
Thursday 15 January 2015

Fabulous Lyra

Good Morning Ladies,
This card has been half made for some time, sat on my desk, I was undecided about it.
so I made myself sit and finish it somehow, I was all set for putting the sentiment where the flowers
are and the flowers up the top, but I had already done that with the teal card before Christmas.
Anyway here goes, I used Pat's Lyra Die by Creative Expressions and cut a piece of red card, I matted it onto a piece of white card, (this is where I had left it). I then decided that I would put a piece of White vintage seam binding across the top of the card and stick a pearl flower string across it
using Cosmic Shimmer PVA Glue, I then tied a 'messy bow' out of the same seam binding and attached it to the card with a glue dot, I popped one of the pearls flowers from the string into the centre of the bow to finish it off.
I stamped my sentiment onto white card and die cut it with the tag from the French Collection Border, Corner &Tag Set by Creative Expressions, and mounted it underneath the bow with foam tape, I always add a little Cosmic Shimmer Glue as well to make sure it stays put, it also helps if you don't get it in the right place first time.
For the floral element I used my favourite Impression Obsession foliage dies and a few colour stems from the flower sprays that Anna Marie Designs sells, the little flowers where cut from the same card as the main red piece using a mini flower die from Impression Obsession once again. I fiddled about with the arrangement until I was happy, it is stuck together with Pinflair Gel.
I hope you like it, I would love to hear your comments and stories below, its great to hear how your day has been.
Mine has been fairly uneventful, had a friend pop in for coffee this afternoon which broke the day up nicely, I didn't get much crafting done though, in fact I left my craft room in somewhat of mess as I decided late on yesterday to sort all of my paper flowers, leaves and stamens etc into colours and put them in separate tins, all good in theory until I discovered how many I had, thank goodness for the amount of tins of chocolates we consumed as a family this Christmas, those roses, heroes and celebrations tins have come in very handy!
Lynda I think I need your organisation skills, can you pop round!!!!!
Crafty Hugs to all of you lovely friends,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra, thank you for your lovely comment on my girl card, oh our Andrew is a cute 6 year old to look at, but he is a monkey at times, but him and Emily get on really well, Caitlin is a girly girly and he gets upset she wants him to dress up.
    Another stunning card, love your layout and of course your flowers and foliage are gorgeous. You must be like my sister Patricia and sit making these when your watching TV. My problem is I don't do sticky and hate glue on my hands. I keep trying to put the glue on the back of my hand to get glue on these fine dies, but I can't get it washed off quick enough. Well I am off to work and it's really windy out so should be interesting. Have a good day. Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel, do you and Patricia live close to each other?
      Poor Andrew, I can just imagine these girlies treating him like a dress up doll! I think they are all little monkeys underneath at that age, particularly the angelic looking ones! haha
      Thank you for your lovely comment, I don't really do much crafting in front of the tv as I make too much mess, I used to before I had my craft room, there was never any room to eat dinner at the dining table as I made so much mess, I do occasionally have a marathon flower/foliage making session, my trouble is, as I have said before, I don't really like being on my own so I prefer to sit out in the lounge with the rest of the family on a night, so try and get my crafting done in the day time.
      I usually spread a little pva glue to the back of my hand to tap some of the more intricate of die cuts onto as it gives a light touch of glue rather than it squishing out from underneath when I try and apply if direct, my youngest daughter Sophie loves it when I do this as she loves peeling it off my hand, she also likes peeling flaky sunburnt skin too, not that that happens too much these days!
      I hope you have a good day at work and that the wind dies down a little, it is blowing a gale here today!
      Sandra xxx

