
Thursday 1 August 2024

Red Toile Tidings


Good Thursday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome August, lets hope its full of warm 🌞 Sunny days.  July ended better than it started.

Well I managed to go through the night without starting the antibiotics and bizarrely slept from midnight til 5 20am, I got up then as I really needed to get to bathroom, I was relieved that I got my sample done without antibiotics otherwise it would have delayed getting results and I really want this sorted before we go away.  Anyway I didn't have the pain or blood in the morning,  so I haven't started the antibiotics yet, its bladder clinic today, I am going to have a chat to them to see what they think is best as far as continuing treatment going forward, trouble is it's a Nurse led clinic so no consultant around to talk to.  

Today's card is another "Toile Tidings " card, this is a different pattern and this one is Real Red, it doesn't look as harsh red as the background is cream not white, which subdues the brightness a little.  I just die cut three pieces trying to feature the cute elements, the little girl with her dog is adorable. I matted them onto Real Red and added them to my card base.  I stamped a sentiment in the bottom right hand corner and added a piece of real red ribbon around the centre and finished it with a bow.  

I hope that you all manage to dodge the storms today, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx.


  1. Morning everyone.
    Oh I do love today's and yesterday's card. Such lovely papers and wonderful colours. Hope everything goes ok for you today, fingers crossed.
    Didn't get much sleep last night, way too muggy. Think is going towards some thunder and heavy rain . Having an appointment at the hospital and then probably having a look in town and a little shopping for the fridge is getting rather bare.
    Have a good day everyone and take care, Maria xx

  2. Lovely card Sandra These traditional papers are gorgeous
    I hope today goes well and I think the nurses know more about living with the condition than the consultants do And if need be she’ll talk to a consultant
    We’re out to lunch with my sister in law today So, no cooking Yay!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Another gorgeous card. I love the designs on these papers, simply beautiful. I’m so happy to hear you got some sleep last night and I gave everything 🀞🏼that you don’t get any more pain. And I hope you get some help from the nurse today my lovely xx
    Well Pop is now in the nursing home. He arrived about 7.30pm and was straight in the phone to me saying what a nice room he had. He was fed up again this morning that “they” the navy and the government hadn’t arranged his release from the hospital. I told him that ”they” had wanted him away from the hospital so sent him to the new place where he will stay until “they” decide if he needs to be moved again. He took my use of the word “they” as the navy or government and I certainly wasn’t going to say any thing to make him think otherwise 😏 If he is happy then so am I. The home seems to be really nice. Lots of A3 photos of local places in and around Swindon all along the halls which I know Pop will love looking at and telling me or anyone else all about it. 🀞🏼 he settles in well. Hope you all get some sleep. It is very muggy here at the moment and we haven’t had any thunder storms here or in Swindon. Take care. Love Sue xx
