
Wednesday 24 December 2014

Harry's 1st Birthday

 Good Morning Ladies,
Happy Christmas Eve! I hope you have all finished your shopping and can now relax.
Today's card is the last of the three for the lovely Heather, this card is for her sons 1st birthday.
I folded an A3 piece of Centura pearl card in half and scored, I then cut out the blue teddy on my
Cricut Expression, decorated his extremities with glittered card, I also cut out the balloons on the Cricut, uses some coloured wire for the balloon string and attached them to the bears hand with a Creative Expression Itty Bitty Bow, (dotty)!  I cut out all the lettering on the Cricut in two colours to compliment the balloons and stars, I put Harrry's name across the bears tummy with a tiny blue heart,
added a bright yellow bow to teddy's neck and some googly eyes. I dotted some punched out stars all around the card and added a gem stone to some for a little sparkle, I put a die cut number 1 in the balloon too!

 The Insert was printed on the same coloured card on the front and matted onto some orange card, with a couple of stars to continue the theme the verse was written by Heather.
I then made a box to fit the card and decorated it to match.
I was totally blown away by Heather's reaction, she was over the moon, so much so that she went out and bought be some lovely flowers for me. I had tears in my eyes and  huge lump in my throat after she left, I just never expected the amazing reaction, it truly made my day! Her Husband also loved his card (which is a smaller version of the one I made for Paul)!
Well there are still lots of preparations to do in our house today, we have done no wrapping, but all the shopping is done, thankfully!
I will cook the ham and turkey tonight and prep some of the veg, mind you we are not as busy on Christmas morning anyway as the children are all grown up and don't need things putting together anymore!
I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to come over
and comment on my blog, you have simply no idea how much your comments mean to me!
Please come back in 2015 and maybe even the days in between now and then, I will blog at every available moment!
sending Huge Hugs to every one, have the very merriest of Christmas's and the Happiest New Year

 A quick pick of the box I made for Harry's card x


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sandra. This is gorgeous, I'm not surprised that you got some flowers too. I love the box as well, your cards will definetly not be thrown away.
    We have got some wrapping and I have a couple of cards to finish then we are off to Witney for a look around and some lunch, but NO shopping( yes I got my wish)
    Wishing you, Paul, Matt, Becca, Lucy and Sophie a wonderful Christmas my very special friend : )) Take care my lovely xx

  3. Sandra, no wonder Heather was over the moon. Harry's card is gorgeous and so cute. Plus it was made for him, not shop bought so it's extra special. Yes that bunch of flowers tells you just how much she loved the cards you made for her. I am so pleased for you. Wishing you and your family a wonderful day tomorrow. Hazel xx

  4. Hi Sandra and friends. It's no surprise that Heather loved Harry's card, it's so cute.
    The shopping is done, but like you we still have all the wrapping to do. I know what you mean about Christmas morning being calmer when you don't have to put things together and even better when you don't have someone jumping on you at a very early hour! As there's only three of us the lunch is really just a Sunday dinner, we don't bother with a starter or anything. I just have our pudding to make today - a chocolate mousse cake- which needs to set overnight before being covered in ganache tomorrow. It's very easy to make and perfect for us as no one likes Christmas cake or plum pudding!
    I got my main pressie on Monday - my craft room is finished and I've been able to put everything away properly. It will be great to have everything I need around me when I'm crafting instead of having to look through boxes to try and remember where I stored it! Guess where I'm spending the day today?
    I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year, Sue xxx

  5. What a beautiful card Sandra, no wonder Heather was delighted with it.
    Thank you for all the encouraging remarks you have left for me on Sue's blog. It meant a lot to me. So I am now wishing you Christmas Blessings for you and your family. love Cheryl xxx

  6. Lovely card and box! No wonder she was so pleased. A friend of my husbands is calling later to collect a roald Dahl themed desk shelving unit I have made hoping she likes it! She saw the partially finished one I was making for Tilly's teacher and as a teacher wanted one too! I am pleased with how it has turned out I have used a stamps away mdf kit and decorated with Ronald Dahl papers. Then glass pots from pound shop filled with stationery goodies, a pen pot and a calendar. I will see what she thinks.

    Need to get tidying and then if its not been done I don't care!

    Love to all have a good Christmas xxx

  7. Beautiful card, love the box too.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have made a pledge to myself that in the new year I am going to make Next years Christmas cards, yes, all of them. (lol) we'll see how that turns out.
    Warm hugs Theresa (TOB)

  8. Hello my lovely,a beautiful card Sandra I can see why Heather liked it,it's gorgeous & the box is lovely too. I must try to make boxes next year that my new year challenge,I haven't made them before.Sandra Do you use a envelope scor board or something to make yours,they look so neat.
    I wish Paul, Matt,Becca,Lucy, Sophie & mostly you a
    Very HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY & HAPPY 2015. Take care my lovely friend
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxxxxx

  9. What a wonderful memory you have made for Harry, one to keep hold of for the parents. How lovely to receive flower's as a thank you, just shiws how much your card was appreciated.
    I just want to wish you a lovely day tomorrow and throughout the festive seadon. I personally cant wait to see all your cards here next year.
    Sending Christmassy hug.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  10. Beautiful card, I'm sure it will be treasured, it is so special.
    Last few days have been one mad rush BUT everything has been done, we are ready for Christmas Day. Staying with daughter in Essex her mother in law is also here and our other daughter and family, so tomorrow ( just realised it is tomorrow!!!!!) we are doing dinner for 14. It is lovely, all the family under our roof.
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas, enjoy the special time, families are so special. Sending love and hugs, Brenda xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    I do hope that you've gone back to this post as I'm a bit late seeing the card you made for Harry. What a stunning card and box you made for him. No wonder his mum was over the moon and bough you some flowers. Now I've missed christmas so I'm just wishing you, Paul,Becca! Matt, Sophie and Lucy a happy new year. We spend yesterday evening playing trionomoes. My gorgeous grand daughter Amber spent the whole time making a dinosaur that actually moves, out of something like Lego but the name escapes me at the moment. Look forward to seeing you in the new year. Lots of hugs. Pat

  12. Hi Sandra!
    I just wanted to pop by and wish you and your family all the very best for 2015! It's been a bit hectic here but my entertaining and cooking marathon is over now. Go away in the morning for a few days with another couple and looking forward to being looked after - if only for three nights!
    Thank you for your lovely blog and friendship. Keep up the good work - you are very good!
    Love to all the family including the pussy cats!
    Myra xxx

  13. Ps ! I'm having a frazzled kind of a day! Forgot to say your card is gorgeous! What a lovely keepsake. X Myra x

  14. Hi Sandra,just came back to wish you A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR IN 2015.
    It is a pleasure to call you my friend,I was soooo pleased we met at Ally Pally
    I realy liked Emailing you & having a chat. Hope you sell lots more of your lovely cards & the next craft faire you do will be a great success.
    Also wish your family a Happy New year too.
    Love & Hugs my lovely friend Lynda xxxx