    2. Sandra, in answer to you question do Patricia and I live close as the crow flies yes but from my house to hers is a 100 mile round trip, so we tend to meet either in Dundee or Perth have a cup of tea, chat exchange things once a week in good weather, at the moment it's if the weather will be good. We do a lot of things together like going to Glasgow up to Inverness to meet up with Kate ( Culliesocks) the three of us do the NEC November when we meet up with others. Patricia and I also go away to Turkey for a week, just the two of us, we totally chill out go round the great little shops that sell fab ribbon, lace etc. no husband going " not another shop". Patricia and John lived in Dalayan part of year for about 7 years, so that's where we go, we just love our week. We put away money each month into an account so our flights and hotel are covered. Then it's food and spending money. We have never missed the money we save.
      Well the weather here is awful, pouring rain and 70miles an hour winds so the 4x4 is being used, now it's not a huge thing just a solid car that I just feel saver in. And when I am responsible for the girls lives while working you need to be save. You talking about mess in your living room, I know what you mean, I do sit in ours putting my cards together just so Charlie has company, we wouldn't see one another if I stayed in the spare room, since he retired he is here in the house a lot on his own. Granted for 40years I was on my own a lot between him being in the forces then working aboard or down south with his work. I always did something to keep me busy. Wish I had the things like I have now that I started this time last year card making. It would have had great fun. Hope you don't get these winds. Hazel x

  2. Good morning Sandra and blog friends. Gorgeous card, I love how you've left a lot of white at the bottom so that your flowers and foliage stand out so well. You definitely made the right decision to put things where you did. Do you sit on an evening making your flowers? I wish I could but the hands don't co-operate too well and I have glue and petals everywhere.
    Had a manic day at work yesterday, all the teachers decided they wanted data at the same time (never mind that I was having a lunch break when they wanted it) and of course then my PC went down so I had to call in the IT chaps. Will have to go in early to try and get it done before they arrive.
    Wish I could stay at home and have a craft day! Enjoy your day. Sue xxx

    1. Hi Sue,
      I will sit and cut loads of foliage in one go and on an evening, I have two grand caliburs (its a long story) so I can rope somebody else in o help me as those Impression Obsession fern dies are like the size of a one penny coin, so you can imagine how frustrating it can be, the flowers I make as I go along or I buy the paper roses, as no matter how much practise I put in my flowers would never look like that, I do have three sets of Sue's flower dies, but still I cant get them looking as fabulous as she does!
      I guess the only way to ensure you get your lunch break is to leave the office, but that's not always practical, I bet they wouldn't be so keen if you went interrupting their lunch.!
      I hope that the IT guys sorted you out and that you got caught up quite quickly, trouble is if you don't the work starts piling up!
      thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment,
      sending you hugs and a de-stressing shoulder rub,
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra. A gorgeous card, that is a really lovely shade of red, I love it. This could be a Christmas card with a change of sentiment and maybe little snowflakes or something instead of the pearl flowers. I may have to have a go at it next week when we get together. Yes, I am determined to make at least one Christmas card every week! Take care my lovely xx

    1. Hi Sue, when I first cut it out and put it together, it was destined for the |Christmas card pile, but that was the week before Christmas and I had lost the enthusiasm of Christmas cards by then so put it to one side, I just had to complete it though, to me its a bit of a 'hmm not sure cards' but thought I would show it anyway!
      Hope you are feeling stronger as the week has gone on, have you tried any new soup recipes? I was telling Paul about the soup maker, he said it sounded a good idea, Morrissons had them in their sale for £39 I think but they were all gone! I am sure they are £50 in Argos!
      Anyway I must go and make a card or there will be no blog post tomorrow!
      Sandra xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra, What a beautiful card, fit for any occasion. The Lyra die is beautiful. Can I ask where you buy your large cards from or do you buy large single sheets and fold them. I am struggling to find any.
    Stay in, craft and keep warm.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB).

