
Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Good Morning Friends,
Firstly I want to wish you all the very happiest New Year, I genuinely hope you all have better health, success in all ventures and the love of your family!
I want to thank you from the very depths of of my heart for all of your kindness and support throughout 2014, you gave me the encouragement I needed desperately to get back into card making, writing this blog is so beneficial in many ways, it gives me purpose, I want to make cards to share with you, it also gives me greatly needed confidence from the lovely comments that you take the trouble and time out of your busy lives to write.   I feel I can now tell you that before this my depression was so deep that after Paul left gorgeous work and the children for school etc, I would take enough tablets to knock me out until lunch time, I hate the loneliness, it makes me very insecure, so sleeping through it was a relief, all be it an drug induced sleep that just made me feel lousy!
I now feel more inclined to get up and make a card to share with you so that I can hear what Steph has to say about it, or Sue,Pat,Lynda,Tandy, Brenda, CraftySue, Margaret, Hazel, each and every comment that you leave spurs me on, so thank you, you have changed my life immensely, I can never thank you enough in fact!
So I am asking you all one huge favour, will you please stick with me in 2015, I promise to blog as often as I can, hopefully inspiring you a little along the way, my dream for 2015 is to have my blog grow and grow! I will hopefully introduce some small incentives along the way, I just want each of you to continue to be part of my daily life!
Healthy, Happy New Year, to you all, hugs and huge thanks once again,
Sandra xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Sandra, firstly Happy New Year. You are welcome to all the support I can give you, my stance on life is " if you can't be there for some one you are not a good person". We all have things going on in our lives, but a few minutes each day can be spared even if it just to say hello and smile at some one you pass. I am sure when Beth started at the new school in August folk there must have thought I was a silly old lady, as I would say good morning to all I passed, does it harm you or them by saying it NO. I now stand waiting for Beth and so many talk to me. Sandra I know I am lucky as I don't suffer like yourself to lonelyness and insecurity. If myself and the others calling in each day to see if you have posted and leave a message, even when you don't post helps you rather than you taking those pills I am sure we are all very happy to help. When I was going through my chemo I use to blog hop starting with at Sues blog, press on a photo and see if that person had a blog read and see their work, press on photos of ones that had left a comment, Sandra I went on some wonderful journeys and time passed quickly. From it I have found a lot of wonderful friends, like you meeting up with them and spending time with them. If I hadnt pressed on your photo I wouldn't have found your beautiful blog and a very lovely person who owns it, I wish some of the others like Mrs B ( Sue), Pat S Margaret corgi owner and Steph had blogs, they all are lovely ladies and I being nosey would love to see their work. Any way you won't need those pills I will have sent you to sleep. Take care my friend I can't wait to see more of your wonderful work. Hazel xx

  2. Happy New Year Sandra. You already know that I am not good at putting down words but I am so very very glad that you are not in the same sad bad place that you were a year ago. You are a wonderful person that deserves all that you desire (sadly some of your health wishes can't happen but so many more of your other ones can) Your blog is enjoyed by more and more people and that number will grow and grow as word of your fantastic cards spread. You also know that I tell you the truth and you must believe the other commenters(?) about just how talented you are. It is always a joy to see what you have created so please share as much as you are able my lovely friend. Leaving a comment for you is a very small way of us thanking you for so kindly sharing your talent. From the bottom of my heart may you never need so many pills to pass the days again. Take care my lovely xxx
    Hazel, sorry but the chance of me having a blog is as likely as pigs flying I'm afraid! I am not computer savvy for one thing - posting a comment is about as far as it goes and I am still very much a novice at card making and they are strictly for family and friends, nowhere near the standard of Sandras beauties I may be very very brave one day and get Sandra to show one of my cards on here, don't hold your breath though x

    1. Sue, oh don't worry, it is only a thought. Like you I am not that great on computers, I surprised myself when I managed to set my blog up, I can't change anything as I am to scared I lose it all. Sue just enjoy doing your cards its a great feeling when you complete a card from a design that starts in your head. Hazel x

  3. Hey Sandra... Im here to stay girl ! What, miss a Sandra card ? No way Jose LOL. I also am genuine regarding your work and when I sit and look at your blog Andy know's when Im eye balling a beauty, I make some daft noises but hey who cares, so please carry on making me sound like some card addicted numpty, crack on with your beautiful work and spread it round, people out there need YOU to put happiness and beauty into their celebrations.
    You rock.
    Happy - VERY happy 2015
    Steph xxx

  4. Happy New Year Sandra and may you continue on the up. Your cards and jewellery are gorgeous. Our Steph is a talent too I have a Steph original for Christmas it is a beauty!

    Glad that the craft world has lifted you better than any medication. I am fortunate to enjoy good health and have always managed to keep going when the going has got tough but can imagine how easy it is to slip down the road of depression.

    I believe in supporting those on difficult journeys and have been overwhelmed this Christmas with the number of special cards offering thanks. I feel it's normal behaviour but many obviously don't.

