
Friday 29 March 2024

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Happy Easter weekend, it's a good job that we haven't really organised anything as the weather is looking awful all weekend.  In fact I was that cold when I got back from the hospital yesterday I got Paul to put heating on, he laid the log burner ready for the evening too, we have had a couple of hail showers but yesterday was mostly heavy rain and very strong wind.  It started out like an absolutely glorious day, bright beautiful sunshine with barely a cloud in the sky on the way to the hospital at 8am, it was still bright on the way home, I was thinking that we would get the washing load dry but we hardly got in the door before the heavens opened and the wind picked up.  I feel so sad that the poory cherry blossom on the tree in the garden will be blown away before the bees get chance to enjoy it.

The urology appointment was better than I anticipated, it was with the same consultant as I saw last year, he was rude, spoke over me and refused to do the cystoscopy that I had gone for, I think that he must have been promoting Hiprex as that was the only thing he was interested in.  Now I don't know whether other people did like I did and complained but he was a completely different person!  Paul was as shocked as I was,  he listened, he was sympathetic, I asked him about the after effects of the Cystoscopy and he explained that it was similar symptoms to a Uti, I explained that we were travelling to Devon at the weekend, he said not to worry and he prescribed me a 7 day course of antibiotics to help resolve the symptoms and make me more comfortable, he added a further 3 month prescription to so that I have them to take as a one of after doing any activity that causes my bladder to flare up 😉.  He then fully explained the procedure and made exceptions to positioning etc because I have no muscle control in my right leg, so he said he would just work around it,  the procedure was stinky and a bit uncomfortable, he took the time to show me the inside of my bladder and explain what he saw, he was pleased with how it looked, especially after the number of infections etc.  His diagnosis was (as I had expected) Interstitial Cystitis or ''Painful Bladder Syndrome', which is basically your bladder being super sensitive to anything that can put pressure on it, which is why things like periods etc can cause the symptoms, as everything is inflamed and leaves you feeling bloated and uncomfortable.  The treatment he has prescribed is a long course of Bladder instillations', I will have to go weekly to have medication put straight into my bladder via catheter, I am hoping that I don't get the symptoms every week that I got after the cystoscopy though.  He explained that it rejuvenates the inside of my bladder,  it coats it to help decrease the sensitivity.  Fingers crossed that I don't have to wait to long to start the treatment.  I do wish that he had done this at this time last year, it would have saved me having so many antibiotics that ended up causing me to have Hepatitis. It's great that there is hopefully an end in sight though.

Our Next Challenge

I had so many ideas floating around in my head for this weeks challenge, I think it was because I hadn't slept very well for the last 3 or 4 nights, so had lots of time to think.                                                         So I finally decided to go for Spring Colours & Flowers, which is hopefully something that will work for everyone.  You can make cards, do Journal pages, Snippets, Thrinchies, home decor or anything that takes your fancy.  
You can incorporate the colours into the Retiform technique that I shared last weekend or even the Fractured card technique.  
I can't wait to see all of your bright and pretty coloured creations. 

I hope that you all enjoy the long weekend, on the up side, if the weather is that bad we can stay in and craft!!!

Sending my love and hugs to you all,



  1. Happy Easter everyone
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday This new pump is taking a bit of getting used to Blood sugars are all over the place
    Yesterday’s card was gorgeous
    This challenge looks lovely I love these colour palettes
    Off for a Nana nap now OH is going out with daughter and boys to watch their dad in a charity football match I would go but whilst I’m trialing the doses in my pump I know it would be easier to just stay put
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week ☺️
    Glad your appointment went well yesterday and the consultant was so much more helpful and understanding than the last time. Fingers crossed you don’t have to wait too long for the treatment to start 🥰
    Karen, hope you soon get used to your new pump xx
    Happy Good Friday everyone, I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hi everyone and happy good Friday.
    Love this new challenge and hopefully I can get something done for it.
    Have a nice weekend everyone. Many hugs to you all, xxx

  4. Evening all. Very big showers in between a bit of sunshine.
    Great challenge for next week, I shall look forward to using some pretty spring colours.
    The time goes forward this sat/sun, so we should get some lighter evenings.
    Glad you got some answers re. Your bladder, hope it works well.
    Hope your migraine has passed by now. Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Happy Easter everyone. Wishing you and Paul trouble free journeys tomorrow my lovely. It’s so good to hear that you have an answer at long last. And thank goodness the doc was so good. It’s not nice to complain but it seems that he has changed his ways now and was also able to help with on going utis! I love the colours of spring, so cheerful. What a great challenge. I am starting to feel the pull of my desk so I hope to start crafting again, and em what a lovely challenge to start it 🥰
    Karen, I hope your new pump settles down very soon xx
    Sleep well everyone. Take care. Love Sue xx
