
Friday 19 December 2014

Lovely Lyra!

Good Morning,
Thanks for stopping by again today. I am hoping the wind has died down a little for everyone today
as it was just a little too much yesterday, I hope you all stayed home warm and safe.
Now todays card, was obviously influenced by Sue Wilson, the Lyra die by Creative Expressions was not originally on my wish list, but I had the pleasure of having a go with Pat's (witney) on Wednesday and I have to say I fell in love.
I am sure if I had more time to play with this die (please Santa if you are listening), I have tried to be a very good girl! I could come up with many more ways to use it, but putting it at an angle across a piece of Teal coloured card was my first thought, I stamped the 'Happy Birthday' sentiment on the bottom of a piece of coconut white card and then added the teal card on top and then matted this onto another teal and then a card. I was unsure as to what to put on the top, so I opted for a spray of white roses of varying sizes to try and follow the design of the die and then I added some CE pearl swirls coming from behind the roses.  I finished with a bow of off white seam binding, topped with a pearl.
let me know what you think, because, well that's why I do it! hhaha xx
Steph, thanks for your message yesterday, you and my daughter seem to have the same issue although yours sounds more advanced, bless you It must be terrible, as I know how miserable Becca can be, I honestly wish I had it instead of her, I hate the fact that both of my older children are suffering, the both have Psoriatic Arthritis, so she has both to contend with, but fortunately they both get on with their lives as best they can, you hardly ever hear them complain, I bet you will be glad when this order is over, are you marketing on Sunday? xxx
Tandy I am so sorry you didn't get to see your grandchildren on Tuesday as I know how much you were looking forward to it, was it that you weren't well enough or they didn't make it?, I hope you get to see them over the next few days, sending you big cheery hugs xxxx
I got to go shopping with my son today, what a treat, we don't get to spend much time together, we had a good laugh and got some bargains, he takes after his dad for looking for deals!
Lucy had the doctors too, apparently she has a.......what do you think they said?????? what do they always say......yes you guest it, a virus, or a viral throat infection! hindered by playing 12 hours of clarinet in the past three days. but they finish at lunch time tomorrow so she can then have two weeks rest.
Well I must go now, shopping to do (online today) can't have too much excitement in one week!
huge hugs to all of you lovely ladies,
Sandra xxxxxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. Beautiful card, the lyra wasn't on my list either but the more I see of it the more I like it. Hope that you're ok as I saw the time that you posted on your blog!
    Last day of school today, it's not just students who look forward to the holidays. I know that we are lucky in that we do get a lot of time off however there is still an awful lot of prep to do for next term. We are dismantling 3 IT suites this afternoon in readiness for the new computers which we start putting in on 2nd January, hopefully up and running before school opens again. Anyway better get to work. Sue xxx

  2. Happy Friday Sandra and to all that follow me.
    Oh WOW, wonderful. I have that die and she's so pretty. Tina Eldridge sent me a couple cut out and like you I fell in love, it was like try before you buy, so when I saw how gorgeous they looked I just had to order her when my craft shop owner rang to say the CE rep had popped in. As Ive said Ive no creative or artistic brain so Im really looking forward to see how you use her Sandra. I knkw I keep saying it but I adore your style. Hope we will be lucky enough to see the 'order' cards ? And boxes ?
    I too have Psoriatic arthritis and they think the Crohns is also linked, but heyho thats life ay : )
    Wishing you all a warm, safe, lovely day. All 7 cards finished, last night I finished the last, so its time to carry on with market bits for Sunday ! Im so behind with family/friends cards I may have to send shop cards ! And to top my stress level Andy came in with the tree yesterday (which I wasnt keen on having) so that will need attention today... Think I'll go back to bed and wait for tomorrow !
    Sorry to moan LOL
    Lancashire Steph xxx sorry

  3. Hi Sandra. A beautiful card. I love the teal and cream. Just like CraftySuetoo I wasn't sure about the Lyra die but can safely say that I now love it : ) Sorry that Lucy has a virus. In a strange way, which I think you will understand, it would have been better if she had got an infection that could be treated with antibiotics as then she would be feeling better more quickly. (Goodness, I am struggling with English today but you know what I mean!). How lovely for you to get to spend a day with Matt : ) Have fun shopping online. Much easier than having to face the shops.I am off to my parents for the day and Mum and I may be popping into town to gets some bits and pieces, fingers crossed it's not too bad! Take care my lovely. xx

  4. Really pretty love this die. I have bought it off Stephs recommendation but not opened packet yet been too busy!

  5. Good morning, Sandra. Another truelly stunning card. I am liking that die the more I see it used, I think it's like the striplet and will have lots of use age. Poor Lucy, she just isn't getting over anything that easy lately. Oh yes everything is a virus. Your two older children are a credit to you both, they have their medical problems, but they still get on with life and work too. There are ones out there that won't get out of bed to work and they are healthy. I see Steph is keeping quite about her birthday, I hope Andy has bought her a die or two that she really, really wants. Any way must get on Hoover won't get its self out - oh for a magic wand! Hazel x

  6. Morning, this lyra die was on my xmas list along with lots of others. Beautiful card, and there again are those lovely flowers arranged just beautifully, you've got style with a capital S.
    My daughter Emma has had a "virus" for nearly 3 weeks and can't shake it off there is so much going around. My mother used to say that we needed frost to kill off the bugs.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB)

  7. Hi Sandra
    What a beautiful card I love the teal and the floral arrangement. The grandchildren didn't turn up and we haven't heard anything so we don't know if we will see them next Tuesday. Got to finish the tree then another rest. Love Tandy

  8. Hi Sandra Gorgeous card,love the colour and the arrangement of the flowers are so pretty. Had a little outing to town just for coffee and people watching and that was okey but I wouldn't go in for any big shopping because the queues are long as anything,anyhow I'm glad to see you had a nice time with your son and managed to do some shopping. Well wishes cuddles to your daughter! You have a fantastic bunch of children there!!
    My grand mother used to say the same as ToB's mum how to kill a virus but unfortunately it always takes time. Have a nice day Hugs Maria x

  9. Good eavening Sandra, I love your card it gorgeous love your flower arrangement its beautiful. I couldn't believe it when I saw your card because I have nearly finished a card with the Lyra die & yes teal card how strange is that,great minds they say.I was going to post on my blog tomorrow. I just want to say I haven't copied yours Sandra my lovely.
    Glad you had a good day with Matt shopping, Wishing Lucy well hugs for her. You must be so proud of all your children coping with all there medical problems,you are one amazing family Sandra. Massive Hugs love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandre, Beautiful Card. I initially thought do I need this die. I think it was Sue who used it on her blog and I was hooked. This die has so much potential. I love i!.
    Thank you for shareing, love Brenda xx
