
Friday 1 September 2023

Sue's NewChallenge


Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Welcome September,  a busy month for us, Autumn is one my favourite seasons, I love seeing the trees change colour ❤️ 

We had a surprisingly nice day yesterday,  the forecast wasn't great but in reality it turned out to be a lovely sunny day, it was a little too windy for the beach, so we lounged by the pool all day,  we have had some incredible waves which is stormy seas left over from Sunday, Sophie said that she was getting in that sea one way or another before they go home on Sunday,  so the three of them went for it, braved those waves and went straight in, quite often in the late afternoon the wind dies down and the beach is really pleasant, so we had a couple of hours just relaxing. 

Sue's Shaped Card Challenge 

Sue has very kindly chosen our next Challenge and made some lovely cards to inspire us.  

Sue's Description:

My challenge is to use different card base shapes instead of our go-to rectangle or square.

This card is a simple triangle which calls out to be used as a Christmas tree so I used paper that I have had for years, a little fairy light die and pink and green gems with s freebie sentiment. A quick card once I decided what papers, colours etc. to use

Thank you so much Sue, we haven't had a shaped card Challenge in a while so it will be something different for you all to have a play with.  I will look for some of our previous shaped cards to share with you all too.  XXX 

I hope that you all have a lovely Friday,

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. What a great idea for a challenge Sue I never think to do a shaped card
    I hope the wind dies down for you SANDRA so that you can relax on the beach Personally I prefer the pool (providing it’s not too noisy!) as I don’t like getting sand everywhere and I shouldn’t really go barefoot! But I was dancing and jumping on the beach with the boys yesterday!
    Take care everyone xx

  2. Hi everyone
    Good idea for the challenge Sue 😉
    Hope the wind calmed down so you can go back to the beach ⛱️. Have a nice day.
    Had to go shopping for the weekend so having a coffee in Waitrose beforehand .
    Raining a bit but hopefully we see some of the warmer weather next week. Not ready for summer to be over just yet.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you are up to. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  3. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sue love your card, I’ve never thought to make a triangle into a Christmas tree shape card …. Brilliant inspiration thank you xx
    Sandra so pleased you managed to chill out at the pool with the girls and Paul, great they all made it into the sea, hope they are all to get into the sea again before they return home.
    I’ve been out most of the day, a friend died last week and it was her funeral today. What a turn out, I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said there must have been close on 200 people mourners, she was such a remarkable lady, a nurse by profession who touched everyone she met.
    Good night everyone, love Brenda xxx

  4. Evening, vey chilly here today, and mostly drizzle all day.

    Love the new challenge , will really tax my little grey cells.
    Sue love your card today.
    The weather is supposed to be warming up, so I’ll wish you all a lovely weekend. Lilian .

  5. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Your card yesterday was beautiful. Sorry I missed but wiped out with blooming migraine then the usual groggy aftermath. I know it’s silly o clock but fell asleep the instant I got into bed tonight.

  6. Ooops! Sandra I’ve crossed everything fit you my lovely and hope you can shake off the infection. So sad that it is interfering with your much needed break. I really hope you aren’t feeling quite so bad now xx
    Karen I hope you are all having a great time, especially on the beach 🥰 xx
    I’m going to try and get some sleep now. Take care xx
