
Thursday 29 February 2024

Distress Oxide Background


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that today finds you all as well as can be expected,  the weather here seems to be getting colder, it was really damp and drizzly all day, it's always wet and miserable when you have outside things to do!  It should have been an exciting day as we were having 30 Palette Collars delivered, we are using them to make raised beds to grow vegetables in, we are very lucky that our lovely landlord has lots of top soil that we can use to fill them with so we won't have to pay for any, which will save us a lot of money.  The man turned up with the collars on a trailer just as the heavens opened, luckily he bought someone to help unload them, so between them and Paul they had them unloaded pretty quickly.  I can't wait to get them in place and start growing vegetables.

Today's card was really fun to create, I used a non stick sheet (as smooshing works better in those), I took Spiced Marmalade & Worn Lipstick Distress Oxide, smooshing into each colour separately and drying between layers, I then used Fired Brick to add a slightly darker smoosh layer, after I had dried that I made another wash this time using Gesso watered down I smooshed the card into it a couple of times, it really softened the colours and gave a different texture. 

This is the finished background before I stamped it.....

If you zoom in you can see the texture that the gesso layer gives

I stamped one of the Tim Holtz wildflower stamps, I did watercolour stamping, I inked stamp with Worn Lipstick DO then spritzed with water and stamped a couple of times, I did the same with another stamp and the Spiced Marmalade ink.  I dried the background off and added a die cut of the same Wildflower that I stamped with, I added a white drop shadow to make it stand out more.  I stamped a sentiment from Tim Holtz Tiny Text stamps, edges around it and the inked background with Fired Brick Distress ink and mounted whole piece on a white card base. 

I hope you like this background, something different for you to try, if you don't have Gesso you could try white paint.  

Have a lovely Thursday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Hi everyone
    I love your beautiful card today. The colour combo and the flower - stamped and die cut - are lovely 😍
    I did a little bit of crafting yesterday, but couldn’t really get into it 🙁 I’ll try again later.
    Having my hair cut late morning and of course it’s raining! Best not forget my umbrella.
    Have a good day everyone
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Thank you so much for your beautiful birthday cards and wishes.
    After the 'vampires' had been I had a very quiet day.
    Today will be somewhat different as I have a load of laundry to wash so 'back to normal'.

    HUGS on their way to you all. Take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. A lovely card and background You really have mastered this smooshing technique
    My attempt at crafting sounded a bit like Sonia’s 🤣 I will have another go later But then I was looking after the grandkids during the afternoon
    OH is meeting a friend for lunch which will let me have some crafting time without feeling guilty
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Morning everyone
    Love this card Sandra . The colours together are beautiful. This is such a fun technique as every time it's look different, however when I do it it's look a real mess and I can never get the colours right hmmm. Yesterday's card is also fab, love how you have put the flowers in the boots.
    We were out in the morning yesterday but when back I wasn't feeling right so went to bed and there I was the rest of the day.
    I really hope I can stay well for going to see my parents soon.
    It's raining so a good day to stay indoors to do crafting, just need to find my desk 😄 nothing have changed there 😂
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs are being sent to you all, Maria xx

  5. Sorry to be late again, it’s been another wet day.

    I love your card Sandra, the background is very artistic, I’ve not tried drying each layer of colour.
    Good night all, Lilian
