
Sunday 21 December 2014

Day of rest!

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
I haven't got a card for today, sorry, I spent Friday making the cards for the lady that ordered two more, I was going to show it but it is a smaller version of Paul's and I didn't want to 'blog it' before I gave shown her, be nothing Worse than sitting with your husband looking through the blogs and finding a card you had commissioned! So I could show it Monday maybe.
Today had been mostly spent on Swindon getting the last few bits to take to my mums tomorrow, I got her a voucher but it seems sad just seeing that little thing wrapped up, so I got her a Katie Flynn novel, some face cream and a necklace to open? Shopping for my gorgeous niece Kezia was a real 'throw back' experience, buying dolls and prams and some clothes for dolly too, so cute!
Matt is going to drive us there tomorrow so paul will get to be passenger for a change, the girls have some movies lined up for us to watch en route! Be lovely to see my mum and sisters & brother Michael with his gorgeous daughter. So it will be a fun packed day for sure!
Maria, yes they do still come with us, unless they have football of course?
Steph did you have a good birthday? Did you get any dies? Please share with us, I sincerely hope you have a successful market today, be sure to wrap up warm! Xxxx
Mrs B, how is the organisation going for Christmas? I hope you stick to your arrangement and have a rest and relaxing Christmas Eve! Xxxx
Pat (witney) I am so saddened to hear you are still in so much pain bless you, did you manage to get an appointment? Keep taking the pills, hugs xxx
Lynda, some gorgeous cards on you blog, I bet you can't wait for Christmas to come round with having your grandson to spoil, hugs you all xxxx
Well I must go, packing the car next, it's going to be along day!
Crafty hugs


  1. Hi Sandra

    Beautiful cards and jewelry on your blog.

    Have a lovely time with mum tomorrow. Look forward to your next card. My goodness you are packing your car up late. You remind me of our family. Safe journey

    Kind regards :-)
    Tina XX

  2. Sandra, I am glad you decided to think of yourself and everything you have to get done rather than, make a card to post. It's a busy time for everyone and we are all feeling the pressure. You have done so well to post every day so far and you have even found time to put up what you have written, I take my hat off to you. You enjoy your family time, I know that you have a long journey ahead of you, we lived in Devizes and use to travel to Colchester ( we started married life there) and the roads were not the bottle necks and huge hold up that we seem to get now. So safe journey. Hazel x

  3. Hi Sandra. I've been enjoying your posts but I'm very pleased that you have decided to take a day off, it's lovely though just to be able to stop by for a quick chat. I hope you have an easy and uneventful journey and the most wonderful time with your Mum. Sue xxx

  4. Hi Sandra. Thank you for taking the time to blog when you are so busy. I know you will have a lovely time seeing your Mum and family, such a shame the journey is going to cause you so much pain though. How nice that Matt is driving so that Paul gets a chance to relax as a passenger for a change. You have chosen some lovely gifts for the family, your niece will love her dolly, pram etc : ) We are still busy but am on track to have our "shopping free" Christmas Eve, thank goodness : ) Poor Pat, I do hope she has managed to get through the nightmare at her doctors surgery to get some stronger painkillers, it's so sad to see her in so much pain. I took my Grand Calibur back to Hobbycraft on Friday (it was leaving oil streaks on the plates etc. this time! This was the third one I have had in just over two years the others had been replaced because of broken handles!) Afyer reading reviews I have now got a X Cut Xpress. Do I like it? No.........I LOVE IT. Haven't had time to really put it through its paces yet but so far it cuts and embosses beautifully, and so quickly and easily. I will be interested to know what you and Pat think once you've had a play with it in the New Year. I must mention what fantastic service I got from the Swindon branch of Hobbycraft again. Every time I have returned my broken Grand Caliburs I have offered a replacement or full refund immediately, no fuss or bother and with apologizes for the trouble I have had. They are so friendly and can't do enough to help. I know Hobbycraft is often more expensive but the Swindon branch certainly can not be faulted over their returns attitude. I am so glad that I got my machines from them, it has saved me so much stress.
    Anyway, wishing you all a safe and trouble free journey. Have a great day my lovely. Take care. xx

    1. Sorry Sandra for using your blog to reply to Mrs B. Oh your so right about the XCut Xpress I bought mine after my GC went away for repair, 8 weeks it took Dundee Hobbycraft to get it back, you were lucky as I was told that they only send back no refunds etc. I have enjoyed every minute of my X Cut, yes you have to turn the knob/dial on the top for different thickness of card, but you soon just know. Enjoy using it. Hazel and thank you Sandra .

  5. Hi Sandra, So pleased you have given yourself a day off and what a lovely way to spend it - with all of your family around you. Hope you all have a great day. Mrs B. Will be interested to hear how you get on with your X Cut Express. My GC is not working very well, keep having to put dies back through as they have not cut all of the card. I do have a Sizzix Big Shot will lift off the shelf where it has sat since I got my GC. And see if the results are any better.
    Happy Sunday to everyone, Brenda xx

  6. Hi Sandra,How lovely to vist your mum brother sister tomorrow & that Matt is giving Paul a rest from driving. You have some really lovely presents for your mum & your little niece, I would love a little Grandaughter to buy all those girly things for.Dont get me wrong I love Harry to bits & Alfie & Joseph too,
    But the girls thing always looke so sweet in toys & clothes.
    Sue ( Mrs B )please let us know how you find the X cut exspress, as I'm interested to know if it cuts sue's intricate dies in one pass like the Angel.i like the idea of the different card thickness dile.thanks. Pat wishing you better & hope you managed to get some stronger painkillers hugs to you both xx
    Sandra have a lovely time tomorrow with your Mum ( I still miss mine )
    Wishing you all a safe journey & hope you don't suffer too much pain after you get home my lovely. How is Lucy hope she is a lot better.
    Happy day tomorrow Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra, just wanted to say Hello and hope you had a nice day. Glad to see you took a day off to spend with your family.
    Not a good day and painkillers just made me dizzy or was it the gluhwein ?
    Tihi Take care Hugs to you and your family, hope Lucy is better

  8. Hi Sandra. Just managed to pop in. I hope your ordrrs are growing and you are enjoying this new 'chapter' of your crafting world.
    I just want to.say "well done " for posting every day in December. It couldn't have been easy for you taking everything into consideration, but not only have I really looked forward to your cards, you have given me so much inspiration when I was that tired and stressed I couldnt think anymore, so thank you so much.
    I hope you have a safe journey, a wonderful time, and the Christmas you deserve.
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx
