
Monday 12 February 2024

Live Life in Full Bloom Snippet


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to the start of another week, it's a busy one isn't it?!  Pancake day tomorrow,  Valentines on Wednesday,  I have my sister Emily coming at the weekend, she has asked me to go wedding dress shopping with as she values my opinion, I feel honoured,  it feels a little bit sad though as I feel like I am taking Mum's place.  I can't imagine my wedding without my Mum & Dad being part of the day.  I will do my best to make sure that she has the best experience.

Talking of Mother's, have you see that Mother's Day is super early this year, it's usually towards the end of March, around 26th-28th March,  because it usually clashes with Paul's Mum's birthday, but that weekend is Easter this year, it doesn't seem possible that Mothers day is literally about 3 weeks away and Eastervm is next month!! It's going to be another one of 'those' years!! 

Today I am sharing the Snippet that I made (well started) on Thursday and finished on Friday.  I absolutely love how this one turned out.😍

The background was made using the Gelli plate, I used Distress Oxides Old Paper, Cracked Pistachio & Salvaged Patina combined on the gelli plate, I brayered over them to get rid of any unwanted lines from the edges of the ink pad and spritzed with water and then used a 4 x 6 inch piece of pink frog card to take a print from gelli plate.  I added a little Cracked Pistachio around the edges.  To create the 'hill ' I used a piece of thin copier paper and tore a rough hill shape then used Old Paper Distress Oxide on a foam pad to lightly ink over the edge of the torn hill, believe me you doubt that you have used enough ink but you will be surprised, leaving the scrap paper in place I stamped the trees, now comes the fun part, using 3 cotton buds taped together and the end of a ball tool for smaller dots I added the blossom to the trees, using Magenta & white acrylic paint.  If you allow the first layer to dry you get a more textured finish.  I stamped the pheasants and added the sentiment and some white splatters to finish the Snippet.  

I hope that you all have a great start to the week, 

Love & hugs to all of you, 

Sandra                                                                    xxxxxx 


  1. Hi everyone
    I love your Snippet, it’s beautiful 😍 Fabulous idea using the cotton buds for the blossom.
    I bet you’re excited to go wedding dress shopping with Emily. I’m sure it will be a lovely experience for you both and your mum and dad will be there with you in spirit and your hearts throughout 🥰
    Mollie, Teddy and James’s little flat is looking lovely. Just a few more bits of furniture and personal belongings to go across this week, and then Mollie and Teddy will be moving in on Sunday. James will be following soon after once he finds a job down there ☺️ Teddy is crawling now so they’re going to have their hands full with him 😅
    I’m hoping to craft today, starting with a New Home card ❤️
    I hope you all had a good weekend
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  2. I love this Snippet It has to be one of my favourites so far Is it because it’s created a sort of scene? I dunno Great idea using cotton wool buds and a ball tool
    You will have a fabulous day shopping albeit an emotional one Our daughter tried on lots of different styles as suggested by the personal shopper ranging from full meringue to tight fitting and then went armed to the next shop and looked at the style she suited and liked
    How exciting Mollie Teddy and James moving in together Will they be closer to you
    We enjoyed our meal and were there for over 2 1/2 hours just relaxing eating and chatting
    Today is Craftea at the library So I’d better sort something to take and get ready
    Have a lovely day Take care everyone xx

  3. Hi everyone
    Oh I love your snippet. Love the scene with the trees and the pheasants in the foreground. Cleaver idea to use cotton buds together to make the flowers.
    You will have a great day going wedding dress shopping with your sister Sandra.How exciting, your mum and dad will be there in spirit.
    It's lovely to follow Teddy growing up Sonia. They will have to have eyes in the back of their heads now when he is crawling :) He is such a cutie <3
    I wish that you all feeling a bit better and having a nice day.
    We went out for a few hours this morning. Got help with the boiler so now have heating back in the house :) Going for a nap, very tired lately. The long nights catching up. Take care ,Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hello Everyone, lovely sunny day, got the washing dried outside, which will save the tumble dryer going on.

    Love this snippet, they will be a lovely reference for the future, love those little flowers.
    I’ve managed to do a tag today, so have made a start'.
    Sonia little Teddy is growing up really quickly, such a delightful little boy.
    Sandra you will really enjoy going wedding dress shopping, I made Jackie’s first dress, but went with her when she got married for a second time, take plenty of tissues with you as you will both miss your Mum.

    Have a good evening, Lilian

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    We also woke up to a lovely bright day and were able to get the washing dried outside, it’s such a lovely feeling.
    Daughter had to go back to hospital today. A day long appointment, we picked her up late afternoon so that her husband could go to work as he hadn’t worked last week. Unfortunately she has to return tomorrow as her consultant got delayed in traffic somewhere. Fortunately she has health insurance (paid as part of her work contract)
    Sandra you will enjoy wedding dress shopping with Emily. It will be an experience that will create some great and happy memories for you both.
    Love your snippet card. I have seen cotton buds being used to create foliage on the internet, the effect is great.
    Sonia it will be lovely for James, Mollie and Teddy to have their own home. I wish them every happiness.
    Take care everyone, have a good nights sleep, Hugs Brenda xxx
