
Friday 30 January 2015

Peach Posy

Good morning Ladies,
Not my usual style, but just a quick card for when you need a card in a hurry!
I took a piece of paper from my stash that has oranges, peaches and yellows on tiny flowers,
I matted it onto some matching plain dark peachy coloured card and (lord forgive me  as I have given in to my inner Ms Bibby ) mirror gold card! Yes I know, Calm down, I rarely go there, but I think this card needed it! I did the same Matt and layers for the strip across the middle, die cut two Cheery Lynn Flourish dies (one is cut into the back of the sssshhhh (mirror ) card so that it looks opposite to the first one! I placed those opposite each other and added three flowers that I made using Docrafts  Petal Posy Dies (that I borrowed from Pat).  I put a flat back gem in opposite colours into each flower, my sentiment is on Spellbinders Tag die, base cut in (you know what)and topped with same card as used in flower!
I hope you like the card, I am not sure myself, no bow, no spray
Of flowers!
How and when did you all start crafting and tell us about
Any crafty disasters!
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra,
    Beautiful Card, I Love the Colours you've used I really like the Paper from your Paperstash its so pretty and Youve done a great job.
    I Love the Stunning Flowers, I Love the Fabulous Flourishes!
    I hope your keeping well
    Take great care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x

    1. Hi Sam,
      Thank you my lovely for your kind comment, what got you started in crafting?
      I hope you have a lovely weekend,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra. What I like about your style is that you're not afraid to try something different (even using mirri card)! I really like this card, the flowers and flourishes don't need anything else. Thank you for your giveaway card, it arrived on Wednesday and now lives in my craft room for inspiration.
    Pat, your card yesterday was lovely, I'm going to look at your instructions again when I'm properly awake.
    Well I managed to get my daughter (16) to Scarborough to catch the train to Cambridge but it wasn't a pleasant drive, she has a placement on a showing scheme at the university. She's never travelled so far on her own before so I was very on edge until I had the call to say she had arrived. I hope the snow doesn't come back as I have to go to York to pick her up on Saturday night.
    I've been loving the trip down memory lane. I don't really remember Crystal Tips and Alistair, I was more of a Mary, Mungo and Midge person!!!
    Have a lovely day everyone, take care outside. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I hope you liked your giveaway card, very simple I know but sent with love xxxx
      I imagine you were worried sick about your daughter on her first big adventure, especially with the weather being so bad?
      Thank goodness for mobile phones, I hate them but they have their good points!
      Did she enjoy her placement? Was it to entice her into university?
      I think they push students to go to university too much at school, I know of so many young people that felt forced into university and have no job as a result of their results and achievement, the are working in supermarkets or in call centres, such a waste really, if they had maybe gone into retail instead as my sister did with Boots, she stayed with them for years eventually getting to store manager, the courses she went on read so well on a CV and certainly not to be sniffed at, both of my children could have gone Becca was indeed set to go to Bristol, but then she got a boyfriend and decided it wasn't the thing for her, she is now ascending through the ranks at Lloyds Bank whilst some of her uni friends are working in local bars etc, don't get me wrong, it has it's place, we certainly need it for the students that want a 'profession' , doctors, nurses, lawyers etc. but it certainly shouldn't be pushed for everyone!
      I left school and went on a YTS scheme, now that was slave labour for sure £27 per week! But you learnt skill and experience, I think they should provide more Apprenticeships, were you gain experience as well as qualifications!
      Phew that was a long one!
      Thanks for making my brain work,
      I too remember Mary, Mungo and midge, and the Herbs? Pipkins?
      Crafty Hugs

