
Friday 16 January 2015

Green & Black Buckle Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card was inspired by Our Sue Wilson, It is a buckle style card.
I started by embossing a piece of green card with the Creative Expressions Eternity Folder, I think this one is y favourite ever.
I used a corner rounder on the corners of the card, and matted it onto a piece of black card and then onto a white card base.
For the focal element of the card I cut out four separate die cuts from the Creative Expressions Californian Collection Decorative B set of dies, and On from the Matting Basics A, I used smaller dies in the Matting Basics (a) set to cut apertures into the centre of one large and two of the three smaller die cuts, I then cut the largest die from Decorative set(B) Californian Collection in white card. I stuck the white die cut onto the card with foam tape and the layered the other three die cuts together  vertically across the larger white die cut. I cut a strip of black card with a fork in each end and the matted a piece of green card (slightly smaller) on top of that, I then threaded this through the three dies 'buckling them together' I then stuck all three together and attached it to the white die cut, making sure the strip through the middle is straight.  then cut a smaller die from the Decorative Layers (B) set in the green card and topped it with the 2nd smallest of the Matting Basics (A) which I used to cut out my sentiment and edged it with Shabby Shutters distress ink. For the fancy corner pieces I used the French Frills die set from Spellbinders. I then added a few black flat back gems to finish.
I think it could make a good guy card, there are no ribbons and flowers, which is very unusual for me!
I hope you like it, please leave your comments below.
I am blogging very late tonight as our internet was not working so I started this post at midnight!
Right I am off bed, goodnight my lovelies.
Huge Hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Wow Sandra, you have endless creativity. I agree that this would be a perfect man card, and I will have to try to get this embossing folder as every time I see your creations using it the more I like it. You should be on commission from CE! Thank you for your lovely comments yesterday, it means a lot to me.
    Well, I got the reports sent first thing, the wonderful IT chaps had fixed my PC (in the main) and they even brought me a new monitor - I think chocolates might be in order to say thanks to them. Found out yesterday that there is a meeting next Thursday to discuss another restructure and what looks like compulsory redundancies. As we were the smaller school in the merger we have a pretty good idea which staff are in the firing line as the new Principal has been promoting his own staff! Hope that you had a good night's sleep and that the awful weather isn't affecting you too much. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I have been wondering about showing Sue W. Some of my cards,what do you think ?
      I am so pleased you got your PC fixed, i am sure they would they would love some chocolate!
      The meeting next week sounds a little worrying, are you concerned about your job? I do hope nit, I guess that's the problem when companies 'merge' the loyalties are all in the wrong places !
      We have escaped the bad weather so far, sounds like me may get some snow next week!
      I didn't get the best nights sleep, but never mind, I am layed on the bed just now catching up with all the blogs!
      Sandra xxxx

  2. Good morning Sandra, another gorgeous card, yes I think this one would be good for a man, but yet again there are women out there that don't do flowers and bows. So will keep this design in mind. Not working this morning, mum dropping the girls off before she goes to Edinburgh. Thought I would get a bit of a lie in, but been wide awake since 5.30. I am with you also regarding soup makers etc. you buy them use them for a while then they go into the cupboard. I also make my own pasta sauce using up the bits of veg, mushrooms, peppers tomatoes like making soup but put tinned tomatoes in for the liquid then blend down, box it and freeze it, great stand by too.
    Steph is right about the cards and envelopes from the Range the 300gms are good quality and aren't dear, yes I am sure they do on line. Have a good day, Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,
      Sorry to hear you didn't get your lie in, it never goes to plan does it?
      Maybe you can have a little siesta later on! (That never usually works out either, the phone will ring or the doorbell)!
      I always make my pasta sauce from scratch, I used to buy the ready made ones but it can get expensive, so I just use onion,garlic, usually a stick of celery finely chopped, soften them in olive oil then add mixed herbs, brown the minced beef, then add tinned toms x 2 some tomato purée, a beef stock cube dissolved in a little boiling water and a good pinch salt, pepper and teaspoon of sugar to balance the acidity of the tomatoes, this recipe seems to go down ok with the critical crowd in this house!
      I will headover to the range website and see what they have in stock, thanks for all these lovely hints and tips ladies,
      Sandra xxxxx

