
Monday 30 October 2023

Another Daisy B Workshop Card


Good Monday Morning Ladies, 

We were forecast rain yesterday but we had a lovely sunny day, Paul managed to position a good amount of our garden pots, I was really looking forward to having my pots of Grasses on the deck, I love watching them move in the breeze!  We got some more boxes flat packed too which makes such a difference, seeing actual carpet!!! 

I even got time to finish this card, it's the last of the 3 cards we made at the DaisyB workshop,  again its not my usual style, I haven't made 8 x 8 cards since we were back in the Sue Wilson die era, when postage was a lot cheaper!   I kept basically to the design we were given with this one, I coloured everything with my Koi Watercolour paints,  the hair is by no means perfect but using a narrow brush to apply the paint in little flicks does give a more hair like texture, I allowed the different layers to dry too, I really enjoyed sitting and using the Watercolour paints, I found it very relaxing, not the best results but it was therapeutic!! I added some clear embossing powder to the 'Party Ring' biscuits as they do tend to have a glazed look, I added it to the cup to so that it looked like porcelain.  The other embellishment was the sparkles on her jewellery. 

I hope that you all have a lovely start to your week, 

Love & hugs to all of you,

Sandra xxx


  1. Hello All, sunshine this morning, but we are bracing ourselves for the latest storm which we have warnings for Wednesday and Thursday.

    Cute card Sandra, great fussy cutting, nice to see paints being used. I hardly use mine, must get them out.

    Not much on today, bit of ironing first , then I want to try out a new stamp, which came on Saturday.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

  2. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card 😍 Love that you’ve used your watercolour paints too ☺️
    Housework done, now relaxing! Did a covid test this morning as feeling a bit groggy and there’s a faint line! 😔 Inevitable really as it’s doing the rounds at work, and I’ve got annual leave from Wednesday to go to Great Yarmouth with the band 🙄
    Hope you’re all keeping well and had a good weekend
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA Me too It’s not really my style but it was fun playing with different colouring mediums I dismantled my card completely and have made a completely different card which you have a picture of
    I had a fantastic day yesterday and thank you for your birthday wishes
    I hope you’re not poorly for too long Sonia
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card, like you I would have wanted to put a glaze on the cup and the biscuits, it’s those little touches that make all the difference. Pleased you enjoyed the workshop and it’s so good being able to craft with others.
    Had a very quiet day today, son-in-law came over and helped John repair the side gate, the posts were in need of serious attention. Now they’re all lovely and new just need painting.
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Take care and have a good evening. Hugs Brenda XXX

  5. Hi everyone
    I like the card Sandra. I like how you have put glaze on the ring biscuits and on the cup. Loved to see you and Karen at this workshop if it's another one one day 😄
    Sonia, hoping you be alright. Take care.
    Brenda, nice you had visit by your daughter's and grandson.
    We had another busy day with a third trip to the skip and probably more because C really is clearing out.
    I had to call my dentist today as I'm still in bad pain, have to call back Thursday morning for an appointment.
    Hope you had a nice day ladies, many hugs to you all, extras for anyone not hundred percent. xxx
