
Thursday 25 December 2014

Good Morning lovely Friends,
May I take this opportunity to Wish each and everyone of you a very merry Christmas and a very happy hew year!
I would personally like to thank each and everyone of you for visiting my blog, you have no idea
How much I appreciate your comments, so please keep coming back, I look forward to sharing My cards with you all.
But your feet up, sit back and relax!
Love and hugs on this special day,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Happy Christmas my lovely. It is always a delight to look at your gorgeous cards. Thanj you for taking the time to share them. Now it's your turn to sit back and relax and have a lovely day with the family : ) Take care xx

  2. Happy Christmas Sandra, hope you have a lovely day. Thank you for bringing all of your beautiful cards to your blog, you are so inspiring.
    Have a lovely day, Love Brenda xx

  3. Happy Christmas Sandra. Have a very special family day. Thank you for inspiring me during the festive season when Ive had a dry brain !! I look forward to sharing 2015 with you and watch your orders etc grow with you.
    Have a wonderful, happy day.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Merry Christmas Sandra & to your family !
    Pj's and leftovers for oss today.We were only five around the table but always cooking for more so we probably have it for the next few days :-)
    Have a wonderful day ! Hugs Maria x

    Ps the card for little Harry was lovely and your are well worth the flowers and more! looking forward to your postings in the new year,now take a well deserved rest and spend it with your family!

  5. Good morning Sandra
    Wishing you and your family a bright and beautiful Christmas and a new year that shines with happiness.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  6. Hello Sandra my lovely friend, sorry I'm late we have just got home to my daughters after all going out for our Christmas dinner it was yummy.They only got home from Florida this morning at they booked up a restaurant. We are all full up. & they are all jet lagged.
    Sandra I hope you had a fabulous Christmas day with your family,did you gets some Sue dies.? I wish you all a very happy New Year. Looking forward to seeing your lovely cards next year. Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra, Merry Christmas, looking forward to 2015 and what cards you will have in store for us. Hugs Theresa (TOB)

  8. Happy Christmas xxx look forward to seeing your offerings in the year to come xxx

  9. Hi Sandra, just popped by to wish you and your family a Happy Christmas. Hope that everyone has had a lovely day. Sue xxx

  10. Sandra, I hope you and your family had a lovely day yesterday and that santa was good to you all. We had a lovely day with oldest daughter and her partner we celebrated their engagement too. Hazel x

  11. Hi Sandra
    I have been looking back at the last few postings on your blog where I had left a quick hurried comment but all but the last one appears to have disappeared obviously something I have done wrong in my rush sweetheart so sorry . You really have excelled yourself with such a wonderful set of cards I am so pleased that you have had some sales too.

    You have been asking folks about their die cutting machines and the problems, well I have had my share too but last night I was looking on Oyster Stamps web site and they have a die cutting machine by We R Memory Keepers that is manual but there is an attachment to turn it into a powered one and it has a dial so that you can adjust the pressure of the rollers, they also have a You Tube link to a demo of the machine. Their price is £69 yet on Amazon the price is well over £90 but cannot find a price for the power attachment. The down side, there has to be one, it is not A4 but as this is the second machine now with an adjustment dial perhaps it will not be long before someone brings one out, lets hope.

    I hope you and those that you love have a wonderful new year.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner

  12. Hello Sandra, hope all is well with you, I know you had Paul home last week and the girls are still off school, but have not seen your name on Sue's blog or any messages on your blog - just leave a little note to let us know your fine. Or feel free to send me an email addresses (my name in lower case) Love Brenda xx

  13. Hi Sandra. Just popped in this New Years Eve to wish you luck, happiness, and crafty wealth in 2015.
    Im really looking forward to sharing your work, your gorgeous cards, and to hear about your craft fairs and markets that wait for you. So have a lovely evening if you are celebrating, but more so, enjoy your new chapter of craft that's ahead.
    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  14. Hello Sandra
    Your comments are missing from Sue's blog I do hope all is well with you and yours.
    Wishing you a sparkling 2015 and continued success in all that you do.
    With love
    Margaret corgi owner