  3. What a gorgeous card Sandra, so fresh with that zingy green card stock. it's not a colour I have used but I did treat myself to one of those goody bags (£15 instead of £40) that our local Range store do occasionally because it was called the Green collection. The contents were amazing, even down to green glitter flowers and ribbons! Whoever put it together certainly knew what they were doing. Have a wonderful time at your friend's 50th party. Hugs Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      Thanks for the lovely comment, I knocked that card up at 10 o'clock last night!
      There seems to be not enough hours in the day at the minute!
      Were they the Docrafts goody bags ? Our local craft shop used to do them years ago, they were quite a bargain!
      You will have to share with us what you make with it, I love green it's my favourite colour but strangely I don't hardly ever use it as a main colour on my cards, time for a change I think!
      Right I had best go get some organising done!
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra from a very white Cumbria we have very heavy snow at the moment and more is forecast up to 6 inches they are saying, so I for one will not be going out that is for sure!
    Wow you really have had a late night you get some rest today sweetheart especially after making another fantastic card, this is so beautiful I love it.
    I also have a large stash of cookery books I got some super Mary Berry ones for Christmas and also Paul Hollywood's latest with the most delicious Parkin recipe, the only problem is you have to keep it for a few days before cutting so that it goes sticky but it is so very lovely.
    Like Hazel I too make my own pasta sauces but one thing I always put into it is sugar, strange I know but a friend of mine went to Italy for a cookery course and was told sugar was a must as tomatoes are a fruit and need the sugar to bring out their full flavour and it really does make a difference.
    I suggested to Ben that Minecraft was like Lego on the computer, oh how wrong I was, you can do all kinds of things including building he is a wizz with it, one day he made me the perfect craft room it had everything in it!
    Have a good day and get some rest ready for your weekend with your family.
    Take care
    Warm hugs
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Good morning Margaret,
      Wow you lucky girl all that lovely snow! Sorry, you probably don't think so, it must look beautiful though! We just seem to get slushy mud! Although we are forecast some snow next week!
      I got the Hairy Bikers Mum Knows Best cookery book from Santa!
      It gas some lovely traditional recipes in! I always put a teaspoon of sugar in my pasta sauce, or any sauce containing tomatoes to balance the acidity from the tomatoes, you can barely tell it's there but you can tell if you haven't put it in!
      I had no idea what the girls were building on minecraft, I was sure they were building their 'perfect' home, but I think that they were destroying each other's homes too! There was lots of giggling going on! They get on so well together, it worked out well that they were twins really, after the initial shock! Almost 15 years later we are getting used to the idea, haha! I just think that if I would have only had one baby, with the six year age gap between them and the older two, it may have seemed like an only child, but instead they are like best friends, thank goodness.
      Well I am off to get sorted for the weekend,
      Sandra xxx

    2. Yes Margaret, I always put sugar in to, anything with tomatoes needs it. Hazel x

  5. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today, all in green. Not to sure this is a me colour. Hark at me who likes to wear green tops. Mind you, your cards always look better in the flesh, so I'm looking forward to seeing this one next week hopefully. I also added sugar to tomato soup, but I either put to much in, or it made such a different taste and Pete wasn't keen. Shame the craft room that Ben made Margaret wasn't done on a 3D machine, you'd have a brand new one made to order. Sorry that your having the adverse weather up north. I'd love to see it but not to be in it. I'm rather a cold person. We love coming up to the Lake District and usuallybstay in Keswick. Take care everyone.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Thanks for the lovely comment, how are you feeling today? Have the meds started working yet ?
      I will ring the cards with me to yours next week so that you can see them properly! That's if we aren't snowed in!
      I really hate when we have missed a week crafting together, it just seems so long since last time, although I can't believe it's Friday already, did you go to Southmoor yesterday ?
      I hole you andPete have a lovely weekend planned, enjoy it xx
      Huge hugs my lively,
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra, What a day you had yesterday it was lovely having a blog conversation, I really enjoyed it. Going back briefly to the suitmaker I really didn't think I would get on with it. But I'm sure Mrs B will agree with me it's just so quick and easy,and hardly any washing up. That's got to be good in my book.
    Today's card is so lovely I love Green but it doesn't seem to be used very often in cards. But it's a winner for me. Keep your wonderful ideas and inspiration coming PLEASE.
    Hope you have a lovely time at your friends 50th birthday party. Try and take it easy today and have an early night. (She's at it again). Hope the journey tomorrow will be a smooth one.
    Take care, your blog mummy! Ha ha
    Love Brenda xx

