
Tuesday 16 December 2014

We reached double figures! yay!

Good Tuesday Morning my lovelies,
I am celebrating today as we reached 10 comments on the blog, THANK YOU!
I was so excited that I squealed! (paul thought something bad had happened)! lol
So today I thought we would have a bit of a change and I am going to show you some of the Jewellery that I made recently, then you can tell me what you think. So here goes...........
This first set is made from Rose gold plated chain and Genuine Freshwater Pears
The clasp is two entwined hearts that add a real feature and were far to nice to hide
at the back of the neck, so I added them on the side, to be worn as an asymmetric design,
the bracelet matches too, with the same clasp and earrings one pearl on Rose Gold plated sterling
silver! let me what you think. 

 This second set I thought would be lovely special occasion
jewellery, Its made of amethyst and cultured pearls, with gently looping chain to create design and capture the pearl.
The matching bracelet is below and earring of course.
The bracelet is the same amethyst threaded on to memory wire with the occasional cultured pearl, the earrings are exactly the same stones and pearls arranged in a drop style to
match the necklace.

Today I have the pleasure of the company of Pat and Sue, We are
going out for our Christmas Lunch today, which will be lovely.
What are all of you ladies up to today?
Steph, I guess I know what you will be doing, happy crafting! hugs xx
Tandy, glad you had the energy to stop by, get plenty of rest before your visit though, hugs x
Maria, Thank you so much for stopping by, welcome to my blog, please feel free to discuss
anything you like, we are up for a laugh!  x
Steph if you or any of the other ladies want to email me any pics of their work I will glady
showcase it for you on here, anything to help.
Please leave your comments for me today
Huge Hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and friends. Wow, you are so talented, this jewellery is fabulous. Will have to be a quick post today as a big day at work, lots of dignitaries coming in for the "official" opening! Enjoy your ladies lunch. Sue xxx

  2. Hi Sandra
    Your jewellery is lovely you are so talented. Hope you have a good lunch with Pat and Sue enjoy. Couldn't sleep so excited to see grandchildren today. My husband is making me put my feet up till we go. Looking forward to seeing what you share with us tomorrow. Love Tandy.

  3. Woo woo wonderful !

    I really hope something similar will show on your craft fair table ! You have the package everyone wants on 1 table... Your beautiful jewellry, gift boxes/bags to give them in plus a card for the occassion, what more can customers ask for ? You have it all Sandra, go sell and enjoy. The young gal that makes your style plus pretty book tags etc does a fabulous trade and so will YOU.
    Have a lovely, relaxing, fun day. So pleased you found time to show these pieces this morning.
    Hugs to all.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Waht beautiful jewllery and loving the Mum card really elegant, bet she will be over the moon to recieve it!!
    Have a great time with Pat and Sue, Eat, Drink and be merry... wish I could be with you too... this working lark just gets in the way..

    I am driving up North on Wednesday to see Mum and Dad then back down here for Christmas!!

    Enjoy the festivities and hope to see you in 2015.
    Cameeli xx

  5. Hi Sandra, I love your jewellery pieces. Enjoy today with Pat and Sue.
    Hugs Theresa. (TOB)

  6. Sandra. I so love your jewellery. It's elegent and so pretty. You really need to get an out let for these stunning pieces!!! As Steph says you have the ability to give a customer the full package. - Jewellery, Box, gift bag and card. What more can you ask for? I hope you had a lovely lunch with Pat and Sue. Hazel x

  7. Gorgeous jewellery Sandra, I love jewellery have loads I think you can really change an outfit with a scarf or jewellery.

    I am sure it would sell especially with hand made gift boxes that you could do.

    Enjoy lunch with particraft friends ! Xxx

  8. Wow Sandra, Who couldn't fail to love your gorgeous jewellery, it's beautiful.
    Hope you enjoyed your lunch with Pat and Sue. I have been out for a Christmas lunch with 7 friends. the food was lovely and the company great.
    Love Brenda xx

  9. Hi again Sandra. I love you jewelry and the fabulous colours you have used. I don't wear many except for my wedding bands and my engagement ring around the neck on a chain as fingers have gone stumpy and fat over the years. Hope you had a fab time with Pat and Sue.
    Warm hugs to you Maria x

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lovely jewellery that you are showcasing today. I somehow missed yesterday's blog. And of course all you fabulous cards and jewellery are simple stunning. I do wish you'd stand up and take a bow. Especially to try and blog every day in the run up till Christmas. Had a lovely lunch today, I'm so glad that we all met up. You are such an inspiration to us all. See you tomorrow.

  11. Hi Sandra,
    sorry I'm late I think someone keeps pinching some of my day seems to go so quickly.
    Sandra your jewellery is gorgeous you must have so much patients they look so intricate & delicate, I agree you have the perfect combination, Jewellery,gift box/bag & card. Your so clever & talented my lovely.
    Hope you Pat & Sue had a lovely Christmas lunch together.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxx

    Sandra as I said I forgot to take a picture of your card I sent you,so if you wouldn't mind putting on your blog for me I would appreciate it. Thank you my Friend Big Hugs Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful comments on my blog, its great to have you on board, I will take a look at your blog tomorrow as its now very late (only just read your comment and I did not want you thinking I was ignoring you!). I love your Jewellery, so very pretty, this is something I have never had a go at lol!

    Will see you tomorrow.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  13. Hi Sandra. Sorry I am late in commenting! I am so glad you are showing your gorgeous jewellery too. Both sets are beautiful. I love how you used the heart clasp as part of the design rather than hiding it around the back : ) Take care. x

  14. Great post, thanks for sharing. There's nothing more important than friendship. I've just come across this cute friendship jewelry. What do you think?
