
Friday 2 January 2015

Craft room prepared for New Year of Crafting!

 Good Morning Friends,
I thought I would show a few pictures of my craft room, it isn't this tidy very often mind.
I like to split my work space into two areas, one for jewellery and one for Card Making.
I think that one problem we all have is storage space, I am very lucky in that when we moved to this bungalow it had a spare room, which I soon put my name on! We have added more storage items as time as gone on, I would welcome any good space saving ideas that anyone wants to share.
I have a big butchers block style table that didn't
fit in the kitchen in this house, its perfect height to work at and sturdy enough for any craft job.
We used an old Ikea storage shelf on top of the desk for added storage area. Someone locally had taken an office suite out of someone's home office and was selling it for £30 yes £30 so all the desk with cupboard underneath came from there.
No matter how much space I have, I always seem to end up so cluttered that I have a one foot square work area, I can't seem to get the habit of putting things away as I go.
I use old large yoghurt buckets to store my craft tools in, very handy.
I would love to see your craft room/space, so if you feel like you would like to share yours you could email the pictures and I will gladly show
them. just for a bit of fun.
Another view of some of the storage areas,
I have an old cassette tape holder on the shelf
its perfect for ink pads, the jars on the middle shelf have buttons in.

the space to the right here is my jewellery making space, the drawers on the window sill contain my gemstones. 
Well I am going to go and mess this once tidy space up to make some cards to share with you all. I have ordered some more of Sue's Dies, the Scandinavian collection, I can't wait for them to arrive. I had money from my Son and Daughter to spend on craft goodies, perfect gift!
Thanks for stopping by my lovely friends, all being well there should be a card for you to see tomorrow! I was going to do one today but for once in I don't know how long I had my four children all home together, just them, it was lovely, so we celebrating with another Christmas dinner, it was perfect, I am always grateful for family days!
Crafty Hugs to all,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. Wow, you have been very busy haven't you! Your craft room looks so tidy, bet it doesn't last long though. I think it is just about impossible to craft tidily isn't it, as your carpet shows after I have been over to yours! : )) So glad that you managed to have a lovely family day, they are the best aren't they. Take care my lovely. xx

  2. Sandra, oh I am so jealous of your space. I do have part of our spare room to craft in, it's my storage area plus I have the die cutting machines in their and things like my guillotine which I have on one of these over the bed trolleys up at its full height which is great. I will may be go in there and give it a better tidy up and take photos to show. As I do my baskets I have all that sort of stuff in there too so it's well packed no room for a desk. No that's a lie there is a desk but that's Charlies area. It's true a craft room that is always tidy isn't a happy space, mine is messy so it has to be happy. I sit in the living room with a lap tray to put my cards together, I have another storage trolley that I bring in that has all my at hand bits and bobs. I hope that from all your lovely comments you got yesterday that you got the message we will all be there for you, and we are awaiting to see more of your beautiful work. As for Christmas you are so right money to buy the crafty things you wants was a great gift, Patricia my big sister gave me a huge bundle of craft supplies that she knew I could use. Well I'd better get a move on big grandson is here tonight for a sleep over, he's 10 and wants to do baking while he is here, he was a bit jealous that his little brother got to help bake when he was here just before Christmas, which was fine but we don't really need cake etc. at moment but I think maybe a melt down of all the chocolates (that not everyone likes ) and we add it to broken biscuits and bits and we turn it into a tray bake might on the cards. Any way you enjoy your day and I hope you get some crafting done. Hazel x

  3. What a super room it really looks so well organised I think you will have to come up here and get me organised Sandra. My problem is I look at something I have had for a long time and think I will throw this out but I may need it sometime so better not! Then I have all my patchwork things too and yards and yards of fabric, although if I am stuck for a backing paper I sometimes photocopy some of my fabric and it works a treat that is after I have ironed all the fold creases out!
    I really will have to get more organised as often I spend ages looking for things I am sure my little corgis sometimes move things just so I cannot find them. Also there has to be space for them, if I am in my room they have to be too, do your cats visit you in your room?
    I shall look forward to seeing your next creation with anticipation, don't keep us waiting too long but more importantly do enjoy your time with the family.
    Take care sweetheart
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  4. Morning Sandra, yours looks nice and organised! I have converted Tilly's old nursery in to a craft room after having taken over the conservatory. It often looks like a bomb has hit. I gave it a good tidy after I had finished Christmas crafting but now it is home to Tilly's Christmas presents! I have found a spot for my new embosser!!
    My problem is I buy things and then when I need them I can't find them!
    I would love a really large room in an attic but that's not going to happen at the moment so I should get more organised! I use lots of old biscuit / chocolate tins to store stuff and everyone at work now saves them for me!
    Well love to all xxx

  5. Beautiful use of space, I have just a small corner of my Son's bedroom for my crafting area, would love a room to myself lol!