    I will continue to drop in so keep the blog going! I would never have time to blog life tends to be manic! I love to enjoy others work and it's so inspirational. Best wishes for 2015 xxx

  5. Dearest Sandra,
    i am so very very pleased that you have found some quality of life now and that you have found that purpose for going on. You are a clever, intelligent and loving person that deserves to have happy things happen to. I can relate to where you have been and it is not a very nice place, neither is that panic attacks just at the thought of having to go through the door to the outside world never mind getting the courage and stamina to actually make that step. But, your beautiful girls and lovely husband have helped you enormously this year, the girls with their football and you supporting them through all kinds of weather. Their Dof E award work where you have had to go out and get the girls the right gear that they need. In one way the girls activities have helped get you back out that door and the other two muskateers have just put the icing on the cake this year in simply asking to meet for coffee. I am glad that you, Pat and Sue have found each other as you are now there for each other on the bad days and there is nothing like great friends to help you get back on the right path.
    I am looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful pieces of work that you have made. The last thing i wanted to say dear friend is thank you for thinking of me and sending me that wee lift that has meant such a lot.
    Here is hoping to you having a happier, healthier and more profitable year as your beautiful, stunning works of art deserve to be recognised more, so don't hide away that talent, let it shine for all the world to see.
    Much love and crafty hugs flower
    Norah (Glenochil Village)

    1. My Dearest Norah,
      I can't tell you how much your comment had meant to me, I have been so worried about you. You have made my Christmas you really have.
      I hope that you have the best Christmas possible, I know personally the first Christmas after I lost my dad was just terrible, it felt wrong to be celebrating, but after time we came to realise that dad would have hated the thought of us all being miserable on his account. It got better as time went on and now we just remember him every Christmas day and the little things that he did.
      I hope you can fine the strength to return to commenting again on Sue's blog, I think you have been missed more than anyone else ever! your amazing daily stories touched our hearts either through laughter or by reminiscing at some of your thought provoking comments, your personal comments to people that are suffering either physically or mentally are so beneficial, it just warms your heart that someone cares enough about you to take the trouble to comment, you have kept me going on many a dark day! I wish I could reach out and help you in the same way Norah, I would love to get your email address so that I can contact you personally if you feel up to it my email address is
      I want to wish you the happiest 2015 my lovely friend, I look forward to sharing some of your funniest stories and celebrating life's happier times with you.
      Sending you the biggest and warmest hug,
      Sandra xxxxxx

  6. Hello My Dear Blog Friend,
    What a Journey you have been on - you are so strong to have come this far, IT WAS YOU who took the first step along this path, a very brave thing to do! and look how far you have come - in just a year!. You should be so proud of yourself, I,m sure Paul and your children can see a remarkable change in you Paul has his lovely Wife and the children have Mum back.

    Your Blog has opened many new doors for you, The BONUS being your two lovely friends, Pat and Sue. It shows in your comments (and theirs) how much this friendship means to you all. Then you have beautiful Norah, who has not been in a good place for some time. being moved to leave the thoughtful and caring message above. (I love her stories and think she is a real tonic)
    Dear Sandra keep the wonderful progress you have made going forward, I'm sure this path is taking you to a good place.crafty hug
    Love and Crafty hugs (loads of them) on their way Love Brenda xxx


  7. Sandra wishing you and those that you love a very happy and peaceful new year and may your success with all your crafting go from strength to strength in 2015. I have said it before and will again you have my email and if I can help you only have to say sweetheart. Sorry but if you think you will be loosing us, you can think again, we (your merry band of crafters) will be here for you.
    With love to you, Paul and your very special family.
    Margaret corgi owner

  8. Happy New Year to you and your family. Can't wait to see what goodies you'll show us this year.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB)

  9. Happy New Year Sandra and all your family. I am deeply touched that you have felt able to share your story with us and am pleased that the joy of crafting helps you. Your designs are amazing and I have no doubt that you will get more orders this year. Not a chance that you will lose us, as I've said before just popping in for a chat with like minded crafters is great. Thanks for your good wishes to my Mam on Sue's blog, she's home now but isn't a very patient patient! She will need an op but we don't know when that will be as apparently beds are difficult to find at this time of year. Sue xxx

  10. Hi Sandra my lovely friend,again I wish you a Happy new year.I Am not very good with putting down thing in words. But Sandra I would never miss leaving you a comment on you gorgeous cards. I would like to thank you for your friendship & meeting you at A P was wonderfulI. I also thank you for your encouragement to start my own blog, Mrs B if I can set up a blog any one can,I was so chuffed with myself & now through that have got to know more lovely ladies from Sue's blog, I couldn't be leave it when I was getting such lovely comments on my cards it's a enormous feeling.
    I'm so pleased I have helped you in some small way by E.mailing you & leaving you a well deserved comment on your blog. I hope you get many more orders for you beautiful cards & jewellery you so deserve it never give up Sandra you have come so far, you have a wonderful husband in Paul & 4 beautiful children that make you I wish you every Happiness in 2015. Love & a massive HUG Lynda xx
