
Saturday 31 January 2015

Guest Designer Myra!!!!!!!

 Good Morning Ladies,
I am so honoured that Myra has allowed me to show one of her gorgeous cards today, isn't it gorgeous! I love everything about it, colour and composition!
Here are Myra's instructions.......
I cut a piece of Soft Gold Card from the Foundation Cardstock from Creative Expressions. I taped the Gemini Lyra Die to the bottom and ran it through the GC. I mounted this using Cosmic Shimmer glue on a slightly larger piece of Soft Pink card from the same range. This shows off the beauty of the Lyra Die. 
I cut out seven flowers from the Delicate Daisies Set from Sue Wilson. I cut these in differing sizes. Four in pink and three in gold. I layered these , alternating the colours and again using Cosmic Shimmer Glue. I topped them with a Frosted Peach Dazzler from CE. Strangely the pink Dazzlers I had were just the wrong colour for the soft pink. I cut one Grand Vinery Die also in soft pink.
I stamped my sentiment and then cut it out using the second smallest die from the California Collection. I used Tattered Rose Distress Ink to colour it to match. 
I assembled all the components and mounted them on three further mats. I finished the bottom left hand corner with a pearly swirl! 
I do hope this is clear. I have never done this before and would like to thank Sandra so much for encouraging me to do this. When I started it was going to be square but it finished up oblong. 
Thank you Myra, I think that seems quite straight forward to follow.
What have you ladies all got planned for this weekend?
Sophie and Lucy have football today, I think that they could do with one of those Liberty Bodice things on days like today, but they have to make do with thermals! They are more dedicated than I would be.  Unfortunately once again I can't go and watch them as the pitch they are playing on is the furthest from the club house and therefore I wouldn't see anything, the grass will be to muddy to try and push the wheelchair across too, never mind I will stay here, cosy and warm and may bake something nice for their return, as well as a hot chocolate with all the extras, whipped cream and marshmallows of course, should I put it on the coffee shop menu ? with a nice home made brownie or chocolate fudge cake!
Both Paul and I have had a dream to open a Craft Shop with Coffee shop/Tea room combined, as his love is 'proper' coffee and has been for many years before it was trendy! We are a great team and I would love working with him, we would make a great team.
Do you think it would work, my first love is card making but a close second is baking!
I want you all to know that you shouldn't feel the need to apologise for 'rambling' on or 'ranting',
I am the most happy when your posts are long and 'passionate', I also love the fact that you check back later on in the day and interact with each other, its amazing, I love it.
You ladies are just amazing, love you all loads.
Myra a HUGE thank you to you my lovely friend, I am so grateful to you allowed me to share your lovely card xxxx
Crafty Hugs
Sandra xxxxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra and also Myra,
    "WOW" What a Beautiful, Stunning Card I Love the Colours that have been used and Myra you have explained how you have achieved your Card Fabulously, I Love the Dies that you've used your an Extremely Talented Lady I'm sure Sue would be Truly Thrilled at how her Blog and Dies have helped others.
    Sandra it would be Great to have a Fabulous Coffee/Craft Shop the smell of wonderful Coffee and also wonderful Homemade Cakes, then not forgetting the Crafting and what a Fantastic meeting place for all to exchange ideas, I think you and your Husband would be Great, it's just like your Fabulous Blog where everyone share there Stunning Cards and News, Sandra you've got a Great Blog.
    Take great care have a great Day
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Good morning Sam,
      Your wonderful comments warm my heart, thank you so much.
      What are you up to this weekend?
      We woke up to a blanket of snow this morning, so have been waiting to hear if football is going ahead, ridiculously it is!
      I don't believe in unnecessary risks particularly as the girls have important exams next week!
      Stay warm and safe my lovely,
      Sandra xxx

