
Tuesday 16 April 2024

Simple Daisy


Good Morning Ladies, 

Back to gale force winds for us yesterday,  it was infact stronger gusts than we had during the storm last week, the poor daffodils and tulips took a right beating,  during the afternoon the hail stones battered the garden even more.  I hope that you all stayed dry and safe where you are xx

Today's card I made yesterday using my Julie Hickey Daisy stamp set.  I saw a few cards that used the message tag as a vase, absolutely genius idea.

I stamped the vase (tag) by using a post it note to mask off the end of the label/tag I added ink and stamped in the centre of my card front, I then lined up the Daisy stamp so that the stems were at the bottom of the vase, I stamped the daisies again on a piece of scrap card the fussy cut the daisy heads,  I added Salty Ocean Distress ink to my craft mat and dipped the daisy heads in several times, drying between layers, I tap it really gently in the ink so that I can pick up the little dots of ink. I adhered my fussy cut flower heads to the stamped ones, used the leftover ink on my mat to colour the water in ths vase, using a water brush, lastly I added a little grey ink around the base of the vase to ground it.

Janet I hope that the weather is calm enough for you to get to Knit & Natter today, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. I love this card What a genius idea to use that tag stamp as a vase I love the blue (my favourite colour) too
    What a change in the weather from the weekend!
    This afternoon we are going to the cinema to see Back to Black I’m looking forward to it
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    I love your card, it’s beautiful 😍 Great idea using the ‘tag’ as a vase.
    My crafting session didn’t last long yesterday, I stamped one image and that was it! I’m full of cold and feeling pretty rough, so I wasn’t able to concentrate on much.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card and great idea using the tag as a vas.
    Wish you better Sonia, typical when you got a day off 😔
    Karen, enjoy going to the cinema. Haven't been for years, well I think I told you the reason 😉
    Love to see the alpacas, they are so cute but careful going behind, they can kick 🤗
    Been doing some crafting today but got a bit sidetracked this afternoon. Bought some dies and needed to take them apart with a tool, slipped a bit and cut my hand. It's not a big thing but geee it hurt 🤭.
    Have a good day everyone and take care of yourself. Many hugs to you all. Maria xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another brilliant CAS card today, very clever of you to turn the tag into a vase.
    Karen hope you enjoyed the cinema.
    Sonia hope you are stating to feel better.
    Maria hope your hand is ok, some of these dies are difficult to separate you really have to be very careful.
    Haven’t done any crafting today, sat down after lunch and went to sleep for over two hours. By then any ideas I had of crafting had flown out of the window!
    The weather here today started off pretty good, but later on some really heavy grey clouds passed over bringing quite a heavy storm.
    I did read that we have had so much rainfall this year that we should not have a hose pipe ban this summer 🤞
    Good night everyone sleep well, Hugs Brenda xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Two lovely cards to inspire us yesterday and today. I love the clean and simple look. Glad you got lots done in the garden xx
    Sonia, I hope your cold clears up soon xx
    Hope you all stay safe as the winds are so strong again and isn’t it cold again! Sending hugs to you all. Take care. Love Sue xx
