
Thursday 28 March 2024

My last card for Sketch Challenge


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope today finds you as well as can be, I have been dreading this day for weeks, I have my Cystoscopy this morning at 9am,  frustratingly its the same consultant that I saw last year that decided my diagnosis before speaking to me and didn't do the one thing that I went there for!!  I am a little worried about the after effects of the Cystoscopy,  it tends to cause the burning etc that you get with a UTi, I am going to ask if he will provide a short course of antibiotics for me to take after,  because the antibiotics that are prescribed for UTI contains an anti inflammation property and they also reduce the acidity in your bladder.  I am mostly concerned about the long journey to Devon and back on Saturday.  Fingers crossed all will be ok. 

Today's card was a bit of an experiment,  I was going for a different look, I stamped one of my Tim Holtz Bold Botanical stamps in black and heat embossed it, to colour it I used a Tim Holtz Mica stain spray, I love this yellow colour.  After letting it dry I fussy cut it from its black background and cut it down slightly to form a square, I then added foam pads and placed it on my Kraft card base, I wanted the sentiment to tie in with the stamped image so I die cut it in black and the clear embossed it so it had the same shine as the stamp. 

For an extra bit os sparkle I added some stickles to the outer ring of the flower centre, the colour was a perfect match.  

Now I have to think about the next challenge!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love & hugs,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your card. The flower is beautiful and I like the way you’ve cut it down 😍
    I hope your cystoscopy went well. Sorry to hear it was the same consultant who dismissed you before. I hope he was more understanding this time.
    Another wet and windy day today, looks to be the theme over the next few days too!
    Back to work today, wasn’t too busy and was nice to be back and see everyone again.
    Have a good rest of the day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra. Take it now easy and rest after this morning. Hopefully they will be able to get to the root of your problems once and all.
    Brenda, hope you soon get your mojo back. Missing to see your beautiful cards. Sending you special hugs.
    Lilian, hope your day has been better.
    Sue, I have sent you a PM .
    We bought a Shark hoover . It sounds more like a lawnmower but seem to hoover well 😀
    Janet, hope you are ok. You are missed.
    Have not done too much today other than some shopping this morning and then some crafting this afternoon. Now time to cook the dinner and then a movie on netflix so I'm sending my hugs to you all and wish you a good evening. Maria xxx

  3. Evening everyone, more rain showers today.
    R has been away all day, so no washing out to day.

    Sandra your card is gorgeous, you are so clever thinking up all these ideas. I love the flower you have used also the colour is just right.
    Another day doing nothing, must get my self back to crafting, maybe tomorrow.

    Hope you will soon be feeling better and the new treatment works.

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Such a pretty flower, that is a gorgeous shade of yellow isn’t it. And I can imagine how adding the sticklers around the outer central rim adds a lovely touch. I’m so glad that your appointment went well and that you have been diagnosed with what you had worked out for yourself. Everything is now crossed that treatment can finally help you my lovely xx
    Maria, I will look at your message. Thanks for letting us know what vacuum you have chosen. Fingers crossed it works well xx
    The weather is all over the place again today. We have had a mix of weather here today. It’s gone rather chilly and very wet and windy now. I have sorted through some boxes that Gem got out of the loft. That was me finished for the day. Sleep well. Take care. Love Sue xx
