
Wednesday 17 December 2014

Frosty Blue Christmas

Good Morning,
Thank you once again my lovely friends for stopping by today, the numbers are going up!
Guess what I am so excited to share this with you, I had my first proper sale to a lovely lady who
asked on facebook if anyone made cards, 4 people recommended me! which surprised me, I made the card and decorating the box and personalised it, she was over the moon, she placed another order straight away! I am just so pleased! x
Todays card, I used my Austrian Collection background die from Creative Expressions to cut out a white die cut that I placed on a piece of sticky sheet, I then took two blue, super fine glitters and a silver one and arranged the different colours in a pattern, (starting with the lightest first.
It gives such a lovely sparkly background. I then started making a small spray of flowers in colours that complimented the glitters, I then added a small silver Christmas sentiment and some blue pearl gem stones in each corner.
The card was then mounted onto blue card, then silver and then onto a white background.
Only trouble is I now have glitter everywhere!
I hope you like todays card, its a bit different, but we all like a change don't we!
please leave your comments for me to read, I try not to peek during the day and then I can get a
surprise in the evening when I read all of your lovely messages.
12 today, another record! xxx
Crafty hugs to all of you,
Sandra xxxxx
Below is a closer view of the flowers x


  1. Well Sandra, that's you got your start!!! It only takes one to order then there will be more. I am so pleased for you, it has given you that little burst of confidence that you needed. Your cards are stunning and the lady proved it to you that they will sell, that's why she ordered more. Today's is out of this world, the colours are gorgeous, die cut with your glitters and then your spray of flowers is just stunning. How special is that? I love it. Hazel x

  2. Hi Sandra and friends. This is stunning, you have incredible patience to do the different coloured glitters in the small spaces, but WOW it's worth it. Any chance of a video of your flower bouquet? Not surprised that you were recommended and that you have another order from the same lady. I hope that you had a fabulous lunch yesterday. Sue xxx

  3. What a beauty !!!
    I told you I told you... There, now go and give more people the pleasure and delight of your cards etc.
    YOU CAN DO IT : )
    YOU HAVE : )

    Congratulations. And here's to many more sales. Word will get round now, your first customer will now bring you more orders and customers Sandra, that's all it takes to get the ball rolling and its now started a new chapter for you.
    Woop woop.
    Have a wonderful bouncy day on your cloud : )
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Hi Sandra, this is gorgeous, I love doing this technique but have not done so in a while lol!

    I notice you do not have a button for us to join your blog so I am unable to join but I have added you to my list so I can comment.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  5. Hi Sandra. CONGRATULATIONS my lovely :)) This is just the beginning, I knew this lady would want more, word is going to spread like wild fire now : ))
    Todays card is gorgeous, I love the blue/silver, and of course your flowers are stunning as usual. A beautiful card for any time of the year. Are you going to show the gorgeous matching boxes that you make to go with these cards? (Sorry Paul, I know that will mean more photos for you to take!)
    By the way I have left my comment on yesterdays post now (sorry it was late) so in fact you have 13 comments.
    I am going to make everyone very envious now. Sandra gave me the stunning white/silver poinsettia Christmas card that she showed here on Friday 5th Dec. : )) (thank you again for it, and the lovely words inside, Sandra)
    Thanks for a lovely time yesterday, I will not be playing with elastic bands in public any more though!!! I know we are busy with our families until the New Year but I can't wait until we can get together to craft/chat again. Take care my lovely. xx

  6. Love the glittery colours - very brave. It would end up everywhere if I did it!
    Glad your lunch went well xxx

  7. Hi Sandra, congrats that's an A* for you. What a beautiful card this morning brings, your colour combinations are beautiful, and I say it again your flower arrangement is stunning.
    Glad you all enjoyed yourselves yesterday.
    Take care Warm hugs Theresa (TOB)

  8. Hi Sandra, What a memorable week, you must be thinking Christmas has started already. Blog into double numbers AND orders, well done you, you deserve the recognition, you work so hard. Think next timeI see you at Ally Paliy - I should curtsy! Ha ha
    Today's card is beautiful love the colours and your beautiful signature floral arrangement. Who wouldn't want to receive such a beautiful card.
    Hope you're enjoying your time in the clouds!
    Take care dear lady love Brenda xx

  9. Hi Sandra lovely friend,stunning card love the colours of gliter you have used so pretty,your flower decoration ie gorgeous.
    Sandra congratulations on your first card sale I'm sure it will be the first of many well done. Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra ,How wonderful you started to sell some cards and I'm sure you will.All your creations are really lovely and I have a question :Could you possible make me one of this card here ?, It's absolutely stunning and would be great for a anniversary card to my hubby. I also love the flowers you have put on ,they are beautiful. Nice you all had a good time yesterday.I miss that around were I live, no one of my friends is into card making. Very queries about MrsB and her elastic band :-)
    Take care and don't over do things Warm Hugs Maria x

  11. Hi Sandra,
    Many Congratulations! This card is beautiful ! I love the colours - I am a blue person - not in the sad sense! Lol. So pleased you are selling your cards - you will go from strength to strength now!
    Pleased you three lovely ladies had a lengthy lunch - but like Maria I'd love to know what Mrs B was doing with that elastic band!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xx

  12. HI Sandra
    Lovely card. Congratulations on selling your cards I am so pleased for you the orders will keep coming now. Love Tandy

  13. Hi Sandra. I thought it would be difficult to send you a comment but thankfully it was much easier than I thought !! The card you have posted today is really lovely. I think the colours of glitter you have chosen look really great together. Your posie of flowers complement the glitters perfectly !! This is such a pretty card. Congratulations on selling your cards. Lots of love Tres x x x