  3. Morning Sandra and Co... Kettle on yet ? Can I be a pain and drag up 'the suprise' one last time PROMISE. The owner of the craft shop me and barbie use told me the last time Sunrise did their usual pre - order on the new dies, that the smaller craft shops are suppose to get 'first dibs' on ordering the dies before they go out to the larger shops such as Samuel Taylor's and the big online shops. Apparently this is because the large online shops have more to spend on buying the dies in, so by the time the smaller shops get their order's in the larger online shops have eaten up the supply, so all small traders are approached by the CE reps or should be, before the online store's. The launch before the American launch, I was in the shop at the same time as the rep, all his info was via email from CE but NO photographs for Lyn the manager to look at and order by. CE are so aware that some reps can leave paperwork around with launch details on they now get the info via email so nothing gets 'out of the bag' before it should. So it seems that the smaller traders are not as important to CE as they use to be maybe ! Before the American launch I emailed Sue re the Grande square dies and asked where I could find them, long story short, she told me about the American launch that was being worked on but made me promise I wouldnt mention it or tell anyone. By the time Sunrise Crafts went live I was bursting, I emailed Sue to ask if she knew they were pre- ordering before she launched them on her blog, she had no idea they were doing that ! When my craft shop owner approached the rep all she got was "they buy loads" !!!
    So who know's. All I know is that today's card is so fresh and happy, so Spring like, its really pretty Sandra.
    Told you I was useless at instructions, Im even more lost after reading Pat's 2nd tutorial lol, im totally useless at putting instructions together, your talant is lost on me im afraid Pat !
    Will pop back later when the coffee is hot and bubbling and when the cakes have arrived, until then have a nice morning.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. You rant away my lovely, we all agree with you, purely for the love of Sue and spoiling her big reveal!
      She must think now 'what's the point'
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Good morning, oh I am so glad I am not into work, we have a good dusting of snow that does not bother me, but oh boy it's cold, that cold that cuts in to your bones. Sandra, your card is beautiful, like Craftysuetoo I love the fact you change your style to what your papers/card, dies work with. This gives others ideas as to what they can do with different things. Your card has a lot of different colours in it BUT they all blend and go with each other.
    Steph, your are so right about our little craft shops being left out. Adrian at ours hasn't had any of the last release as by the time the rep got round to him most folk had gone on line and bought the dies, plus I think they have to place an order bigger than they need at the time. Little shops should get the know on these new ones and be able to buy small amounts at the time and have them delivered ready for the launch. Adrian is lovely he will go out of his way to help any one, ( he even cut my card down to size the other day) saved me struggling to do it on my A4 guillotine plus I had a cup of tea while waiting, you don't get that at the big places. Any way we will all just do what we are good at " supporting Sue and our little craft shops". Well I am off to put something up on my blog, then it's back to striplet cutting.

    Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      If we had a local craft shop I would willingly support it but we sadly don't, you are so right though, you get a much better service, you can usually try things out before you buy them, most small shops have a crafter in residence that would willingly show you how to use something, that's the one thing I dislike about online shopping!
      Thanks for calling in and lovely comment,
      Sandra xxxx

  5. Good morning Sandra
    Such a beautiful and bright card this morning so lovely and not all cards need a bow, yes most do, but sometimes you can get away without one just as you have done on this one.
    There are lots of black ice around up here in the chilly North this morning and it is so, so, cold but at least summer is coming as your card reminds us.
    Take care and warm hugs to everyone
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Thanks for your kind words.
      You take great care in this terrible weather my lovely,
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra,
    I really like today's card probably because it is a bit different and we do need quick cards and ones that will post easily! I took loads of card to a local Home as I had so much - some from kits from years back! However you've made me think! I have lots of 6x6 or 8x8 as I use it with the children.
    Steph - totally agree! I'm afraid I do buy from JS and have always had excellent service but once some companies get your name you just get bombarded! I do mean one day to visit your craft shop as it's not too far away but the one in Chorley - my nearest town is awful as is the parking!
    I started crafting , Sandra , making clothes for cardboard dress up dolls! I drew around existing outfits to start with then coloured them or Drew spots etc! I had two shoe boxes full eventually - wish I'd kept them! Would have been about 10 years old . Those were the days!
    Well will drink up now and call back for another cup later! Lol.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx

