
Sunday 1 February 2015

Purple Butterfly

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
Pinch, punch first of the month!
Coffee is brewing, so sit back, relax and take a look at today's card.
Inspired by butterflies and the colour purple of course.
I have always loved this Spellbinder Detail Scallop die set and as luck would have it my lovely friend Pat had it in her collection, YAY!!!!
So I cut the middle size frame, using wax paper is imperative for this die as it is very intricate and believe me because I tried and spent half an hour picking the remnants of the torn die cut!
I then stamped the gorgeous sentiment from an old Creative Expressions Butterfly Stamp set onto
coconut white card and cut to fit inside the frame.  I then die cut the largest Die in the Detail Scallop Set using the same purple card. I took another piece of white card and used Perfect medium to Stamp some Butterflies from the same set as the sentiment randomly all over the card and then used a purple mica powder to dust over the stamped areas and them buffed off and inked around the edges with Milled Lavender Distress Ink, (I also did this to the sentiment). I then trimmed the card to fit inside the larger frame, before sticking the layer down I put a piece of lilac colour ribbon across the stamped layer and secured underneath the edges. I then put mounting foam onto the back of the smaller piece and mounted it onto the main card base.  I tied a bow out of the same ribbon as previously used, used a glue dot to stick it to the card and then used a butterfly gemstone to dress the centre of the bow!
I cut nine of the smaller Camellia Dies from Sue Wilsons Camellia set from Creative Expressions.
I layered them up to make three flowers and stuck them to the corner of the card with some Faux Quilled Leaves also from Creative Expressions.
I then cut a Butterfly 'Les Papillons' by Sellbinders, the base from the same purple card and the top
from the same purple shimmer card as the flowers.
I added pearls along the centre of the butterfly and to the centres of the flowers.
I hope that you like the card today, it is another card that uses the die as the card base, small for me, but still packs a punch.
Now can I take your orders?
Feel free to discuss anything you fancy today.
Oh just an update on the whole school/optician/eye hospital saga, I tried calling the hospital on three separate afternoons last week to get the results of Lucy's emergency tests that she has last week at her 'emergency appointment'.  But they just kept telling me that the team were discussing Lucy's case and that they couldn't generate a letter until they had an answer. So imagine my surprise when first thing Friday morning I get an email from the School Health Nurse/Support Worker telling me that the school had contacted the hospital and the results were that she would not get a letter to enable her to have a reader in her exam until they have done further tests in March (her exam modules are this week)!
So you may ask how could the hospital tell the school Lucy's results and not her mother? well they are the answers that I need!  Do the hospital think that I am not stable enough to give the answer too.
I have drilled Lucy and she has no idea, so its back to the school to try once again to get some answers. I am just a little frustrated.
But I will remain calm and smiley as its Sunday and don't want a day of aggro!  We have to go shopping as it is Lucy and Sophie's birthday on Wednesday, they have no idea what they want and neither do I, should be a fun trip!! hhaha, I wonder if  I could add in a |Craft Shop visit too!
Take care my lovelies, enjoy your Sunday,
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. What a beautiful card, and I know from experience that the cards you make using dies as the base may be small but they are perfect - and fabulous for posting. I'm thinking I may do this sort of thing for the Christmas ones I send this year. Yes, I went there - Christmas!!!! My New Year's resolution was to make 2 cards every week, well so far I'm 8 behind!
    Keep on to the school and the hospital. Phone the hospital, make it clear that they do not have permission to tell the school anything, and that you will be taking action against the health authority for breach of confidentiality. Then phone the head of governors and tell them that you wish to make a FORMAL complaint against the school. Going to the governors works, as formal complaints are logged for Ofsted to see and school will not want this. It's time to play hard ball now sweetie. Also unless these are external exams that Lucy is taking (actual GCSEs) then I would tell the school that she is not sitting them on health grounds, and then see how fast she gets a reader!
    Anyway, as I'm early in the coffee shop I'll have croissants please with some of Paul's freshly ground coffee. I see that you say "pinch, punch" for the first of the month, we say "white rabbits" three times. Does anyone say anything different?
    Congratulations to Patwyn for winning on Sue's comment game. I'll bet that Sue starts getting over 200 comments every day if she does her usual giveaway. It makes my blood boil that some people only comment when they want to win something and then they never comment again. Well, I've had my virtual croissant, will pop back later for afternoon tea, especially if lemon meringue pie is on the menu. Sue xxx

