inside covers with pretty paper and punched the holes with a Crop-a-dial. I've held her book together with 1 1/4 inch rings which close when pushed together.
    Sorry if I'm teaching granny's to suck eggs, but I am just so pleased with the result.
    I'll give them these books with a little present instead of an Easter egg as they get so much chocolate then that they are still eating it long after the sell by date! I know they'll love them as they adore crafting.
    Mrs B - Talking about grannies, my mother used to say always support a baby's chin when they yawn because they could dislocate their jaw.
    Have a good day xx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      I would love to see the books you have made Zoe & Eleanor, they sound gorgeous, the girls will love them, much better than Chocolate, will last longer too!
      Some of these old wives tales are odd, but they must have been based on some truth sometime in the past and the baby ones seem to be from all over the country.
      By the way please don't ever feel like you are "teaching grannies to suck eggs" (by the way that's a peculiar saying right there.! Do yo know anyone that's sucked an egg? I don't not even my granny)!!!!
      We are all at different skill levels on different disciplines of crafting, I love die cutting, not so confident with stamping but I can do it, just not always perfectly! None of us will be experts on everything, so it's lovely to hear how you achieved your end result. I really would love to share them though .
      Thanks so much for stopping by today, make sure you stay warm, although it's really not that col her so far, we had a good flurry of snow but the wind and rain soon got rid of it!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  7. Moorning, its SO cold and snowey and im SO fed up of being stuck in 24/7 roll on Spring and bring me some warmer days !
    Oh wow, this card sounds complicated (to my brain anyway) !!! Its another beauty Pat but I dont get it, such a dumb crafting numpty Im afraid, never been good at instructions always need to be shown. Glad you all had a lovely day together the other day. Im sooo tired. Sooo sick of being woken at 5am by a 'bleeping' dog, if it was my beautiful boy I wouldnt mind, off to light my candle for him.
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi my lovely,
      Thanks for stopping by, I think Pat has updated her method for the card, I just copy and pasted the brief write she did in the email, I was a little lost two, I gather it's an outer sleeve that you crease, fold and stick, but out a shape the size of the stamp and stamp it on the card underneath (I think) !
      How are you feeling, gets a bit frustrating being incarcerated, doesn't it, my 'stretch' just seems never ending and I have commuted no crime, but it can be so much like being a prisoner! Never mind, I sad like a right bloomin saddo !!!!
      What was your 'beautiful boy' Steph? and when did you lose him? (If it's not too painful to tell) xx We list our Gemma about 6 years ago, we had rescued hey as a pup from RSPCA in Nottinham. She was a huge part of our family for 13 years, she had be bought up with all of our 4 children, losing her was so desperately painful, we vowed we could never have another dog!
      I hope you are managing t keep warm & cosy my lovely,
      Love & hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  8. Good morning My Lovely,
    Yes Sandra I'm early for a change :0)). Pat your card is gorgeous,I love the stamp & your colouring is perfect. Like Steph,I had to read instructions a couple of times & still not sure how it went together.Pat could you do a instuction video on this please lol. Sandra Glad you all enjoyed your crafty day together,it must be lovely for the three of you. Can't wait to meet everyone at Ally Pally.
    Going back to yesterday until I was 13 we lived in a Pefab it was realy cold in the winter no double glazing or central heating Just a fire & I had to dry my hair in front of it,Mum always kept my hair short so it dried quick. The council then condemned all the prefabs & moved us & everyone into our fist proper homes,what a difference.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Check back again as Pat is redoing her method, basically it was on outer sleeve of card with an aperture cut in the same shape as the stamp, the stamp is stamped on a piece of card underneath.
      Your childhood home sounded similar to mine, very cold and no heating!
      Funny how we take these things for granted!
      Will call over to your blog later.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  9. A lovely card and super colours but I am with Lynda and Steph I am totally lost with the instructions.
    We have lots of snow if you want to come up to Cumbria Sandra!
    Take care
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      I am just putting the snow chains on my mobility scooter! Sorted out my thermal knickers, I will be with you about next Wednesday! Lol
      On a serious note I would love it to snow here,it tried today but didn't settle, huge flakes though!
      Pat is rewriting her method so look back for it if you are interested.
      Stay warm and safe,
      Sandra xxxxx

