
Monday 15 April 2024

My first Clean & Simple card for this challenge


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Wasn't that a lovely weekend?!  We spent the whole weekend out in the garden,  we got loads done, I filled two raised beds with strawberries,  then another with some Raspberry canes that Paul bought from Manor Lodge,  the rest of that bed was filled with onion sets, both Red & White and Garlic. 

Paul filled another two beds and then we decided where to put all of our bargain rockery plants, we picked them up at a garden centre back in February,  we got about 15 of them, all reduced from £4 to 50pence, then we have a family card that gave us another 10% off !! we have had them i  tne greenhouse since and they are thriving,  so I decided where they were going and Paul put them in, they are on a steep banked up rockery which has loose rocks, no place for my wobbly legs!!  We potted up our Clematis and put those where they are going to grow too.  We rounded ofc the afternoon with a visit to Bill & Lynn's next door,  they have three new additions to their small holding that we were dying to meet,  they have bought 3 Alpacas,  oh my goodness they are so adorable, they are just getting used to their new home so we didn't get too close,  it will be lovely watching them grow and learn to live with the miniature ponies.  

After that long day Paul and I were looking forward to bedtime!!  I hope that you a had a lovely weekend too. 😍

I made this card on Friday,  its a 'Pinspiration' card, I loved the simplicity of the one flower, which is a stamp from a set I've had for years called 'Tasteful Textures'.  I stamped the flower and cut it out and popped it onto a black mat that was 1/4 inch bigger, now came the tricky part ...working out exactly where to score the rectangle onto the card front to frame the focal piece, I did work it out after the second attempt though, it was worth the extra work though, as it finishes off the look really neatly.  Thank heavens for clear stamps and stamp platforms too, otherwise that sentiment would never have happened!! 🤣  I really liked how it turned out.

I hope that you all have a great start to your week, 

Love and Hugs to a of you, 

Sandra xxx


  1. It is a beautiful card and I can see how fiddly embossing that rectangle would have been because you’re also doing it on the reverse!
    Your photos over the weekend of your garden were lovely
    We’re all home safe and sound and I’ve actually missed the boys waking me up!
    I have a few errands to do today and OH is at football later
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Such a lovely card, I love the flower. It’s beautiful 😍
    Sounds like you had another productive weekend. Your garden will look lovely when everything is flowering.
    How lovely to have the addition of the baby alpacas, have they named them? Be lovely to watch them grow ☺️
    Looks like it’s going to be wet and windy here today. Oh well the nicer weather was lovely while it lasted.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely CAS card. I really love how you have coloured the flower, thank you for the inspiration.
    It sounds like Paul is making brilliant progress in the garden. How lovely your neighbours have Alpacas, you are going to enjoy watching them grow. We look forward to seeing pictures of them as they grow. Just make sure they don’t get into your garden and nibble on your plants.
    Today has been mostly bright but even when the sun was shining there was a cold breeze. I did go outside to look around at the garden but was happy to retreat to the greenhouse where it was much warmer and check how my tomato seeds and young plants are coming on.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care and sleep well, Hugs Brenda xxx

  4. Hi everyone
    A beautiful CAS Card. Nice flower and colouring.
    Lucky that the weekend had the weather for all your jobs because today it was really changeable with sunshine one minute and hailstones or pouring of rain the next and freezing winds so definitely a day to stay indoors but had to go out a couple of hours this morning. This afternoon we got a blackout blind for the bedroom, only took us 30 years 🤭😊
    Have a good night everyone, hugs to you all. Xxx
