
Friday 1 March 2024

Our Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Welcome March, I am excited for the beautiful flowers that have been waiting for your Spring like weather to help them burst into life.  An exciting month for gardeners, its when the whole growing year begins. 🌻🌷⚘️🌿🌺

I had a fun afternoon yesterday creating backgrounds in my journal, I was following a Tracy Evans workshop, it involved using Alcohol inks on my Gelli plate, it was messy but fun  

Our Next Challenge 

I could have happily carried on with the Backgrounds Challenge but there is a point at which it no longer becomes a challenge.                   So it's time for a new challenge.

We haven't done a TICTACTOE for ages so I created one yesterday,  I have added options that give a good range of choice for techniques and cards and journal pages that will work for Spring months. 

I look forward to seeing what you create with these categories.


I hope that you all have a great Friday, 

Love & Hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Well! It may be wet but March hasn’t come in like a lion!
    Looks like a great challenge I’m going to try and be strict with myself and do a straight line! We’ll see 🀣
    Out dancing tonight My favourite class - Rueda
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week. Loads of options on the tic-tac-toe.
    It was hammering it down this morning! I really wish all this rain would do one, so fed up with it now πŸ™
    Working this weekend, so no plans here.
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Afternoon everyone.
    Very happy with your choice for CC this coming fortnight. I will do my best to join in .
    Spring hasn't actually started here today because the borders are waterlogged and we had hailstones just a minute ago but hoping to make something more spring like regarding card making. Wonder if I can find any lighter coloured card to use. I'm still sorting stuff out, it never ends but I do find things as well that I haven't seen for a long time πŸ˜€
    Hoping you all have a good day and I'm sending many hugs to you all, extras for you who are not 100%. take care xx

  4. Hello, we have had tremendous hail showers, they make such a noise on the velux windows.

    Sandra, great tic tac toe, will try and give it a real go, although my back has been terrible again. Still waiting for new tablets, to be delivered from the pharmacy.

    Hope you all had a great day, Lilian