  10. Both yesterday's and today's cards are lovely. Sorry I didn't comment last night but spent a long time at A&E both me and my granddaughter (6). We went to school in the evening for a meeting about Maths which I really wanted to go to but didn't make it. Walked across the car park and didn't realise there was a kerb and before I knew what was happening we crashed on to the pavement. Granddaughter had a swollen eye that is turning black and I have a cut and bruised face, broken wrist and bruised and cut knees. Feeling very sorry for myself today and annoyed with myself for doing it. Have to stay with son for 48 hrs because of the head injury and cannot drive for about 6 weeks. Ugh! Only just started driving again on Monday after having cataract done. No crafting which is even worse. Anyway will keep looking in every day to see how everyone is.

    1. Oh you poor soul I am sending you ((((((hugs))))) gentle ones at that. Nothing worse when little one got hurt to as you will have been so sore you wouldn't have been able to see to her I bet? For you just to have got back to driving too and now back to square one isn't good, but even worse not being able to craft. Don't try and over do things let your body recover. Astral cream is good for those face injuries by the way. Hazel x

    2. Ouch - for both you and your granddaughter. Just take it steady and rest. BUT ........ No driving and NO crafting you poor thing, LOL sending you gentle hugs and hope the time will pass quickly.

    3. Thank you to Brenda and Hazel. I am also Brenda, there were a lot of people around as we were going towards the school hall. My granddaughter was very good and didn't get upset. Think she was just shocked. It all happened so qui pickle. Sometimes you stubble and manage to stop yourself but not time for that. Just caught the kerb and bang straight down. Face got the full force of it. Never bind there are worse of than me I always thing.

    4. Oh Littlelamb so sorry to hear about yours & your granddaughters fall. Sending you both gentle hug's.Lynda xx

    5. Oh my goodness Littlelamb, you must be in agony, I am so sorry to hear you are suffering, I can't believe about the driving, you were so pleased on Monday to have the all clear to get back behind the wheel! I bet you felt terrible for your granddaughter too, but it sounds as though she got off lightly, thankfully. I hope you recover quickly, you gave some very painful injuries there bless you!
      Thank you so much for stopping by in your poorly state.
      Sending you gentle hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  11. Good after noon Sandra and any one else who has popped in to Sandra's wondeful coffee shop. Pat another beautiful card, I will have to reread your instructions, as it takes a couple of times to sink in my old brain. Your colouring is wondeful, no snow here, infact its a beautiful day with the sun shining. Meet up with Patricia for a cup of tea and a chat, she brought the stamping up catalogue with her so it turned out an expensive cup if tea. Bought 6 ink pads as I love them, a set of stamps. As I had spent over (just) £45 I was able to pick a free gift so choose a stamp which I am going to have a go doing. Thankfully it will be a week or so till it comes I might just be able to fine 5 minutes then. Who said cutting my hours would give me more time!!! I seem to do less than i did. As for sayings, we were told the same about don't ticlkle baby's feet. Now our Gillian was a really good baby but would fall asleep half way through feeding and the ward sister ( military hospital you did not correct her) told me to flick or tickle her feet to wake her up.
    Tammy our younger one would go to sleep by tickling her feet and arms, still loves getting her feet tickled at 37 I still salute magpies to break the spell when you only see one. My mum always did this also breaking a match if she heard of say two deaths or two bad things happened. ( break a match break the spell) was her saying I still do it. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I think I may have to change the blog name to Cotswold Craft and coffee shop!
      Wow that was an expensive coffee you had with Patricia, is Stamping Up an expensive brand, is it good quality? I guess you do get what you pay for sometimes!
      I too will salute mr magpie of he is on his own! Why take a risk! Haha I may start the match breaking, as it does always happen in three's !
      I have loved all of these old wives tales, I would love yo know their origins!
      Sending you warm hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Sandra, stamping up ink pads are £4.95 ea but I just love them, they aren't as wet as some others, there colour range is gorgeous to. I know I spent a lot but I had the money from CHRISTMAS. I have been wanting to buy the ink pads for ages, in fact over a year I had done a work shop and bought only a couple of bits at the time as that was all I could afford, it cost you £4.95 P&P reguardless of the size of your order, so I made sure I got something sent for my P&P. I will have to watch the pennies now that I am on less than half of my salary I was on, but I am glad I have reduced my hours, hope you sleep better than last night. Hazel x

