
Monday 22 December 2014

Deliveries Done!

Good Monday morning Ladies,
Well we had a lovely day at Mum's yesterday, my sister made us a lovely roast dinner, it was delicious and well received after that long journey, such a long time to be stuck in the car, unfortunately that's one of the downsides of being Military Wife, as I know some of you already know, I do hate that mum is so far away, particularly since dad died, she really has struggled with being on her own. But on a brighter note my youngest (and most adorable) sister Emily is going to live back home with mum for a while with her boyfriend, they currently live in Tunbridge Wells, so she too has a lot of travelling to and fro!
We spent a lovely afternoon together, my other Sister Claire came with her partner and my niece Charlotte, which was lovely, I sometimes think we take family time for granted, but it is so special all being together! We finished our visit by indulging Mum, she likes us all to go down to the river front on the last Sunday before Christmas and join with the other villagers to sing Carols on the Quay, just watching Mums face as we were all singing and seeing the pride in her eyes as she was telling the vicar and friends that "this is my family, all of them", I felt quite emotional, sometimes it really is the little things we do that leave a bigger impact, that itself makes the pain of the six hours in the car worth every minute! Xx
Sue, I am glad to hear that Hobbycraft switched your machine without any fuss, I can't wait to have a go, as I said last time we crafted together I a. Really considering a different machine ds these Grand Caliburs just seem so unreliable, earlier this year mine started leaking oil, I had a wedding invitation commission to complete, the machine kept putting oil on the card I had bought for the invitations and I gave to say I had a Nightmare getting my machine, it was only resolved in the end because Paul emailed Stacey Caron at Spellbinders who was I have to say most helpful, I was still without a machine for a couple of months though, as apparently there was not a grand Calibur in the uk they could replace mine with, then I did get one, that had half the screws missing, therefore as you turned the handle the machine fell apart!  I did eventually get one and a lovely card from Stacey Caron apologising.  Pat (Witney) is now waiting for a replacement for hers as hers leaked oil everywhere, she is now going through the long waiting game like I did, I have leant her my machine and Paul put some screws in the other Brand New machine so I have been using that one, guess what.....less than two weeks in and I got 3 dots of oil down the length of the plates, I just can't believe these machines are so unreliable, has anyone else had problems?
Do any of you use different machines? There are plenty out there to choose from, I am just not sure which one to go with for some reason the EBosser just doesn't appeal to me, I am not sure if it's the noise,the waiting, those big chunky plates to keep lifting or what that is putting me off, one issue I could foresee was if Pat , Mrs B and I all had one we would need yards of extension leads! I do remember sizzix having an electric one they manufactured with Tim Holtz called the Vagabond, that was I think an A4 cutting plate! There is also the issue of having to purchase another machine, we are talking of around £100 for a manual machine..ouch that's a lot of dies.
Anyway I would love to hear your comments.
Steph, I was thinking of you today with the miserable weather and you being out and about, how did your market stall go? I have everything crossed that it was a successful day to round up your 2014 market year! Sending you big warming hugs xxxx
Hazel, where abouts in Colchester were you based? The journey is still a nightmare, from here anyway as you have to go M40, M25!!!!!! And then worst of all the terrible A12, this has to be the worst road surface in the country, it's those horrible concrete slabs, it sounds like you are driving of the cats eyes it's so clunky, my son's Ford Ranger truck doesn't have the best suspension either, so I foresee a few more aches and pains than usual !  Hugs to you Hazel xxxPs feel free to use my blog to chat to who ever you please. I am only too happy to help xxxx
Sue (crafty) thanks for stopping by for a chat, that's exactly how I would like my blog to be, open to anything chat wise, being so isolated mobility wise, I find that blogging in general is an amazing lifeline, I just can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you coming by each day thank you xxxxx
Mrs B, I am so glad you got your machine sorted, can't wait to play with it, I am so pleased that you are still on track for your shopping free, leisurely Christmas Eve, you and Chris both deserve a treat, I feel so very fortunate having you in my life, huge hugs xxxxx
Brenda, sorry to hear you are having GC issues too. One thing that really frustrates me is that they boast about the  A4 cutting area , but then you are told that the only bit that cuts properly is the strips down either side which is quite true,if you put something in the middle, there is no chance of cutting!
I hope once you have dusted off your Big Shot that you have more success, would love to hear how it cuts Sue's dies! Hugs Brenda xxxxx
Lovely Lynda, it was lovely shopping for for dolls and prams again, it's been far too long, I can't wait for grandchildren, which ever flavour! Lol, I know how much I miss my dad so can sympathise about your mum bless you, it's always harder this time of year ! Did you get to see your gorgeous boy this weekend? What are you doing on Christmas Day? Do you have an EBosser Lynda, if so, what's your verdict, does it cut with one pass as the make out? Hope you had a great weekend!
Maria, maybe it was a mixture of painkillers and Ghluwein, but as long as you enjoyed it that's all that mattered! Are they new painkillers, they can sometimes make you feel a little 'woosey' ! Hugs xx
Sorry there is no card again today, we didn't get back until 23:50 so no time to create I am afraid, please don't abandon me, I promise to resume normal service ASAP. In the meantime please stop by for a chat !
Huge hugs
Sandra xxxxxxx