  2. I am popping in for an early morning cup of tea, very weak with nothing added, thank you. Been one. Of those nights that again I have watched the clock every hour.
    Myra, why have you been hiding your beautiful work. This is stunning, your design and colours are wonderful. We need to see more, it's the same with Pat S and Barbiepinkfairy.
    Sandra I don't really blame you for staying at home, football match watching is great on nice warm sunny dsys. The three of them will look forward and appreciate those mugs. Of hot chocolate with the added extras, chocolate fudge cake. Yummy!!!
    I know where you are coming from with the craft shop / coffee shop. Patricia and I often say ". Oh to be 20 years younger". Or dream would be the same, the coffee shop would have to have really nice tables and chairs, either all matching with lovely white table cloths under glass or a mix of round, square and oblong again with table cloths but no glass, proper China cups and saucers and tea pots for tea - good teas too. The coffee in again proper coffee cups, yes if they want a mug ok. Cakes but we wouldn't give these great big Hugh wedges, we see it to often when people end up sharing as the wedge is so big. Afternoon tea would be offered to with a cake stand for the scones etc. the other thing we would have loved to have done is buy a property and do it up. We both use to do all our own decorating and make the curtains etc. I love nothing better than thinking up designs for rooms. I had a ball when my bosses cottage got flooded and she gave we the job of picking the paint, carpets, material for the curtains and the furniture, I even got to choose the kitchen - yes she was consulted, but I had helped do this when they extended the house and built the annex, so she told me to carry on. She new I wouldnt go over budget and I would find the best price. The lovely thing was when returning customers to the cottage wrote lovely comments in the guest book about the revamp. I always tend to under value what I do,, I think all craft people do that a lot.
    The craft shop/coffee shop is something to look into for when Paul leaves the RAF. Charlie and I ran a ski/adventure training place in South germany for 21/2 years before he was due to come out. We did it to see if we could work together as a team doing that, we did enjoy it, but oh boy it was very hard work we had up to 70 students and staff at times. Our problem when he came out was we just didn't have enough capital!!! Also three children 16, 14 and 10, we had to buy a house and at that time we didn't get a big pay out from the army for Charlies 22years, things still aren't that great but are better. So Sandra keep your dream and do it if you can, i know Patricia and I would have wished we had, again money was the problem we were both scared to take the risk.
    I now have one wee boy beside me, he is watching Frozen, those songs will be in my head all day I bet.
    Enjoy your baking I cam image the wonderful smells. And thank you for letting us see another guest designers work. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Your tea is ready, in your pretty little china cup and saucer! I personally hate thick mugs, I am a thin china lover I'm afraid.
      We have shared this dream for a long time, I am lucky enough to have married my soulmate all those years ago, so we make a great team!
      As Pat and Sue Will confirm he is quite easy to chat away and get along with, he has always had a keen interest in my crafting, so he has quite a good knowledge already.
      Unfortunately like you it will be the financial side of it that makes it an unachievable dream! I haven't been able to work for many years due to my disabilities and with having four children, well I need not go on, Paul's money he gets when he leaves is barely enough for a deposit on a house, let alone anything else, Pat and Sue have both asked me to look into getting some compensation from the hospital for leaving me/treating me so badly, I just don't have the confidence
      To go through with it but I should, I need to find a decent medical negligence solicitor first!
      Anyway enough doom and gloom, how amazing is Myra's card, she was unsure of it to start with, not sure why as it is stunning!
      Well the footballers have left the house so I had better go get started on some baking!
      Sending love and hugs your way,
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Hazel,
      Whereabouts in Germany did you live? I'm with you about winter tyres. Didn't even know they existed before we came here, but wouldn't be without them now.
      You are so lucky having your sister close by. Wish mine was.
      XXX Saba

    3. Saba, we ran the ski/adventure training place on the edge of
      Sonthofen, but also lived in Celle north of Hanover and a short time in Dortmund hated it there, love Celle and Sonthofen as besutiful but 24/7 hard work. Hazel x

  3. Hi Sandra, Myra and fellow coffee shop visitors. Beautiful card Myra, another crafter showing me that I really "need" the Lyra die.
    My brain seems to have been absent for a couple of days so firstly I hope that you and all your family are recovering, Littlelamb - what a dreadful time you have been having, sorry that I didn't say anything before. Patwyn, I hope that Jodie takes things easy and that everything is ok now.
    I wish we had a local craft shop, well we do but it's run by a business woman not a crafter if you know what I mean, so I tend to buy everything from JS because you just can't fault the service you receive.
    When you open your coffee shop Sandra do you need a waitress? Coffee and crafting = heaven! I know what you mean about schools pushing kids into university when there may be better options, but Katy has only ever wanted to be a doctor so she doesn't have a choice. It's funny but I was talking to two of my workmates yesterday, we were all in the same year at school, and we were saying that we couldn't think of anyone in our year who went to Uni, we all went into jobs and worked our way up the career ladder. I guess it was something we could do in the 80s, nowadays more and more companies want graduates to do the filing! Anyhow, I'm off to York today to collect Katy from the train so I'm just going to do a little online check to see if there's any craft shops, if there isn't then it will have to be bookshop browsing. Sue xxx