    1. Did you get my email? Xx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      Yes I did ! I replied straight away.thanks so much. Watch this space! lol.
      You're a star!
      Love MyraXx

  7. Hi Sandra
    A gorgeous card today. Love the colours that youve used. Makes me think of spring. We had a very small sprinkling of snow yesterday evening. Sorry that some of you thought my instructions were confusing. I put some more detailed ones on yesterday, but I think they were even more. Infusing. It's a shame that you all don't live close by and we could all have a crafting day . together. Mind you I think this card was an easy card, and I'm rubbish at following instructions. It's basically using a piece of double sided card, and folding in about an inch, and folding the rest of it over to make a sleeve. You then place your cut out rose on top of it and trace round it. Cut this out to make and aperture. Put your othe piece of card inside and run the pencil around your aperture so it shows on your piece of card. This shows you where to stamp your image. Once stamped you can either add ribbon to your inside piece of card so that people know it can be pulled out. Or like me you could use a punch to make a small half circle halfway down your double sided card. Stick your card down At the bottom and along the righthand side. Stick the whole thing onto your card. I've probably made things worse now, by giving to many instructions. I'm showing Sandra and Mrs B how to do this when we all meet up. I agree with Hazel with regards to the small shops. Mind you the small shop in Lyndhurst does stock Sue's dies, but I don't know when they will get them. Crafty hugs to all and please wrap up warm Nd keep safe those of you who live up North.

  8. Hello Sandra,
    I've just read all the comments from yesterday and we do cover a lot of things, don't we?
    Littlelamb and granddaughter - sorry to read about your accident, and hope you didn't wait too long in A & E to be seen. Whenever we've gone it's never been less than 4 - 5 hours, and once was 7 1/2. Of course a nurse sees you within about 5 minutes, but only asks questions, so that means you are seen within the Government's 4 hour target!!! Mind you, when we've gone with one of the grandchildren it's usually only 1 to 2 hours. I don't know what's worse, no driving or no crafting. I think no crafting, but it all depends if there is someone else there to drive you where you want to go.
    Pat, I'm going to re-read your instructions S L O W L Y and have a go at doing this technique as it sounds good, and I do like the card very much.
    Sandra, I'll take some photographs of the books but can't put them on the computer until after Easter as I don't know how and will have to get Rachel to do it. I'm also making a larger one for her as a surprise and don't want her to get wind of it. I'm still chuffed to bits with them!!!
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today with your poorly knee, it's no fun when you're in constant pain.
    Superstitions - never put new shoes on the table, don't cross knives on the table, no pictures or ornaments of birds in the house (extreme bad luck), don't pass anyone on the stairs, wait until they come down before you go up, if 2 things go wrong snap a matchstick to stop a 3rd, don't look at a new moon through glass!!! The list is endless, I don't know how my mother made it out of the house lol.
    Maureen xx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    I've just read all the comments from yesterday and we do cover a lot of things, don't we?
    Littlelamb and granddaughter - sorry to read about your accident, and hope you didn't wait too long in A & E to be seen. Whenever we've gone it's never been less than 4 - 5 hours, and once was 7 1/2. Of course a nurse sees you within about 5 minutes, but only asks questions, so that means you are seen within the Government's 4 hour target!!! Mind you, when we've gone with one of the grandchildren it's usually only 1 to 2 hours. I don't know what's worse, no driving or no crafting. I think no crafting, but it all depends if there is someone else there to drive you where you want to go.
    Pat, I'm going to re-read your instructions S L O W L Y and have a go at doing this technique as it sounds good, and I do like the card very much.
    Sandra, I'll take some photographs of the books but can't put them on the computer until after Easter as I don't know how and will have to get Rachel to do it. I'm also making a larger one for her as a surprise and don't want her to get wind of it. I'm still chuffed to bits with them!!!
    I hope you are feeling a bit better today with your poorly knee, it's no fun when you're in constant pain.
    Superstitions - never put new shoes on the table, don't cross knives on the table, no pictures or ornaments of birds in the house (extreme bad luck), don't pass anyone on the stairs, wait until they come down before you go up, if 2 things go wrong snap a matchstick to stop a 3rd, don't look at a new moon through glass!!! The list is endless, I don't know how my mother made it out of the house lol.
    Maureen xx

