
Sunday 29 October 2023

Your Autumn cards


Happy Birthday 
πŸΉπŸ’ƒπŸŽ‚❤ Karen ❤πŸŽ‚πŸ’ƒπŸΉ

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

Please join me in wishing Our Amazing friend & Dancing Queen Karen, the very Happiest Of Birthdays, I hope you have a wonderful day with your family & friends XXX

I didn't get around to making any Autumnal cards this week,  so I have shared some from a couple months back, I must have been chanelling Autumn in August!!  Speaking of Autumn the journey to the hospital was absolutely breathtaking in places as the trees are all turning every shade of Red, Orange and Brown,  even gold too, had we not been on a tight schedule I would have stopped to take photos!! 

The MRI of my head was hands down the Scariest, most claustrophobic experience of my life, I had to put my head in a cradle thing so it can't move, the then secure a cage over your face, which was terrifying enough,  you then get slid inside the tunnel, I've had my hips, knees, back and pelvis MRI  scanned, which I found ok, this head one gave me a full on panic attack, I think on previous scans they talk to you between the different sessions of scanning,  this chap didn't,  the first bit was the normal loud banging noise, which latest about 7 minutes, it then went deadly quiet for what seemed like forever and then the machine started to make what sounded like a siren noise, like a car alarm, my thought went straight to 'somethings happened' its gone wrong " but it went on and on, it eventually stopped and silence fell again, about 5 minutes later his voice announced it was done, I think I screamed, 'please just get me out of here' !!  I couldn't stand up for a good ten minutes as my legs were like jelly where i had them so tensed up during the scan, my nails were fully dug into my palms as I had to physically stop myself pushing the emergency button, I counted, i tried thinking happy thoughts, you name it I tried it to calm my stupid anxious brain!!!  Paul must have looked at me and thought 'what the hell happened to you' when I came out !! 

Autumn Projects 


Sonia's Description:

I used an Amazing Paper Grace die set and Tim Holtz butterfly. The sentiment is from JustRite stamps. The papers were free online ☺️

To me Kraft card is as Autumnal as it gets, I really love that die too.  Thank you so much for more Kraft Inspiration XXX


Karen's Description:

I triple embossed the leaves with clear embossing powder and the letters/corners are triple embossed in copper.

Karen has shared the Autumn Plaque that we made at the Daisy B Workshop last weekend, we covered the base of the plaque in woodgrain paper and then painted the Pumpkins, some people used Alcohol markers, Karen and I used paint, although we both agreed that we would finish them at home as we wanted to add Gold or Bronze to the lettering to make it look more Autumnal,  I have to say that it definitely makes a difference.  
Thank you so much for sharing your plaque Karen I must get mine finished this week. XXX


Lilian's Description:
Hi, here is my card for this week.
A total experimental piece made with various embossing powders and metal flakes. Then clear ultra thick over the top, only trouble was it cracked when I flattened it , hence the circle with the message. I think the colours are passable as autumn. It’s better in real life as you can see the shine of the flakes.

Oh Lilian to me that is a perfect Autumn background,  I bet those gilding flakes sparkle in your hand as the light cathches them, I really love the mix of green and copper coloured flakes, they work so perfectly together,  Imagine die cutting leaves or trees out of that background, you have given me a great πŸ’‘ idea !!  The other thing I really love is that you have left the background as the main focus of the card.  Thank you so much for such an inspiring card XXX


I hope that you all have a relaxing Sunday,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Thank you for the nod to my birthday We are going into London but have no idea why - a show? a meal? I have no idea
    We enjoyed the 3rd Halloween party last night It was lovely catching up with old friends
    Great autumnal makes ladies Even though yours was an experiment Lilian it looks lovely I thoroughly enjoyed doing this mdf project and it is now on display at our local library
    The mri sounded frightening but it’s done now Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi raining again, really heavy showers.

    Many Happy Returns of the Day Karen, hope you have a lovely birthday.
    The MRI sounds absolutely horrific, I always thought they talked to you as they did the different stages. Hope you’re feeling better now.

    Great cards for inspiration, for this week. I have an idea for this week, probably end in the bin as so many of my trials do.

    Have a lovely Sunday, Lilian

  3. Hi everyone
    A very Happy Birthday Karen πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸ’.
    Have a day in London whatever you get up to.
    Oh Sandra that sounded scary enough for you but it's now done, well done.
    Sorry wasn't in yesterday but think the clearing out of the garage was very draining because I saw all the toys and clothes when C was little and we now decided to get rid of it all .J wanted to keep a few little bits and that was nice.
    The autumnal cards today are

    1. Beautiful ladies and Lilian yours are great, lovely colours together.
      I hope you all have a good day whatever you are up to. Janet, hope the journey home goes alright.
      Many hugs to you all, Maria xx x

  4. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Karen, hope you’re having a lovely day and enjoying your trip to London 😊 xx
    Lovely cards on display today 😍
    Sandra, sorry to hear about your ordeal yesterday, doesn’t sound nice at all but thankfully it’s done and I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the results πŸ₯°
    Hope you’re all having a good day
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and Everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN I hope you have had a lovely birthday xx

    Beautiful selection of autumn cards. The autumn palette offers so many rich and gorgeous colours.
    Today both of our daughters and a grandson came to visit us it was lovely to see them all. Fortunately before I knew they were coming I had made a couple of quiches, by the time they left ….. well let’s say we have a piece each, which we will have tomorrow for lunch ! Bou it was so lovely to see them both at the same time.
    I’m feeling quite tired (it must be all that talking) ready for bed now, hope you have all had a good day. Goodnight everyone, love Brenda xxx