  7. iPad trying to predict for me now - That was Soup Maker! ".......... I can sew BUT I'm not good

  8. Good morning Crafting Mummy,
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a lovely message.
    I guessed you meant soup maker and that you weren't off to the Tailors,
    I really loved the blog conversation yesterday, it was like being with friends and chatting!
    Sue did tell us how quick and easy the soup maker was, just throw it all in and twenty minutes later, voila, delicious soup. We were treated to some that Sue's lovely husband Chris had made fresh for us last Wednesday when we got together to craft. I was very impressed, he made us done lovely garlic bread too! We have tried to persuade Sue to have him do the catering for all of our crafty get togethers!
    I will keep bringing you cards as long as you all enjoy looking at them, it is doing me good, getting me involved in something, to take my mind off being in pain and lonely.
    You ladies must think I am a right 'sad case'!
    Sending you a lovely big hug,

  9. Hi Sandra and friends!,
    What a stunner you have for us today. It's gorgeous and I'm not usually a green person but I think I get stuck in a blue rut!
    The embossing folder is lovely and has gone to the top of my list! I think the embossed pattern almost looks like little Christmas trees!
    Thank you all for explaining about the soup maker. It is certainly quicker than my method. I love making soup an will blend it sometimes at the end but other times I use a potato masher and this makes veggies tiny but carrot still looks like carrot! Enough!
    I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow at your friend 's 50th. Safe travel and hope it doesn't wear you out too much! We will still talk to you if you miss a day you
    Thanks again for today's lovely card. The buckle looks gorgeous.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  10. Hi Sandra, hope you slept well with having such a late night.
    I have to confess I am not a green person but I do love this card and think the guys would love it. Thank you for all the info yesterday I went on the site and bought 2 new dies and thanks to you I can look forward to buying some lovely card in the future.
    Take care
    Warm hugs love Theresa (TOB)

    1. Hi Theresa,
      Thank you for the lovely comment. I am glad you managed to find the site and get something you were after too, which dies did you buy?
      Sandra xxx