  10. Hi Maureen,
    Thanks for popping in and your kind comment.
    A lot of your superstitions were same as my mum, but why? Is what I ask....
    Why can't we put new shoes on the table? Or pass someone on the stairs, I can kind of understand the ladder and matchstick ones, New Moon through Glass, maybe that's where I have been going wrong all these years! Haha
    So lovely to read your comment,
    Thank you,
    Love & Hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  11. Hello Sandra, hello everyone else the coffee shop. How are you all? Well I hope, and not to cold. It is lovely and sunny here in South London. We had a shower of sleet yesterday afternoon, if you blinked you would have missed it. Nothing like you are having 'up North' I'm not a Londoner. I was brought up in Warwickshire and Leicestershire and moved south when I was 16. People would ask where I came from, (because of my accent) I would say the Midlands. Then be asked 'where's that' the reply normally was north of Watford!!!!!!
    Sorry I went off on one didn't I - Well it is a coffee shop.!

    Sandra today's card is lovely. Great colours and put together very tastefully. To be able to come up with so many different designs/ styles really shows what an amazing talen you have.

    How did I get int craft? I think I have always had an interest in all crafts, at school we had sewing/embroidery lessons. Wasn't brilliant but enjoyed them, I made a lot of my own cloths also some for the children. Only make curtains now. I have always enjoyed gardening - But now John moans now saying I have lost interest in the garden and spend most of my time crafting, I taught him everything he knows about gardening - why have a dog and bark yourself! Anyway he really makes a brilliant job. When the girls were growing up we would get involved with all sorts of crafts. Then the grandchildren came along and again we have a go. When I retired I saw cards someone was making and selling, and she had quite a fair trade. But something inside said you could do that - and I'm still at it.
    Think I've chatted for England today, hope everyone's having a good day. Little lamb - Brenda, how are you and your granddaughter feeling? Hope your both on the mend .

    Will pop back later, love Brenda XX

    1. Hi Brenda. We are both feeling ok. Granddaughter back at school. I am still struggling to do things but some are impossible with one hand and although in half plaster at the moment still hurts to try to use it. Had great difficulty trying to open a packet of biscuits today. One way of slimming:-). My other granddaughter aged 3 was involved in a car accident yesterday. DinL was in line of traffic behind van waiting to turn right and someone went into back of her forcing her into one in front. Little one was ok as in her car seat but DinL hurt her knees. Don't know if car was a right off but they are ok. Getting bored watching C&C but eyes not good enough to read and can't craft. Six weeks of this. My son would take me anywhere but wouldn't ask while he is working and what would be the point of going to a craft shop:-).

    2. Hi Mumma,
      I love it when you chat for England,
      I think you just have had same snow shower as we did, sad, I wanted it window sill deep, no that I could go out in it, but it would look nice!
      Do you sell your cards?
      You could compromise with John and craft in the garden, then you could ' direct him' at the same time!
      Love and huge hug,
      Sandra xxx

