
Saturday 17 January 2015

Saucy Saturday

 Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card is a bit Ooh La La!
I stamped the Lingerie stamp From Creative Expressions Vintage Lingerie Stamp Set.
onto red card and heat embossed it with Cosmic Shimmer Clear powder, I then cut it out, put a strip of red line (strong) tape along the bottom of the corset and ruched some ribbon across it, you can just see it if you look closer. I then mounted this onto a larger die from the CE decorative Basics (b), in black card and covered with a sticky sheet and some Ebony Ice, I then mounted this onto the next layer which is from Matting Basics (a) Creative Expressions, in red and covered with a sticky sheet and red superfine glitter.  I then backed this with by ruching around it with American seam binding in black to compliment the die cut, again using red line tape.
I embossed a square of red card with the Cascading hearts A4 embossing folder CE, and matted onto a piece of black card and then onto the 8 x8 base card. Before sticking down I ran a length of American seam binding down the length of the card at the side and added a messy bow and topped it with a red dazzler and added a couple of stick pins that I made myself to compliment the colour scheme. at the top corner I embossed a Just rite stamp saying 'Happy Valentines Day and die cut with a heart die from Spellbinders, I added it onto the top of the ribbon with a couple of black feathers underneath it to continue the 'boudoir' theme! I finished the corset with a tiny red rose and tiny black bow underneath.
I then added a couple of bits of black pearl swirls to break up the back ground.
I hope you like the card, I understand it won't be to everyone's taste but you have to get out of that comfort zone every once in a while!
I shall be able to blog again tomorrow as our
trip to Ipswich was cancelled, due to Sophie having an upset
tummy, me having a super swollen sore knee and nobody to
watch after the kittens, also as Bella still hasn't had her stitches out I still worry about her wound and when those two fight then don't look like they are playing!
So a quiet weekend at home for us...bliss!
Happy Birthday Pat, hope you have a lovely day xxxxx
Huge Hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. I love the "Saucy Saturday" heading. Is this going to be a regular event? The mind boggles with what you might come up with knowing the way your mind works, and mine come to that! : ))
    Seriously, your card is beautiful, just perfect for Valentines Day. I love all of the detail you have added too, that gorgeous ribbon trim and tiny rose on the bodice, which looks like you have embossed it or used foam pads to make it really shapely.
    Sorry to hear you have cancelled the trip but totally understand why. Big parties can be good but you never get to see the host for more than a few minutes do you, which is understandable but a shame at the same time. You will enjoy having time to really catch up when you get together at a later date won't you. I hope Sophie is feeling better today. Chris had a tummy bug yesterday too. Much as I don't like the cold weather I do think that it helps to kill off lots of these bugs that are around. I also hope that Bella realises just what you do for her : ) Have a lovely weekend at home with the family, making sure you rest that sore knee you poor thing.
    Take care my lovely xx

  2. Good morning Sandra. Saucy Saturday indeed - wow this is a stunner of a card. I love cards that have a lot of different textures on them and this one certainly has that - ebony ice, ribbon, stick pins, feathers and embossing. I am in awe of crafters, like yourself, who can come up with all these ideas on a daily basis, I'm lucky if I manage one a week! I'm sorry that you've had to cancel your day out and hope that your daughter feels better soon.
    Thank you for your reply yesterday, it's like having a chat with friends when I read through all the comments. I remember spangles and opal fruits too, although I really liked the green ones! We don't have soup maker, I tend to just throw whatever's in the fridge into a pan and hope for the best! My ex MIL (Sicilian) always said you have to put sugar in when cooking tomatoes.
    Stephanie - you kept your ice skating secret well. That is a very difficult sport and it must have been debilitating on your joints. I wanted to ask, are there 2 Samuel Taylors in Leeds as I have only found the one near the market and there wasn't much papercraft stuff the last time I was there? Well I suppose I'd better get on as I've lots to do today and the sooner I get the "jobs" out of the way the sooner I can craft. Sue xxx

  3. Ooooo errrr missus lol saucy Sandra strikes and strikes BIG oooh - la - la and its wickedly beautiful, just right for a laugh for some of our naughty boys on Valentines, imagin those 'more senior' husbands here receiving this on Feb 14 ??? Your imagination and creativity of putting a card together is wonderful Sandra.
    All that work putting a 50th card and making a beautiful piece of jewellery together and cant give it personally, but do you know what, would you have really enjoyed it ? The long hard journey, health, worry over Bella and the return journey at the forfront of your mind, naa, stay home in the comfort and warmth and craft, sounds a lot more relaxing to me.
    Have a good day Sandra.
    Pop back tomorrow.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Sandra, what a fabulous design it's diffenate ooh la la card, just brilliant. I agree with Steph, yes it's a disappointment not getting to your friends 50th, but and its a big BUT. It is a very long trip and with all the other things going on you would not have relaxed, You can catch up with your friend another time. Take things easy and stay warm. Hope Sophie feels better soon. Hazel x

  5. This one not for me ... Sorry! I just don't do red and black!
    Sorry you are missing the party but its definitely weather for staying in and warm!
    See you tomorrow xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    My word, oh La la Saturday is gorgeous. Good job we know how your mind works, I can just imagine what you were thinking while you were making this gorgeous card. I'm so sorry that you missed your friends party was cancelled. Mind you, it would have been a very long journey to go up and back in one day. So sorry to hear that Sophie is poorly to. So make sure that every one is running around for you, not the other way around. I know what your likenSandra, you and Paul think of everyone else before yourselves. Let the girls look after the cats, and sit down and rest your poorly knee. Crafty hugs. I hope that we can meet up on Wed next week, as hopefully Pete will be at the hospital on Tues. although they rang late on Monday to cancel last Tues appointment ( they usually send a letter one week before). They haven't got in touch to tell him what time he has to go.

  7. This is a gorgeous card Sandra, Love the stick pins, and how you have made the bodice 3D. Very saucy.
    Have a good day Love Theresa (TOB) x

  8. Oooh Sandra!
    What a card! You have put such a lot of work into it and it is certainly saucy.
    I am not over keen on red and black either but I can still appreciate all your lovely work and composition.
    Sorry your trip was cancelled but maybe for the best . We went to a friend's birthday tea in the garden last summer. It was a lovely idea if you lived nearby but we were 2 hours there and back and hardly managed to speak to my friend as there were loads of people there. So rather wished we had arranged to meet up another time!
    Hope your knee gets better soon. Hugs to Sophie and Bella too.
    Love Myra xx

  9. Hello Sandra, This is a saucey card, I know this would put a big smile on anyone's face - a great one for Valentines!
    Sorry you are all missing your friends party, you couldn't possibly travel all that way with a swollen knee. It would be even worse after such a long journey. I hope Sophie is starting to feel better, these tummy bugs are so debilitating. Love and hugs Sophie. Bella and Milo will be pleased you are staying home, more cuddles for them.
    Hope you have a lovely family weekend.
    Love Brenda xx

  10. Hi Sandra you sassy chick,wow looks like a lot of work went into this card,i love it. That gorgeous red card again & black very bold & stunning.
    Sorry you never made your friends party but as the others have said the journey with a swollen knee just don't mix. Hope Sophie feels better soon those tummy bugs are horrible. Cuddles for Bella & Milo.
    Good night my lovely & rest your knee.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra me again just to say I asked Sue today on her blog if she could do a DVD or video on the different ways to use her flower die's
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra

    Sorry it's so late, I am trying to catch up on all the blogs I love to visit. I was going to start tomorrow, but Paul has got called out on a Sev1 call so rather than go to bed I thought I would do my blog visits until I can't type anymore.
    Your cards are beautiful, every one is so different. I think your card today is very Moulin Rouge and very saucy. I look forward to your next one.

    Hope Bella is fine now after her lady op, bless her

    Tina XX
