
Thursday 18 December 2014

Mrs B and the Elastic band!

Good Thursday Morning,
Wow I am still flying up in my cloud, on a high from yesterday, the lady messaged me again this
Morning and asked if I could make her sons first birthday card too!
I had a lovely Crafty Day with Pat today and tonight I was the proudest mummy on the planet,
I went to watch Lucy's Christmas Concert, where she played the Clarinet and part of the Concert Band, the Symphony Orchestra and Senior Orchestra!  They sounded absolutely amazing
Tonight, I had a lump in my throat and tear in my eye! 
   She has reached 'distinction ' in her clarinet exams so I knew she was good!
Bless her she is really poorly, think she may have Laryngitis, but she played on!
I think she will be glad this week is over.
I have chosen another suite of Jewellery to show you today, they all all made with Garnets and Cultured Pearls, January's birthstone is Garnet, so would be perfect for January birthday gift.
 I have included a closer shot for you to see clearly.
Back yo cards tomorrow, best get cracking on these orders!
Thanks so much for stopping by today, you know how much pit means to me!
Oh the story about Mrs B and the rubber band.........she was playing with it whilst we were talking over lunch and she pinged it and it broke and shot off and hit a nice young man who was with his friends on the next table!
She was very embarrassed, bless her, her face was a picture!
Anyway I must go and have a shower, I will hopefully see you all tomorrow,
Huge hugs
Sandra xxxxxxx


  1. Good morning. Sandra, how pleased am I that you have got another order, that lady is going spread the word that's for sure, and her son's first birthday card, which will be placed so everyone can see. Another set of beautiful jellewery. Now is the lady coming to collect her order? As if I was you I think I would have a couple of your jellewery set displayed where they can be seen if she is. That way she sees what else you do, and again she will let friends know. Well done Lucy, for one playing to a big audience and more so for getting to " distinction" level. Anna is 12 and is going away to do grade 5 piano, which she has so far got 2 distinctions, so even as her Nanny I am proud of her, she was playing her Viola last night at the school concert. Beth was playing her Cello at the church yesterday, like you her mum and I were sitting there with lumps in our throats. Had to laugh as I can imagine Mrs B face!!, have a good day. Hazel xx.

  2. Hi Sandra. I echo Hazel's comments re displaying your jewellery. Well done to Lucy, the clarinet is not one of the easiest instruments to play never mind if you are suffering with throat problems.
    Thank you for the explanation of the elastic band, it paints a wonderful picture - poor Mrs B! Sue xxx

  3. Hi Sandra. Sorry to hear that Lucy is feeling poorly again, please wish her a quick recovery from me and say congratulations on last night. You certainly should be very proud of her, she is obviously very talented : )
    A beautiful set of jewellery today, great for any occasion. I agree with the others, you must make sure you have this and other jewellery on show when the lady collects hers cards. Don't forget to give her a business card or two if you haven't already. Congratulations on more orders, the ball is really starting to roll now isn't it, I'm delighted for you and so glad that the public are getting hold of your gorgeous cards : ) Make sure you don't tire yourself out though, as I know you find it hard to sit down to craft.
    I did have a shock when I saw my name as the title of todays post!
    Poor chap, but I think my red face made him realise it really was a total accident. When I told Chris about it he didn't laugh........much : ))
    Take care my lovely. xx

  4. Hello my sweet friend
    Sandra your jewellery is gorgeous so pretty in those colours you have use.
    Sorry Mrs B i had to laugh i could imagine your face it must have been a picture.
    Well done on more orders from that lady Sandra its a bonus she is able to pick the cards up,.So make sure you display your jewellery as she may be interested in them too & you might get an orders for them
    Congratulations to Lucy on last night & getting to distinction level
    you have every right to be proud of her. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra,
    First of all great news about your additional orders! So pleased for you. Today's suite of jewellery is lovely. It would make a super gift. Hope you make more sales!
    Congratulations to Lucy. Very well done - distinctions not easy to come by! One of my son's played the clarinet and the other the flute. Brought back happy memories from School Carol Concerts.
    As for Mrs B and the elastic band - its the sort of thing you couldn't do if you tried but very funny when it happens by accident!
    Just been stuck in horrendous traffic - glad to be home!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xx

  6. Absolutly beautiful Sandra.
    Im chuffed to bits to read you've had another order... And she's off : )

    I read your post on Sue's blog regarding your daughter and her hands. Im just the same, if and when I can manage to get out I have to be on the side where the sun shines, as soon as its covered by cloud im in trouble, it may sound stupid and unbelievable, but the fact of the matter is - it IS true, I feel so self aware wearing gloves when its 70 in the shade, I must look a right idiot LOL. I many yrs ago to help the raynauds but it left me with other major problems, and still no relief from it ! I have to be so aware that gangrine can set in as before, which is why Im safer staying indoors unless its important.
    Enough of me.
    Sending love and hugs to you Sandra. Cant wait until you show us the cards you made for your first order. Bet Paul and the girls are thrilled for you.
    Take care lovely lady.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  7. Wow Sandra you must be very proud of Lucy and your card order, well done to you both. Lovely jewellery today. If you could help me about setting up a blog I would be extremely grateful.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) x

  8. Hi Sandra love this jewellery set. Well done on another order you so deserve it. Congratulations to Lucy and I hope she soon feels better. Our tree goes up tomorrow as the 19th is the day we brought our son home after he was born 12 weeks early and had to be resuscitated so we didn't think we would be doing Christmas that year, so it has been the tree day ever since. Not really up to it as didn't see grandchildren on Tuesday so a bit down. Love Tandy

  9. Hi Sandra, your jewellery is beautiful, I really admire your patience it must take hours to make these beautiful creations.
    Congratulations to Lucy, what a star she is - The show must go on !!!!!!! Well done Lucy - Hope you feel better soon.
    Take care, love Brenda xx

  10. Hi Sandra, Fabulous jewelry set. You do make some lovely items. Brilliant you got more orders ( don't forget what I asked you yesterday,I love to buy one from you ) How lovely it must have seen Lucy play, wish her better poor thing not nice being ill and still in school. I used to work in a school and I remember every year we did the x-mas play how excited the little ones were first and then when they stood on the stage and saw their parent all went wrong :-o Instead for singing some wanted to go to mum,started to cry or needed the toilet, in the end we managed to get it done somehow .tihi I miss that sometimes. Sorry so late but been busy with some baking (not for a cakestall :-( )still tasted nice and a little bit of cleaning as my youngest stepson is here for the weekend. Take care,
    Hugs Maria