    1. Hi Theresa,
      the largest cards I but are 8 x 8 square cards, I usually stock up when I go to Ally Pally from Anna Marie Designs, her husband runs a stand next to her selling all the card and paper that she has in her online shop. But when I checked their website they still do the offer all the time its : 5 packs of ten 8 x 8 cards and envelopes for £10 which I think is a good offer, but if you do there now they are having their annual sale and there is 30% off everything so the same card deal will cost you only £7 ! bargain, if I need a bigger size, like the teddy bear card I did for the commission just before Christmas, I just used a sheet of A3 card and scored it down the middle on my Hougie score board. you can also make a bigger card my taking two a4 sheets, scoring a line about 1cm from the top of one sheet, put some strong tape across the top section (above score line) and carefully line it up with the other A4 piece across the top and you have an A4 card base, only difference is that it more of a tent fold but that makes no difference to the front of the card.
      I hope that helps, sorry it was really long winded!
      I hope you have a warm and cosy day too,
      crafty hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra, now I understand why you agreed with me about having my Lyra cutouts on my desk and just looking at them you were doing the same ha ha hah. (mine are white and teal)
      Beautiful card today and make such a statement in this beautiful shade of red. It could also be used for Valentine. there's an idea.
      You were asking Mrs B Sue about her soup maker, some time ago our girls bought us one, my first thoughts were would I use it because I have always made my own soups. Well I gave it a try and was sold immediately, its brilliant, some of our favourite soups are broccoli and stilton, leak and potato, tomato (especially when we have a glut in the greenhouse ) A few weeks ago I was clearing out the fridge there was some celery sticks, a leek, I added a potato, onion a stock cube all went in the soopmaker it was delicious only added a little cream before serving. Don't ask me quantities It was a tidy up the fridge soup!
      Hope you're having a good day, I am slowly sorting out my craft room but do you have some accounts work to do for my sister, what do what do I do first?
      CraftySuetoo, I worked in a school for over 30 years and know there is no such thing as having a quiet sit down in the staff room. In their defence, that is the only time the teachers have unless you hang around after your working day. Our eldest daughter went into teaching and I said your ancillaries and office staff need a break to. She has been a Head now for some years, I like believe she still follows my advice.
      Take care, love Brenda xx

    3. Oh Brenda, you have my mouth watering, the soup makers do sound a good idea, especially for using up the bits of veg, I make my own soup usually, I made Leek and Potato and Spicy lentil and tomato on Tuesday, I make a big batch as they all love it, the girls have it to warm them up when they get in from school, which is good as it is very healthy!
      I guess it made sense to do the accounts for your sister and then you could craft for the rest of the day, if not you would have had the job nagging at you while you were crafting.
      I must go and get my backside into gear otherwise there will be no card to blog tomorrow!
      Warm Hugs to my crafting Mummy,
      Sandra xxxxx

  5. Like the layout of this one. Used my Lyra die for the first time 2 days ago it gave a lovely cut and emboss.
    Ordered some Anna Marie card that arrived yesterday. I love her dotty and stripey card which I got in some spring colours - they are all gorgeous. Tend to stock up on Anna Marie stuff at the shows.
    Have a nice day xxx

    1. I do too, they have some good bargains at the shows don't they?
      I just about love all the colours, I have the small gingham and the dotty but not the stripey...yet!
      Hope you had a nice day too.
      Sandra xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra. Good afternoon and to all friends that have gathered here today. Your cards make me smile, one of the best meds to have. Thank you. Again its just beautiful.
    Ive not tried just embossing Sue's dies on my e-bosser so if any of you lovely ladies have embossed only with your ebosser which sandwitch should I use please ? After Tina had her new machine break some months ago Im too chicken to try something new as Id never be able to replace it this year ! Theresa as far as 8x8 cards are concerned the Range sell packs of them either straight or scollop edge, really good quality, a pack of 25 I think for 6.25 they do 2 different brands - Anita's and another but cant think now, maybe Craft UK ltd scollop edge 6.99 scollop edge and the plain 5.99. Smashing 300gsm so hold any amount of decorating. Aldo Samuel Taylor sell them online also good prices, hope this has helped. At least you dont have to even leave the house in this really cold weather, just click and order. I wouldnt use those brands if they didnt have quality, personally I prefer Craft Uk quality for blank cards : )
    Well Sandra, think we all have half finished cards at times lol... I had a sympathy card on my table for ages and only just got round to finishing it !!
    Decided not to do market this month and its such a relief as I can now make those cards that need topping up for my basket in my own time without feeling under any pressure. Just had a 3 card order, plus she has said she'll email me the cards she needs ready to collect at the Feb market, so maybe I should start my top up stock sooner than planned lol.
    Ok im done, off to look at our Patricia's/Hazels, Pams and Tina's blogs to see if there is anything new, and Lynda's lovely blog then suppose better think of what Im making for dinner, why does life get in the way of craft ? Booo.
    Have a lovely restful evening.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Hi Steph,
      Thanks for the tips on 8 x 8 cards, now that I am making more I need to get the best prices possible, so will have a look, do the range do online shopping?
      I think its probably a wise decision to not market this month, I think January is a tough month and people don't have spare cash to spend either. As you say better to restock your baskets ready to go in February and with your orders coming in already it sounds like you are going to be busy.
      I have no idea what to do for tea either, just 5 hungry mouths to feed tonight! I find the deciding what to have the hard part.
      I really must go and get tea and then get a card made to blog tomorrow .
      No rest for me tonight!
      Steph xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    You are an inspiration with all your lovely cards I don't know how you do it. So glad I found your blog and figured out how to leave a message I amazed myself as hubby normally has to set everything up. Hope you are having a good day today . Love Tandy

