
Thursday 12 September 2024

My new Tim Holtz stamp


Good Morning Ladies,  

We arrived back in UK at around 6.20pm, then had the long drive home, I don't know how Paul does it,  driving for 12 hours in one day, he's amazing 😍.

We were both a bit shocked at how cold it was,  it was 8° in Folkestone,   I checked the forecast and tonight it is getting down to 2°, thats shocking for September,   the log burner will definitely be going on followed by the Aga.  

We have a busy day today,  I have bladder clinic this morning  then my brother is arriving this afternoon and staying for 2 days, I am so looking forward to seeing him and meeting his partner Caroline. 

Today I am sharing a card I made before we went on holiday, I was trying out both my new Tim Holtz Embroidery stamp (because the design is from an Embroidery pattern) and my Distress Spritzs. 

I stamped the flower onto Kraft card using Archival Vintage photo,  I then coloured the flowers with my Distress Watercolour Pencils,  to finish the look I spritzed some of Spritz onto my glass mat on matching colours and used a paint brush to colour over the Watercolour Pencils,  now initially I thought "hmmm it doesn't look any different " but then I picked it up and the light caught the flower and the shimmer looked so pretty.  I will attempt to pick it up on camera. 

Its so hard to capture shimmer in a photo, its definitely there though.  I look forward to experimenting with them some more.                         The sentiment is from another new stamp set that I look forward to showing you.  I love the simple font, I used the same colour of distress ink (yellow/orange) in an ombre effect. 

I hope that you all have a good day, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card Sandra. I'd like to have the water colour pencils by Tim Holtz but my bank manager says No, one day 😊
    Glad to hear that you are back home. Hope everything went well at the clinic. Have a lovely time with your brother and his girlfriend.
    We are packed again for a long weekend with my step-son in Santander. We only have a small bag each so not sure what to pack as day temp is around +20c but evening is about +8c . I'll send you a card for Sunday that I kept back and luckily that I did for it hasn't been any card making the last few days because of horrid cramps and back ache. Sending hugs to you all and hope you are having a nice day. Take care, Maria xxx

  2. Evening everyone , sunny and rain showers, still very chilly.
    Love your new stamps and a lovely card. Glad you are home safely, hope the clinic went ok today.
    Not much happening today, legs and back aching like mad. So have been looking through Pinterest to get some ideas, for Christmas cards ,not that I’m going to send many with the cost of posting, would rather donate to charity.
    Going for our RSV vaccination tomorrow, it’s a new one we were offered, to save getting the chest virus infection.

    Have a good evening, and hugs to all, Lilian.

  3. I know I wrote something earlier so why didn’t it publish 😡
    I hope the clinic went OK and hope your brother and his girlfriend arrived safely
    I love your card Those pencils work really well on Kraft card I did wake up with a stinking headache but did do some card making
    Hope everyone had a good day xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a change in the weather, the jumpers have come out of hibernation and put on the shelves in the wardrobe and we have the heating on because it has turned so cold. Think it’s going to be a long winter.
    Lovely card Sandra, It looks like an artist’s drawing.
    Hope your brother arrived safely, it will be lovely to spend time with him. I’m sure your mum will be looking down on you both and so happy to see you together. xx
    Hope you have had a good day.
    Take care, Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in.
    I love this card. The stamp is so pretty and I can vouch for the beautiful shimmer on the flower. Glad you had an uneventful journey home. I bet you didn’t want to get up this morning though with such a drop of temperature xx
    I had a boring day sewing some buttons back on and sorting some more of Pops paperwork. He has two large four drawer filing cabinets and they all very full. We have to check everything as it is all in a muddle! I hope you all had a good day. Take care. Love Sue xx