    1. Thank you for your good wishes for me and my family. The granddaughters seem to have recovered very quickly.

    2. Hi Sue,
      You will probably find your brain function will return to normal service once your daughter is home, you will be able to relax then.
      You will be first on my list for waitressing, but I don't want you skiving off to play in the craft area, imagine the temptation!
      Enjoy your day in York, I haven't been but know lots of people that have and love it, there is probably an amazing craft shop hidden away on a back street! I look forward to hearing your update.
      Drive carefully and stay safe my lovely,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

  4. Good morning Sandra,
    Mmmmm!! may I have a Hot Chocolate with all the toppings, and a piece of Chocolate Fudge Cake. Well I am on a diet ..... a hear about the food and I will have it diet!!
    Myra!! your card is stunning you should have a Blog so we can see MORE. I really like how you have used the die as your beautiful feature border, love it.
    You are so kind Sandra, showing all these wonderful "Guest Designers"
    My friend has a Tearoom Room/Craft shop and Workspace. That's were I do my classes. They are out in the country and it works, they are very busy. In the Craft Shop I would have much more Crafty Stock for "making" she has lots of Crafty bought in already made stuff for sale.
    I also feel she does not promote her "Craft Space" to rent enough. It's big and can hold a fair amount of people. My class has 12 ladies, sitting round a big table and still plenty room to move about. However it's NOT my business, but sometimes wish it was. As Hazel has said ..... we often talk about and wish we were 20 years younger. We would love to have it and do things "OUR WAY"
    Have a good day, good choice to stay at home nice and cozy rather than in the cold watching football.

    Patricia x

    1. Hi Patricia,
      Thanks for stopping by and encouraging words for Myra xx
      Your friend is lucky to have the tearoom, I can dream! It would be filled, however with pretty papers, card, stamps etc, so that you could come in with an idea and leave with a finished project! I would like huge tables with die cutting machines sat waiting to be used, or for people to 'road test' before they buy! Well it sounds perfect in my head! I had best buy a lottery ticket!
      Enjoy your weekend my Lovely,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Hi ladies a beautiful card Myra I love the softness of the gold card I think that you can see the Sue Wilson influence in all our cards!

    As for coffee shop I agree china cups but all different old patterns. Cake stands in china and different sizes / shapes of chairs and tables. Hot vimto on the menu! A few settees where you can sit and read and handmade cards, candles and gifts on sale. Heaven!

    1. Morning Barbie,
      Your description sounds perfect apart from the 'hot Vimto' my girls love vimto squash, but don't think they have tried it hot, the smell puts me off, it smells medicinal!
      Thanks for the lovely comments for Myra, such a talented lady!
      We had a thin blanket of snow this morning, don't think it will last though.
      I guess you are at work tonight, so will see lots of weather related injuries, so will it be busy?
      Have a nice peaceful day crafting with your little angel.
      Sandra xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. Please can I have a Spiced Apple and Camomile tea and a chocolate brownie, I will be sitting at the table by the window : )
    Well I don't know where yesterday went, or my comment. As usual I have just had a catch on on what everyone was up to and my comment is not there. That is the first time it has happened to me so i can't really complain as I know it happens to some people a lot, on the other had did I really press Publish properly? You know what I am like with technology don't you! Anyway I will try again today.
    I had to take my eldest sons partner (she is another Gemma!) to be monitored for a couple of hours. She is nearly 38 weeks pregnant with their first baby (our 3rd grand child, we already have 2 gorgeous granddaughters and this will be our 1st grand son) Gemma hasn't been feeling too bright for the last few days then on Thursday Monkey was rather still compared to usual so they were admitted to hospital over night for momitoring, all was fine but she had to go back yesterday afternoon for more. Again all was fine, it was so good to hear that lovely strong heartbeat : ) We are all so impatient for Monkey to arrive now, especially Gemma, we all know that feeling don't we ladies! Having been sat around in a hot hospital always leaves me feeling exhausted for some reason so by the time I got home last night I just wasn't up to much at all.
    I loved yesterdays card, such a pretty colour, and I love the flowers. You are so right saying that this one called out for Mirri card, it works beautifully : )
    Myra, your card is beautiful, I wouldn't think to put these colours together but they look lovely, and great instructions too : )
    Sending best wishes on a very quick recovery to Littlelamb, your DIN and your granddaughters, you and your family have really been through the wringer haven't you! Break that match quickly please. Once you get your full pot on you should be in less pain so maybe you will be able to get lots of die cutting done, with the other hand, ready for when you can start crafting again?
    Pat S, I really do hope that the new meds are starting to kick in now and that the horrid feelings you have in your head are settling, makes you feel awful doesn't it! They usually do after a few days. As always, make sure you rest as much as possible!
    Re: A & E waiting times. I have to say that we have always been very lucky and have never been in there more than three and a half hours in total so I really can't complain. We are lucky that we have 2 local minor injuries units close to us, both with X Ray departments so don't have to trek up to the main A & E for most things.
    Sandra, you already know that I think you and Paul would make a fantastic job of a Cafe/Crafting heaven. I do so wish that it can come true for you in the future. I think the only problem would be with overcrowding as it would be so popular : )
    Like many others I got into card making due to ill health having forced me to be stuck at home. I was flicking through the channels on TV one day and came across C & C....the rest is history!
    I hope you have a lovely day with Paul and the girls once they are back from football. They must look forward to their hot choc and a scrummy cake when they get home : )
    Stay safe and warm everyone. Take care. Mrs B x