  12. Hi again. I remember reading you asked how we got started in crafting. Many year's ago my daughter and I went to a large shopping centre, as we were looking round a particular shop I noticed a craft section which had a kit of DIY cards, the blank cards, paper cut to size, embelishments I bought it, the following day made about 12 cards from this kit following the 'know how to' instruction sheet. Oh boy was I chuffed LOL. Then some time after I found a shopping channel- QVC and you know who was on ! At the time I knew NO better and she became - dare I say it (without choking) my hero !!! Cough cough splutter splutter, so I started to order the Kanban kits, so easy to do whilst watching tv or to take into hospital, where even then a few nurses/patients bought a few, and one particular nurse use to come and sit and make a few after her shift (she too became an addict) she still looks after me when I have to have my Iloprost infusion for the week in Leeds.
    Then I found C&C and its gone from there, then I watched Sue one day, that must be about 2yrs ago, we were living here so we've been in Lancs 3yrs and got hooked on her style of card making. From then on I found her blog, her products etc then became broke ! So that is how my addiction started.
    Ok, off to watch the ice dance that Andy recorded for me, memories of great health and hour's of hard work before competitions etc all flood back.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. And I appreciate you supporting my thoughts yesterday, it doesn't make me feel such a moaner when I have lovely friends that feel the same as I do. Seem's we have a lot to look forward to, just wish Sue would slow down a little to give those of us that dont have an income/salary or deep pockets a chance to 'catch up' on the past launches ! Ive decided to put away what I get from market to spend on the past 2 sets before I start saving for the new release dies. It will take some time to catch up, but that's life, I just happen to be addicted to an expensive hobby LOL.
    Sending love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      I think you and I have many of the sMe old products from QVC, the old Kanban kits, which I mostly still have as I don't really use that kind of thing! Did you used to get excited for the craft days, when the 'TSV' would have been a craft product and you know who would be going on about how hard she had worked to put the show together!
      Oh those were the days, did you buy the kit that she designed with Kanban it was Lace effect on card, with perfume bottles and handbags etc, that was the first and last one it bought mind!
      It is a very expensive hobby I need to start selling these cards!
      Sending you big hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  13. Afternoon Sandra and Ladies! I love the card but if I reproduced it it would be pink and lilac soooo predictable! I bought some flowers from wild orchid you guessed pink! Even at work fob watch, scissors and tourniquet you guessed it Pink!

    Well how did I get in to crafting. Originally about 12 years ago my friend at work did it and came round one day and got me started. In those days limited stuff around but the addiction was born. Took a little break when Tilly was a baby but got Tonsillitis really badly about 5 years ago spent nights watching TV as couldn't sleep found c and c and the rest is history. Loved Sue Wilson stuff, got a grand caliber etc etc. also enjoy making nappy cakes, decorating mdf, making boxes, candles etc etc. so not just cards I love making gifts cheaply but making them look amazing.
    My mum doesn't get it at all but she comes from a family of cleaning addicts! I, however am genetically challenged in this area my dad's mum would spend all day doing a crossword and cleaning a no no obviously have her genes! Dad's uncle was an artist so maybe dome of it from him.
    I love crafting and crafters who are all so friendly and love to share which is great. I can loose hours in the midst of glitter, glue and card! I also loose money in the midst of it!
    Well ladies will love you and leave you all off to do housework NOT! Xxx

    1. Barbiepinkfairy, you are very much like myself by the sound s of things I to love making my nappy cakes and gift baskets also making an inexpensive gift look wondeful. Hazel x

    2. Hi Barbie,
      Your a woman after my own heart, housework, what's that!
      I thinks it great to have many different 'strings to your bow' stops you getting bored of one particular craft, I think that's why I like card making, there are so many different mediums !
      Create and craft /Qvc have a lot to answer for!
      Anytime you want to show something feel free to email it across!
      Crafty hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    What a lovely fresh looking card today, it's so pretty and dare I confess, I actually still like Miri Card! Not on everything but sometimes it just adds a little something to a card. Steph made me laugh with her previous hero worship of a certain presenter. I too was in awe of her once upon a time. Can't stand seeing her now! Mind you I used to have a crush on Gilbert o'Sullivan when I was younger - remember him? He was the one that sat at a piano in a cloth cap and sang a song about Clair, the little girl he babysat for, so that says a lot about my previous tastes.
    I think my first encounter with craft was like Myra's and cut out dolls. I used to love making dresses for them. Then making dresses for my girls when they were small and money was very tight. I still sew, soft furnishing and curtains and the like and have made a couple of quilts. In fact I have had a go at most crafty things. I once got into glass painting. Me and my best friend were hooked on it until she mentioned one day that actually she quite like plain glass. By that time we had decorated everything in the house that was made out of glass (including some light bulbs). Thank goodness we saw sense before we got around to the window panes. Then like Steph I saw she who shouldn't be mentioned on QVC and started card making. I have been hooked ever since.
    Well we have finally got the white stuff over here in Germany and it looks beautiful. It doesn't seem to cause the same problems here, they clear the roads very quickly and it is the law that once the pavement in front of your house or shop has snow on it you HAVE to go out and clear it otherwise you can be fined.
    Sorry for rabbiting on a bit, love and hugs to you all