  11. Hiya Sandra and all.
    You've done it again, smiling Steph here : )
    That shade of green really show's the depth of that beautiful folder doesn't it. Never been a 'green person' never liked the green spangles or opal fruits... Ah heck, now im showing my age, chuffin spangles indeed (just making that name of sweet up) believe thst and you'll believe im 19 LOL.
    A Sue/Sandra buckle, it looks so easy on your card Sandra, think I may have a try this afternoon (inbetween making soup) seems we are all avid soup makers although I dont have the soup/suit maker : ) actually its a shame Im not doing the market as it being a Farmers and Craft market, you can imagin the fresh veg stalls along with local cheeses and bakery, its wonderful, fresh, and a great price, a bit like Janets French market only local Lancashire stall holders.
    Yes Sandra The Range do online shopping as do Samuel Taylor, worth also checking out, hope the info helped you Theresa re your 8x8 cards.
    Would love to see the gift and card you made for your friends 50th - only if you find timr to take pictures without feeling rushed. Do you have a body stretch break on long journey's Sandra ? Im useless on long car drives, and if I cant get out to stretch my body Im almost in tears when we reach our destination, I cant believe I was SO sporty and be on the ice training at 5am 7 days a week and then after school, sometimes (and NOT very often I cant help thinking and saying WHY !!!!)
    Anyway that's that out in the open all done and dusted. So will finish my coffee and enter the comfort of my den (mental comfort not physical) almost forgot to thank you Lynda for your help on the e-bosser sarnie to emboss only with Sue's dies, much appreciated... Off to check in with our Lynda.
    Tata, stay warm and happy and hope tomorrow goes really well Sandra. Thanks for making me smile again.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      We were gross when we were young I too never ate the green sweets of any kind as my brother told us they were 'bogey' flavoured! gross!
      I do remember Spangles, little square sweets with a dimple in each side, and the bubblegum that came with little tickets about things you could collect bazooka I think it was called! So you cant be that old!
      I am glad you like the card, I cut the strip before trying to fit it through which was a bit of a mistake as the gap you have is not very big but with a little trim and a wiggle got it into place!
      We all seem to have gone a little soup crazy on here this week! It must be very tempting to spend all your earnings on fresh produce on market days, I am a real sucker for a good farmers market, you cant beat them!
      I always have to keep stopping on long journeys, otherwise they would have to carry me out in the sitting position at the other end, the longer I sit the worse it gets, so after three hours I am about finished, my body just aches for my bed! So you used to be a ice skater, wow that's amazing Steph, that must have taken some strict discipline!
      I think you are quite right about pricing things to suit your customers, Oxfordshire may be and expensive area to live but boy people don't want to part with their money!
      I hope you enjoyed your coffee in peace,
      Happy Crafting
      Sandra xxxx

  12. Hi Sandra. You already know that I am not a big "green" fan but love this card, it is a real beauty! You always seem to get your cards just right.
    Like some of the other ladies both me and hubby weren't at all sure when we opened our soup maker at Christmas. It was a real surprise present but now it has been used several times I think it is going to be one of those things that does get used a lot (well, maybe not so much during the hot weather!) Chris is the head cook in our house, he loves cooking whereas I cook because we have to eat, and we all love soup so he makes it several times a week. Usually just throws anything to hand in the pot, the only draw back with that is that if it is a really yummy batch you can't ever make it quite the same again! It makes enough for 6 big bowls, we used to make a bigger batch in the pot but as it is so quick and easy you can make it fresh each time so it's not such a problem (the soup maker doesn't look very big inside, it is deceptive). Considering it was a gift that we didn't think we would use it has been a big hit. Blimey, I should get paid as a promoter for Morphy Richards shouldn't I! By the way our friend got it half price from Argos just before Christmas so I think she would have paid about £25 for it as they are £50 odd now. Sandra If I see any in Lidls I PROMISE I will ring you!!!!! : )
    Back to you Sandra. I hope you have lovely time at your friends party tomorrow, it's just a shame that it means a long journey both ways for you which will take the edge off the happiness won't it. I'm guessing that Monday won't be a good day for you to go to Pat's as you will still be recovering. It is such a pain-in both respects- when doing something you enjoy means you will be laid up for a few days after isn't it! Poor Pat is suffering too, she was the only really mobile one of us when we first met last summer and now we are all in the same boat, one way or another aren't we! At least we can all understand each other when we have a good moan. And between us we could start a well stocked chemist with all of the drugs we have to take : )
    Please don't go fretting about blogging for a few days if you don't feel up to it. None of us are going any where, we are here for the duration now. Take care and big hugs my lovely. xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      We can go to Pats which ever day suits best, I have had to concel tomorrow's trip as we have no one to watch the kittens, it would be a long day too, It would have meant a leaving the kittens fro 2;30pm to 3 or 4am, which with Bella not being 100% is just too long.
      We are actually only going to see Tanya for her birthday, but with there being 90 other guests I don't think we will be too missed, Sophie has had an upset tummy all day too and she keeps trotting off to the loo, which is very out of the ordinary, I wouldn't want her to spread her germs around, so I called Tanya and explained how sorry I was and she just said that she didn't want me to travel all that way, so she didn't mind at all.
      so I can do any day next week.
      let me know when is good for you.
      huge hugs
      Sandra xx

  13. Love the layout and design but the green is too green for me if you know what I mean. I have this embossing folder on my list since Sue used it recently. It is gorgeous.