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. Likewise I hope Gemma is ok. My first son was born early (34 weeks) and he is nearly 45 now.

    2. Forgot to say that my Granddaughter who was with me when we fell over is eager to help me cut some dies. She has started very early and loves making cards and all sorts of crafty things. She has been doing mosaics lately. Comes to craft group with me and makes the cards the same as all the other ladies. Loves Promarkers.

  7. Morning a Sue,
    Your order will be with as soon as Brownies have cooled enough, would you like a big dollop of whipped cream on your brownie? Xx
    I do hope that Gemma is resting bless her, I know she is just wishing these last few days away! I think that the babies usually quieten down a bit before labour starts, the calm before the storm! Another wee grandchild to spoil, I bet you can't wait! I think that anytime spent at hospital is mentally draining, you could be with someone you normally chat endlessly too and get to hospital and there is always an awkward silence! It's probably the nerves and worry!
    Did you get the loft sorted ? The weather couldn't be worse for your upcoming new heating installation, I am picturing you all huddled around a tiny little heater ! If I were you i would hide under that duvet until it's all over!
    I hope you have a great weekend my lovely,
    Love & hugs,
    Ps could you ask Chris for a big batch of his lovely, warming soup, for the lunchtime rush at the coffee shop!? Lol (I so wish it were real) xxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra,
    Cafe Latte Macchiato please, - where do they get those names!!
    Myra what a stunning card, I love everything about it, it is beautifully made. And you have put TWO dazzlers on it. I buy lots of lovely embellishments to put on my flowers and then can't bear to use them.
    I am going into the city today to meet up with my best friend, sadly it will be Starbucks so no lovely chinaware in sight. I might pop into the craft shop before I meet her (she hates crafting). Mind you it's always so disappointing, they have a completely different way of crafting here, peel offs are still the rage, glass painting and modge podge too. You can forget scrapbooking and die cutting altogether, which means I have to buy nearly everything on line from home and as JS is the only one with free postage, it's no wonder I hoard my embellishments, only getting them out to stroke them occasionally.
    Sandra you asked me yesterday if I have always lived in Germany. Well no I haven't. I am a Yorkshire Lass born and bred and we have kept our house in the Dales so that when Peter retires we can come home. I miss it so much, especially as our two girls and 3 grandchildren are there.
    Well best get off, need to get ready to meet Heide and then I have to make something for a Jacob's Join for after Church tomorrow, it's our AGM, so there will be lots of falling out going on !!!
    Hope you all have a lovely day, love and hugs

    1. Hi Saba,
      Enjoy your day in the city with your friend. Thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments for Myra x
      Are you in the same kind of work as 'we' are? We never really fancied Germany as a posting, too much upheaval!
      It must be so frustrating not being able to go shopping four lovely craft goodies, Joanna Sheen has a brilliant shop with great customer service, super fast delivery too!
      I am guessing the daft coffee names are an Italian/American think, personally I don't drink coffee, I would have no clue what to order!
      Well have fun with Heide, enjoy your day shopping together!
      Love and warm hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