  1. Morning Sandra. It reads that you survived your long journey yesterday rewarded by a wonderful day. Ooo I do love a roast, I dont bother now that often since Lou flew the nest with her new husband, and if I did id be in competition with my SIL as he is a star in the kitchen, he is amazing at cooking and they suprised me Saturday evening by turning up with a bag of food and herbs all set up to cook me the most amazing birthday meal, I was sitting on the sofa surrounded by gift tags - threading ribbons etc through ready for market and as Id been shackled to my den chair Id got my 'scruffs' on, no make up and hair that needed attention LOL could have been worse I could have gotten into my pj's ready to relax for the evening, but as Ive not relaxed like that for ages, I was still thankfully dressed ! That could have been a very embarrasing suprise LOL !
    But he coooked the most lush meal for us and washed down with a beautiful glass of wine. Like a lot of men there were more chopped herbs on the floor and counter tops, my hob splattered with oil, and not only all their utensils were used (he has his special knives) but most of my pots n pans had been used too LOL... Can you see that vision in your minds eye yet ? But it was so worth it : )
    Thank you for thinking of me yesterday Sandra... Im very lucky to have my tables indoors. Its a hugh country park with a lovely visitor centre/cafe called the barn, so my tables are set up in there along with another 5 - 7 tables selling pretty jewellery, altered art things ehich are beautiful, and lots of other lovely handmade goodies. So yes Im not outside in a cold gazeebo im by a warm radiator opposite the serving table and tables for people to sit and eat at which means they can see some of my baskets whilst resting with their dogs and they then pop over for a more detailed look (and hopefully buy)
    After a week or so of making and decorating at least 20 or so boxes not ONE sold !!!!! Where the heck do I store those I ask myself, I did ok though, even though it was so close to Christmas, people did buy, but at least I have cards left to look through to give to the two neighbours, for my Gp reception etc and some for next year so the pressure wont be so bad next year like it has been this year thank the Lord !
    I hope you will show us some of the cards that you have made for your customer in time... Id love to see them sometime.
    Well its a day of sorting out all my festive craft goodies, dies etc and boxes from yesterday and put it all away... A real hard job when you live in a match box size bungalow, but I will be glad to see the back of it all, its not been the most enjoyable time to craft. And I can concentrate on those 'everyday' cards that need topping up ready for the next lot of markets.
    So I wish you a lovely day and hopefully a restful one after a crazy weekend.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  2. Oh dear Sandra, we won't abandon you. You had a long sore journey, yet you took time out to write on your blog, where we all I think expected not to hear from you for a couple of days as you would be in so much pain. I for one know that A12 bit of road, If I got paid a £1 for every mile I have done on that road I could buy lots of SW dies. As we used it after we left Colchester as we had to use it to get to the ferry port. Charlie and I started married life in Colchester in 1970, Gillian our oldest was born their, I can't remember the camps name, but we lived a good bit away from it, well it seemed like that as we didn't have a car ( hired one when needed) as I didn't drive then and Charlie was away in Ireland on something like 5 tours. We left their to go to Hong Kong. Then it was back to the UK and Devizes and around Wiltshire. But we had friends and still do have a lot of ex army people who live in Colchester, whom we now meet up with at a weekend reunion thing once a year. Now as from the Grand Calibur, I like you feel it's not good so many people have so many problems with them. I loved mine up till it just won't cut at all. No pressure, it came back and from being repaired and it's never been the same. I bought my X Cut Xpress as I needed a machine while waiting, I love it but you still have the problem that it cuts better at the sides, other wise you have to keep turning what your are cutting about, now even Sue Wilson was doing this by the way when we were at her work shop. She did say to that if her dies didn't cut it wasn't the die it was the machine. Well unfortunately I have had two dies of hers that wouldn't cut and I took them back and up at the place in aberdeen they tried my two dies on every machine going and guess what they didn't cut one on any of them. The E Bosser has its problems to, Tina Elridges broke down a couple of times with the plates getting jammed, so really what do you go for ???. Any way you will be falling asleep with boredom reading this. I am just so glad you had a lovely day with your family, we had our two girls and family here for Sunday lunch/tea but I was so glad when they all left, for one our cottage is so small it get over crowded and to I was sore from standing cooking, girls do help but by the time they got here it was ready to serve up. Take a bed rest day please. Hazel xx

