
Wednesday 15 November 2023

My Attempt at Watercolouring


Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,  

We had a very wet and dull start to the day yesterday but the sun blessed us with its presence late morning and through the afternoon, the amount of standing water on the roads is unbelievable.  Matt was caught up in traffic from two accidents on the M25 yesterday, he was surprised at the amount of cars that had no lights on, he said they were virtually invisible in the spray from lorries and traffic!   I was relieved when Sonia said that she was back safe from Dorset yesterday.

Karen I hope that Alan is feeling a bit better today, I have only had Tonsillitis once, my goodness it was dreadful,  I had previously thought that it was simply a sore throat,  boy was I wrong,  I don't think I had ever felt as unwell,  your whole body hurts and it was agony to swallow anything.  You can get a numbing spray for your throat that does help with taking pills etc.  Wishing Alan a speedy recovery, I'm sure your being the perfect Nurse Karen xxx

Now today's card was my first proper go at colouring with Gansai Tambi Watercolour paints, I have used my metallic set before but not these Watercolour paints, I really enjoyed the colouring process, although I need a lot of practice blending colours together etc but it's fun practicing!   I decided on a grey background,  so I inked up my SU 'En Francais ' background in basic grey ink and used the matching card to make the card base and layers.  I coloured a piece of ribbon with alcohol markers to create a similar shade to the poppies. The poppy stamp was from Amazon. 

I hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Your card is lovely You should be really pleased with the result Isn’t it lovely to get immersed in something and enjoy it
    I think OH is on the mend I am one god awful nurse! Ut I think it’s because he is never I’ll and I’m worried I suppose it shows I care
    Anyway, after going shopping, mainly to collect a jacket from the dry cleaners I hope to craft I need to make a 90th birthday for my aunt
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love today’s card your beautifully coloured flower stands out perfectly on the subtle background (is the background stamp still available?)
    I’m off to the Marsden soon for a check up, it with be dinner time by the time we return, that’s why I’m trying to leave a message now, just know I’ll be exhausted when we return. Have a good day ladies.
    Sending caring hugs to you all, Brenda xxx

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful work Sandra. I love the blending of the poppies you have managed to get. I'd like to use watercolours but not very good so maybe a CC for the future ☺️
    Brenda, hope everything goes well today. A long day for you, just rest tomorrow if you can.
    I had many times with tonsillitis over the years and boy you do feel awful 😞 so glad to hear that Alan is starting to feel better.
    Met my neighbour for coffee this morning and had a good catch up which was nice. Now watching x -mas movie's and making the crystal x-mas cards with a hot chocolate so all sorted for the afternoon 😄
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. I seem to be missing a day at time at the moment so yesterdays card was lovely. Thanks for the tI about leaving tape on while you do the border. I have ruined several cards doing them “free hand” so will definitely try and remember this tip. I love your painting, the colours are lovely together too. Grey is so much more gentle on the eye than black isn’t it. Hope to see you tomorrow my lovely xx
    Brenda, I hope clinic went well for you and you manage to sleep well tonight xx
    Karen, Chris usually just puts himself to bed and doesn’t want any help except maybe more fluids if he can’t manage to get them himself! Years ago he had an operation to remove an ingrown hair from the bottom of his spine. He had to lay on his front for 6 weeks whilst it healed from the inside with only packing in it. That had to be changed every day which I did once he was home to save the district nurse but he hated every minute as he was totally dependant on me. He has much more than made up for me looking after him then with his ongoing care of me bless him. We never know what life will deal us do we. Hope Alan is beginning to feel a bit better xx
    I’m at the heart clinic with Pop for his check up. He is due to go in shortly so I’m going to say goodbye. Take care. Love Sue xx