    1. Thank you so much Tandy, How are you feeling today, you are always in my thoughts my lovely' I am glad you found my blog too as I love reading your comments, I want my blog to be open for anyone to talk about anything, whether it be a moan about the doctors/hospital, as I often feel the need to do, or talking about soup as Brenda was earlier, its just lovely to be able to interact with like minded people.
      thank you so much for stopping by today,
      love and hugs,
      Sandra xxx

  8. Hi Sandra,
    Another gorgeous card and using the lovely Lyra die! I thought I was the only one who started but couldn't finish! Lol. Love your flowers too. I love making flowers but they are very time consuming and now that I'm checking all these lovely blogs out - time is hard to find!
    It's lovely to read what everyone is doing and making. I am in the middle of a bigger muddle than I intended! It's all Lynda's fault for showing that super tidy craft room! Just kidding Lynda ! x Actually you started this Sandra!
    Well , I'll forgive you as you make and share such lovely cards. You also have some lovely friends drop by!
    Blowing a gale here today but was sunny earlier and my husband picked up all the twigs and branches from the trees which had come down in the night - bad grammar - twigs not the trees came down!
    I think I'd better go and think about dinner. I have a question - what does a soup maker do that my large saucepan doesn't ? Is it electric ? I don't mean to be cheeky , I'm just interested as I've never come across one.
    Over and out!
    Lots of love to you and yours and all who pass by this way!
    Myra xxx

    1. Hello Myra,
      Sorry about the tidy craft room thing, jees if you could see mine now you would cry, its a tip, with not a free space to craft! I decided to sort all my flowers into colours etc, I wish I had never started, then I knocked over a jar of feathers, well as you can imagine it was kitten heaven! But I need to find a space to make a card to blog tomorrow!
      The soup maker that Sue has (she got it as a Christmas gift) is electric, it looks similar to a kettle but it has a blade in the bottom and different buttons on the side. you can just throw your veggies in and it chops them, cooks them and blends the soup to your desired consistency! I personally have a large pan and a stick blender, but I can see the benefits I guess, I think Sue's only takes 21 minutes from putting veggies in to serving it up, so I guess you don't have to watch it, my only concern would be the amount it made as there are always at least 6 hungry mouths to feed in this house! I am afraid I have too many gadgets that I have thought were a good idea and they now take up precious cupboard space, gathering dust, an electric steamer, just to much faffing about, waffle maker is another one, its ok but the novelty soon wore off! to name but a few!
      I am very lucky in that I do have some very lovely friends drop by each day, you included, nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than reading all of your lovely comments.
      I must be off now as I have a card to make and tea to prepare!
      Love and warm hugs, heading your way,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      ,sooooory but I did say I would come tidy & sort out your craft room. At the moment mine is still quite tidy it won't last. I still have some draw's to sort out.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Another stunner today. I'm a bit late looking at your blog and I've been out nearly all day. I'll also stock up with Anne Marie card at Farnborough. I know you said they had a sale on. But I can't agree on what colours I want. If you wait until near the end they sell it off a lot cheaper. My word you are having a lot more followers now, and it's nice to see that you are replying to them all. You have enough ladies blogging, that I can read them all. Like a few of the ladies my craft room is also a tip. But I can't get down to tidy up the bottom shelves. Pete out my christmas dies and stamps on top of the unit for me as I can't climb up on a chair either now. Hospital rang late Monday cancelling his appointment for Tues, which is unusual as they usually give at least a weeks notice. He goes again next week but no time yet. As all his readings went up last time we went, it's a bit worrying. Makes you wonder if he has problems again and he has to see Mr Prothero whose the top dog so to see.