    Hobby craft have recently not sure if still on an offer on 8 x 8 card blanks reduced by 25 % so I stocked up.

    I too do soups everyone at fat club raving about the soup makers but not sure how they are better than the old liquidiser plus need storing plus cost £40 and how much crafty stash could. I get for that ?

    Steph I remember spangles too ! Saw Topics the other day not seen them for years. Apparently Cadbury have changed the creme egg formula and uproar as the chocolate is no longer dairy milk and the fondant not the same. Why change a classic?

    1. Hi Barbie,
      Good for you stocking up at bargain prices, have you seen any other good craft sales?
      you are a very good girl going to fat club, soups should be great for your diet depending on what you put in it!
      You would get a good couple of dies sets for £40, much better value for money!
      Glad you remember spangles too makes me fell less old!
      I saw the Cadbury Crème Egg debate on TV and I am pretty disappointed, stop trying to meddle in things that don't need changing! I cant believe that they were in the shops the day after boxing day!
      anyway I look forward to reading your comments tomorrow!
      huge hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra, it's me again. I remembered you asked whether or not you should show some of your cards to Sue. I definitely think you should. Just email a couple or so of your favourites. She would love to see them I'm sure and she is so nice.
    Lots of love,
    Myra x. Spangles - don't remember them but my favourites were acid drop spangles . 😀

  15. Hi Sandra, beautiful colour, gorgeous dies and layout..

  16. Hi Sandra
    This is my seventh try as we have had internet problems all day. I don't know how you manage to produce such lovely cards so late I wouldn't have the energy. BT are coming out on Monday so I will be panicking all weekend as hubby will be out delivering training and I will have to deal with the BT man on my own. I hope you enjoy yourself at the party and the weather isn't to bad. I know what Steph means about being in pain after travelling I always have to have a lay down just as well we go in the motor home if it's a good distance as I go to bed when we arrive. Love Tandy

    1. Thanks Tandy, for stopping by, We have Virgin Media and that's not the most reliable service we had!
      I have had to cancel our journey, a couple of reasons, one of girls is not too well and Bella (kitten still needs constant watching)
      and my knee is so sore at the moment, I don't think I could have sat three and half hours in the car to get there stay for a few hours and then travel home for 3 and a half hours, plus she will be in a hall with 90 other guests, so I don't think she will miss us too much, we have arranged to meet up here for a couple days when she gets back from her holidays!
      Anyway I must go and do tomorrows post!
      hugs my lovely,
      Sandra xxx

  17. Wow Sandra,
    sorry i'm late have been having internet problem's grrrr.
    So late for you to be making this gorgeous card. It would make a lovely man's card,but i think it would suit anyone .I do love that embossing folder,i feel a spend coming on.Your buckle is as good as Sue's,i haven't tried them yet.I hope you have a really lovely time at your friend's 50th party tomorrow. Have a very early night tonight Sandra,especially with the long journey tomorrow.
    Sandra i have Emailed a couple of my card's she doesn't mind & she always Email's you back.
    Take it easy my lovely or you will burn yourself out.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hello My lovely,
      Thanks I am glad you like the card, your comments are lovely
      That eternity E folder is just divine, I love it!
      I have had to cancel our trip tomorrow, feel really bad but it cant be helped, my knee is about the size of my head, Sophie has an upset tummy and Bella is still recovering and I don't want anything to hold her back, they do have a tendancy for their fights to show who is boss, she is like the queen at the moment, we are treating her so well! I hope she snaps out of It as quick!
      Bloody cats are a pain in the backside,
      I hope you have a good weekend planned,
      Sandra xxx