  2. Morning Sandra. Sue has said it all. Im so in aggreance (sp) ??? with every single word, apart from the order - latte for me please, but too early for a pastry so can I order either a custard slice or vanilla slice for around 11.30 please : )
    I adore your card this morning Sandra, and your email really made me smile yesterday LOL. I kept looking at your card yesterday Myra, its sooo pretty, are you thinking of showing us more or starting your own lovely blog (please say yes) we are missing so many of your lovely cards.
    Hope your afternoon yesterday Sandra was as homely and cosy as it sounded. Im so tired and fuzzy brained this morning I dont even know what im typing and if any of it makes much sence !!
    Sending love n hugs to you all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  3. Good morning everyone, oh the wonderful smells of coffee and cake as you open up your blog Sandra - great what you can put ones mind to imagine!.,.,
    Oh and your stunning, beautiful card sitting on show, well who wouldn't smile??? I love purple and that die is gorgeous, I remember getting some like that from Patricia and loved them, also the butterfly, flowers and that lovely sentiment are perfect.
    I also agree that Sues numbers will be well up with her giveaway, with followers coming out of the wood work as one would say!!! I try and comment every day even when we were away in Canada ( I didn't card make then but followed her blog, big sister got me on to looking). Patwyn congrats on winning by the way. I do think we are all winners as we all have learnt so much from Sue.
    Sandra don't let the hospital and school get off with this, but and a great big BUT please don't let it get you down, we need our coffee shop open and be able to see you and your guest designers work. Have a lovely day shopping. Better you than me, I hate it. Did go into Perth to have a look see in the shop I know I will get my out fit from for A&Gs wedding, saw a few I liked but not the price tag!!! Then i went into Asda with Tammy bought what we were needing, drop Tammy off at home helped her with her bags, got home went to get mine and thought " where's my salad stuff etc" yes we had taken that in to Tammy's by mistake. So it's to the shops today to get some more. ( 50 mile round trip to get it from Tammy's) Any way thank you for my just perfect cup of tea, I do enjoy it as you serve it in a china cup and saucer. Hazel x

  4. Hello Sandra,
    What an absolutely beautiful card, and the verse is wonderful, I wonder if they still do the stamp set, I'll have a look when I come off here.
    Please may I have a coffee latte and a date and walnut scone, thank you.
    CraftySueToo obviously knows the correct drill for sorting out the school regarding Lucy, so keep calm and get stuck in tomorrow. Then tackle the hospital, I am rooting for you in the background.
    Love Maureen xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner I do love this die, and you've made your card in my favourite colour. Mind you it also looks nice in periwinkle. Love the flowers as well. Mine's a cup of tea with a chocolate chip muffin today please. To early foe coffer for me.
    Well it looks like CraftySue knows exactly what you should do re hospital and school. Make a note of the actions she suggests and chase them up. If I wanted to get my partners blood results from the doctors ( which I have tried to in the past as he hates using the phone!) they won't tell me quoting patient confidentially. So he goes into the surgery himself for them. I only know what's happening when he goes for his 3 monthly check up because I go in with him. So go for it girl, and you know that we are all behind you. See you on Wed Sandra. Hugs from Pete and myself.