  3. Hi Sandra. I can't believe you took the time to blog when you got home so late and after what must have been an extremely painful and tiring journey! LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!. Yes, I know that was in shouty type but I sure that we would all rather you took some time out and had a fabulous Christmas with your family than worry that we won't check in. Very pleased that you had a lovely day with your Mum and family.
    Thank you for your kind words, they mean more than you could know.
    Touch wood my GC seems ok, apart from the cutting of more intricate dies. I was wondering about an ebosser but as you say how many dies could I get instead. I'll read your blog with interest as everyone gives an honest opinion. Anyway, better get on as the carpet fitter is due in less than an hour. Have a great day, relax and get your strength back. Sue xxx

  4. Hello Sandra, well I did it - dusted off my Sizzex Big Shot and tried to cut out Sue's Christmas tree die, the result was very disappointing, areas in the centre not cut through. It was very late last night and I didn't have the energy or willpower to try another die. Today we are at daughters looking after her children ( we are about to assemble gingerbread house) so may will, if time allowed try again tomorrow- although I will not hold my breath.
    So pleased you had a great time at your Mums,.
    Take care, Love Brenda xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad that you had a lovely time with your family and I could just imagine you on singing on the quayside. How lovely of Matt to drive and hope that Paul enjoyed the scenery for a change. We to drive your route, just going a bit further as you know along the A120 into Gt Oakley near Harwich. Take care and have a good rest today you lovely lady, lucky you having Paul home. How lucky was Mrs B with Hobbycraft Swindon letting her change to a different machine. Sasha in Hobbycraft in Oxford didn't give me a chance to change mine to another machine, although she did recommend the XCut to me. How funny that Penny at Personal impressions was having mine mended after they picked it up, when Karen Hass at Spellbinders said my machine had a manufacturing fault and wasn't repairable and I'd get sent the new Teal machine. I wonder if it's any better. Sandra we'd rather you take care of yourself than make yourself worse by rushing to finish cards to show on your blog. We all love you regardless. Look forward to seeing you after Christmas.