  9. Wow such a beautiful card and wonderful instructions too very well done to Myra, as Patricia says you should have a blog of your own for us all to visit. Many thanks to Sandra for her generosity in sharing her blog you really are so thoughtful.
    I know it would be a big step to open your own business Sandra but I am quite sure if you were to do your homework first and talk to others who have started up in business to find out the pit falls first then the sky's the limit.
    I would come if you served good proper coffee, and I have some lovely recipes you could share too. Years ago there was a famous Lakeland chef called John Tovey who was friends with Delia Smith, he even had some programmes on TV and I have his recipe books with some fabulous things in. So come on get started on that homework lets face it, this would be much better than the nightmare of sharing a table at a craft fair, all it takes is that first step I am sure the two of you can do it!
    Have a lovely bake and weekend
    With love
    Margaret x

    1. Margaret, your reply is below Jacquie's comment, not see what happened xxx

  10. Beautiful card Myra.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Hi Jacquie,
      Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment for Myra.
      Have a lovely weekend,
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hi Margaret,
    Thanks for your lovely comment for Myra's lovely card.
    I remember the name John Tovey but can't picture him, well you just can't go wrong with Delia can you!
    It would always be proper coffee Margaret as Paul is a bit of a coffee snob, he buys only the freshest beans and grinds them as he needs them, I don't share his coffee love I'm afraid, just give me a good pot of tea!
    You are so right about better than sharing a craft table, although that has been suggested again as she gad bought some 'things' she says so she can make cards like mine! She bought some tonic bow dies and had a go, sent me the photos, well wouldn't want to be mean but, put it this way, I am not worried about losing any customers! I had to politely decline the craft show offer, I said I found it too stressful. Which was the true really!
    I hope you too have a lovely weekend, are you doing anything special?
    Whatever you do, enjoy it,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  12. Hi Sandra and of course Myra.
    Your card Myra is fab u lous. Isn't the Lyra die fanfastic. The couloirs are gorgeous. I love the Grand Vinery and Sandra kindly lets me borrow it as and when I need it. You've put just enough on the card Myra, any more and it would be to fussy. Well Sandra looks like you'll have at least 20 round for coffee and cake. I don't very often drink coffee, but prefer a Latte if I do have one. Hope the girls win today, and your much better off staying indoors in the warm.

  13. My word Sandra this is the third time I've tried to post the ending of my first post. Pete had an appointment come through from the hospital on Thurs. he only heard it this morning so has to wait until Mon to confirm. My word that Tramadol has a kick. I felt absolutely awful when we came back from our friends. Feeling sick, dizzy and felt like I wasn't here really. I was like that all night so didn't go up Karen's to play cards. Mind you it look away the pain only because I felt like death warmed up. I'll take some again later as I'm only supposed to take them as and when required. I'll go now before the ipad freezes again. Crafty hugs to all.

    1. Pat, try just taking half, I didn't get on with them so had to have an alternative, don't keep taking them if you feel that bad, it's not worth it, you may as well just use your other pills and put up with the pain as atleast you dan still function then xx

    2. I couldn't get on with Tramodol at all. Felt I was away with the fairies. It's awful stuff. There was an article in the Daily Mail and it would put anyone off using them. Think it's got Morphine in it. Was told to take 8 a day but slept the whole time and every time I went to get out of bed I fell asleep again before I could do it. Whenever the Dr mentions painkillers I say don't give me Tramodol.

    3. My advice would be don't take any more I had a dreadful reaction with Tramodol lost a week in my life, when I had no idea what was happening or where I was. I kept seeing wolves in purple globes with snarling teeth it was dreadful stuff.