  6. A very good Sunday morning everyone,
    My lovely Sandra a cup of tea for me please with just a dash of milk& a chocolate muffin.
    Today's card is gorgeous I love that die,I have a few of the intricate die's from spellbinders & yes wax paper is needed.The colour is so pretty & that verse is beautiful,I'm sure I have that verse stamp somewhere I was looking for it the other day but no luck. I have made cards just with the die like you have & they Are easy to post.
    Well Sandra take note of what CraftySue is saying she seem's to know what you should do regarding Lucy' school. She makes a lot of sense.Good luck tomorrow.
    Have a lovely day looking for Lucy & Sophie's Birthday Present's & hope you get the crafty look in the craft shop. Hope your all wraped up warm it's freezing.
    Thank you for my excellent Tea & Muffin it was delicious my lovely.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
    I have just put a new card on my blog if any of Sandra's ladies would like to have a look you would be more than welcome. Thank you Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra,
    First of all what a pretty card! I don't have many Spellbinders dies but that one is pretty but I can see it would be tricky without paper or Lynda's magic spray! Lovely verse too and I like how you have done your background with the stamped butterflies. It's lovely! I like using mica as it's not messy to paint with.
    Please follow CraftySueToo's advice - sounds spot on to me. Don't let this business spoil your day out shopping! Hope you have a lovely time.
    Having a quick coffee before the family arrives - thank you Paul - yours is much more upmarket than mine! Steph mentioned a vanilla slice, yum - me too please!
    Steph I would love to be able to do a blog and I tried but got nowhere - I'm such a scaredy cat with technology! I have done Pinterest and I will put cards there in future . What about you? I am guessing your cards are gorgeous - after all Barbie says so and many others AND people buy your cards! Would love to see them too.
    Beautiful sunny day here today but very cold!
    I also get mad about numbers going up on Sue's blog for giveaways! Why don't they feel embarrassment if not guilt at doing that! Leaves me speechless and that doesn't happen often! Ha ha!
    Well must go, it is so nice coming to this craft n coffee blog! Can highly recommend it! I guess I couldn't put it on Tripadviser!
    Lots of love, everyone and thanks for all your kind words yesterday!
    Love Myra xxxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    A beautiful card again today. (Even like the bow!). How do you come up with these gorgeous ideas every day.? It takes me ages to think up what I want to put on a card.
    I am not feeling so good today - have a fuzzy headache and giddiness - so it is a restful day for me. Mal will do his own food so I don't have to worry about him. I feel so lucky winning one of Sue's giveaways and it certainly gave me a boost. I didn't expect to win anything so soon as, although I have been following her blog for ages, I have only just started leaving a comment.
    Sandra, I agree with all the other ladies re the hospital and school - just what is going on. I do hope that you can get some answers soon.
    Have a good day shopping with your family, don't wear yourself out.
    I am feeling a bit queasy so I will give the tea ( don't drink coffee) and cake a miss today.
    Take care all
    Pat xx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    What a truly scrumptious card, so scrumptious in fact I could eat it. It's one of the nicest cards I have seen in a long time and there have been some gorgeous cards lately. Fabulous, love it you clever girl.
    Now, I think after reading about the school, hospital again I would like a double espresso please, I need something very strong to calm me down.
    I cannot believe it has happened again Sandra. I agree with Sue, it's time to take off the kid gloves. I have been looking on line at the various ways to complain and there are web sites for each.
    www., just type complaints school and it will direct you to a page where you can download an official complaints form, however in this case I thinks Sue's advice is better and the governors route is good advice.
    Secondly, the opticians, There is a specific complaints header on the site and according to their code of conduct they must " keep information about you and your care confidential AND must involve you in any decisions. So they have definitely broken their code of conduct.
    Thirdly the hospital. www., they also have a "how to complain section". However in this instance a strongly worded letter to the hospital administrator stating you would like to make an official complaint would certainly be taken very seriously indeed. I worked in the NHS for many years, and believe you me, written complaints are acted upon very quickly.
    However and its a big however, I reiterate what Hazel said, don't let the stress of all this start to affect your health, it's making my blood boil so goodness knows what it is doing to you. Sit down with Paul and have a chat about it all and where you feel you want to go with it, not what others -me included- are advising you to do, even if it is sound advice it may not be right for you love.
    Well I am back from our Church AGM and as expected it was fisticuffs at dawn, I am exaggerating there a bit, but there were the usual differences of opinion. It just makes me giggle. One minute Helen our Vicar is preaching love and understanding in the service beforehand and we are all saying Amen to that, then we get to the coffee room and it all flies out of the window. I mean can you seriously fall out about which tune a hymn is sung to. Funny thing was, one of our hymns today was fight the good fight and when I thought of it as we were having our meeting I nearly giggled out loud!!
    Well, the double espresso has done the trick thank you. Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday.
    Huge congratulations Patwyn, I was thrilled when I checked out Sue's blog and saw your name. Steph, sorry you are not feeling good today, hope tomorrow is better for you.
    Love and hugs to all

