
Saturday 2 September 2023

Mixed Up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Bit of a windy Friday,  it started out beautifully, we went down to the beach for 10am and it was calm as a mill pond, so Paul and Soph rushed back to get the paddle board,  they were excited to be able to actually get out on it,  annoyingly as soon as they got out the flipping wind picked up, I was panicking as they went so far out so fast but Paul was in the sea and said they were fine, they made their way back in, they both said that they were amazed how fast they went out, the wind really picked up then and we ended up heading to the pool, where we stayed until 6pm.  

Now you remember me saying about the 'ugly' umbrella that the girls hated???  Well when we were travelling back from an evening out at a local town on Thursday evening Sophie was looking at the campsite brochure,  (see above) she then said "oh that looks like the 'ugly' Umbrella! "  she then used her phone light to look closer and she was laughing,  she said "we are on the front of the campsite brochure "  I said don't be daft, but when we got back we had a closer look and she is right, it was probably about 2016/17, we used to have to take the wheelchair on the beach as there was nowhere to leave it, thankfully we are able to leave it safely by the gate now.  

Here is a close up, I am sat nearest, Sophie on her beloved beach chair 'Gertha' then Lucy and the Ugly umbrella, my old wheelchair is behind, we have no idea where Paul was! 
I don't know why they are using old photos for their brand new 'rebranded' brochure!  It is hilarious though. !! 

Simply cards & papercraft issue 248

This month’s magazine comes with two sets of Christmas stamps and a water brush. You get an A4 set of florals and foliage Mix and a set of Colorado craft company Christmas sentiments. 

Nicky Guilburt has designed several water coloured cards using the freebie stamp sets. I love the round wreath style card in particular. All of the stamps are easy to colour as there are no small details. For the first two cards you will need to cut out individual pieces but a handy tip to make that easier is to follow the outline on the stamps packaging rather than trying to cut into every detail. 

The Tried & Tested is the Gemini ll. This machine does NOT come with the tablet that is shown on the main photo, it is there to demonstrate the foldaway media stand. There is another foldaway platform to support the plates as they go through the machine and a built in shelf and a small storage section can hold your tools. This version is 10% quieter and 21% faster than the original Gemini. There are gliding legs that make it easier to move around and you can buy a 360 degree turn table that attaches to the bottom of the machine if that would be helpful to you. I haven’t used this version of the Gemini and I’m not sure if these additions are worth the extra £100 or so that you would pay at the moment but I guess others would. 

Jessica Rouke shares an inlaid die cutting effect that is quicker than the traditional way. You die cut your chosen colour as usual but then you don’t need to keep the pieces. Next  you use the die to dry emboss on the card base. You colour these embossed sections in whatever way you want, glue the outline die cut over the top and you are finished. No having to cut lots of colours or making sure you have stuck them in the right place! This is one to remember. 

There are some nice stamps and cards this month but I’m still not sure of the loose watercolour effect. I will try it though. If you want any more information please just ask. 
Take care. Love Sue xx

Thank you so much Sue for another great magazine review,  I love the sentiment stamps and Colorado craft company are generally really good quality. They way you edited made it so easy for me to copy and paste too.  I am so grateful thank you my lovely XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Hi everyone
    OMG, How funny is that that you are posted on the front of their brochure and with your old umbrella too. You should get paid for them using you on their brochure 😉 Have a lovely day.
    Sue, hope you get better later today. Take it easy. Thanks for the magazine review, Hugs
    Brenda, hope yesterday went as well as a funeral can. That was a lot of people coming. Have a calm day today.
    Lilian, is it this weekend you have visitors ? if it is, have a nice time together.
    Karen, the beach looked lovely. Glad you had a good time away.
    We have OH ex coming for the weekend then she have a few days in Stratford upon Avon and then she back here again before going home the Monday after. I'm so tired already but no chance for a nap today so a large mug of coffee is needed.
    Janet and Sonia, hope you are alright this weekend.
    Have a good day everyone. Many hugs to you all xxx 💕

  2. Hi everyone
    I love the quote 😊
    A great magazine review, and some lovely articles. Thank you for sharing Sue 😊
    How funny, seeing the picture of you on the brochure, and your ‘lovely’ umbrella 😉 I thought exactly the same as Maria, that you should ask for payment for ‘modelling’ for their brochure 😊
    Sorry I didn’t get in yesterday….after 2 days back at work I’m shattered! It certainly doesn’t feel like I’ve been off for nearly 2 weeks! Not that it’s any excuse for not popping in, but I just ‘vegged’ out in front on the tv! I’ve not done any crafting either, so apologies as there won’t be a new card from me to show tomorrow.
    I hope you’re all having a good weekend, and the sun is shining where you all are - looks like we might be getting a late summer.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. Hello, at lat some sunshine, so back to T-shirt. I find these elastic socks the Dr said I must wear all the time, apart from nighttime, make my feet and legs very hot.

    Sue great magazine review, looks like a good mag, mite have to treat myself.
    Love the quote for today, just the way I used to feel.

    Sandra, I think they should have at least offered you some remuneration for appearing on their brochure, they were probably hoping you wouldn’t notice it.

    Have a goodnight, Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra and all looking in. Love this weeks saying. I really enjoy them each week so thank you for taking the time to find them. Your old umbrella certainly caught your eye didn’t it but not in the way you would ever have thought of 😂 You clearly are the right “look” they are after. I hope you are feeling a bit better now my lovely xx
    Thank you for the kind words ladies. I’m still undecided about carrying on the subscription to this magazine or not. I’m going to give it until the end of the year then decide. I had a really infuriating day trying to make one of the cards from the magazine as my challenge card. Started at 1.30pm and finally gave that idea up after binning three that I messed up one way or another! So I went back to using up some of the many Christmas papers and cards that I have collected over the years, some are lovely and some are freebies that are not to my taste but my Aunty has said she will be happy to take any cards that I make but don’t want.
    I hope everyone has had a nice day. Have a good nights sleep. Take care. Love Sue xx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love the quote - it’s so true !!
    What a surprise to find yourself and the family on the holiday brochure, really funny that ‘Ugly umbrella’ has a such a prominent place in the picture. I don’t think it wants to be parted from you!!
    Thank you Sue for a great magazine review, you have done a fantastic job.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Take care and stay safe, big hugs Brenda xxx

  6. Great saying and what a surprise to see yourselves on the brochure cover! You obviously fit their bill and should be compensated!
    Thank you for the review Sue Some interesting ideas in there
    A bit but I’m off to Farnborough tomorrow for the Craft Fair Don’t know much about it I was offered a ticket and grabbed it
    Take care everyone xx