  12. Hi Sandra hope you are feeling good today. My ultrasound is Monday Hooray. Gorgeous card Pat my stamping is very 'iffy' if that's a word but Like you Sandra I try and stamp on a separate card rather than ruin the main one. What a very clever idea of a wrap around, very with it, one I have not seen before.
    I still don't walk under ladders. At our knit and natter group one the ladies said we will have a generation of girls with kidney trouble, because they wear their tops so short they'll have a cold in the kidneys. I did smile as that's what I was told when I was young, it made me laugh then too.
    We have just has a snow shower but am hoping it wont last.Have just come back from hospital after having lung tests so am shattered. Love to all. Theresa xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      So pleased you have your ultrasound appointment Monday
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Theresa,
      YAY WOO HOO!!!!!!
      at last you have an ultrasound , thank goodness for that, let's hope that a fast solution follows!
      I think you are so right about teenagers and their midriffs my eldest daughter is the worst offender, I don't think she possesses any tops that meet her waistline! Haha
      Bless you, you must be exhausted.
      I appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to comment after such a day!
      Sending you love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra, What a beautiful card Pat really does have a gift for colouring, mine would be very hit and miss and would be on a separate piece of card and then mounted. Pat thank you for letting Sandra showcases your beautiful card, you really are very talented
    Yes Sandra, I do remember knickers with pockets and liberty bodices. Couldn't imagine children of today wearing these. Mind you I would dress A child in them either.
    Old wives tales, I do remember being told never to tickle a baby's feet.
    My mother would never walk under a ladder.
    A new Purse or Bag had to have a coin placed inside, by the giver.
    Mum had so many saying and superstitions , I forget them now.
    Bye for now - this is second attempt today ( Think it could be my bracelets with magnets in, you know the kind for aches and pains et cetera)
    Love Brenda xx

    1. I also remember the liberty bodies and having to wear orange thermogenesis under them. Ugh

  14. I'm at it again, I wouldn't dress a child in liberty bodices and knickers with pockets.
    I may not have been clear when I said about the bracelets. Magnets and computers are a no no. So I think Moving my wrist across the keys is causing some sort magnetic field. That is possibly why my iPod pad freezes. Not clever enough to explain better than that. LOL

    1. Thank you so much Brenda,My IPads keeps freezing up & never had a clue why & never thought it's my magnetic bracelet affecting it. I'v worn one for years never give it a thought so thank you
      Hug' s Lynda xx

  15. Hi Sandra.
    Very sweet card Pat and the colours are lovely .Think I just got the idea how you made this card and it's very clever but not sure how it's staying put on the inside ? I think we need another instruction to be fully clear lol good try doh Sandra! I know about not walking under ladders so never do ,never leaving keys on the table, not sure why.Throw salt behind your back, When you see a black cat ( good luck in England) in Sweden you spit 3 times after it otherwise very bad luck for you lol Giving someone a new handbag. leave a coin for good luck. Thhi it was great reading yesterday comments, glad I made you smile just wait til we met if I come with my hair gone or not lol!
    Littlelamb and granddaughter - your poor things. I can't imagine how painful your fall must have been. Really hope with rest and painkillers you will soon feel better, very gently hugs to you both ! Sad to see you knee is giving you problems Sandra, please be careful. Not fun to be in zombie land but we are not alone. All night open coffee shop required, I think lol will go and send you a mail now so take care all Hugs to you and the family Sandra, Maria xx