  14. Love your card today Myra. I keep looking at this die and thinking I like it. I must put it on my wish list from JS. Seen a lot of different cards made with it and none the same. Sandra, I would like a Hot Chocolate please but better leave out the marshmallows and whipped cream for dietary reasons not because I don't like them. Thanks

    1. Hi Littlelamb,
      How are you feeling my lovely, I am sure you must be quite sore as all the bruises come out bless you!
      Thank you for taking time to stop by, I will have chocolate ready and waiting!
      I wouldn't worry about your diet for a few days, you need to keep strong xx
      Like you I am in two minds about the Lyra die, I love how it looks but not sure how versatile it is, but I am lucky as I can use Pat or Sue's when we meet up!
      You take it easy, although you are probably bored of doing that!
      Sending you and your family bug hugs,
      Love Sandra xxxxx

    2. Thank you Sandra so much for thinking of me. Still sore but improving. Fingers sore but hope once the soreness has gone and new plaster on I will be able to use them a bit. It's frustrating trying to open the eye drop bottle with one hand and get the pills out the foil. Going home for a little while this afternoon to check everything ok and pick up any post. Expecting some from Chocolate Baroque. Posted yesterday but will probably come on Monday or Tuesday. Yes getting bored of taking it easy but eye seems to be clearing now with the new drops and can read for longer.

  15. Hi Pat,
    Thanks for dropping in, I don't mind a latte, but prefer the chocolate ones!
    Myra's finished card looks fab doesn't it? You are right about the Lyra die, it is fabulous.
    What are you and Pete up to this weekend? Is he building fences again?
    You take it easy, I hope the fuzzy head and nausea are wearing off,
    Love &thugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    Well Myra, your card is gorgeous. I love everything about it and I've decided that I've got to have the Lyra die.
    Sandra, one Latte in a small china mug please (I have some only 3" high) and a slice of walnut cake. If that's not possible I'll have a china mug of hot chocolate, cream and marshmallow, with a slice of mars bar cake. You see I'm a big believer in healthy eating!!!!
    I think the idea of setting up a Coffee/Craft shop is great, and that it would draw women (and men) who are committed crafters, or those who want to give it a try. A make and try table would be a good idea to hook people into the concept of crafting. There's a small coffee shop beside me which is only open 3 mornings per week and people take their knitting, sewing, etc to do whilst buying the coffee, cakes and sandwiches to have while they natter. It's always well patronised, but of course it's a gamble.
    Littlelamb - I hope you manage to get some ease soon. I tripped running for a bus a couple of years ago and managed three fractures at the same time! Never do things by half, that's my mantra. Right elbow fractured and chipped, left wrist - ditto and left little finger fractured. I didn't wear underwear for about 4 weeks and only could wear George's shirts on top and one skirt or one pair of trousers that had elasticated waists. I can tell you that I looked a picture! George had to dress me and the first time he pulled up the skirt, he pulled it up to my armpits!!! The worst thing of it all was that the day after I did it, a bundle of Spellbinder dies arrived from C&C and I couldn't even open the package, I didn't dare let him open it because he would have seen how much I'd spent lol!!!
    Hazel, I smiled when I read your post about Frozen. My granddaughters wanted me to go to see it in 3D at their house at New Year, so George and I went up for tea and watched it. Then we were singing the songs such as "Do you want to make a snowball", "Oh Grandma, that's not right" they said and proceeded to sing the correct version!
    I went with them and their mother to see "Into the Woods" last weekend. What a waste of time. Poor Zoe (8) was bored to tears, and to tell the truth, so was I. Eleanor (11) said that she wouldn't bother going to see it again, and didn't want the DVD when it came out - so that says everything to me. My niece (30) walked out about half way through when she went with her husband. I don't know why Meryl Streep has been nominated for an Oscar for it.
    Now Sandra, I can't say on here what I really think of our friend DB but if I ever meet you, I'll fill you in!!
    I know I had loads to say in reponse to everyone's comments, but the brain has gone dead, so I'll just say stay safe xx

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. Yes everything you try to do is an obstacle.