    1. Saba, oh I can just image the snow you have, having spent time in The south of Germany and you are so right you Have to clean your share of the pavement and you do it without thinking. Then again you put your winter tyres on too, we still fit ours every winter after nearly thirty years. They are worth every penny. Hazelx

    2. Hi Saba,
      I am picturing you sat in a stain glass home!
      Feel free to rabbit on we love to read it.
      Have you always lived in Germany, we visited our friends in Elmt a few times when they were posted over there. I always had the impression that all German housewives were got at crafts as there was always some lovely home decor on display at the front of the house or in the windows and there are of course beautiful gifts etc bought over here to the German markets, so is craft product easy to buy out there or do you have to import it?
      Crafty hugs, stay warm,
      Sandra xxxx

  15. Love today's card although like Barbie mine would be pink and mauve. My favourite colours. Only had a sprinkling of snow yesterday and none so far today. Must have been lucky. Cold though. As if my accident wasn't enough this week my other daughter in law and 3 yr old granddaughter were involved in an accident yesterday. Both ok but shocked. Someone came into the back of them and pushed them into the car in front. About 4 cars and a van involved. Might do some Sudoku. Keep the brain active

    1. Thank you for your good wishes for Jodie. I live in Caerphilly about 40mins drive from Maesteg.
      Pat x

    2. Thanks for your reply. My family and I stayed in Caerphilly when we visited Glyn Taff Crem where my husbands ashes are scattered. We went on a tour of the town on the Sunday morning before heading home.

    3. I am sorry it was a sad occasion that brought you to our town. It probably didn't take long to tour as there is not a lot to see other than the castle. Did you go into the castle? Whereabouts do you live?

    4. Hi Littlelamb,
      Sorry to here about your other granddaughter too, goodness me, you need to break a matchstick and do it quick (that would make sense if you read some of yesterday's comments)
      No crafting for six weeks is just torture, I bet you don't last that long, us crafters are resourceful, you will find a way!
      You take now my lovely,
      Gentle hugs,
      Sandra xxxx

  16. Littlelamb just read your last comment, my goodness you have had such a run of bad luck lately. Thank goodness your little Granddaughter was not hurt. Sending you special hugs, hope the next six weeks fly by for you.

  17. Forgot to mention certain c and c presenter drives me mental!! Self obsessed or what? Me me me has to be talking about herself all the time. No wonder none of her marriages last! Catty or what! I am sure she hates Steph weightman I am sure there is no love lost between them would love to be a fly on the wall!!!!!! Anyway shouldn't be too bitchy but what do women do when they get together?!!! See you soon!

    1. Do you remember all that about her husband staying in South Africa, etc, Lynda says she is engaged again, lord knows who too! Maybe the Portuguese guy! All I remember is JJ, her goats and dogs, her bloody whinging all the time about how hard she worked, her shop, her mother, it just never ended? You just don't get that from anyone else!
      Rant over!
      Sandra xx