  16. Hi Sandra and all lovely ladies. Im fuming. Im disapointed and cross for our Sue too ! The cat is out of the bag. WHY do Sunrise Crafts always do that ???! And if someone has been for a peek, WHY do they have to tell us on Sue's blog and give some detail of what to expect, do they NOT think that som of us WANT to actually wait until Sue herself announces her suprise ? Is it big or clever to shout it out to over 100 of us what the suprise is (although most of us had already guessed) ! WHY spoil it ? Is it not down to Sue herself to share her happiness with us ? Grrrrrrr I have steam coming out of my ear's.
    Sorry Sandra just had to share how I feel. Ive also put how disapointed I am on Particraft if you want to join my rant and support for our dear friend Sue. Bleeping Sunrise Crafts.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. H Steph,
      I said the exact same thing the last time they did this, it's so out of line! I am not sure if they have permission to release the images early, but they steal Sue's surprise everytime, I did wonder if it was because Sue was gòing to announce it today but it got delayed until Monday, so it may have coincided with her launch, but either way it's not on, Joanna Sheen and Icon don't do it!
      It was naughty of people to blab it all over the blog too, I had an email from Sue on Tuesday so I knew what it was but would never have dreamt of ruining Sue's surprise, especially as she is super excited, if I were her I would be bloody furious ! I looked in very early this morning to Particraft, but was going to stop by and comment later,so will join your rant, I wonder what our Sue is thinking!
      Bless her,
      Feel free to rant, that's what we are here for,
      Hugs, calm down now, think of your blood pressure,
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Good evening Sandra, a beautiful card, from Pat very pretty.
    Met Hazel this morning and she told me about the "Coffee Shop" what a wonderful idea. She also told me about your fall, I do hope you are OK and not too many bruises.
    I am with Stephanie on the Sunrise Crafts situation. I have bought from them before but I think I will score them off my "order" list.
    Just a dusting of snow here today but plenty on the Mountains I see from the kitchen window.
    Stay safe

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed your actual coffee shop trip today with Hazel!
      Totally agree about sunrise, it's just disrespectful I think.
      You have the best of both worlds, you can see the beautiful snowy mountains without the chaos of having it underfoot!
      Sending you warm hugs,
      Sandra xxx

  18. Hi to everyone. I know I'm rubbish at explaining but I'll try to explain again in more detail.
    You will need 1 piece of plain A4 card folded in half
    I piece of A4 double sided card.
    I piece of card cut slightly smaller than half of the A4 to slip inside the wallet.
    Plus 1 piece of scrap card to stamp your flower image on
    Stamp your flower onto your scrap card and roughly cut out.
    With the smaller edge facing you fold it up at approx and 1 inch.
    Then fold the card in half to match up with the bottom of the card, with the 1 inch fold inside.
    Place your cut out image onto the side facing you and draw round it in pencil. This can be done on the inside of the card as you will cut this out of the front of your card. Making sure the flower is the right way up if your doing this on the inside of the card rather than the outside.
    Put your extra piece of card inside and draw round the outside of the apperture on this card. This decides where you will stamp your image onto the White card.
    You can then colour in with your pens or watercolours of your choice. If you want you can use distress inks to lightly colour in around your image. In the card that will go onto your main card you can cut a slight semi circle or use a punch if you have one. The how's the person who receives it that there is something to full out. As an alternative you could punch a small hole on the right hand side of the inside piece card and thread ribbon though it for someone to pull it open
    The double sided card then needs to be stuck together on the lefthand side and along the bottom. Leaving the righthNd side open for your card to go in. Your image should then should through your apperture. This is then all stuck onto your card front. Please ensure that the card that goes inside your little pocket will go into this before you stick the double sided card together.
    It really is so easy to do, and I hope that you can follow these instructions.