    2. Hi Maureen,
      You could always email me your thoughts on our presenter friend.
      The In the Woods film sounded a load of rubbish, how frustrating, I we paid out to take the girls to the cinema it would cost over £20 I would be really cross if it was a waste of money.
      We haven't seen Frozen yet, heard the songs being sung around the house often enough.
      How frustrating your story is about getting the big die package after your accident. Poor George, having to dress you, I can imagine the conversations that went on between you, I bet your glad it wasn't this weather with no underwear! hahaha
      I can dream about the Coffee Shop, this one will have to do for now! Well I had better go, there is a lot of coffee cups to wash!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  17. Afternoon dear friends. Oh WOW Myra, this card is exquiset, please think about starting your own blog. I must admit to having an addiction to both the vintage gold and blush cardstock but never put the two together, thanks for opening my eyes to that colour combo. Its such a gorgeous card Myra and like Sandra's cards, just up my street, really hope you will show us more now Sandra has started the ball rolling for you, no need to feel nervous anymore, go ahead and show us more.
    Your venture should go ahead in my opinion,I can see it being lot's of hard work, card making and lots n lots of baking, but Im sure it would be worth it. Id certainly look into it.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. Your afternoon with the girls drinking hot chocolate and eating your bakes sounds so warm, cosy and beautiful so enjoy every moment xxx
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Thank you so much for stopping by again today my lovely friend, and I so agree about Myra's card its lovely, I am so pleased she let my blog it.
      Now then Steph, I have heard from so many people how amazing your cards are and I would REALLY, REALLY, like to show one of your cards, pretty please!?
      Hope you have had a peaceful day, are you planning to do any markets in February? Where did January go?
      Hope to see you call in again tomorrow,
      Lots of love,
      Sandra xxxxx

  18. Hi Sandra, Hi Myra. Beautiful card Myra, your crafting is lovely.Like to see some more! Sorry I didn't comment yesterday but the day just went away for me so could I have a huge mug with black coffee, please Hihi ! ok, first Sue's surprise. I got a e-mail from Art of craft 2 days before she was gonna tell us and for 10% off ! I couldn't believe it as she had not told us herself yet ,how wrong was that ? so I'm with Steph and you others about it. We know now that are new dies and wish in some way it wasn't because it's now way in h..l that I can afford them now as I like to by some from her last release ( like Scandinavia and New York for ex) sigh,oh well. I started crochet I think with my grandmother. It was a thick ,stumpy needle with a hook so you might call it something else, but I made some nice thick oven pads :-) Next I went on to cross stitch and later after moving to the Uk cardmaking after seeing, yes you guessed it (DB )on the box. I even meet her ones in London and her attitude towards us crafters who wanted to learn was terrible ! Shame that John and Julia have to work with her sometimes. Still like doing decoupage but buy the no scissors these days as my hand don't like cutting so much anymore.
    Mrs B, hope all goes well for Gemma and little "Monkey" Gentle hug to her.
    I called my baby " the klimp" before the birth...What did you call your pregnancies, Sandra ? Hope the girls had a good match today, must have been bitterly cold so the hot chocolates and cake sound lovely for when they are back
    Littlelamb, take it easy. glad to see little Gemma is ok, hugs.
    Sigh, the housework waiting and it has to be done even in zombie mood :-)
    Taking Tramadol don't help for me any more so got some new ones that made me feel like in outer space but after a few weeks it is better.
    Hailstones and rain here so nice to be indoors but how lovely it would be if this coffee shop existed so follow your dream Sandra there are many of us standing outside the door Hugs all around Maria xx

    1. Thank you for your good wishes. Eye is getting better so am able to read a bit more. Agree about Tramodol. Awful stuff. Really the only painkillers I can take are paracetamol.

  19. Hi Sandra,
    Hi Everyone who has dropped in for coffee , chocolate cakes and craft today!
    Thank you so very much for all the kind things you have said about my card. I can't really believe it. I was very nervous as there are lots of talented ladies here!
    I too started card making as a stumbled on DB 's QVC prog when I had flu once! That was it. I love card making but I don't make as many as some of you do as I don't sell them except for the odd one or two when I'm asked.
    I was smiling to myself as I'm very fond of the Lyra - so it's Myra and her Lyra!
    Thanks Steph - re the colours - I was wearing a striped jumper it has pale pink, camel and cream stripes! That's where the idea came from . Ha ha. I couldn't make another Vinery spray as I had no more pink card. Boo hoo!
    Need some more.
    Thank you Sandra - you are so kind and this has been a lovely day!
    Love to all you kind ladies,
    Myra xxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      It honestly has been my absolute pleasure, I have loved reading all the positive comments about your card, I hope you have too.
      Isn't it funny the places we find our inspiration, but yours really worked.
      DB has a lot to answer for, she has kept us all poor!
      But its been the best way to get poor!
      Anyway I must go
      Thank you for letting me show your card, I hope others will too!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra, What a beautiful card from Myra this morning. The colour combination is gorgeous and I love the flowers. How talented people are who go to your coffee shop. By the way a latte and maybe a piece of Banoffee pie if you have any. That craft and coffee shop sounds wonderful and I reckon it would work. You would have to hold classes to pass your talent onto others,
    Sandra I must tell you that I had the most amazing card from Steph this morning try and get her to showcase her cards they truly are fantastic.
    Well I've just got back from Bristol with Emma we took all the bedding and all incidentals up to her new place her en suite is gorgeous. 2 other girls have already moved in and they seem nice. She moves next Saturday and starts her new job on the Monday.
    Littlelamb, I wrote a few days ago to say how sorry I was to hear about your fall but when I looked a day or so later it wasn't there, sorry. Hope you feel better soon.Am going for a nap now as I am very tired. Hope all is having a good weekend.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB)

