
Sunday 11 February 2024

Your Challenge Projects


Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all having an enjoyable weekend,  we were blessed with a lovely day yesterday,  sunny and dry and not windy which was a treat in itself.  All of our bulbs are coming through, I can't wait to see them, I have forgotten what colours we chose but I know they were all beautiful.  I love Spring 💐 

I have to say that I have really enjoyed this challenge,  I have really enjoyed seeing your projects too. 

Your Challenge Projects 


Janet's Description:

The first one is a new set from Stamperia called Chocolate and Coffee. Another beautiful set of paper and additions.

The second card is made from papers I found at the bottom of a pile of 12x12 sheets bought years ago. There isn't any indication as to who or where these were made. If anyone has any ideas it would be helpful.

Janet thank you so much for 2 amazing cards, it really does fill my heart with joy knowing that you are back in your craft room doing what you love.   
Both cards are lovely, so much detail, the kind of card that you see different things each time you look at it. 
I have no idea who designed that beautiful paper collection, it is so beautiful though.  Lilian might know whose collection this is. 
Thanks again for supporting challenge XXX 


Karen's Description:

1:Last one for the current challenge Although I could go on and on
The card I sent you It’s all stuff I haven’t used in ages
Background - Cute as a Button paper pad
Pot plant - Sizzix
Sentiment- Sue W
And of course (which I do use all of the time) a black mat cut with Perfect Layers ruler with a 1/16” border

2: This is my version of number 4 I really enjoyed doing this one The cling film sort of worked but think you’d get a better result with a gell plate and of course I used different stamps

 3: Stamped Aall and Create #649 in Versamark and then WOW white embossing powder I masked off an area and used Mustard Seed and Spiced Marmalade DO
Fussy cut daffodil from #624 
“Spring” sentiment from lo #455
If you want any let me know

 4: My version of Snippet number 4.

Karen thank you so much,  you have really inspired me with your Snippet journey, you have me hooked!  Your two cards are lovely too, having seen number 1 close up I can say it looks even better in reality!  Your daffodil card is a proper definition of Spring, I love the design and the colours. 
Thank you so much my lovely XXX


Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week.
Another indigo blue stamp from their box kits.
Coloured using distress pencils and ecoline pens.
Fine black pen to outline, as they seemed to be in the background too much.

Lilian thank you so much for another amazing Challenge card, you have definitely mastered getting the best out of those Watercolour pencils, those flowers are so vibrant.  I forgot about this stamp set, I don't think I've used it since I first bought it. ! 
Thank you for supporting the challenge XXX 


Sonia's Description:

I smooshed a piece of watercolour card with distress oxides - Kitsch Flamingo and Salvaged Patina (first time using) and a little bit of Lost Shadow. Unfortunately the card did warp slightly! I’ve used heart stamps and dies from Stampin Up ‘Meant to Be’ set. The sentiments are from The Stamp Market, stamped in Weathered Wood

Oh Sonia what a beautiful card, the colours that you have used work so beautifully together, it's always a lottery when you mix oxides but my goodness this one paid off.   The arrangement of dies works perfectly too. 🥰                                     Thank you so much for taking part in this challenge XXX


Just look at that display, you are amazing 👏 😍 

Have a lovely Sunday Ladies,

Love and hugs,

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love everyone’s beautiful cards on display today 😍
    Had a quiet day yesterday, but a busy one today. Off out early to go to Mollie’s new flat to help put up wardrobes! Hopefully will get chance to see Teddy later 😊
    Lilian enjoy your time with your family xx
    Brenda, hope you’re ok and sorry to hear about the sad occasion you attended the other day xx
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. Thank you for your kind words about my tutorial I hope it’s helped Like I’ve already said I use them (1/16”) all of the time
    Today’s cards are gorgeous I have really enjoyed using new stuff or rarely used I could do this challenge for the whole of the year! It’s lovely to see you back to crafting Janet
    Your colouring is lovely Lilian and cannot wait to see how you get on with the Tim Holtz crayons - did you watch his video
    Sonia - you really do make smooshing colours together “sing” However careful I am I quite often end up with a muddy mess
    Sorry to hear your sad news Brenda Take care
    Out to lunch today with sister in law and husband In about October of last year we promised ourselves that we’d go out once a month or so This is the first since then 🤣 Christmas and hip ops got in the way!
    Take care everyone xx

  3. Morning everyone
    Love all the card on display today. Love seeing what you have come up with over the week.
    Mine is sitting not together on the table. Had a not so good day yesterday so didn't do anything hence no card this week and still no desk together. Boiler not working either so no heating in the house, hoping for someone out by tomorrow.
    Thank you Karen for showing us how you using the perfect layer ruler's. I will give mine a go as soon as. Nice lot of shopping you did
    Lilian, have a nice weekend with family. Are you happy with the water colour pencils by Tim ? I have been looking for some new ones, so many to choose from tho.
    Have a nice day everyone. Many hugs to you all xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Had to catch up with the last two days, beautiful card on Friday. Oh so true about having what you are looking for in your hand, my phone is often the “missing” item!
    I hope Lucy is starting to feel a bit better by now. Sounds like she had a really nasty bout bless her. Hope you get the spare room done ready for Emily xx
    Karen, thank you for a great tutorial on the perfect layers. I have the small version and I do find them really handy some times. I should use them every time as I struggle to line up my matts and layers! Thanks again xx
    Lovely shopping from both Karen and Lilian. The All and create dies are on my wish list, I thought they were stamps to start with, love them. The watercolour pencils look so good, already in my wish list. One day hopefully.
    Brenda, glad you had a chance to meet up with family but sad for the reason why xx
    At funerals we all say we must meet up more but rarely do so good on you Karen.
    I’m making Chris jnr card today as I didn’t get to my desk at all during the week as I had hoped. Need it ready for Tuesday. Did try and make a challenge card yesterday but after a good few hours it looked rubbish, Penny aged 6 would have done far better, so I had a temper tantrum and threw it in the bin after screwing it up! Fingers crossed Chris’s card goes better today. I hope you all have a good day. We have a lovely blue sky at the moment 🥰
    Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Evening, rain again, heavy torrential showers.

    Lovely lot of cards today, all so different and inspiring.

    I love the water colour pencils, they take a bit of getting used to, still learning to use the different ways to use them.

    Hope you had a good weekend, Lilian.
