
Tuesday 14 November 2023

Another Papaver Poppy card


Good Morning Ladies, 

What a wild and windy start to the week, we did get some bedding dry between the showers as the wind was so strong and the sun shone between showers, Paul just managed to nip out before the rain got to heavy and 15 minutes airing in front of the Aga had them lovely and dry. 

We were back to full house last night, Flynn and Lewis stayed over, so we had happy girls!  I haven't cooked for 6 for such a long time, Lewis is a fussy eater so I went for one of his favourites, Spaghetti Bolognese which everyone likes and is easily scaled up for a crowd. 

Today's card is another Tracy Evans tutorial,  I really enjoyed creating this background, although I did question the process a couple of times but just 'trusted ' the process and loved how it turned out.  I great tip was to leave the low tack tape in place while you draw a border around the painted background,  the tape acts as a guide, it certainly gave me more confidence to draw a border freehand !                                                                           I couldn't decide on a sentiment so I have left it without one for now. 

I hope that you all stay safe, warm and dry, 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Morning Sorry I didn’t get In yesterday By the time I’d heard back from 111 and going to an appointment in St Albans for OH I was left with no energy and I honestly thought I’d commented
    Yesterday’s card is lovely as is today’s Are they from Tracey’s Snippets?
    OH has tonsillitis He is struggling to swallow any medication but I think he’s slowly on the mend Why are men such bad patients! 🤣
    I have a couple of errands to run today I hope the weather stays dry enough for me to do
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Super gorgeous card. I love it 💖
    Poor Alan Karen, hope he is feeling better soon. You take care.
    Sonia, have a big cuddle with the little man today. He is so big already 😊
    Been into the city all morning. Christmas is up in the middle and it is so pretty. Good walk around, not sure I can move tomorrow tho🤭
    Hope you have a good day everyone. Many hugs , Maria xxx

  3. Hello, it’s just dry, which is good as we have a team of gardeners here working for the day, doing the heavy jobs and the pruning of the big shrubs. I know it needs it but I hate to see my big shrubs cut severely back. Most respond well to a good trim, but I have a mock orange bush .philadelphus and they have also cut that right back.

    Great card again Sandra, another stamp that I’ve not seen, are they fairly new ones, I don’t keep up with Tracy’s stamps.

    Karen, hope Alan’s throat will soon ease, my Dad used to be really ill with his throat. I had mine out when I was about 8yrs. Had ice cream in hospital, something we never had at home.

    Have a good day all ,Lilian

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another lovely card today Sandra, the background is great with so much detail yet it doesn’t take the focus away from the potted plant, very clever. Sounds like you have two very happy daughters Sandra. XXX
    Karen hope Alan continues to improve, antibiotics should help. One of our girls had lots of problems with her tonsils, when she was doing her Mock A levels she developed quinsy's (not sure I’ve spelt that correctly) she had difficulty even sipping water. But pleased to say she was ok when the exam time came around.
    Take care everyone, goodnight sleep well. Love Brenda xxx