  6. Hi Sandra. It sounds like you had a lovely proper family day yesterday. I can imagine your Mum watching you all in carols and then showing you all off. Those moments are so special and any pain you have to go through to make those moments is so much more bearable isn't it. I bet you are having a bed day today, sure your body will not let you do anything else. We will always be here for a chat so don't go worrying about posting cards, give yourself a break, you know how us ladies can always find something to talk about, lol. It will be wonderful to see the cards you have made for your first facebook order when you can, or any of your other gorgeous creations.
    Hazel, thanks for your comment yesterday. I will keep you all up to date on my XCut. It does have sweet spots but nowhere near as bad as the GC. I have found that you don't need to emboss seperately, I did ask the girl at Hobby craft if I coud keep my old GC embossing mat as I wasn't sure if the XCut needed one(she said yes) and if you use that you get a fantastic deep emboss, but I think if I play with the dial on the XCut I won't need to use the mat. Does that make sense? I hope so.
    I still have our family cards to make (yes I know, I am so late this year!) so will be testing it out some more.
    Brenda, I made a gingerbread house-from a kit- yesterday with our 5 and 3 year old granddaughters, Phoebe and Paige, our eldest son, RJ,and his girlfriend, Gemma. It is certainly unique as I let the little ones chose how they wanted to decorate it and they decided to use some icing shapes of the London Eye, a crown, the Union Flag and 2 Red London Buses amongst other sweets etc! It doesn't look as bad as it sounds, I don't care though, it was all about having fun and we certainly had plenty of that : ) Have a good rest Sandra my lovely : ) Take care.

  7. Hi Sandra,really hope you had a peaceful/restful day today after your trip yesterday but how wonderful to have you all meeting up. Your mum is so proud of you all and want everybody to know her family. How good with a roast dinner(we normally go to Toby's :)) and carol singing down the quay,how lovely. I have struggling so much the last month with my Cuttlebug so I just gave up in the end to even make many cards, had to be bought ones for the ones abroad. It's very interesting to see so many have problems with the GC as I have been looking in to buy the new one but now I'm not so sure so I love to hear how the Xcut Express working out,Hazel. Spent the day shopping for fresh produce, had to go to three different stores to get it all. Asda was the worst one queuing wise but now it's done so I can breath little lighter until X-mas Eve morning when it's all have to be prepped and cooked later when my sister in law and her husband has arrived and my son has the day off work so we be at least five around the table :-) No grandchildren on the scene,sounded so lovely with MrsB's ginger house making with the young ones.Not the same doing it myself. Sending you Sandra and your family a wonderful Christmas !
    Feeling alright so I think I will have a small glass of Amaretto to my coffee and watch some telly Take care and Warm Hugs Maria xx

  8. Good afternoon Sandra. I just popped in to see if you had posted, I hope you are not to sore after your long journey, if so please rest as you want to be able to enjoy christmas. Have a wonderful time with your family. Merry Christmas Hazel xx

  9. Hello my lovely Sandra, as everyone has said we would never forget you if you couldn't blog a card,you have been amazing blogging every day over the last few months.
    I have a G C machine the handle broke but spellbinoders sent me a new one free, touch wood hasn't leaked oil. Terry bought me an Ebosser for my birthday in July,as my arthritis in my hands was very painful turning the Handel, I do like it but I was having a lot of trouble cutting Sue's intricate dies like the Angel die was taking at leased 7 passes with shim's.
    I have now bought the Mboss spray ( I have put a link on my blog if anyone would like to read it. ) & now I can cut her in 2 passes in middle of plates.
    Sandra you mentioned the Tim Holtz Vagabond but it is not an A4 machine.
    I'm realy pleased you had a brilliant time yesterday with your mum & family.
    I love how your mum showed how proud of her family She was,sounds like she had a wonderful day with the Carol singing as well. I hope you have been resting up today lovely lady,after your long journey home.
    We are going to Lisa's ( my daughter ) Ian & my Grandson Joseph for Christmas Day & Boxing Day, home Saturday. They come home from holiday in Florida Christmas morning so she booked up a restaurant for dinner how lovely is she.
    My son won't be home Christmas day as they will still be on holiday in Egypt
    So won't see baby Harry until Sunday for cuddles.
    Sandra my lovely friend wishing you & your lovely family a very Happy Christmas & New year Love & Big Hugs Lynda xxx

  10. Merry Christmas to you and your family looking forward to seeing more of your cards in the new year. Hugs Theresa (TOB
