
Wednesday 11 September 2024

Homeward Bound


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies, 

Well today is the final day of our holiday,  we get the Eurotunnel back to Folkestone later this afternoon,  then fingers crossed a 3 hour journey home.  

Our last night was a lovely one we stayed in the Chateau Rollin,  its a 15th century Renaissance Castle with an incredible history,  it has been occupied by Germans twice during wars.  The current owners have been restoring the castle and grounds to its former glory.  You can feel their enthusiasm and love for the place when they greet you.  

This has been the perfect ending to our holiday ❤

No rest for the wicked though, we are up bright and early tomorrow morning for my bladder clinic appointment!!  Then my brother is coming to visit for a couple of days,  he is staying at Becca's hotel, I can't wait to see him, its been atleast 3 years.  

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. That place looks gorgeous Safe trip home Are you longing to sleep in your own bed!
    I’m out all day today playing in a ladies bowls gala I’m only going to make the numbers up! But it’ll be fun Have you seen the latest Sue W release - dogs Not my cup of tea
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    What a fabulous chateau, hope you slept well there. It looks beautiful.Hoping that the rest of the journey went well and you home safe and sound. Take care.
    Still crappy after my IBS so haven't been doing anything except for running the hoover around downstairs while OH did upstairs. I like it looking nice when you coming back home .
    Hoping that you all have had a nice day. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What beautiful views of your chateau, you must have felt like royalty staying there. It’s lovely the present owners are restoring it to its former glory.
    Haven’t done a lot today, spent some time checking Gatwick arrivals this afternoon, daughter and family (5 of them) were returning from a holiday in Santorini and John was meeting them. They had a lovely time.
    Goodnight everyone, sleep well. Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Karen your card that Sandra shared yesterday is lovely, that background is gorgeous. No doubt Mish was delighted with her personalised card xx
    Sandra, the views are gorgeous and the chateau looks stunning. I hope the last look leg of your journey was uneventful and you are both enjoying a cup of tea before getting into your own bed which the two things I think we all miss when away. I hope bladder clinic goes well. Enjoy spending time with Michael my lovely xx
    Another day of sorting at Pops with my brother. We didn’t get much actually packed but have managed to get similar things together as there are all sorts all over the place! We have also decided what’s going to be kept, sold, donated or binned so very productive 3 days. I am fighting sleep as I type this so very soon I will be 💤 A quiet day for me tomorrow.
    Maria, I hope you feel better tomorrow xx
    Good night one and all. Take care. Love Sue xx