  18. Hi Sandra,
    My first comment disappeared into cyberspace, so I'll try again.
    I am sorry I didn't manage to post yesterday. Mal and I spent the day visiting friends in Bridgend and when we got home in the evening we had a family emergency. Our granddaughter is six months pregnant and she had some blood loss and stomach cramps, so it was off to hospital to be checked out. I am glad to say the baby is fine and Jodie just has to rest up for a few days. The midwife said that what happened is quite common (too technical for my old brain) but she did the right thing getting it checked. It was 11.30pm when we arrived home, so it was a quick cup of tea and then bed.
    Today's card is so pretty Sandra and not a bow in sight, lol. As you say a quick simple card, but it's so effective. I love it
    Pat's card yesterday was lovely. I am in awe of her colouring. Not being very good at either stamping or colouring I am really impressed with this card. You are both very talented crafters.
    Littlelamb - I was sorry to hear of your fall and hope you and your granddaughter are feeling better. Also hope your daughter-in-law and your other granddaughter are getting over their mishap, it must have been such a shock.
    Theresa - I hope the ultrasound goes well on Monday and that you get a satisfactory outcome.
    Take care Sandra and all the other ladies in the coffee shop.
    Pat xx

  19. Hi Sandra,
    My first comment disappeared into cyberspace, so I'll try again.
    I am sorry I didn't manage to post yesterday. Mal and I spent the day visiting friends in Bridgend and when we got home in the evening we had a family emergency. Our granddaughter is six months pregnant and she had some blood loss and stomach cramps, so it was off to hospital to be checked out. I am glad to say the baby is fine and Jodie just has to rest up for a few days. The midwife said that what happened is quite common (too technical for my old brain) but she did the right thing getting it checked. It was 11.30pm when we arrived home, so it was a quick cup of tea and then bed.
    Today's card is so pretty Sandra and not a bow in sight, lol. As you say a quick simple card, but it's so effective. I love it
    Pat's card yesterday was lovely. I am in awe of her colouring. Not being very good at either stamping or colouring I am really impressed with this card. You are both very talented crafters.
    Littlelamb - I was sorry to hear of your fall and hope you and your granddaughter are feeling better. Also hope your daughter-in-law and your other granddaughter are getting over their mishap, it must have been such a shock.
    Theresa - I hope the ultrasound goes well on Monday and that you get a satisfactory outcome.
    Take care Sandra and all the other ladies in the coffee shop.
    Pat xx

    1. Thank you for your kind wishes for my family. Sorry to hear about your granddaughter and hope all will be ok. My late husband came from near Maesteg. Anywhere near you.

    2. Hi Pat,
      I am so glad all has settled with Jodie, you must fe excited for your first Great Grandchild!
      Boy you did have an exhausting day yesterday!
      Take it easy, just like Jodie,
      Sending you big hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  20. Good evening Sandra,
    I am late getting here, Is there any coffee left in the pot??
    I love your beautiful card, very elegant. You have made a great card and in my opinion needs nothing else. I really like the design.
    Not the colours I would have chosen but I will,tell you something. I might just rummage in that box of papers I have. They are all shades of Orange, Peach, Gold etc:- these are the colours I don't like using especially "orange". I gather all these colours then take them to the school our Grandsons go to where they accept them with open arms.
    Enjoy your evening

    Patricia x

  21. Just had another look at your beautiful card, then read your question on "how and when we started crafting"
    Hazel and I have always done some kind of crafting ......knitting, sewing, cutting up bits of paper to make clothes for "paper dolls". I started making cards when I had to stay at home to look after my husband, he had a bad accident. My MIL bought me a Craft Magazine to read . When I saw a card made with a Flower Fairy Stamp I was hooked. Bought the stamp, ink pad, pack of cards & envelopes and I was off and running. OMG!!! never thought then that it would GROW to the extent it has.
    Although Hazel was making lots of different "Gift Baskets etc:-" I was making the cards for her. We went to Birmingham 2 years ago and she was "hooked" Her Daughter bought her a GC for that Christmas. I gave her bits and pieces then she was off and running at a rate of knots. Who would have thought she would be so good at it. Now she is making Gillian's Wedding Invitations ........!!!