    1. Thank you Pat,
      How frustrating that they changed Pete's appointment, they do mess about don't they.
      Hopefully it won't be anything to worry about, its reassuring to see the top dog, at least you know he knows what he is talking about.
      I have everything crossed for him,
      speak to you soon my lovely,

  10. Hi lovely, first I will pop round any time Sandra to organise all your pot's of foliage,flower's & any thing else that you want organised. Will tomorrow be ok lol.
    Now your card it's gorgeous I love your red card stock Sandra is that from Anna Marie ? The lovely Lyra my favourite die. You always make lovely arrangements with your's flower's & foliage the whole layout is beautiful.
    I'm with you Sandra with the gadgets I have a cupboard full of them that I don't use as you say take up precious space.

    Steph when you just emboss the die in the Ebosser just take the B plate out so you have C,D,magnetic shim die & card,embossing mat & A plate hope that help's.

    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I will have the kettle on ready, and a piece of cake! I would love to see you!
      That red card was an American crafts card from their Christmas collection.
      Thank you for helping Steph with her query, that's what I love about blogging, some one is always happy to help.
      Well I will let you go get ready for your journey to Carterton, shall I see if they will send a plane to collect you? xx
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,I'm Elway's happy to help anyone if i for the plane i think the red arrow's would be quicker please.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Good evening Sandra
    Wow another fantastic card so very beautiful indeed you really are going to a higher level with your cards, but please don't put yourself under undue pressure to get them all completed, we will just have to be patient!

    Sorry to be late but better late than never but our little grandson Ben is off school ill and comes to us for the day so there is no chance to get on my laptop! The antibiotics are starting to wok than goodness and he likes looking on You Tube at Minecraft and Skylanders the in games and things for 8 year olds! As it is You Tube we like to keep an eye on what he is watching as there are things not suitable for young children.

    Well my reorganisation is underway I have with hubbys help moved almost all my patchwork fabric up to the loft so I have more space for all my card etc, I did expect to have some spare space, but like you I have been taking advantage of the sale at Anna Marie Designs I have had two orders with their reductions it is a shame not to take advantage, well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it! I just love their card the colours and shades are wonderful, my second order was thanks to you, after seeing the dottie card you had used I realised just how small the dots were, that is the problem with buying online it is not always easy to see just how small the dots are. One thing I can say is I am well stocked for a month or two!

    I am with you on the soup making I prefer a pan and if needed just whiz it with a blender stick in the pan. The Covent Garden Soup Company have a very good recipe book if you ever need a new recipe, but if I am in a hurry I just throw in what is available and it turns out fine.

    My daughter is a deputy head so I know what pressure all school staff are under, when she needs cards or anything crafty for her class to make I get a phone call for help.

    Well I have an order for a baby card that is bound for Australia so I must make sure everything is extra well glued so will be getting on with that tonight, take care.
    With hugs
    Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Sounds like you have had a busy day, looking after Ben, I am glad to hear the antibiotics are starting to take effect, you can tell as they start to get back to their normal activities.
      My girls have had a go on Minecraft and seemed to enjoy it, I believe they build things!
      I will look out for that Soup Recipe Book, I am a bit of a hoarder of cookery books, I love them.
      I am pleased to hear you are getting your craft room sorted, I don't think you can ever have enough room or enough stock!
      I look forward to reading your comment tomorrow.
      Sandra xxx

  12. Hi Margaret.. What a stunning card. Beautiful design.
