
Wednesday 31 July 2024

Toile Tidings card

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies ,

Well what a difference a day makes, today I am struggling big time with uti, this one is the worst I've had in a long time pain wise, also the level of blood was terrifying.  My gp prescribed Pivmicillen but said try not to take it for a couple of days,  by 8pm I was proper struggling so I called 111, explained situation and an on call Gp called me and said that the blood was a sign of infection within the bladder,  she thought that it was probably a continuous infection from 3 weeks ago that hadn't been cleared up!  She said that I the level of pain continued to just take the antibiotics, don't wait.  The other conflicting advice was regarding Ibuprofen,  which I haven't taken for years as I was told I couldn't take them, especially when having a Uti, the gp from Surgery said that there isn't any reason I shouldn't take it.  However the out of hours gp said I should not take them as they cause kidney problems!  

I did manage to make a couple of cards to try and keep my mind busy, today's card is one of them.

I used, "Toile Tidings " a paper that I love, I bought it a couple years ago, its such a simple design, it reminds me of the Willow pattern plates my Nan used to have and she used to tell me the story all the time.  I start with a Very Vanilla card base, then add a a layer of Garden Green card (to match the green on the patterned paper).  The last layer was the dsp, I cut it to size and adhered it to the card base.  For embellishment I used another piece of the paper that features a stripe, I cut a piece to make a narrow border,  added to the centre of the card and finished it with a Hot foiled sentiment. 

I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and Big hugs,

Sandra xxx 


  1. I am so sorry to hear that you are still suffering with a UTI It must be so disappointing after that first bladder instillation seemed to help
    Your card is very pretty The paper is very reminiscent of the willow pattern A whole service including meat platters and terrines was one of my mum’s wedding presents
    I’d forgotten you had a hot foil machine I love that fonts of the sentiment
    Quiet day for us No builders - they’re back tomorrow A roll up at bowls later and a match this evening, providing it’s not called off if the thunder that’s predicted arrives
    Take care everyone xx

    1. Hello Sandra and ladies,
      Sorry to hear you are still suffering big time with UTI. I’m hoping that today it has been better and you will get a decent nights sleep tonight 🤞xxx
      Lovely card today, love everything about it.
      Had a call from a friend today to tell me her husband had died, he had been in poor health for a while and was in a hospice, so not totally unexpected, but very sad., I asked how she was? She replied numb, I don’t feel anything, I said I think that was probably normal, the grieving will come later when all the necessary arrangements are sorted out. Three of her five children have been looking out for her , the other two are on holiday and trying to get back to uk early. But what can they do, she hasn’t even been able to get a death certificate yet and can’t do anything until she has it.
      Will say goodnight, try and get a good nights sleep.
      Take care, Big hugs, Love Brenda xxx

    2. Sorry I put my comment in the wrong place.
      Sorry Lilian I didn’t mean to jump in front of you.
      I’m beginning to think I’m loosing IT!!! 😀

  2. Hello, I do hope that you are maybe feeling a bit better this evening.
    Ris a bit better, still no tablets from the pharmacy, I asked the GP to mark them as urgent, as she said she wanted him to start them on Tuesday, but she said just phone the pharmacy, that would be ok if they answered the phone, will just have to wait, although she doesn’t like him taking ibuprofen.

    Very hot here today, not that I spent much time out as I needed to keep a watch on R in case he needed anything. I’m not used to looking after us both, he’s so wonderful normally, so it’s my turn, must say I’m shattered.
    Another lovely card, great colours for Christmas. Not done any paper crafting for this week so far, might see if I can start tomorrow, have a couple of new embossing folders from Amazon, I’ll show them at the weekend.

    Good night all, Lilian

  3. Hi Sandra and all looking in. What a lovely card. I love the papers, it definitely reminds me of willow patterns. A great card for posting, it’s so annoying but we have to think of the depth because of posting! I’m very sad that you have such a bad UTI I hope it settles soon now you are taking the antibiotics. Frustrating when you are getting conflicting information though. Take it easy my lovely xx
    Karen, I’m glad the builders are nearly finished. Has Oscar seen any of the changes yet? Hope he is ok. No doubt Charlie will look at it all then go off and play with his toys 🥰
    Lilian, better to be safe than sorry. I’m sure the laundry will dry very quickly anyway xx
    Had a nice visit with Pop, he wouldn’t have any birthday as his sugar levels are not good at the moment. He had just finished his duty as He is in the American navy today and had just finished his shift when I got to him😏 Saw the doctor and said that Pop is going to a nursing home rather than a care home as the staff have watching him and realised that he needs more care than they first realised. It does mean that he will only have to move once so much better for him. It’s just the waiting game now of course but hopefully not too long. I’m off to bed now. Take care , love Sue xx

    1. Hi Sue, Reading about Pop reminded me of my dad when was in hospitals. One day I was visiting him he told me that he and the man opposite had gone to Brighton the previous evening even managed to paddle in the sea! ………. I don’t think so because Neither of them could get out of bed even to use the bathroom.