    1. Thank you for your good wishes for me and my family. I hope your daughter will settle in Bristol ok. My daughter lives just outside Bristol and works in Bristol. Everyone is so kind on here. My granddaughter was amazed at all the people who had mentioned us and said to say thank you. She is looking after me very well when she is not at school.

  21. Hi Sandra
    I am a bit late today so I hope you still have some hot chocolate and cake going. Ooh! I was drooling when I read your blog.
    Myra's card is beautiful. I have the Lyra die but haven't used it yet. The colours go so well, would not have thought of putting them together but it really works. Yet another talented lady. Hope you show some more of your work, Myra.
    We have been out today so I am ready for some relaxation, will probably fall asleep.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Hugs Pat xx

    1. Hi Pat,
      Have you been anywhere today?
      Thanks for the lovely comments for Myra's card.
      Now put your feet up, relax and chill.
      Have a lovely day tomorrow,
      Sandra xxxx

  22. Hi Sandra,
    I'm late so can I have steak & chips dinner for two,I will buy a card or two & some jewellery,please or do you only do coffee & cake. Lol
    Myra I have already told you I love this card when I saw it on pinserest,but I said I would use diferant colour's sorrrrry. Did you think about doing your own blog like I said.
    Sandra the coffee shop come craft shop would be a wonderfull idea you should do it. I would defently travel from Broadstairs & come to see you.
    Love & Hug's my lovely.....Lynda xxxx
    Love & Hug's Myra my lovely friend Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thank you , you are very kind. When you saw the card it wasn't finished for a start! I was dithering! I'm not that good with bright colours . It's a good job we are all different! I do hope the coffee shop hasn't closed for the night - but steak and chips might be a dish too far! Lol! Would you settle for a sandwich?
      Nothing to do with me - I'm just a guest! It's been lovely though. Thank you my friend!
      Lots of love , Myra xx

    2. Lynda, I will stay late and make steak and chips for you anytime, mushrooms and peas too?
      I badgered Myra into letting me post her card, I love sharing my crafty space. Gives me a night off too!
      I too think that she should start a blog, I love mine, love visiting yours too x
      Hope you and Terry are having a peaceful day tomorrow, are you taking Annie and Bambi to the beach, wrap up warm as it is bloomin freezing!
      Sandra xxxxx

  23. Hi Sandra

    Sorry I'm late too, but have been in a darkened room all day with a migraine. Just starting to feel a bit more human now, so I'm with Lynda Steak and Chiiiippps Yum! Can we have a glass of wine as it is the evening.

    Myra, Your card is beautiful, I really love the that Gemini Lyra die and the daisies dies are so pretty and very versatile, and thank you for your lovely words on my blog X.

    Sandra I love your pretty card today, Peaches and lemon always make for a lovely spring look, But I have to say your card on Wednesday was stunning. Next time I come back can I have a piece of lemon meringue pie and a nice pot of tea. I love coffee but it give me a headache, that's where I went wrong last night. HEY HO, you can't keep us crafters down for long

    enjoy the rest of your weekend

    Tina XX

    1. Hi Tina,
      I am so glad you are feeling a little better tonight, migraines are terrible poor you.
      Oh Steak and chips sounds yummy, that's what my girls have asked for, for the birthday dinner on Wednesday!
      Maybe avoid the wine in case it aggravates your head.
      Thank you for the lovely comment on Myra's card, its so pretty x
      Oh Lemon Meringue Pie is one of my favourites and I always have tea, not a coffee fan at all!
      Hope you have a brighter day tomorrow my lovely,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra

      Don't know if you are still up, I slept so much I'm wide awake now. Is it your twins birthday om Wednesday ? . It's my son's birthday on Wednesday My boy is going to be 30. Where have all those years gone?

      Tina XX

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