  10. Hi Sandra,
    Gorgeous card and beautiful colour,like purple a lot! silly question but is there a hinge to this card or....?
    Really hope you get some answers from the school, why in earth they did what they did. Craftysuetoo is giving good advise at what to do if not,
    Large mug of black coffee please, sorry to you all but thats how I like it tihi and maybe a banana...It's been a tough day so not much done but manage to catch up on some recorded programmes like Tool shed and Downton Abbey.
    Looked for you Myra on pinterest but can't find you, would love to see your cards. Lovely to see your name Patwyn as one of the winners on Sue's blog,
    It's funny that how so many names are on there on a Wednesday and not after.... Hope you had a lovely time shopping with the girls, can see you need a good rest tomorrow doh so take care and keep warm,
    Hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria, (hope you don't mind Sandra) in answer to your question on Sue's blog, yes I am hoping to come to AP in April. It's my youngest daughters birthday the week before, and as a birthday treat I want to take her to London to the theatre and seeing as we will be in London combine it with AP on the next day. Well it would be rude not to!! It will mean we will be there on the Sunday though and I think most of you will be there Saturday which is a huge disappointment for me, but maybe we will get to meet at the next one. are you going?

  11. Me again! Just wanted to say thank you to all you lovely ladies for your congratulations on my blog win. Being new to Sue and Sandra's blog I do appreciate the welcome you have all given me.

    Pat xx

    1. Pat, as I said on Sue's blog, I am thrilled for you, you might be a newcomer - like me - but what counts in my book is the fact that you comment everyday, not just when there are prizes up for grabs, so well done girl!

  12. Hi Maria,
    Hope this is ok Sandra?!
    If you look on Pinterest for Tashsgma - you should find me! Hopefully. I will look for you and maybe one of us will be successful!
    Love to all,
    Was the shopping trip successful, Sandra?
    Love Myra xxx

  13. Simply beautiful.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  14. Love the colour, shape and layout! I am a pink and lilac girl!

    Can I have a slice of calorie free Victoria sandwich and a strong Americano! I love cake but once I start I can't stop so try to avoid!

    I too am sure there will be plenty comments on Sues blog if there are giveaways. These people really annoy me don't know how they can be so blatant. I am always pleased when regulars win! That's my soapbox for the day!

    See you all tomorrow xxx

  15. This is a really beautiful card and such lovely colours and embellishments you have selected, love your butterfly, sorry to be late I did pop in this morning but visitors arrived and with one thing and another the day escaped for me!
    I was so looking forward to my coffee too, but trade seems to have been good for you.
    With regard to the problems you are having with your daughter's school and the hospital I agree 100% with what CraftySuetoo has said and I would consider writing as well as telephoning then you will have an audible trail with both the hospital and the school, my daughter who used to be an HR manager at our local hospital suggests writing to the chair of the hospital board then the doctors will have to respond and not just sweep this under the carpet plus the doctors don't like answering to the board! She also says if you write ask for a reply within 5 or 10 working days (or whatever time scale you want) to both the school and the hospital, I hope this may help but best of luck, the problem is if they can get away with ignoring the correct protocol they will so you stand up to them we are all behind you.
    I do so agree with what everyone says about Sue's blog, the grabbers will be coming out of the woodwork trying to grab any goodies that are going for free.
    Goodness me we are all putting the world to rights today! Hope you have enjoyed a lovely day with the family.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  16. Hi Sandra,
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday, went to Portsmouth with daughter and granddaughters, we went to a retail outlet close to the harbour station.
    Tierney the 16 yr old had never been there before, she was in retail heaven.
    While Ciara just wanted the Lindt chocolate shop and Kipling Bag shop (which was closed) and The Works. Did manage to get a lovely top for grandson who will be 14 on the 13th February from Jack Wills. (Our other daughters youngest) By the time we returned home and had something to eat I was shattered, and have been very sleepy today.

    Love you card today Love the colour and the dies are so pretty. You are so clever to come up with so many gorgeous designs.

    MYRA love your card it really is beautiful, very clever to use these colours - they just work so well together, Yhank you for letting Sandra show it.

    I am going to say bye for now as I have lost two posts into cyber space already.
    Hope you managed to sort out birthday presents.
    Take care, Love Brenda xx

  17. Another lovely card and my favourite colour. Will try this when I get back to crafting. Fingers are still bruised but not so painful and bruises on face coming out now. Can I have a hot chocolate again Sandra please but no cake as just had dinner. I agree you must go back to the school and hospital for answers. Good luck. Sorry I am late but have been helping granddaughter with her homework. I am going to try Zentangle tomorrow. Have done it before but not for a while and will have to find something to stop the paper from moving.