    1. Thank yòu so much Pat for taking the time to explain how to make. Your gorgeous card. I hope people can now follow your instructions and have a go!
      Sandra xxxx

  19. Oh! Gosh! "littlelamb" just read what happened to you and your Granddaughter. Sending you some gentle ((((((hugs))))))

    Patricia x

    1. Thank you. I try to follow your blog each day but I haven't got one you can look at. Love your cards though and Hazels

  20. Hello Sandra,
    Sorry I am so late today. My other half commandeered MY iPad and I have been sat twiddling my thumbs waiting for him to give it back.
    Well, I don't know where to start. I have just read through all the comments and there is such a lot going on today.
    Firstly, today's card from Pat is gorgeous. I love the idea of a sliding insert, how clever of you Pat. Your stamping is lovely and your colouring in is so professional. Thank you Sandra for showing us
    Pat's work.
    Littlelamb I feel so sorry for you. It must have been horrendous for you and your poor little Granddaughter. I am not surprised you are feeling sorry for yourself. Sending you very gentle healing hugs.
    Theresa, I am thrilled you have finally got your ultrasound appointment. Let's hope they get you sorted out quickly.
    Now, on to Sue's surprise. I am not sure how I feel about
    Sunrise Crafts. I think they must have permission from Sue to release the pictures for pre orders otherwise surely creative expressions would stop supplying them until after the launch. I just don't know. I have to be honest and admit I have had a look and I can't honestly say it has spoiled the surprise for me, I am just dying to see what
    Sue has created from them. Oh heck. Hope I don't get locked out of the coffee shop for admitting to that!!!
    Sleepy hugs for you all

    1. Oh Saba, you had me nearly seeing myself with that last comment!
      Just about to go do my teeth, thought I would have one last check and there you were! Thank you my lovely for stopping by, I had no choice to see them as they came up on my screen when I opened the email! But mum's the word! The doors are well and truly open to you always,
      I did think that maybe Sue's launch was supposed to be today and got postponed to Monday , apparently Icon uk have them too but didn't until post launch last time so maybe in their defence that Sue's delay is what has caused the issue, but with sunrise it happened last time and does like to do her surprise reveal!
      So not sure to be honest!
      Sandra xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra,
    Sorry I'm really late tonight - haven't commented anywhere today apart from thanking Lynda for her help! We had visitors today and they left at 10 30pm ! I'm waiting for the dishwasher to cool down so that I can empty and refill!
    What a pretty card today - the shading is lovely, I didn't quite understand the first instructions but I do now , so thanks Pat for the card and the simpler instructions!
    Little lamb - Brenda, so sorry about your fall and about your driving but the time will pass and at least you haven't broken any bones and your little granddaughter is alright. Hugs coming to both of you!
    Maureen - your books sound lovely! What a beautiful present - I agree they get too much chocolate - I know my grandchildren get too many eggs but they are fairly good at eating just a little at a time.
    Theresa - so pleased about your ultrasound! Hope things move faster from now on!
    Steph - totally agree about Sue's surprise - I guess these companies have been given permission because Sunrise isn't the only one . I've had emails from Crafty Devils Papercrafting as well! They were offering 10% discount! Haven't been on Particraft today yet but I don't understand why people have to make an announcement there! Keep calm my friend! Don't make yourself unwell. x
    Sandra - I sent an email yesterday but you may not have received it! There was a photo attached as you did offer! Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll re-send but Lynda hit nail on the head when she said it was too bland. She was absolutely right I think.
    Sorry to have rambled on.
    Just wanted to say I had suspenders on my Liberty bodice - they held up my very scratchy ribbed bottle green stockings! No tights then! I'm ancient!
    That was in Primary School.
    Love to everyone in the coffee shop!
    Love Myra xxxx