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  6. Hi Sandra,your craft room is so well organised & Tidy I'm a very messy crafter. I must be more organised I think I will take a picture before ( messy ) & after tidy.i keep saying I must try & tidy as I go. It might take me a couple of days before I can take a tidy picture :0)). Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Oooo Sandra looks like a perfect place to sit and craft how lucky.
    Since we moved from Bham into our 2 bed bungalow, and our daughter no longer uses the room (she did her Health Visiting course at our local Uni) before she got married so use to stay a few days a week rather than drive from Rochdale to Bolton anyway you dont need to hear about all that lol. So its now 'my den' weeney little room with inherited built in wardrobes (80's) style with overhead storage wotsits like caravans have, so anyway, its rammed! I have the full length full of disorganised craft items.. A little table and chair from the Range bloomin bargain 20.00 ! Although the chair isnt made for a skinny butt, bad back and legs, its so uncomfortabe even with seating pads, I have my pretty little market baskets under the table, on one wall I have an mdf white book shelf, again a bloomin bargain from the Range, reduced as it had been display stock - who cares, not me, it holds all my cardstock and dies (which I should put onto mag sheets as they are still in the annoying plastic package we buy them in. And next to the window a 5 drawer chest full of craft stuff (it needs sorting badly) oh yeah a cream carpet - well it was... Say no more !
    Sooo, woohoo a card for Saturday, bring it on cant wait.
    Four legs needs feeding so see you tomorrow.
    Sending hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  8. Love your space, I'm lucky enough to have a room to myself but its still messy and at the moment its got all my wool and unfinished projects in there. You have spurred me on to try and tidy it up. Can't craft at the moment as I have a really bad shoulder from the fall I had several weeks ago. So am just colouring toppers that I had stamped ages ago.
    Looking forward to your cards.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) x

  9. Hi Sandra, WOW your craft room looks so organised. My craft room is the smallest bedroom in our house and my dearly beloved is always nagging me to tidy it up. ( would I dare to suggest he sorts out his shed ..... it a garage but only has a personal door as we do not have rear access to the back garden ) I have to confess I work better when my craft room is tidy BUT I HAVE NOT GOT THE TIME .... I craft then cook ... Or clean .. Or wash ..Etc etc . BUT craft would always be my first choice
    Will try to sort myself out and and send you some pics

  10. Hi Sandra,
    I'm so impressed by this tidy room! Please would you come North on a visit and tidy mine? Lol. I have what was my younger son's bedroom as my Craft room but I would dearly love to get rid of the single bed as it is no use for crafting but excellent for leaving piles of stuff! I find dies the most diffiult things to store and still be able to access them easily! Any tips anyone?
    Happy New Year Sandra to you and your lovely family - so pleased you had a lovely family day.
    Love Myra xx

  11. Hi Sandra and happy crafting 2015! Don't you worry that we will leave you anytime soon. You, Sue, Lynda and some other bloggers I follow lately making me so busy and that's a good thing.Have been down but now up as I have to look you up from time to time and I love seeing your wonder makes. I'm really envious now, your crafting room is great ! I can not send any pictures of mine as I haven't got a craft room. My husband worked from home about 3 years so the spare room became his office. He's now been retired for nearly 2 and I stopped work to so we could spend more time together and I thought I at last would get a room to do some card making but how wrong was I. He not budge himself so I had to move all and more all on to the floor around my side of the bed !! Using a bookcase for the smaller stuff in old ice-cream tubs and thingy's from the chinese takeaway. My pens/promarkers are all mixed in a pretty box and so are the ribbons. They need to be sorted one day.I also have a huge box for the c-mas cards sitting on the floor. My dies sitting on magnetic sheets and inside a plastic folder in a album.Not sure if that's the best way as it's got very heavy lately,thanks to Sue .I have got a similar system for my stamps sitting on stix2 anything but have not the plastic folders but might have to change that one day as they tend to fall out if not careful looking through. 3 boxes full of cards and paper on the floor,do bang my toes sometimes. Cuttlebug and EF sitting on the windowsill plus some other rubbish my Rick calls it, what do men know :-) I might need it one day. omg, this starting to be a novel or is it horror ? Crafting mostly on the bed and that killing my back and everything else so therefore not much crafting being done. Just keep buying more :-) Can't wait to spring and AP ! When the youngest have moved on I will get a lovely room to play in. What do you think ,between 6-10 years time. I can't wait. Sorry I rambled on ,it's 2am and I can't sleep but will stop now. Looking forward to later today to see if you put any card out. If not that's fine too.You have a big family and I guess the girls are still on holiday so we might see you later. Have a lovely time with the family,
    Many hugs Maria x

  12. Hi Sandra

    Steph has been telling me to visit your blog, and finally I got here. Your cards are stunning and today's looks like the summer we are all hoping and looking forward to, it's so pretty.

    Your craft room is so neat and tidy, I tend to tidy the surface but the floor looks like a snow storm with all the little shapes from Sue's dies. Anyway Sandra now I have made my 1st visit it won't be my last. Look forward to your next card

    Tina XX