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Coffee is getting a bit over brewed so you best pop back tomorrow for a fresh brew and slice of cake, what's your favourite?
      It must be great crafting together with Hazel, do you do craft fairs or anything.?
      The little tease Hazel gave for the invitations look fab, I can't wait to see them complete, are you helping? I did a friends invitations last year, 60 of them, my goodness it got a bit monotonous, just doing the same thing, over and over, my grand Calibur arm was very toned at the end. I am considering an attachment so I can trim down other parts too! That's an image you don't want to think about!
      Sending you huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra, what a beautiful fresh delicate card, just lovely.
    I've crafted all my life. I started drawing at 5 yrs old then took up painting, was lucky enough to have done an oil painting (hated oils) and sold it for quite a lot of money, but I never did an oil again, just didn't enjoy them so much. I love making things, so my card crafting started about 13 years ago when I couldn't find a birthday card for a friend, I haven't stopped since although I do like to knit and crochet. My favourite thing is parchment craft, its so absorbing that time just disappears and the results are really lovely.
    Since becoming ill 14 years ago my craft has been my lifesaver, I'd never give it up.
    Warm hugs to all Love Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Crafting is my saviour too, I honestly don't know what I would without it!
      You sound very gifted artistically whereas I couldn't draw a stick man, but I guess we express it in different ways! My daughter is taking GCSE art, she is good at drawing and loves it too, thankfully as there is a lot of work involved in that course!
      You must have been so thrilled to sell your painting for good money!
      Sending you love and hugs,
      Sandra xxxxx

  23. Hi Sandra, before Christmas you stopped by my blog & left a lovely message: I am so sorry that it has taken me all this time or visit you. Your cards are's is beautiful & delicate, love it! I have crafted as long as I can was an artist so I guess the interest has always been with me, hugs Carole Z xx

    1. Oh Carole
      Thank you so much for stopping by and for your lovely words about my cards.
      Please call in soon!
      Sandra xxxx

  24. Hi Sandra,
    A very pretty card I'm a blue or pink girl ( old Girl ) but I do like your card even the Miri bit. Did you know the Me Me D B is engaged again !!!
    I started crafting mainly when Terry had his bad accident 12 years ago & with the stress of it all my Tinnitus started, My doctor said there was no cure & to find a hobby to take my mind off the load nois's in my head . Lisa my daughter gave me some stamps & ink pad's one day not sure why she had them,anyway I had a play & quite enjoyed it,she then gave me a Hobbycraft voucher for my birthday. Then I used to watch QVC & D B,then C & C the best thing ever was finding Sue Wilson & Particraft & my friend introduced me to Ally Pally Now I'm hooked & broke , now I get J S voucher's from Lisa. The doctor was right it dose take my mind off the Tinnitus.
    So looking forward to A P.
    Take care my lovely Big Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hello my lovely,
      Thanks for popping across, I too started while under the weather, I never kept any of my first creations otherwise I would suggest a 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine" contest, I reckon back then they would have been pretty bad, mostly peel off's! But we all had to start somewhere, in ten years time we will probably look back on our current cards and think "what was I thinking " !
      I suffer with mild tinnitus, have done for a few years, it worries me as my mum did too and she is now deaf! I mostly cope ok, the worst part for me is at night, when I cut sleep and I've got this constant high pitched noise, I think it's because there is no other noise then to mask it (apart from Mr Walrus doing his mating call) lol, he never used to snore!
      I too am looking forward to AP, Terry had better bring his newspaper as I think you will be doing a lot more chatting!
      Good night my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra
      Me again yes my Tinnitus is very loud all the time like millions of bees buzzing in my head & I'm almost deaf in my right ear I now have to use two hearing aids. ( Poor old cow ).Your right it's worse at night & I have a double Walrus next to me think he is trying to his mating call in Australia, Terry has snored for 46 years arrrrr.
      Will call you soon my lovely
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  25. Hi Sandra
    Sorry its taken me a few days to pop over.
    Your cards are more than worthy of being on a design team. I have only had time to look at your last few but they are all terrific (especially loved the purple "Just Because" one)
    Go for it gal!. . . . . .nothing ventured and all that!
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

    1. Hi Ang,
      Thanks for popping over and for your encouraging words,
      It means so much.
      I may give it a shot!
      Sandra xxxx
